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Love Today

Page 5

by Delaney, Delia

  We got back to Everett around midnight, and since Zack drove, he dropped me off at my house. We made out for a few minutes before I went in, and then I got a really sweet kiss goodnight from him.

  I was pleased with my relationship with Zack. We’d become really great friends and he was an amazing kisser. Being with him was comfortable and pressure free.

  Three days later I got another call from Jared.

  “You are amazing, Taryn. This poster turned out incredible.”

  I was delighted by how impressed he genuinely sounded.

  “Did it? That’s great.”

  “You haven’t seen it?”

  “Well, no. But I saw my pictures, of course. Those were pretty damn good.”

  He lightly laughed. “Yes they were, and they made the posters turn out pretty damn awesome. You should come down and see the show in a few weeks.”

  I paused. Was that just a general invite, like a bonus perk or something? Or was he asking me out? I tried to be casual when I replied, “Uh, maybe.”

  “Well you at least need to see the poster. I have one just for you if I can bring it by.”

  “Uh, to my house?”

  “Sure, if that’s okay. Or you can meet me somewhere. Or I guess I can drop it off with your sister at work and she can give it to you. That’s probably the easiest for you, right?”

  I thought about it for a moment before I said, “Here is fine. I’m just working on my website, so I’ll be here for the day.”

  So I gave him the address and went back to work. It was much easier than having my sister involved in any way. But then I wondered if he actually knew that. Was he really just trying to see me? I felt a little flattered, but if it wasn’t the case, I should probably learn a lesson in humility.

  I kind of thought he’d be by shortly after that, so by the time I was starting dinner for Maggie around five, I’d forgotten all about it. I was expecting the knock at the door to be Zack, not the rugged-looking guy that was once a clean-shaven, suit-wearing “businessman.”

  I think I stood there for a few seconds, trying to register the difference. Jared Miller kind of looked like he had an edgy side to him. His hair was a bit messy—that perfected roused style—and his clothes reminded me of the look my little brother always sported. Even down to the wallet chain.

  “Uh, is this a bad time?” he asked, sensing my confusion. He held up the eighteen by twenty-four inch venue poster and said, “You told me I could drop this off, right? I mean you gave me an address and—”

  “Yes, it’s fine,” I interrupted, remembering my manners. “Come on in.”

  He gave me a quirky smile and handed me the poster. “Had it signed for you,” he said as he stepped into the house. “Don’t know if that interests you or not, but some people like it.”

  I glanced at the scribbles next to both bands and said, “That’s cool. Thank you.” I did look over the entire piece for a few seconds and nodded my head. “You’re right, it looks really good.”

  “So good that I have some other jobs for you if you’re interested. Your talent kind of caught a few eyes. This one’s my favorite,” he pointed, moving next to me. He smelled really good and I hoped he didn’t notice that I took a deeper breath of air to appreciate it. “At first I was kind of surprised when I heard you made the guys walk a few blocks to some alleyway,” he said, “but I see why.”

  I lightly laughed. “Yeah, they kind of had a few questions about that, but no big complaints. That’s why I did that with just them. I knew they’d be okay with it.”

  Jared paused for a few seconds, seeming to think about something. Finally he said, “You ever done a concert?”

  “You mean photograph one?” When he nodded his head I replied, “Yeah, a couple. Nothing big though, just some small shows for a friend.”

  “You have a friend in a band?”

  “Yeah, back in California.”

  “You’re from California?” He seemed surprised. When I nodded he added, “Where in California?”

  “San Francisco area.”

  “Cool. What band?”

  “My friend’s band? Uh, it was called Fish Fry. I know,” I said when he smiled. “But it’s how they all met—at a fish fry.”

  “Nah, that’s cool. What kind of music?”

  “Alternative rock.”

  “Yeah? Are they any good?”

  “Uh, I believe they’re pretty good. I’ve known Maeve for about ten years—she’s the drummer—and Xavier and Dominic have been playing together for years.”

  “Hmm,” he said, seeming to think it over.

  I tried not to make eye contact with him. For some reason his presence affected me a different way than it had the first time. I guess when we’d met at the banquet I was in a hurry to get away from it. And Jared’s appearance was handsome at the time, but there was something about him this time that altered my assessment. I didn’t want to spend time putting it into words or a complete thought. I was trying to push it out of my head.

  “I’m hungry,” Maggie’s voice said from the kitchen.

