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Sent Away To The Highlander (Scottish Highlander Romance)

Page 4

by Kaley McCormick

  She could hear footsteps outside of her room and she held her breath, hoping that no one would think to open one small unmarked wooden door. The door rattled in its hinges as someone tried to open it and she knew she was discovered. The raiding party would, of course, want inside the one locked door. She cursed herself silently for not leaving it unlocked.

  William grinned to himself. There was something that warranted protecting behind the locked door, he was certain of that fact. All of the other doors he had tried were unlocked and the group had been helping themselves to clothing, blankets, and any kind of valuables they found. He had faith that the young boy was successful in the kitchen and they would dine well that evening.

  Elizabeth gasped loudly when the door splintered at the lock as the heavy black boot crashed into it. William strode into the room as though he already owned it. The room was not the great treasure store he had hoped for; instead it was a simple bedroom. It was tidy, the bed was made and the curtains were pulled at the window and in the corner where the dresses were stored.

  Elizabeth tried to pull herself into a smaller ball, the cold rough stones biting into her exposed upper back. William stopped his tour of the room and she could see a pair of dirty black boots resting just on the other side of the easel stand. She held her breath and prayed.

  The stand rattled as he bumped it with his elbow and her breath escaped in a soft exhalation. The toes of the boots turned towards her and she felt her own eyes widen. With her breath held, her bosom threatened to escape from the top of her dress but the corset felt looser.

  She exhaled loudly when suddenly a male face appeared above hers with a leering grin.

  “Well hello there,” he boomed. “What are you doing on the floor?”

  “I…I… Y-You…w-what…” she stuttered and gasped for breath. The thick Scottish brogue was difficult to understand, but she fully understood the implications of his presence.

  His rough calloused hand grabbed her bare shoulder and hauled her up from the floor.

  “I do believe I have found myself the Missus,” he announced to no one.

  “Unhand me, Sir!” She became indignant at the rough treatment.

  “Oh I think I caught me a prize. What kind of rogue would I be to let it go?”

  He was strongly muscled and well over six feet tall, so he had no problems man-handling her onto his shoulder and carrying her out of the house. Olivia tried to block his path but he simply pushed her aside.

  William tossed Elizabeth on her stomach over King’s back, and mounted the horse smoothly. Elizabeth was able to raise her head just enough to see Olivia screaming from the open kitchen door as the entire raiding party disappeared over the hill.

  Chapter Four

  As King led the charge away from the estate, Elizabeth bucked and struggled on his back. William left one large firm hand on her lower back to hold her on the horse, and tried to steer King one-handed.

  “If you don’t settle down, he will throw you,” he warned in a low tone. “And he won’t be gentle about it.”

  Elizabeth imagined being hurled to the ground and stopped thrashing.

  “If you can behave yourself, I’ll let you ride the horse like a person instead of a sack of potatoes.”

  She turned far enough to glare at him, but did not struggle.

  The group converged on the clearing next to the pond again and Elizabeth could hear several gravelly male voices as she stared down at the grass and the dirty boots.

  “Ooo, boy, William caught us a live one,” one voice whooped.

  “Thank you for telling her my name,” William hissed through gritted teeth.

  Elizabeth heard the dull thud of a hand striking a body, and from her particular vantage point, she watched as the smaller pair of boots disappeared off to one side from the larger pair that stood directly beneath her. She could feel all of the eyes on her and she lay still meekly, until William wrapped his hands around her waist and lifted her off.

  She felt her feet touch the ground and she coolly regarded the man who had physically tossed her around so easily. He towered over her by well over a foot. In fact, he would have towered over Henry by at least seven or eight inches. His shoulders seemed as wide as her leg was long and his dark hair blew in shaggy curls around his deep brown eyes. His face had seen sun and wind and battles, but he had kept the strong jawline and the smile crinkles around his eyes.

  “Gentlemen,” he said with an exaggerated courtly bow towards the gathering, “I give you the lady of the house.”

  She looked around and saw a group of about eight men, including the young boy she had spotted from her window, and truly felt scared for the first time.

  “Who are you people? Where are you from?” she whispered. Her fear rattled her voice and she twisted her hands together.

  “We aren’t from anywhere; we are from everywhere,” William said with a wide grin.

  “What are you doing on this land?”

  “We’re just borrowing a few things, for a little while.”

  She turned away from the group and faced William again, realizing that he seemed to be the leader and was the only one talking to her anyway.

  “I’m not certain my husband will pay any ransom.”

  Her jaw was set in defiance, but he could see something far beneath the anger. Deep inside her ocean blue eyes, he saw resignation and fear and sadness. He had intended to let a couple of his band enjoy themselves at the expense of her virtue, but in an instant he changed his mind. If she proved more trouble than she was worth, he could always toss her back. He did that with the little fish that were not worth the effort to clean.

  “Thomas,” William turned away to address he young boy. “What did you find us to eat?”

  The boy’s knapsacks were overflowing and he grinned happily.

