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The Doctor's Husband (The Watson Brothers #3)

Page 6

by Ann B. Harrison

  His mind raced at the possibilities. What if she didn’t like it here? The town was small compared to Seattle, and even though Evan grew up here and liked the slower pace of life, Denver might not. A huge city hospital down to a tiny community one—he had his doubts.

  “You should speak to her, let her make up her own mind.” Chance nodded his head in her direction. “Tell her now, before dinner.”

  “Tell me what?” Her hand snaked around Evan’s neck and rested on his chest, her nails tapping a rhythm out on his shirt. The soft scent of her perfume floated down to his nose and panic set in. He hated being pushed into a corner. He’d much prefer to go and check out what was on offer first before he told her. Cover his own bases in another word.

  “Guys were telling me about a job going at the hospital. Administrator.”

  Her hand slipped from his chest and he heard the sudden intake of breath. Evan glanced around and reached for Denver. Her face paled and there was a hunted look in her eyes.

  “Hey, what’s wrong?”

  She swallowed and glanced between his brothers before looking back at him, a forced smile on her lips. “Ah, nothing. It’s okay, really. A weird sense of déjà vu or something. Not really sure.” She lifted her hand and brushed back her hair. “Could have been the long drive catching up with me too.”

  “Do you want to sit down for a minute?” Evan stood and offered her his chair, waiting for her to sit down.

  “Thanks.” She sat down and put her glass on the table. “So, tell me what you know about the job.”

  Evan sat with her while Rory relayed what he knew. Being one of the town’s deputy sheriffs had its advantages. Not much happened that he didn’t hear about sooner or later.

  “Why don’t you go in tomorrow when I go and look at the clinic? We can both get a sense of what’s going on and take it from there?” Evan reached for her hand, happy that the color returned to her face.

  “Great idea. I was looking forward to going riding but we can do that another time. Why don’t we do that?”

  “Stop in and say hi to the old man, too, before the wedding. He’d appreciate it.” Rory stood up, walked over to his fiancée, and took the silverware she held out.

  “Sounds like a good idea. Anything you need me to do for you before the wedding?” He searched the room for direction. “Flowers, beer, or anything?”

  “Thanks. It’s pretty much under control. After much deliberation, we’ve decided we’re getting married at St. James church in town and then having the reception up at the ranch. Gina has it all under control apparently.” He blew a kiss at his future wife. “Keeps telling me to keep out of the way so I don’t upset the caterers.”

  “Wise move, too.” Chance laughed. “I’d rather be chasing down a herd of bulls than trying to organize all the whistles and bells that the ladies seem to go in for these days.”

  “And that showed us big time in the way you got Elvis to marry you and Callie. I don’t want that for us.” Gina pointed her spoon in their direction. “I want romantic and pretty, not some guy dressed up grinding his hips to piped music.”

  Evan watched as Denver tried to fight the giggle rising in her throat, shaking his head when she failed. Her laugh broke the tension he’d felt ever since they told her about the hospital job and her reaction to it.

  “Let me guess, a Las Vegas wedding at the Elvis chapel?” The tears spilled over Denver’s lashes. She couldn’t contain it any longer and burst out laughing as he looked on.

  “Yeah, my romantic man here is one of a kind, isn’t he?” Callie walked over and pinched his cheek, Fisher on her hip.

  “He certainly is.” Denver wiped a finger under her eyes and smiled at Evan.


  The sun crept through the curtains and Denver stretched, then glanced at the man snuggled up to her, his hand casually draped across her stomach. He hadn’t even blinked last night when she chastely kissed him good night and turned over to face the wall. She sighed and rolled toward him, comfortable lying beside him. During the night, he’d reached for her and Denver had let herself mold her body into his as they spooned together. The heat between them had shocked her at first. Now that the initial hum had died down, she wanted to reignite it, sending the small flicker of desire into a torrid wave of fire and see if he could sate the sexual need that had reared its head.

