The Works of William Harrison Ainsworth
Page 500
On his part, the stranger was not insensible to the impression he had produced, and suddenly halting, he kept his eyes riveted on those of the girl, who, after remaining spell-bound, as it were, for a few moments, precipitately retreated towards the house.
Just as she reached the door, and was about to pass through it, Auriol came forth. He was pale, as if from recent suffering, and bore his left arm in a sling.
“You look agitated,” he said, noticing Ebba’s uneasiness. “What has happened?”
“Not much,” she replied, a deep blush mantling her cheeks. “But I have been somewhat alarmed by the person near the gate.”
“Indeed!” cried Auriol, darting forward. “Where is he? I see no one.”
“Not a tall man, wrapped in a long black cloak?” rejoined Ebba, following him cautiously.
“Ha!” cried Auriol. “Has he been here?”
“Then you know the person I allude to?” she rejoined.
“I know some one answering his description,” he replied, with a forced smile.
“Once beheld, the man I mean is not to be forgotten,” said Ebba. “He has a countenance such as I never saw before. If I could believe in the ‘evil eye,’ I should be sure he possessed it.”
“’Tis he, there can be no doubt,” rejoined Auriol, in a sombre tone.
“Who and what is he, then?” demanded Ebba.
“He is a messenger of ill,” replied Auriol, “and I am thankful he is gone.”
* * *
The Iron-merchant’s Daughter.
* * *
“Are you quite sure of it?” she asked, glancing timorously up and down the road. But the mysterious individual could no longer be seen.
“And so, after exciting my curiosity in this manner, you will not satisfy it?” she said.
“I cannot,” rejoined Auriol, somewhat sternly.
“Nay, then, since you are so ungracious, I shall go and prepare breakfast,” she replied. “My father must be down by this time.”
“Stay!” cried Auriol, arresting her, as she was about to pass through the door. “I wish to have a word with you.”
Ebba stopped, and the bloom suddenly forsook her cheeks.
But Auriol seemed unable to proceed. Neither dared to regard the other; and a profound silence prevailed between them for a few moments.
“Ebba,” said Auriol at length, “I am about to leave your father’s house to-day.”
“Why so soon?” she exclaimed, looking up into his face. “You are not entirely recovered yet.”
“I dare not stay longer,” he said.
“Dare not!” cried Ebba. And she again cast down her eyes; but Auriol made no reply.
Fortunately the silence was broken by the clinking of the smiths’ hammers upon the anvil.
“If you must really go,” said Ebba, looking up, after a long pause, “I hope we shall see you again?”
“Most assuredly,” replied Auriol. “I owe your worthy father a deep debt of gratitude — a debt which, I fear, I shall never be able to repay.”
“My father is more than repaid in saving your life,” she replied. “I am sure he will be sorry to learn you are going so soon.”
“I have been here a week,” said Auriol. “If I remained longer, I might not be able to go at all.”
There was another pause, during which a stout old fellow in the workshop quitted the anvil for a moment, and, catching a glimpse of the young couple, muttered to his helpmate —
“I say, Ned, I’m a-thinkin’ our master’ll soon have a son-in-law. There’s pretty plain signs on it at yonder door.”
“So there be, John,” replied Ned, peeping round. “He’s a good-lookin’ young feller that. I wish ve could hear their discoorse.”
“No, that ain’t fair,” replied John, raking some small coal upon the fire, and working away at the bellows.
“I would not for the world ask a disagreeable question,” said Ebba, again raising her eyes, “but since you are about to quit us, I must confess I should like to know something of your history.”
“Forgive me if I decline to comply with your desire,” replied Auriol. “You would not believe me, were I to relate my history. But this I may say, that it is stranger and wilder than any you ever heard. The prisoner in his cell is not restrained by more terrible fetters than those which bind me to silence.”
Ebba gazed at him as if she feared his reasoning were wandering.
“You think me mad,” said Auriol; “would I were so! But I shall never lose the clear perception of my woes. Hear me, Ebba! Fate has brought me into this house. I have seen you, and experienced your gentle ministry; and it is impossible, so circumstanced, to be blind to your attractions. I have only been too sensible to them — but I will not dwell on that theme, nor run the risk of exciting a passion which must destroy you. I will ask you to hate me — to regard me as a monster whom you ought to shun rather than as a being for whom you should entertain the slightest sympathy.”
“You have some motive in saying this to me,” cried the terrified girl.
“My motive is to warn you,” said Auriol. “If you love me, you are lost — utterly lost!”
She was so startled, that she could make no reply, but burst into tears. Auriol took her hand, which she unresistingly yielded.
“A terrible fatality attaches to me, in which you must have no share,” he said, in a solemn tone.
“Would you had never come to my father’s house!” she exclaimed, in a voice of anguish.
“Is it, then, too late?” cried Auriol despairingly.
“It is — if to love you be fatal,” she rejoined.
“Ha!” exclaimed Auriol, striking his forehead with his clenched hand. “Recall your words — Ebba — recall them — but no, once uttered — it is impossible. You are bound to me for ever. I must fulfil my destiny.”