  “Oh I did very well, Sir,” he replied as he set the bags on the ground. “The cook, she tried to bop me with the skillet, but I got away.”

  Elizabeth suppressed a grin at the thought of Olivia chasing this boy around the kitchen with her best frying pan.

  Thomas started pulling out the haul and laying it all around the group on a horse blanket. It looked as though he had cleaned them out, including the hen house and vegetable garden.

  He laid out fresh eggs, tomatoes, green onions, potatoes, carrots, smoked ham, bread, cheese, pickles, and jams. She marveled at the amount of food he was able to gather in such a short time, and she found herself hungry as she eyed the extent of the spread. The men attacked the blanket buffet as though it were the last virgin on Earth.

  She sat down and rested against the base of an apple tree while William handed her bits and pieces as they ate. She knew that she was not as hungry as the men, but she was indignant that she got leftovers of the food from her own house.

  As the food disappeared, William cautioned them to be smart because they never knew where the next meal was coming from. One of the other men started gathering up what was left, and to soothe the protests, produced several large flasks of ale and wine.

  In the midday heat, the men drank thirstily until Elizabeth realized she was soon going to be surrounded by several drunken strangers who would probably not bat an eye at ripping her dress off and taking turns at her body. Some of them started to doze off and she considered an escape plan until she realized that her head captor was studiously sipping at the flasks as they were passed around, but that he was only pretending to drink.

  The young boy started dividing out the food he had contributed, and Elizabeth watched with confusion. Once each man had a portion in front of him except for William who received two portions, William stood and clapped his hands to garner their attention.

  “We’ve had our fun for the day lads, but it might be best to scatter to the wind for a little while.”

  They all nodded their agreement. As the group started to disperse, William waited until they had all gone in separate directions before he turned to address Elizabeth.

  He found
himself distracted by the swell of her bosom in her fine lacy bodice, and the softness of her skin as it glowed in the fading sunlight. Her blue eyes still glared up at him defiantly but he grinned. This tiny slip of a woman was no match for his Highlander ways and woodsman ingenuity.

  “You’re coming with me,” he grinned as he helped her up onto King.

  She was grateful he let her ride the horse this time, instead of being slung on top like an extra blanket. The sun set behind the estate as they were the last to leave the clearing. Elizabeth’s head drifted to thoughts of Henry returning to a raided house and a missing wife, but she knew that a raided house would fetch her a night from hell so she may as well be with this handsome stranger.

  Chapter Five

  After about an hour of riding under the cover of darkness, William and Elizabeth could see a small wood and stone house hidden in a grove of trees.

  “There we go,” he murmured softly.

  She rode behind him with her arms around his waist tightly and her cheek pressed against his back. He felt strong and solid and smelled of the woods. She tried not to think of the heat that threatened to blossom in her body, knowing that they would soon be alone in that house.

  The trees had been removed from the immediate area surrounding the house, and provided a nice amount of open space which was occupied with a vegetable garden and a small hen house. It almost looked like a miniature version of Henry’s estate, without the stables and field workers’ huts.

  William dismounted first and tied King to a nearby tree before lifting Elizabeth off. His hands fit easily around her entire waist and as he set her down, she found herself sliding her hands from his shoulders down his broad chest slowly.

  He looked down at her with a quizzical look and stepped away quickly.

  “Is this yours?” she asked quietly, as they entered through the small wooden door.

  “Basically. I’ve been using it for a while, and no one has ever complained. But I try not to get too comfortable, in case I have to leave quickly and permanently.”

  “It is very nice,” she offered politely.

  “It will do. It seems to be more comfortable than sleeping on the ground at least.”

  The house was indeed small, only one real room. The wood burning stove sat on one corner and a bed in the other. There was also a homemade table and two chairs off to one side. Several wooden boxes lined the remaining wall, some had padlocks on them and some were just open.

  Elizabeth’s corset was starting to bind at her waist and she perched on one of the locked boxes to rest. William strolled around the room to check everything before stepping back outside to gather a few pieces of wood for the stove.

  “Are you still hungry?” he offered as he started the fire to warm the room.

  “No, I’m okay for now.”

  Elizabeth looked around the room and started to get nervous at the implications of just one bed.

  “Would you like to get more comfortable?”

  “Excuse me?” Elizabeth stared at him wide-eyed.

  “I just meant, in one of these boxes, you might find a dress that is less, ahem, constructing.”

  “Oh, okay.”

  She stood up and started digging through the unlocked boxes. She found a simple grey housedress in one of them and held it up to herself. It was going to be loose, but it had to be more comfortable than the corset that was currently digging into her ribcage.

  Elizabeth looked around the room and realized that there was no privacy for her to change clothes. She looked back at William and he grinned.

  “No, I have no intention of watching you like a hawk. I’ll step outside while you take care of that.”

  She smiled weakly. “Thank you, I appreciate that.”

  He shut the door behind him and her breath escaped her lips in a whoosh. She started to fiddle with the strings and ties and realized that she had never undressed herself without at least a little assistance. She was mortified to ask William for help, but could not stay in her constricting clothing one more minute.

