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Craving Stassi

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by Erica Lynn

  Craving Stassi

  A Fantasies Unmasked

  Erica Lynn

  Copyright ©2017 Erica Lynn

  Library of Congress Control Number: 1-5931588841

  All Rights Reserved.

  Except for appropriate use in critical reviews or works of scholarship, no part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or in any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the author.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  Created with Vellum


  To all my ladies out there who work so hard to appear strong and unbreakable. Through both your strengths and your weaknesses, you are beautiful and perfect. Keep it up, babes. ❤︎




  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen


  About the Author

  Also By Erica Lynn


  A big thank you to my husband, Billy Brent. I know I say this pretty much every time, but your support means the world to me. You’re always my biggest champion, and I’ll never be able to thank you enough.

  My editor, Sarah Banks. Thank you, lovely!

  My cover artist, Megan Parker at EmCat Designs, I love this cover. You’re the best!

  Robin Hill for always being willing to look at my work and help me make it better, even when you’re trying to make your own deadline.

  And finally, everyone who reached out with support and well wishes during the madness that was Hurricane Harvey. As some of you may know, the release of this book was pushed back, twice, and I was beginning to think Stassi would never be able to tell her story. Your support has kept me going, and telling y’all about Alec and Stassi has been the most wonderful creative outlet. I hope y’all enjoy!


  Stassi sucked in as much air as her lungs could hold, then let it escape in one long, slow exhale. She turned off the ignition and glanced down at her phone. Six missed calls. All from her mother. Her fingers trembled as she ran them through her hair and took a glance at herself in the rear-view mirror. Pale skin surrounded the bloodshot eyes that stared back. I shouldn’t be this upset. The man is a fucking coward. Always has been, always will be. I need him in my life about as much as I need a boil on my ass.

  Stassi took in another breath, though it did little to calm her nerves, opened her door, and got out of the car. She took her time, one reluctant step in front of the other, as she made her way to the emergency room doors.

  I need to call Lacey and let her know I can’t meet the group tonight. The plan was to hang out with her friends at a bar Stassi had recommended. It was Lacey’s first date with Cameron, and the fact they were all going as a group had seemed to make her more comfortable. She really should call her, or at least shoot her a text… If I call her, I’ll have to explain why I can’t make it. She’ll ask what’s going on, where I am. She’ll probably try to come up and see me. She does sweet shit like that. I don’t want to lie to her, but I can’t tell her the truth.

  Stassi rarely spoke about her father. She’d mentioned him to her best friend, Lacey, a few times, but never in great detail. Lacey only knew the bare minimum. He’d been a mean man, never physically abusive, but definitely not there for her in any real way. He only spoke to correct her or point out her insignificance, then one day he’d finally gotten tired of her altogether. He’d left her and her mother that day. She was six-years-old. He’d reached out a few times throughout the years, hell, he and her mother had even developed a sort of dysfunctional friendship, but Stassi wasn’t interested. Then tonight her mother had called and said he’d had a heart attack and was in the hospital. Yeah, this was the last thing Stassi wanted to talk about, even to someone as kind-hearted as Lacey. She squeezed her phone tighter as she thought through her options, then dropped it into her purse. She’d apologize tomorrow. Lacey would understand. She always did.

  The automatic doors slid open and welcomed Stassi with cold, sterile arms. Fuck, she hated hospitals. Of course she supposed nobody actually liked them. What was to like? They were places of illness and death. Sure, plenty of good times were probably had there as well. Births, for instance, but she’d heard plenty of horror stories about those also. So yes, back to her original observation, hospitals fucking sucked.

  Stassi followed the large, red arrows as they directed her to the ER waiting room. She turned the corner and, even though the room was packed, immediately saw her mother, Karen. She couldn’t help but breathe a small sigh of relief. At least her mother looked like she’d attempted to put herself together. Her tattered jeans and oversized T-shirt were wrinkled, and her standard white sneakers had seen better days, but at least she was wearing makeup and her hair was somewhat fixed. Stassi viewed both as a small win.

  It wasn’t that Karen was dirty or unattractive, but after Stassi’s father left, she guessed her mother had felt like she didn’t have anyone to dress up for. Stassi had tried to take her on a few shopping trips over the years when she’d grown up, and had even gotten pretty close to convincing her a few highlights in her hair wouldn’t be a bad thing. In the end, though, nothing ever changed. Her mother was her mother, and she’d always be the same. For better or worse. Stassi swallowed down the bile threatening to rise in her throat and made her way over.

  While everyone else wore terrified, worried expressions, their faces conveying how scared they were to hear awful news of their loved ones, Karen simply sat in her chair and flipped through her romance novel. An onlooker would assume she was busying herself in an attempt to not worry. Only Stassi knew the truth. Her mother didn’t have emotions.

