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DRAGON SECURITY: Volume 2: The Complete 6 Books Series

Page 41

by Glenna Sinclair

  “I know you didn’t. You never had the opportunity. But your gun is there. The cops would have had you in cuffs the moment they walked into that church.”

  “But people saw us. They saw us with Dallas.”

  “They also saw us with Jason.”

  “I didn’t do this.”

  “I know, babe.”

  “But they’re going to tell my parents, Dallas, that I did this. And when they find out how hard I worked to stop this wedding! They’ll think I did this! Everyone will think—”

  “But we know the truth, and we will prove you innocent.”


  “We’ll find the person who really did this. But first, we have to get you out of Florida.”

  “How are we going to do that?”

  I kissed her forehead lightly. “You’re going to let me worry about that.” I lifted her chin and kissed her, my lips lingering against hers. Then I pulled away and stepped out of the car.

  “Where are you going?”

  “To do a little shopping.”

  She got out and chased after me, grabbing my hand and moving close to me as she followed me inside the store. I located the electronics department and picked a cheap burner phone, paying for it there in the department before heading to the small McDonald’s they had tucked in the back of the store. While Kirsten watched, I carefully put the phone together and dialed a number I’d memorized long ago.

  Hayden answered on the first ring, alert and concerned. “What’s going on, Kevin?”

  “I’ve got a situation. We’ve got the cops after us. An APB has probably already been issued.”

  “Where are you?”

  “Homestead, headed to Marathon.”

  “Take shelter. We’ll retrieve you within the next twelve hours.”

  I disconnected the phone, popped the battery and SIM card back out of it, and tossed it into the trash.

  “Let’s go.”

  “That’s all?”

  “They’re coming for us, babe. We’re not alone in this.”

  She nodded, pressing her face against the back of my shoulder.

  I just hoped we could get this figured out before I got everyone I knew and cared about in trouble.

  Chapter 11


  “Okay. Waverly, I need you to check and see if there is an APB on Kevin and what it’s for. Kasey, we’re sending you to Miami. I need you to stay close, find out what the cops know, and keep tabs on what they’re doing.” I glanced around the room. We were in one of the conference rooms on the second floor, everyone tense with the knowledge that one of our own was in trouble.

  “He’s headed to a safe house outside Marathon.” I glanced at Waverly, who looked up from her laptop as I spoke. It was her house we were turning into a temporary safe house, a vacation home I’d never seen. She gave a little nod, then turned back to her computer.

  “Do we have any idea what this is about?” Rhett asked. “I thought Kevin was on personal time.”

  “He was,” Megan responded. “But when we get an emergency code name activated, we pay attention.”

  I crossed my arms and looked around the room at a group of people I knew would do anything to back up their colleague. But there wasn’t much we could do until we knew what the situation was.

  “Rhett, Amelia, I need you to go check out the safe house in the Highlands and get it ready for occupants. Make sure the cameras are all in place and functioning.”

  They didn’t even respond, just headed out the door.


  “Dominic, I’ll need you to run things here. Megan and I will go to Miami and pick Kevin up.”

  Dominic just nodded, but Waverly’s head came up sharply again. I tried to ignore the dark cloud moving across her eyes.

  “Okay. That’s it. Get back to work.”

  Megan came over, a touch of amusement in her eyes. I wasn’t sure what caused it. Certainly not the subject of her next comments.

  “I’m going to run home and grab my bag. I’ll meet you are the airport.”

  I inclined my head to acknowledge her, but I didn’t miss her glance across the room at Waverly. But, again, she didn’t say anything.

  I headed for the door, but Waverly blocked the way.

  “They’ve issued a statewide APB for Kevin as a material witness.”

  That didn’t give us much information. But my guess was that there was a murder in his wake somewhere. Cops wouldn’t care this much if it weren’t something big.

