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Sent Away To The Highlander (Scottish Highlander Romance)

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by Kaley McCormick

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  Sent Away to the Highlander

  A Scottish Romance

  By: Kaley McCormick

  Table of Contents

  Main Story

  Sent Away to the Highlander

  Bonus Stories

  Seized by the Highlander

  Taken Captive by the Highlander

  The Highlander’s Mail Order Bride

  Bought by the Highlander

  My Sinful Surrender to a Highlander Werewolf

  The Taken Bride

  The Cowboy Soldier’s Knocked Up Email Order Bride

  The Outlaw’s Mail Order Bride

  The Cowboy’s Ebony Mail Order

  Knocked Up by the Outlaw

  The Renegade’s Mail Order Bride

  Pregnant and Rescued by the Cowboy

  The Renegade Angel’s Mail Order Husband

  The Cowboy’s Rescued Widow

  Ordered by a Cowboy

  The Cowboy Billionaire’s Mail Order Bride

  The Cowboy’s Dark Love

  My Cowboy Savior

  Taken by the Cowboy Billionaire

  Ordered by a Cowboy Billionaire

  Possessed by the Cowboy Werewolf

  Taken by the Cowboy Werewolf

  The Highlander’s Captive Bride

  Taken by the Forbidden Highlander

  The Captive Bride

  Kidnapped by the Highlander Lord

  The Highlander’s Taken Bride

  Sent Away to the Highlander

  Chapter one

  “I don’t know what you’re complaining about. I would be happy to never be noticed by my family. They see me, as the one that is going to make all their troubles go away. They have been constantly parading aristocratic men in front of me. There has been only one that made my heart flutter with excitement. He has no money and they may not know it, but I plan to marry him and live a normal life away from all of these trappings.” My best friend Tabitha had her life in the palm of her hand. For me, I was a loner and I often found myself going off on my own for days on end. I’d become quite self sufficient.

  “I just wished that my family cared enough to come looking for me. I go missing for days and they don’t even lift a finger. Sometimes I return and it’s like they didn’t even notice that I was gone. I know that there are six children, but surely my mother would notice that I was not in my bed at night.” I was fooling myself and my mother was a drunk and my father had disappeared a long time ago. It didn’t remember what he looked like. My mother was working two jobs to put food and a roof over our head. Any time that she came home, she immediately hit whatever liquor was in the cabinet.

  “Diana, if I were you, I would be taking full advantage of the fact that they leave you alone. They would only do that, if they thought that you were ready to stand on your own 2 feet.” I had heard through the Grapevine that my father was an English soldier in the army. Apparently he had accolades and medals of bravery. I think I took after him, as I had no fear of the unknown. “Don’t look at it, as they are ignoring you. Look at it, as a sort of freedom that the rest of us don’t have.”

  “Tabitha, I’m not like you and the other girls. I don’t aspire to marry someone. I don’t need a man to complete me.” I wanted a man that knew what he had in a woman that had a mind of her own. I didn’t see any prospects on the horizon and I wasn’t going to settle for just anyone. I didn’t care about money and I could live relatively on my own by living off the land. I knew how to hunt and fish. These were two commodities that young daughters didn’t have underneath their belt.

  “I see you, as a renaissance kind of girl, Diana. You should look at your differences from the rest of us, as a godsend. You don’t have to contend with the boys nipping at your heels every single second of the day.” I was not considered pretty, but over the last couple years I had developed into my looks. I had these womanly curves underneath. I wore bulky clothing to give the allusion that I was still the same girl that I was before. It didn’t seem to matter and apparently the boys were now looking at me out of the corner of their eyes. I didn’t have any interest in condemning myself to a ball and chain around my ankle.

  We were on the outskirts of town and I’d just packed my meager belongings for another long overdue getaway. I didn’t know how long I would be gone and there were times when I took off that I didn’t even know that I would be back at all. I walked away from Tabitha, feeling more empowered and not, as some kind of outsider. I didn’t care what other people thought. I wasn’t going to abide by conventional thinking.

  My three brothers and two sisters had never really treated me with kindness. They didn’t ridicule me or tease me, but they did make me feel like I was not a part of the family. I guess being the baby had given me the unconditional love from my mother. That of course didn’t last very long and her true love was the bottle.

  I continued for some time, going off the beaten track and walking the water’s edge. I liked the sound that it made against the shore and the glassy surface that went on for miles in either direction made me feel small. It made me feel like I was part of something bigger than myself. I was just a ripple on that water. I heard splashing and I didn’t know what to make of it. It did draw me to it.

  I was wearing a pair of my father’s pants. I felt more at home not wearing a dress, even though there were times that I wanted to have that feminine touch.