  Yes, she’d already decided to have sex with Evan. Why wouldn’t she? He was good looking and the man she wanted to marry would need to feel secure in the position as her husband otherwise he would start to question her motives and she didn’t want that. And it had been far too long since she’d let a man this close to her. Her body’s reaction had her wondering… But no, don’t go there, Denver. Stick to the plan and see if you can talk your way into the job first without a husband.

  Her fingers crept up his chest, the smooth bumps of his ribs a tantalizing step of discovery. When her finger tips grazed his raised nipple and rolled the nub of flesh, a small gasp escaped his lips.

  “You’re playing with fire, Dr. Sinclair.”

  “I certainly hope so, Dr. Watson. Are you man enough to put the flames out?”

  Denver let go a squeal as Evan flipped her onto her back, hovering over the top of her. “Try me.” He dropped his lips to hers, tasting what she had to offer. With her mind going into a flat spin, Denver let him plunder her mouth. Involuntarily, her thighs parted so he could rest his body between them. Her breath hitched when she felt the hard length of him against her. She resisted the urge to slide down further.

  “Are you sure about this, Denver?” He looked down at her with concern in his eyes.

  There’s nothing wrong with having sex with the man you’re thinking about making your husband. He’d expect it and let’s face it, you want it more than you want to admit it to yourself.

  “Very sure, Evan. Stop talking and show me what you’ve got.” She closed her eyes as he pushed up her flimsy nightgown, exposing her flesh to the early morning air.

  “You’re perfect, you know that, right?” Evan dropped his head down and took one of her nipples in his mouth. Denver arched against him, all but exploding with the sensation of his hot tongue on her skin. She cried out as his mouth moved away but sighed again when he lathered much needed attention on the other nipple.

  Denver let herself be transformed by his touch, while doing some exploring of her own. She trailed her fingers down his back and slipped them underneath the elastic of his boxer shorts. His butt clenched as her nails scored a line across the skin. When he tried to ease down her body, she pulled him closer to stop him.

  “I don’t think I can wait any longer.” She wiggled underneath him, trying to get closer. “It’s been too long already. Can we hurry this time and make up for it later?” Begging a man for sex? Fast, hot sex? Hell yes, I have no shame.

  “If you insist, who am I to deny you what you want?” He winked at her and kissed her between the breasts as he reached a hand down and removed her panties before easing up her body again. “This is going to be fast, okay?”

  “Please.” With frantic hands, Denver pushed his boxers down his thighs and guided him into her waiting body. She groaned with pleasure as he slid home. “Oh my goodness. Don’t move okay, just don’t move.”

  Evan grinned a crooked strained smile. “Sure.”

  She clenched her muscles around him, slid her ankles behind his, and then started to move her hips. It took mere seconds for him to start thrusting inside her, taking them both to an explosive orgasm that had been too long in the making.

  Chapter Nine

  Evan dropped Denver off at the hospital entrance the following morning. “I’ll pick you up in about an hour, how’s that suit you? If you get out of here earlier, I’ll be just down the road, near the sheriff’s office.”

  “Thanks, Evan. If I do, I’ll text you before I leave so we don’t miss each other.”

  He gazed at her face, marveling over the circumstances that finally threw them together. Was
it fate or just good timing? Hopefully this would work out and they would both get offered a job that would enable them to stay together. After the hurried lovemaking this morning followed by a hot shower and a gentler coupling, there was no way he was going to let go of her. He needed to figure out a way to let her know without scaring her off. Who fell in love so quickly these days? It worried him what her reaction would be. Evan decided to cross that bridge when he came to it.

  “Good luck.” She blew him a kiss and turned away to walk inside the doors, the white summer skirt swirling around her legs. He waited until he couldn’t see her any longer and put the truck in gear. Time to find out if he could get a job.