  These weird murders, taking places in the towns where I’d lived, were so eerily similar to the way my parents died that they were becoming something of an obsession. More so than the many things that had dominated my thoughts these last few months—or years. More so than the grief that had followed me around like a personal raincloud since Sam was murdered.

  Waverly’s steady gaze on mine brought me back from the depths of my thoughts. I muttered at “Thanks” and tried to move past Waverly, taking the coward’s way out instead of apologizing for being an ass earlier about my phone, but she stepped in my way.

  “Can we talk for a minute?”

  “I’ve got to get on a plane, Waverly.”

  “I know.” She glanced over her shoulder, checking the open door and the hallway beyond to make sure we weren’t being observed. “You’ll need a boat. A helicopter would be too obvious.”

  As usual, she surprised me. “What?”

  “To get them from the island where my house is.”

  “Good to know.”

  She nodded, her hand lifted like she wanted to touch me, but she didn’t. She just stood there with her hand raised. Waiting.

  She touched me, this woman, with her endless patience in spite of my many failings. Why she stuck with me, I didn’t understand. But I also didn’t question it. She needed me, apparently, and I definitely needed her.

  I drew Waverly deeper into the room, pressing her against a back wall that hid us from the open door. I lifted her jaw and kissed her. My kiss was rougher than usual, almost driven by anger at myself for being weak enough to want this woman who wasn’t my Sam. Anger toward myself for enjoying Waverly’s touch in a way that wasn’t more—or less—than how I’d craved Sam’s touch, but different.

  Waverly reciprocated the rough kiss as fully as she did with the gentle ones, tangling her hands in her hair and anchoring me. She had no idea that she had become my anchor in a sea of sadness. And I didn’t want her to know.

  We kissed for a long moment, her body pressed up against mine. I could feel her chest moving with her heavy breaths, feel the way my touch affected these basic functions within her body. I slid my hand over her hip, lifted her leg up over my own.

  “Your plane,” Waverly reminded me breathlessly.

  I groaned and eased back, kissing her one last time before walking out.

  Chapter 12


  My head was spinning. I couldn’t quite wrap my thoughts around all that had happened. I wanted to call Dallas to assure her that I hadn’t done this and that I didn’t know what had happened to Jason. I didn’t want her to think I’d been behind this. I couldn’t lose my sister over something so insane!

  I wrapped my arms around myself, feeling inexplicably cold despite the fact that it was a warm day in the Florida Keys. We were right back where we’d started our morning hours before dawn, back in the house on a remote island, like the remoteness of the place could save me.

  I felt like I should be doing something. Working hard to make this right. I couldn’t just sit back and let Kevin take control of everything. But I didn’t know what to do. I knew cattle. I knew horses. I knew the ranch. I didn’t know this.

  “Here. I found some clothes in the master bedroom you can change into.”

  Kevin came into the room carrying a pair of jeans and a thin sweater. He was already back in casual clothes, dressed in jeans and work shirt he’d taken from his bag. I watched him come toward me, thinking of that night af
ter the football game. Thinking that every time he strutted toward me with that expression on his face I found myself in some sort of emotional disaster.

  “I’ve got to go back to Miami. I’ve got to go face the music on this, Kev. I can’t let my sister believe that I murdered the love of her life! She’ll never forgive me!”

  “Dallas knows you well enough to know you didn’t do this.”

  “But they’re going to tell her it was my gun! How is she supposed to ignore that very obvious fact?”

  “She’ll know what I knew. You’ve been set up.”

  I shook my head, turning away from him. “I have to go back. I have to face the music.”

  “You really want to be locked up, Kirsten? You really want to spend the next year in jail while we try to prove who really did this? While we fight the legal system, trying to prove your innocence?”

  “They’ll see the surveillance footage from the hotel. They’ll know I didn’t do this.”

  “No. What they’ll see is that you spoke with him in the lobby and then went upstairs for the better part of an hour. And all they’ll have to prove that you didn’t go to Jason’s room and mine and Dallas’ word and they’ll think we’re lying for you.”