At this juncture a low growl broke from the dog, and, guided by the sound, the youthful couple beheld, standing near the gate, the tall dark man in the black cloak. A fiendish smile sat upon his countenance.
“That is the man who frightened me!” cried Ebba.
“It is the person I supposed!” ejaculated Auriol. “I must speak to him. Leave me, Ebba. I will join you presently.”
And as the girl, half sinking with apprehension, withdrew, he advanced quickly towards the intruder.
“I have sought you for some days,” said the tall man, in a stern, commanding voice. “You have not kept your appointment with me.”
“I could not,” replied Auriol— “an accident has befallen me.”
“I know it,” rejoined the other. “I am aware you were assailed by ruffians in the ruined house over the way. But you are recovered now, and can go forth. You ought to have communicated with me.”
“It was my intention to do so,” said Auriol.
“Our meeting cannot be delayed much longer,” pursued the stranger. “I will give you three more days. On the evening of the last day, at the hour of seven, I shall look for you at the foot of the statue in Hyde Park.”
“I will be there,” replied Auriol.
“That girl must be the next victim,” said the stranger, with a grim smile.
“Peace!” thundered Auriol.
“Nay, I need not remind you of the tenure by which you maintain your power,” rejoined the stranger. “But I will not trouble you further now.”
And, wrapping his cloak more closely round him, he disappeared.
“Fate has once more involved me in its net,” cried Auriol bitterly. “But I will save Ebba, whatever it may cost me. I will see her no more.”
And instead of returning to the house, he hurried away in the opposite direction of the stranger.
* * *
The evening of the third day arrived, and Auriol entered Hyde Park by Stanhope Gate. Glancing at his watch, and finding it wanted nearly three-quarters of an hour of the time appointed for his meeting with the myst
erious stranger, he struck across the park, in the direction of the Serpentine River. Apparently he was now perfectly recovered, for his arm was without the support of the sling, and he walked with great swiftness. But his countenance was deathly pale, and his looks were so wild and disordered, that the few persons he encountered shrank from him aghast.
A few minutes’ rapid walking brought him to the eastern extremity of the Serpentine, and advancing close to the edge of the embankment, he gazed at the waters beneath his feet.
“I would plunge into them, if I could find repose,” he murmured. “But it would avail nothing. I should only add to my sufferings. No; I must continue to endure the weight of a life burdened by crime and remorse, till I can find out the means of freeing myself from it. Once I dreaded this unknown danger, but now I seek for it in vain.”
The current of his thoughts was here interrupted by the sudden appearance of a dark object on the surface of the water, which he at first took to be a huge fish, with a pair of green fins springing from its back; but after watching it more closely for a few moments, he became convinced that it was a human being, tricked out in some masquerade attire, while the slight struggles which it made proved that life was not entirely extinct.
Though, the moment before, he had contemplated self-destruction, and had only been restrained from the attempt by the certainty of failing in his purpose, instinct prompted him to rescue the perishing creature before him. Without hesitation, therefore, and without tarrying to divest himself of his clothes, he dashed into the water, and striking out, instantly reached the object of his quest, which still continued to float, and turning it over, for the face was downwards, he perceived it was an old man, of exceedingly small size, habited in a pantomimic garb. He also remarked that a rope was twisted round the neck of the unfortunate being, making it evident that some violent attempt had been made upon his life.
Without pausing for further investigation, he took firm hold of the leathern wings of the dwarf, and with his disengaged hand propelled himself towards the shore, dragging the other after him. The next instant he reached the bank, clambered up the low brickwork, and placed his burden in safety.
The noise of the plunge had attracted attention, and several persons now hurried to the spot. On coming up, and finding Auriol bending over a water-sprite — for such, at first sight, the dwarf appeared — they could not repress their astonishment. Wholly insensible to the presence of those around him, Auriol endeavoured to recall where he had seen the dwarf before. All at once, the recollection flashed upon him, and he cried aloud, “Why, it is my poor murdered grandfather’s attendant, Flapdragon! But no! no! — he must be dead ages ago! Yet the resemblance is singularly striking!”
Auriol’s exclamations, coupled with his wild demeanour, surprised the bystanders, and they came to the conclusion that he must be a travelling showman, who had attempted to drown his dwarf — the grotesque, impish garb of the latter convincing them that he had been exhibited at a booth. They made signs, therefore, to each other not to let Auriol escape, and one of them, raising the dwarf’s head on his knee, produced a flask, and poured some brandy from it down his throat, while others chafed his hands. These efforts were attended with much speedier success than might have been anticipated. After a struggle or two for respiration, the dwarf opened his eyes, and gazed at the group around him.
“It must be Flapdragon!” exclaimed Auriol.
“Ah! who calls me?” cried the dwarf.
“I!” rejoined Auriol. “Do you not recollect me?”
“To be sure!” exclaimed the dwarf, gazing at him fixedly; “you are — —” and he stopped.
“You have been thrown into the water, Master Flapdragon?” cried a bystander, noticing the cord round the dwarf’s throat.
“I have,” replied the little old man.
“By your governor — that is, by this person?” cried another, laying hold of Auriol.