  “My god, will the blood never come out of my kilt. I can’t be seen coming back into town looking like I have been out on a bender all night long. My people deserve a warrior that does not tie one on every chance that he gets.” His voice sounded strange and the inflection in his speech told me that he wasn’t from around here. “I get away, because I can’t stand the women all over me. I am a warrior and I do not need their adoration. I don’t want them to think of me, as a hero, when what I do makes me feel less than a man. If my men heard me speaking like this they would probably kill me where I stand.” His voice was getting clearer and I knew that it wouldn’t be all that long, before I came upon the man that the voice belonged to.

  I pushed through the foliage, pulling back a branch and seeing the naked form of this Scottish warrior. He was naked and he stretched and let me see the pillar of strength between his legs. There was no denying that he was the first man that I had seen in this way. It made my legs quiver and my body begin to act in a way that was most unladylike.

  I wanted to say something, but I was too engrossed in what he was showing me. I couldn’t move and I couldn’t stop staring and the only thing that mattered was seeing that thing bob up and down in front of my eyes. I needed to get closer and it was a risk, but it was one that I was willing to take.

  Getting down on my hands and knees, I crawled down the embankment and over to a nearby rock. I peeked over the surface and he was still standing there with his strong buttocks shining in the sun. They were hard packed globes and I would have loved to grab hold of both of them and sink my teeth deep into the fleshy part.

  “It’s getting ridiculous and sometimes I think that it might be better that I just walk away from my family and friends. I don’t want to hurt people, but I’ve been given a duty and I
intend to follow through.” He was not that far away from my village. He had me worried that he was going to turn it into his own personal stomping grounds. “My men will be here soon and I’ve gone ahead to survey the situation.” He had the same problem that I did. I liked to talk to myself, as it was the only person that would listen to me anyway. Tabitha was a good sounding board, but she was always interested in the men in the village.

  I was within a few feet and I was willing him with my mind to turn in my direction. With him standing away from me, I could only see the back side of a beautiful package. His arms and his legs were like tree trunks. He could probably carry me over his shoulder with ease. The very idea that he could overpower me made me weak at the knees. I’ve never felt this way with any man. I didn’t want any part of their desire to woo me into their bed.

  I licked my lips, cocking my head to the side and waiting for that inevitable moment that I would see it in living color. He made a move and then I must’ve gasped out loud at seeing that large protrusion projecting from his waist. He didn’t try to cover up, but he did come after me. I made a run for it, clamoring over the rocks, but he was very fast and very agile. I slipped several times, but he was sure footed and stayed with me the entire time. I panicked and he was very calm and did not try to rush the moment. That was precisely the reason why I was making, so many mistakes.

  I could literally feel his hot breath on the back of my neck and then I felt his hand grabbing me from behind. I struggled, but it was in vain. His grip was strong and confident like the man himself.

  “I don’t think that it’s a good idea for you to sneak up on a warrior that’s talking to himself. I think that I’m going to have to make an example out of you. Perhaps, if I drove this sword into your stomach and out the other side that that would send the right message. I could parade you through town and have people screaming in all directions to get away.”

  Chapter two

  I slapped at his hands, trying to wrench free, but he did not let go. He continued to drag me backwards by the back of the neck, until he grabbed my long dark hair. It was painful, but he was igniting those nerve endings that made it a little bit exciting to be manhandled in this way.

  “You can fight all you want, but it’s going to do you no good. You must be one of the scouts that were sent ahead. It’s too bad that you’re going to have to be the first casualty of the highland army that is coming to take your people by surprise. They won’t even see it coming. We’ll lay waste to whatever we see.” He was under the impression that I was a man. With the bulky clothing and my father’s pants, it was an interesting scenario to think about.

  There was no sense in saying anything and if I did, my ruse of being one of the boys would be gone in a flash. I was waiting for the right time, hoping that he would relinquish his hold long enough for me to make another run for it. He was still pulling my hair and it was causing an undue side effect between my legs. I was feeling slightly wet and for all intents and purposes, the barbaric act of pulling my hair had drawn out the woman in me.

  “I will have to teach you a lesson.” I did not like the sound of that and the best way to avoid it was not to be there when he instituted that lesson. I looked around frantically for anything to use, as a weapon. I grabbed onto a branch, only to have it pulled from my hands. “You are not much of a man. Your father did not teach you to be a fighter and that is a crying shame. A child needs his father to guide him with a helping hand. He needs to honor his role and teach him how to be a man.”

  It was lucky that he wasn’t touching any other part of my anatomy, or he would find out in a hurry that there was something more there than just a man’s physique. He would feel the soft curves and would most likely be shocked by the very idea that I was a woman.

  I decided to try lowering my voice to mimic that of a man. “I don’t know what you want with me, but I am no scout. I just came out here to take a walk and I came upon you by accident and nothing more. I suppose I should have announced myself, but you seemed to be lost in your own little world.” He handled me easily, throwing me to the ground at his feet. He stood over me in a menacing fashion.