  “No,” I whispered, even though I knew as the words came out of his mouth that he was right. That was exactly what the footage would show.

  Kevin set the clothes down on a chair and came to me, tugging me back against his chest.

  “I’m going to fix this. It just takes time.”

  “I don’t know if I can do this.”

  He turned me toward him, his hand sliding slowly over the side of my face. I pressed my face into it, drawing a little strength from his touch. If this had to happen … I couldn’t express how grateful I was that Kevin was here with me. Kevin was my best friend, my lover, my strength. He always had been. I’d just been too immature and too afraid to admit it to myself.

  “I won’t let anything happen to you,” he said. “Not now that we’ve finally found our way back to each other.”

  I stepped into him, raising up on my tiptoes to kiss him. His arms came instantly around me, his hands pressed against my back, my ass, tugging me closer to him. I could feel his arousal and knew he wanted me. That empowered me in a way no other man’s touch had ever done.

  His touch was almost gentle, his kiss heartbreakingly soft. But I didn’t want soft right now. I needed heat. I needed the same impatience and desperation he’d shown me just forty-eight hours ago.

  I pushed against his chest and pushed him away from me.

  I faced away from him and tugged at the zipper on the back of my dress, letting the thin straps slip from my shoulders and down the length of my arms, doing a little shake to get the dress over my hips and turned into a puddle at my feet. My shoes came off easily, my bra sliding to join the dress. When I turned, he was still standing where he had been, but there was a fire in his eyes that was like blue ice, hot and cold all at once.

  “Take off your clothes.”

  He didn’t hesitate. I watched, something like hunger burning deep in my belly. I knew this was insane. I knew it was wrong to be taking the time for something like this when the cops in Miami were searching for us, when my sister was grieving the death of the man she was supposed to marry, when my family was struggling under the burden of believing I had something to do with that man’s murder. But I needed this. I needed to feel alive. I needed to forget everything for a moment, needed time to process it all into all the right boxes, all the right compartments. I needed to get a grip on myself.

  I needed Kevin.

  When he was naked, I pushed him onto the couch. We kissed again, slow, lingering kisses that were enough to make my heart pound. Then I touched my lips to his throat, to his chest, slipping slowly down over the familiar inches of him, over the scars that were new, but becoming familiar. He groaned as I settled on my knees, my hands wrapped around his shaft, gripping him almost too tight as I felt his pulse pound through his length. He was so alive and virile. His belly quivered as I held him, as my lips came close to his lovely, mushroom shaped head.

  I teased him, touching him just barely with the tip of my tongue. He groaned, his hand reaching for me, but I moved out of his way. I was going to make him wait, make him suffer the way he’d made me suffer all through high school, standing back watching him with Janelle. Now it was his turn.

  I slid my tongue along the underside of his shaft, and pulled away again when he tried to pull me closer and tried to hold me against him. I nibbled, licked, tasted. I did everything but the one thing he clearly wanted, the one thing I knew would bring him pleasure like he’d never known before. I made him groan, made him reach for me over and again, made him move his hips, swing his legs open and closed, made him do everything but beg.

  Yet that was the one thing I so desperately wanted.

  We had time. It would take a couple of hours for our rescuers to fly from Houston to Miami and a few more for them to drive to Marathon. We had plenty of time.

  I nibbled at his inner thigh and licked that warm place where his leg met his balls. I kissed his head and pressed my breasts against his cock as I reached up to plant a kiss on the center of his belly. Slowly I moved up the length of his body, allowed him to wrap his arms around my waist and help me into place. And when I was perched on his lap, I kissed his lips, letting him taste what I’d tasted.

  “I want you,” he whispered, his fingers slipping under the sides of my panties, tugging at them with a determination that the thin cotton wouldn’t live up to for long. I brushed his hands away as I positioned myself perfectly against him and I rocked my hips, my clit exploding with joy.