“By him — no,” said the dwarf; “I have not seen that gentleman for nearly three centuries.”
“Three centuries, my little patriarch?” said the man who had given him the brandy. “That’s a long time. Think again.”
“It’s perfectly true, nevertheless,” replied the dwarf.
“His wits have been washed away by the water,” said the first speaker. “Give him a drop more brandy.”
“Not a bit of it,” rejoined the dwarf; “my senses were never clearer than at this moment. At last we have met,” he continued, addressing Auriol, “and I hope we shall not speedily part again. We hold life by the same tie.”
“How came you in the desperate condition in which I found you?” demanded Auriol evasively.
“I was thrown into the canal with a stone to my neck, like a dog about to be drowned,” replied the dwarf. “But, as you are aware, I’m not so easily disposed of.”
Again the bystanders exchanged significant looks.
“By whom was the attempt made?” inquired Auriol.
“I don’t know the villain’s name,” rejoined the dwarf, “but he’s a very tall, dark man, and is generally wrapped in a long black cloak.”
“Ha!” exclaimed Auriol. “When was it done?”
“Some nights ago, I should fancy,” replied the dwarf, “for I’ve been a terrible long time under water. I have only just managed to shake off the stone.”
At this speech there was a titter of incredulity among the bystanders.
“You may laugh, but it’s true!” cried the dwarf angrily.
“We must speak of this anon,” said Auriol. “Will you convey him to the nearest tavern?” he added, placing money in the hands of the man who held the dwarf in his arms.
“Willingly, sir,” replied the man. “I’ll take him to the Life Guardsman, near the barracks — that’s the nearest public.”
“I’ll join him there in an hour,” replied Auriol, moving away.
And as he disappeared, the man took up his little burden, and bent his steps towards the barracks.
Utterly disregarding the dripping state of his habiliments, Auriol proceeded quickly to the place of rendezvous. Arrived there, he looked around, and not seeing any one, flung himself upon a bench at the foot of the gentle eminence on which the gigantic statue of Achilles is placed.
It was becoming rapidly dark, and heavy clouds, portending speedy rain, increased the gloom. Auriol’s thoughts were sombre as the weather and the hour, and he fell into a deep fit of abstraction, from which he was roused by a hand laid on his shoulder.
Recoiling at the touch, he raised his eyes, and beheld the stranger leaning over him, and gazing at him with a look of diabolical exultation. The cloak was thrown partly aside, so as to display the tall, gaunt figure of its wearer; while the large collar of sable fur with which it was decorated stood out like the wings of a demon. The stranger’s hat was off, and his high broad forehead, white as marble, was fully revealed.
“Our meeting must be brief,” he said. “Are you prepared to fulfil the compact?”
“What do you require?” replied Auriol.
“Possession of the girl I saw three days ago,” said the other; “the iron-merchant’s daughter, Ebba. She must be mine.”
“Never!” cried Auriol firmly— “never!”
“Beware how you tempt me to exert my power,” said the stranger; “she must be mine — or — —”
“I defy you!” rejoined Auriol; “I will never consent.”
“Fool!” cried the other, seizing him by the arm, and fixing a withering glance upon him. “Bring her to me ere the week be out, or dread my vengeance!”
And, enveloping himself in his cloak, he retreated behind the statue, and was lost to view.
As he disappeared, a moaning wind arose, and heavy rain descended. Still Auriol did not quit the bench.
* * *
It was about two o’clock, on a charming spring day, that a stout middle-aged man, accompanied by a young person
of extraordinary beauty, took up his station in front of Langham Church. Just as the clock struck the hour, a young man issued at a quick pace from a cross-street, and came upon the couple before he was aware of it. He was evidently greatly embarrassed, and would have beaten a retreat, but that was impossible. His embarrassment was in some degree shared by the young lady; she blushed deeply, but could not conceal her satisfaction at the encounter. The elder individual, who did not appear to notice the confusion of either party, immediately extended his hand to the young man, and exclaimed:
“What! Mr. Darcy, is it you? Why, we thought we had lost you, sir! What took you off so suddenly? We have been expecting you these four days, and were now walking about to try and find you. My daughter has been terribly uneasy. Haven’t you, Ebba?”
The young lady made no answer to this appeal, but cast down her eyes.
“It was my intention to call, and give you an explanation of my strange conduct, to-day,” replied Auriol. “I hope you received my letter, stating that my sudden departure was unavoidable.”
“To be sure; and I also received the valuable snuffbox you were so good as to send me,” replied Mr. Thorneycroft. “But you neglected to tell me how to acknowledge the gift.”
“I could not give an address at the moment,” said Auriol.
“Well, I am glad to find you have got the use of your arm again,” observed the iron-merchant; “but I can’t say you look so well as when you left us. You seem paler — eh? what do you think, Ebba?”
“Mr. Darcy looks as if he were suffering from mental anxiety rather than from bodily ailment,” she replied timidly.
“I am so,” replied Auriol, regarding her fixedly. “A very disastrous circumstance has happened to me. But answer me one question: Has the mysterious person in the black cloak troubled you again?”