  Evan left the hospital and drove through town, savoring the memories as he headed to the doctor’s office. Nothing seemed to have changed in the years he’d been away. The same poster boards were hanging outside the Get ‘n’ Go, no doubt advertising the same newspapers and magazines. The red stripes on the barber shop poles hadn’t been updated since he was in there last getting his hair cut. The flaking paint showed just how old the shop was and how much it needed updating. It gave him a sense of coming home that seemed to cement his decision even more in his mind. He was doing the right thing, he knew it.

  Evan pulled up outside the doctor’s office and turned off the truck. He wiped his hands down the legs of his jeans, more nervous now than he had been applying at the hospital for a job. So much seemed to hinge on this interview.

  Five minutes later, his nerves were settled as he spoke to Dr. Hennessey. “I’m so glad you came in, Evan. If we don’t replace the last doctor who left, the hospital board will close us down.” The old doctor frowned. “I’ve given this practice many years of my life and would hate to see it shut the doors to those most in need.”

  Evan leaned forward. “Tell me what other alternatives there are in town if this place closes.”

  “There’s Jack Gallagher’s practice and the hospital emergency department, that’s it. There used to be a doctor’s clinic in the hospital. They closed that down many years ago.” He rubbed a hand over his gray hair, patting down the fly away wisps. “Seeing the doctor on call doesn’t always sit well with some of the older patients, especially when they get pushed back to the end of the queue when an emergency comes in. They like the idea of seeing the same person at each visit. Sadly, that won’t happen if we have to close when I retire.”

  “And when will that be?”

  “If I get help, not for another six months or so, depending on my health. If I don’t get help, next month, I can’t keep going like this. Overworked and understaffed takes its toll on even the most dedicated of us.”

  Evan noticed the tired lines around his eyes and made his decision. “Dr. Hennessey, if you want me, I’ll gladly join the practice. I want to work back home; that much is plain to me after being away for so long. I hope you’ll give my application consideration.”

  A glimmer of interest sparked the older man’s eyes, giving Evan more than a twinge of hope. “I’ll consult with the board and get back to you in a day or so. That suit you, Doctor?”

  “Yes. Thank you for seeing me without a prior appointment. I appreciate it.” He stood up and shook Dr. Hennessey’s hand, then turned and left.


  Denver watched Evan drive away and the guilt clenched in her gut, but only for a moment. She squared her shoulders, determined to make her mark on this little backward hospital. It shouldn’t be too hard. “Can I help you with anything?”

  She turned and walked over, putting on her game face. “Yes, I’m Dr. Sinclair. I’ve been offered a job here and hopefully will be moving to town shortly. I happened to be passing on my way to a wedding and thought I’d take a quick peek at the hospital in an unofficial capacity if that’s okay.”

  “Dr. Sinclair, why of course. How lovely to see you.” She stood up and straightened her skirt while walking out from behind her desk. “Dr. Dunlop is in the office, and the other members of the board aren’t here at present.” She held out her hand and looked Denver over. “I’m glad you dropped in.” When Denver withdrew her hand, she walked back around her desk and picked up the phone. “Dr. Dunlop, you’ll never guess who’s at my desk.”

  A few moments later, a portly gentleman hurried out of the elevator, pushed past an orderly with an empty bed, and headed for Denver. He held out his hand before he reached her, the smile on his face making her feel justified in coming in. “Dr. Sinclair, what a pleasant surprise. I didn’t think we would be seeing you until your appointment date.” He pressed a hand to her back and guided her away, out of sight of the entrance.

  “This is just a fleeting visit, Dr. Dunlop. Call it impulse if you will. I had to go through town to attend a wedding and I couldn’t pass without stopping, if only for a few minutes.”

  “I completely understand.” He looked over her shoulder out the front door of the hospital. “Mr. Sinclair, is he with you?”

  “Ah, no. No he’s not.”

  “Such a shame. Never mind, we’ll get to meet him when you bring him over for the meeting then.” He guided her past the cafeteria and down a corridor. The signs pointed to the emergency room with another sign that led the way to the x-ray department.

  “About that, Dr. Dunlop. Call me pedantic but I wonder if I could have a moment of your time to run something past you?”