  Damn, he was so hard!

  His hands moved up to my breasts, his palms pressed against my nipples. I arched my back, allowing him all the access he wanted. His mouth came to play, his tongue dancing around one nipple and then the other before he began to nibble in a way that threatened to drive me out of my mind. His hands on my hips pulled me into a rhythm that was so much better than the one I was teasing him with. We rocked together for a long little bit, but then he started to pull at my panties again, needing to be inside of me. I needed that too, could almost feel him inside of me already. But, again, the feel of that rock hard cock against my clit was pretty impressive, too.

  I’d forgotten about torturing him and was more interested in my own pleasure. I was so close, so turned on that I could feel the moisture on my panties and the quiver building deep in my belly. Only Kevin could drive me this crazy. Only Kevin could make my body feel things I’d never imagined possible.

  I don’t know when he picked me up. Something exploded inside of me, something that made the world darken along the edges, something that made my ears begin to ring. And then I was flying through the air, the cold of the kitchen table against my bare ass, his cock slicing deep inside of my convulsing cunt. I cried out, wrapping my legs around his waist, tugging him hard against me as I lay back and watched his face bloom with pleasure as he thrust his cock deep inside of me and let my jerking muscles do things to him that even my hands wouldn’t do quite as well.

  My orgasm slowly began to abate and he began to move, thrusting almost roughly against me, his hands on my thighs, holding me hard enough to cause pain. But the pain was almost deliciously mixed with the pleasure, a sort of enhancer, something that made me hyper-aware of everything that was happening to my body. The harder he thrust, the tighter he held me, the more intense it all was. I was out of my head as another orgasm rushed through me, my head writhing against the table. And I could see it on his face—when I was able to look—that he was feeling the same intensity, the same pleasure.

  I never wanted it to end. But I wanted to catch my breath and to have some control over my body again. I couldn’t believe how good it was, couldn’t believe that this was my body, that this was my experience. I’d always imagined that women who claimed to completely lose themselves in sex were just idiots. Or lying. But t
his … it was possible.

  Kevin shuddered as he hit the wall. His cock swelled just a touch more as his balls drew up and pain danced with the pleasure on his face. He cried out, leaning over me as his knees grew weak. I reached up and touched his face, caressing his jaw.

  This was exactly what I’d needed.

  Chapter 13


  We stood by the shore, the second burner phone disassembled and tossed into the ocean. We could see the boat coming toward us, a massive speedboat that must have cost someone a fortune. I wasn’t sure who would be onboard, but I certainly hadn’t expected both Hayden and Megan.

  “We’ve got to move fast,” Hayden said as he reached over the side of the boat for Kirsten’s hand. “They’ve expanded the APB to include most of the southern states.” He lifted her onto the boat that he’d driven right onto the beach, shooting me a curious look. “Whatever you did must have been a doozy.”

  “It wasn’t him,” Kirsten said. “He’s just trying to help me.”

  There was clear curiosity on both Hayden and Megan’s faces, but they didn’t ask. Instead, Hayden helped me onto the boat and he immediately turned it around, the engine deafening as we headed back toward the mainland.

  I pulled Kirsten back against my chest, Waverly’s sweater too thin to keep her warm in the high wind and spray created by the boat’s movements. Megan came over and offered a jacket. Kirsten smiled politely and took it, allowing me to help her on with it.

  It was a long ride. We bypassed Marathon and headed to some place just off the Everglades. A car was waiting on a road that looked more like a trail and drove us to a nearby airstrip where the Dragon jet was waiting for us.

  “Who are these people?” Kirsten whispered to me as we stood on the tarmac, waiting to board the plane.

  “The lady is Megan Bradford-Murphy, the co-founder and owner of Dragon Security. The man is head of operations, Hayden Dubois.”

  “You must be important to them if the bosses themselves came to rescue you.”


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