  She knocked on the inside of the door and he opened it slowly.

  “I…I’m afraid I need some help. With the bindings.”

  He laughed. “You sure about that?”

  “Yes, I can’t reach the ones in the back.”

  He stepped back into the house and turned her around by the shoulders. As he carefully unlaced each string, his eyes wandered over her creamy pale skin as it crept into view inch by inch. He felt a familiar stirring in his groin as he reached her narrow waist, with her entire back exposed.

  His callused fingers were gentler than she expected and she tried to hold in her breath to allow for the easiest untying. When he was finished, she clasped the dress to her bosom and crooked her head to one side.

  “I think I can get it from here,” she whispered.

  He bit his lower lip and left the house without saying a word.

  She slid the layers down until she was standing in nothing but her twisted hairdo and slid the grey dress down over her body. It fit loosely and was surprisingly soft against her skin. Before she called for him to come back in, she carefully removed all of the pins from her hair, and let the blonde curls tumble over her shoulders and almost down to her slender waist.

  She finally went back to the door and opened it for William. He had his hands full of items from the vegetable garden as well as eggs from the henhouse. He nearly dropped everything at the sight of Elizabeth standing there in her new dress with her silky blonde hair cascading over her.

  “Oh, um, I see you are finished,” he stuttered.

  “I see you brought dinner,” she replied with a soft smile.

  She held the door open for him and he walked inside to set everything down on the table. She perused the vegetables and eggs, and decided that if there was a pot large enough, she could make some soup. She searched through the unlocked boxes again, and came up with a dull kitchen knife and a large metal pot. A quick trip to the barrel outside and she was on her way to dinner. Once the soup was prepared and on the stove, she dropped the eggs in whole to boil them. It was certainly not a fancy meal, but it was sufficient and made the house smell like home.

  Chapter Six

  One day lead into the next, and the pair seemed to have settled into a routine. William was often gone during the days, as Henry had been, but Elizabeth tried to keep herself busy with organizing the small space and re-sorting the boxes that she had access to. She wondered what was in the locked ones, but was too nervous to ask. The meals were simple and based on what was readily available from the garden and the henhouse. One of the boxes seemed to function as a pantry of sorts, and she would occasionally add some of the smoked ham or dried beef to the soups for a different flavor.

  William was polite enough to allow her to sleep in the bed, while he stretched out on the lids of the boxes with several blankets underneath him for comfort. They usually left the stove fire burning to keep the drafty little house warm.

  One evening Elizabeth realized that it had been days since she had bathed and it was starting to bother her. William never seemed to take a bath so she was not certain how it worked in their given situation.

  She felt surprisingly comfortable around him, playing house, but she knew it was all for show. She could have actually escaped given how much he was gone, but the thought only fleeted through her mind briefly.

  One evening, as they finished supper, she could no longer wait for a good chance to ask him the awkward question.

  “W-W-William?” she started, tentatively.

  “Yes? What is it?”

  “How does one bathe here?”

  He laughed. “I don’t know, the question never came up before.”

  “Oh, all right.”

  “You can probably use the soup pot and take a standing bath, if you’d like.”

  She shivered at the thought, “It might be too cold for that.”

  “Well, I would suggest heating the water first, but that’s jus
t me.”

  She giggled. “Yes, of course. But the room is so cold.”

  “Well, I can’t help that. I think that might be your best option.”

  The next day, when William had left for whatever errands he did while the sun was up, she filled the soup pot from the barrel outside and started a large fire in the stove to heat it up. In one of the boxes, she had lucked upon a bar of soap and she tore a corner off one of the blankets to make a rag.

  Once the water was warm, she checked outside to make sure no one was in the vicinity, and she carefully laid her garments on the bed to stand naked in front of the stove. It was surprisingly warm with the fire raging and she started to dab and bathe herself.

  After she was finished, she walked back over to her clothing. But as she picked up her slip, the door swung open and William strode in purposefully. He stopped dead in his tracks at the sight of the naked blonde woman bending over the bed. Elizabeth squealed and tried to snatch up her dress but not before William caught an eyeful of absolutely everything.

  He stuttered some sort of words but could not look away as she pressed her dress up against her damp skin, causing it to outline every swell and curve of her body. Her full breasts heaved as she gasped for breath.

  He walked up to her and she gasped at the thoughts that raced through her mind. He silently picked up the blanket from the bed and held it up in the air level with his own chest so that she was hidden behind it. She yanked the slip and the dress down over her head and turned away to hide her pink cheeks.

  “I-I-I thought… I didn’t know what…you…” She was breathing hard through her nervous words.

  He looked at her carefully, now that she was clothed again. He rested his hands on her shoulders and pulled her closer to him. She could smell his fresh woodsy scent and the solidness of his chest pressed against her.

  He whispered in her ear, his warm breath tickling against her skin.

  “I have no intention of taking anything from you. But mark my words, some day you will ask me to share the bed with you. And I won’t tell you no.”


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