  “Of course my dear. What’s on your mind?”

  “I don’t want to get this job because of my future husband. You see, I’ve worked hard to get where I am and I did it on my own too.” She hurried on as he raised an eyebrow in her direction. “Not that I have anything against marriage, of course. After all, I’m about to go down that path myself. What I wanted to do was try and secure the job on my own without relying on the fact that my future husband was born in this charming little town.”

  Dr. Dunlop paused and looked at her. “I’m afraid that won’t be possible, Dr. Sinclair. This idea was set down by the board to keep the job local. We aim to give our residents a fighting chance as it were. Normally we wouldn’t have considered you but since you are marrying one of our own…”

  “I understand but still, I was hoping that in light of my experience and ability…”

  “I’m sorry, no.”

  Denver bit her tongue to stop the sharp retort slipping out. She would have to go through with the wedding after all. She only had to convince Evan and she doubted that would be too hard. “Yes, I’m marrying a local boy. You’ll get to meet him at the next interview. That’s if you want me for the job.”

  “I like what I see so far, Doctor, and the other applicant may be pulling out their application. I’ve given them a few days to confirm, then I will set the time for you and your future husband to visit us.”

  “Of course. I understand. Well, it was lovely meeting you. I hope I didn’t take up too much of your time.” Now to go and find Evan and start the ball rolling.

  “It was my pleasure, Dr. Sinclair.”

  “I wonder if you could give me the address of the house the hospital is supplying as part of my contract. Just so I can drive past, you understand.”

  “Of course, Doctor.” He swept his hand wide as they stepped into the busy emergency ward. “Well, this is it. I must say I’m very proud of what we’ve achieved so far. I can’t wait for you to start, if you get the position that is. If there were more time, I’d give you a tour of the wards but never mind. There is so much scope for a doctor of your expertise to re-mold the hospital and bring it into the twenty-first century.” He rubbed his hands as he looked around.

  “I’m looking forward to it, Dr. Dunlop. I hope I don’t let the board down.”

  He looked affronted by her comment. “I can assure you, Dr. Sinclair, that you come highly recommended. There is no way the board would have looked at you otherwise if they weren’t sure you would do what is in the hospital’s best interest.” He took a breath. “So long as you can prove to the board that you meet the ‘local’ requirements, they will be
happy with your appointment.”

  “Yes I do. I will be a local as soon as I marry Dr. Watson. He grew up here and is also moving back home to work.” She mentally crossed her fingers. “As far as I’m concerned, that makes me eligible for the position.”

  A gleam came into Dr. Dunlop’s eyes as he looked at her. “I think that will satisfy the board and I look forward to meeting the lucky man.”

  “I appreciate the support. Now I really have to be going. Thank you for seeing me at such short notice and I’d appreciate it if my visit is kept quiet for now. Family members don’t know we’re moving back and I feel that should come from us.” She turned and started to walk back to the front of the hospital.

  “Of course, I understand. I’ll just get Pauline to write down the address of the house. It’s empty at the moment, so feel free to wander around the property and peek into the windows if you want to. Before you move in we’ll have the place cleaned and freshened up.” He held out his hand once more. “Doctor, my pleasure. I look forward to seeing you again soon.”

  “Thank you for making me feel so welcome. I think I’m going to like working here if I get the position. Such a bright and cheerful hospital.” She watched him say a few words to the receptionist and then hurry back to the elevator.

  “Here you go, Dr. Sinclair. The house is on Bramble Lane and might I say that’s a very prestigious area to live in as befits the director of the hospital. Lovely older-style home with tons of character, set back from the road and very secluded too. If you go to Bramble House B&B, count down four houses and it’s the big white house directly across from Bramble Park. Lovely big trees in the back yard and it borders onto the river. I think there might even be a tiny jetty on the property.” Pauline gave her a conspiratorial wink. “Dr. Dunlop is looking forward to someone starting work. He wants to semi-retire and leave things in someone else’s hands. Pretty capable hands too, by the sound of things.”


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