  Chapter One

  Six Weeks Later

  Stassi grumbled as she repositioned herself on the sofa, her left leg extended in front, her right leg bent to the side. Her muscles twitched and stretched with each move she made as her life’s constant stress overtook her body. Day in and day out she was reminded of what a failure she was. As a person. A friend. Other things… This house, a gorgeous mansion tucked away in one of the elite neighborhoods in Houston that housed private parties, was her safe place. The one place she found solace. She could be herself here. Nobody knew her, and best of all, nobody gave a shit. She’d throw on her sexiest black dress and purple mask, standard dress code for these nights, show up, come, and then go home. It was perfect. At least it had been until tonight.

  She adjusted her mask and took a deep breath. Forget it all, Stassi. Just feel it. Feel it… Her eyes fell shut as her fingertips trailed from the inside of her knee up her inner thigh. The sensual sounds of the saxophone blared into the room and wrapped its arms around her in a naughty, erotic embrace. She nestled her cheek into the soft fabric of the couch and opened her eyes just in time to see Lacey bend over in front of Cameron. Her breath caught in her throat and her sex clenched with that familiar, delicious ache as Cameron buried his face in Lacey’s pussy, his fingers kneading the fleshy parts of her ass.

  Stassi pulled her sk
irt over her hips until it bunched around her waist, the cool air doing delightful things to her skin. She dipped her fingers into her sensitive flesh and let out a whimper. Fuck that feels good… Stassi never felt sexier than when she pleasured herself. There was something incredibly empowering about touching her skin, feeling the way her body reacted, puckered nipples and wet pussy. The raw sexual energy people emitted when their bodies shook, when moans slipped through parted lips, their palms or fingers working in a furious effort to get themselves off. She was just about to slide her fingers inside when Cameron abruptly picked Lacey up and carried her off. Dammit!

  She clenched her eyes shut and tried to pull up some sort of fantasy to help her along, but it was pointless. She groaned and sat up on the couch, pulling her skirt back down. Her thoughts wouldn’t cut it. She needed a visual. It was the reason she came to these damn parties in the first place. If she could simply conjure up a dirty scene in her head she wouldn’t be in this predicament. She’d be at home, naked, panting and satiated beneath damp sheets.

  What she really needed was a new partner in crime. She refused to see Chris anymore, and thankfully he’d finally gotten the message and stopped calling. Chris and Stassi had never had an actual relationship. They played together at the parties, only the parties, and that was it. But something lately had her feeling uneasy when she was around him. She’d begun to feel used, and she hadn’t the least bit of time for that bullshit, even if the man could fuck her like nobody’s business. Good God could he fuck her… No. The arrangement she had with Chris was over. Time to move on.

  She scanned the small crowd in the living room, but nobody caught her fancy. Were there plenty of attractive men and women present? Sure. Clearly they liked the same things she did, otherwise they wouldn’t be there, but none of them filled her with the red hot desire she needed. She wanted somebody who made her skin tingle and burn. Who would get her dripping wet by merely a whisper in her ear, and it didn’t look like anybody here could do the job.

  She let out a heavy sigh as she stood, her mind made up on going home to throw on some last resort lesbian porn, grabbing her sex pillow and grinding out an orgasm, when a deep voice caused her to pause.

  “Leaving so soon?”

  Stassi turned and immediately took a step back. The man who’d gotten her attention smiled and moved toward her. Stassi wasn’t the tallest woman in the land, but she definitely wasn’t short. At five-foot-ten-inches she usually wasn’t too much shorter than the males. However, with the gorgeous man in front of her, she was forced to tilt her neck back so she could look up at him. “Yeah, I think it’s time to go home. Seems like tonight isn’t my night.”

  “I find that hard to believe. I think any man or woman here would do whatever you bid if given the chance.”

  Stassi grinned and ran her fingers through her hair, then subtly pushed her tits up and out just a bit more. “I can’t imagine that’s true. There are plenty of people who aren’t interested in me.”

  “Huh. Fake modesty. Didn’t peg you for the type.”

  “You don’t know me.”

  “Very true.”

  Stassi raised an eyebrow and looked him up and down. He was clearly built, his thighs thick and chest broad. Even in the dim light she could see his muscles move beneath the fabric of his suit as he shifted his weight from one foot to the other. His hair was slightly salt and peppered, and his black mask, standard for all men at the parties, accentuated a pair of deeply dark brown eyes. Eyes that, for some reason, seemed entirely too familiar. “And I’m not being modest. It’s simply a fact. We all have different tastes. Certain attributes we find desirable or attractive. We have to. Otherwise we’d all be trying to fuck the same person, and I’m definitely not interested in that.”

  The man moved to the other side of the couch, then picked up two glasses of champagne and held one out to her. “Drink?”

  Stassi eased forward, one step at a time, then took the flute from his fingers.

  “What’s your name, Blondie?”