  It was a good thing that he couldn’t see my excitement, because from my vantage point, I could see his family jewels. They were right there in my face and I had this overwhelming desire to take him into my mouth to show him some English hospitality.

  “I don’t know if I believe you. Besides, it really doesn’t matter and you’ve already seen my face. You may not know this, but you are looking at the lord of the Scottish Highlands. I have been… I have been.” He stopped talking all together and now he was eying me with this expression that made me fear for my safety. “No way… It can’t possibly be.” I followed his gaze and I saw that my shirt had ripped during the scuffle and the way that he had dragged me here by bodily force.

  In my kneeling position, I had inadvertently shown him the true woman underneath the façade. “Please…don’t kill me” It was the only thing that I could say at the time. Even though he was in the presence of a lady, he had no interest in covering up his nudity. In fact, I think that he was taking great pride in the fact that I was staring at him and it wasn’t in the eyes.

  I told him my name and where I came from. He looked perplexed, like he had no idea what he was going to do with me. He was pacing back and forth and then he came to a stop. He looked back over his shoulder with his long hair unruly and looking like it was going to cover his face. He didn’t look like he had bathed in days and the growth of hair on his face only confirmed that fact. He had no personal hygiene and cared little for what people thought of him.

  “Hmmmmm….finding you might have been the best thing that has ever happened to me. I’ve been searching for a way to get my people to rally behind me. They have been throwing their women at me and hoping that I would choose one of them to make an heir with. I really have no interest in any of them. I love my people, but the women are a little too anxious. I want somebody that’s going to give me a bit of a challenge.” I wasn’t sure where he was going with this, but I didn’t like the sound of it.

  “You can’t possibly suggest that I have sex with you.” I wasn’t opposed to the idea. He was quite the manly man. There was something primal that made my blood boil and my heart flutter two times too fast “I just met you and I have no interest in sleeping with you or having your baby.” I suppose I could’ve been more convincing had I not been staring at his package and wondering what it would feel like sliding across my tongue.

  “I could just take you by force, but that seems unnecessary. I have such plans for you and I think that you’ll come with me willingly.” I stared at him with confused eyes. There was nothing that he could possibly say that would make me want to follow him back to his homeland of Scotland. If we had known each other longer and had gotten to know each other more intimately, then I might take him up on his offer. I wasn’t the type of lady that would jump at anything with two legs.

  “I can’t see how that could happen, but by all means take your best shot.” He bent down any got close to my ear. He wanted me to hear this very clearly, so that there was no mistaking his intentions.

  “My men and I were going to destroy your village, until everybody was dead. The only way that I’m going to convince them otherwise is if I have something to offer. I suggest that you make the supreme sacrifice for your friends and family. I sense that you don’t have much here holding you back. This could be a start of something new for you, but I really don’t care why you do it. I will kill everybody and I will make you watch, as their blood flows between my fingertips. You’ll have to live with that haunting image for the rest of your life. I’ll leave you alive and let you suffer the indignity of being the only survivor.” He was vindictive and sinister and there was an evil quality that he seemed to take great pride in.

  “I can’t believe that you would even consider doing something like this. You leave me little choice.” Even if my family was pretty much strangers, th
ey were still blood and I would have their deaths on my conscience. Tabitha would be taken for a plaything and the very idea that they would pass her around was not a pleasant thought. I’m sure that she would look at me for help and I would be powerless to do anything. “Let’s go. You’ve made your point.” This was the only way that I was going to keep my people safe. I had their well being in the palm of my hand and it was my decision that was going to determine their fate. It was not a position that I would wish on my worst enemy.

  “I think that you made the right decision. It wasn’t like I was giving you any other options. You did this, or everything that you know and love will be slaughtered with my sword and those of my men.” He grabbed me by the shoulders and wrenched me to my feet. I was trembling and he was smiling with this smirk of derision. He didn’t care about me and he only wanted some meek and mild young woman that he could lord over the others. I’m sure that I would be hated and the women in the town would look at me with jealousy in their eyes.

  “I would really like that you stop looking at me like that.” I was putting up a false united front, stealing my reserve and putting my foot down. He apparently did not like that. He grabbed my hand and placed it on his overzealous member. It was hard and I gasped noticeably, like I had when I was behind the rock. It was a sound that he loved and he made sure to use his own hand to make me rub him in a not so subtle way.

  “You may say that you don’t like this, but I can see differently in your eyes. There’s nothing to be ashamed of. The men in your village pale in comparison to a true warrior heart. There is no substitute for a man that knows how to put their women in their place.” I felt the back of his hand and it made my head jerk to the side. He did not allow me to fall and I turned with contempt coming off of me in waves. “Yes, show me that fire”

  I punched him in the mouth and laughed. He shook his head with the glee, showing me his teeth and what pleasure her took from my fighting back. “Don’t ever touch me like that again.” I could not fight him and I knew that the only thing I had was my attitude.


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