  She hesitated as she took a sip, curious as to how much she should divulge to this man. She didn’t let the people here know her name unless she was positive they’d keep it to themselves. Cameron, Lacey, and Jackson were the only partygoers who knew her besides Chris, and it wasn’t by accident. “Blondie works for now.”

  He said nothing as a smirk took over his features, and after a moment he simply nodded. “Blondie it is. So…” He took a seat on the couch and motioned for her to join him. “Do you have a few minutes to chat?”

  Stassi weighed her options. Go home and get herself off, or give Mr. Tall, Dark, and Scorching a chance. Or maybe, just maybe, she could combine the two. She needed a new partner, after all, and the man in front of her looked like he’d fit the bill just fine. “I can spare a few minutes.”

  She sat and crossed her legs, and was genuinely surprised when his eyes didn’t immediately go to her thighs. Her body was far from perfect, but she worked damn hard for her shapely legs, and the fact he didn’t seem to notice did more than chip away at her ego. “I haven’t seen you here before. Are you new to the parties?”

  He seemed to think on her question for a moment before answering. “I’ve known about them for a while, been around a few times, but to be honest they aren’t really for me.”

  “What do you mean they aren’t for you?”

  “You know, not my thing.” He shrugged and looked around. “Nothing wrong with it by any means. It’s sexy, tempting, maybe even a little forbidden. I can see why people love it. It just isn’t something that particularly gets me going.”

  Stassi nodded and tried to imagine a life where watching people have crazy hot sex wasn’t someone’s thing. It wasn’t a life she wanted to live in, that was for damn sure. “Fair enough. Then why are you here?”

  “I came because I needed something different. I stayed because I saw you. Alone. For once.”

  Stassi raised an eyebrow at his eluding to Chris. Clearly he’d attended the parties a time or two more than he’d let on. Fascinating. “Ah, yes. Well, I am alone.”

  “Where’s your usual playmate?”

  “Don’t know, don’t care.” Stassi raised an eyebrow and brushed her hair over her shoulder. “Why? Are you interested in taking over?”

  He said nothing for a moment, then ran his tongue over his bottom lip. “So what if I am?”

  Stassi’s sex clenched at his words. The man was intense. It wasn’t so much what he said as how he said it. No desperation. No pretense. He didn’t even really flirt. Just laid it all out there. Smooth. Direct. And fucking hot as hell. “If you are, then we can go to one of the rooms and see what happens. Clearly I find you attractive, or I wouldn’t be sitting here, but I’m sure we both know attraction isn’t all there is. If we’re going to do this, we’ll have to have some sexual chemistry. This is where I come to relax, to fulfill that part of my life. I need a man who makes me wet the second I think of him. Someone who challenges me. Who isn’t afraid to go there with me. Someone who’s…raw. Those things can’t be tweaked or adjusted. They just are.” Stassi raised an eyebrow at her empty champagne glass, but before she could move to get another, he was directly in front of her. She leaned back against the armrest of the couch, the movement causing her to slide a little beneath him.

  “Open your mouth,” he murmured.

  Stassi’s rapid breaths caused her breasts to push against the fabric of her top, and she had a wild fantasy about him grabbing the material and ripping it the fuck off with his teeth. Savage and unrelenting. Like an animal. It brought out a side of her she didn’t often see. The Stassi who wanted to be told what to do. Ordered. But as sexy as he was, it wasn’t going to be that damn easy. He needed to earn it. “Make me.”

  His expression remained serious, his gaze never leaving her eyes as he slowly bent down and brushed his mouth against hers. He parted it slightly and let his tongue trail a soft, hot path across the seam of her lips. “Open your mouth.”

  Stassi shuddered as her nipples hardened painfully beneath her top. “No.”

  He switched his glass of champagne to his right hand, and with his left he ran his palm along the curve of her throat, down the center of her trembling chest, and then underneath her skirt. “Open your mouth.”

  She held her breath as his long fingers trailed a delicious path along her inner thighs, the bottom of her stomach, over her mound. Everywhere except where she needed it most, and it was driving her fucking crazy. “N…no.”

  He removed his hand from beneath her skirt and brought it to his lips, his eyes burning into hers as he placed two fingers inside his mouth and sucked. “I’m only going to tell you one more time, Blondie,” he whispered as he placed his hand over her pussy. “Open. Your. Mouth.”

  Stassi gasped as he slid two thick fingers inside her, her back arched as she absorbed the pleasure.

  He quickly placed his glass against her lips, poured the remaining bit of champagne into her mouth, and then kissed her. She swallowed it down and kissed him back, his tongue gliding against hers for only the briefest of moments before he pulled away. He slid his fingers into her mouth, and she moaned as the taste of champagne mixed with her arousal.


  “Yes.” Stassi ran her hands along his chest, then down to where his hard length pressed against his pants. “Now take me to one of the rooms.”


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