  Oh, dinner. I almost forgot about it. I set the poster on the coffee table and told her, “Just a second, sweetie.” Turning back to Jared I said, “Sorry, I’m just finishing up dinner. Uh…” I motioned that I was going to head to the kitchen and he nodded.

  “Sure, I’ll let you get back to your night. Uh… Okay, well, I’ll see you, I guess…”

  I did get the impression that he wanted to stay, so I said, “Do you want to join us? It’s just lasagna, but there’s plenty. I just need to finish the salad and slice the bread.”

  “Yeah, that sounds great,” he grinned. And it seemed genuine, like he was really excited or something. “You don’t mind? I mean I don’t want to interrupt your night with your daughter or anything.”

  I smiled and said, “No, you’re not interrupting. And Maggie is my niece. She’s Rachel’s daughter.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “I didn’t know Rachel had a daughter. But I don’t want to interfere with girls night.”

  “No, you’re not interfering; you’re joining girls night.”

  “Sweet,” he grinned again.

  I was beginning to think this guy got excited about the most basic things. He was in no way like his dad, whom I had always thought to be stuck up and conceited like my sister. Their idea of a thrilling meal included five stars.

  I liked having Jared join us for dinner. Maggie seemed to like him, especially because he had a sense of humor that she could really relate to. He was pretty casual and laid back, and it greatly contrasted my initial opinion of him. I understood what he meant the first time I met him, when he made sure I knew he wasn’t “corporate.” He definitely wasn’t of the snooty sort, even expressing how grateful he was for the home cooked meal we’d shared with him. You’d think the poor guy ate frozen dinners all the time, but I just couldn’t believe that when he was related to John Miller. But then again, maybe Jared was the black sheep of the family…

  “Why do you have play clothes on?” Maggie finally asked him after we’d eaten. I tried to hold back a smile because I knew she was going to say something eventually.

  “Play clothes, huh?” he said, looking down at his worn jeans and t-shirt.

  “Are you gonna go play outside?” she added.

  With a smile he replied, “Actually no, I’m not. This is just what I wear most of the time.”

  “Why?” she asked, truly confused.

  “Uh, because I’m just a playful kind of guy,” he shrugged. “I don’t think I’d look very good in a pink ruffled skirt,” he added, nodding to hers.

  She giggled and ended up dropping the subject when I stuck a piece of cake in front of her.

  “Sorry,” I told him. “Rachel won’t let her wear anything that’s not…well, I don’t know how to describe it. Stuff like that,” I smiled, nodding to her current outfit.

  “Ah, Maggie’s already a trendy little fashionista,” he chuckled.

“Totally. She tries to dress me, too.”

  “Really?” He lifted an eyebrow with inquiry. “Did she dress you today?”

  There was no way I could even guess why he’d ask that. Did I look terrible? “Uh, no, I managed on my own.”

  He seemed to nod with approval. “Well you look really nice. I love jeans on a girl. Especially the right kind of jeans on the right girl,” he added with an intense gaze that seemed to quiet the world around me.

  Was it getting hot in here?

  “Taryn has fancy dresses,” Maggie said, taking a big bite of cake. I was glad for the distraction to give me time to cool down.

  “She does, huh?” he said with a partial smile, looking me over again.

  “Yep,” she mumbled. She swallowed and added, “But she only wears ‘em for cute boys.”

  I laughed a little, but I was kind of embarrassed. So much for cooling down.

  “Oh yeah?” Jared smiled. “How many cute boys does she wear them for?” he asked in a teasing tone, glancing at me.

  Maggie shrugged but said, “Lots.”

  I smiled and shook my head to disagree, but Jared was really amused. “Yeah? What makes a boy cute?”

  She shrugged again and took a drink of her milk. “They hafta look like Zack,” she finally said.

  That made me smile because we’d just had that conversation earlier. Maggie wanted to know why I kiss Zack, and I had to kind of explain the whole dating concept to her.

  “Zack, huh,” Jared said, pretending to think it over. “And what makes Zack so cute?”

  “His butt,” she said casually.

  I gasped and said, “Maggie Mae, why would you say that?”

  “That’s what you told mommy,” she replied, seeming ready to defend her position.

  I was humiliated, and ashamed for letting her hear such a thing, but I could tell that Jared was trying not to laugh. I think he realized it was time to stop questioning my niece, especially when I said, “Okay, from now on you can ask me your questions.”

  “Well I’m assuming Zack is your boyfriend?”

  I wasn’t so sure about the “boyfriend” status, but I guess he and I were dating. It was easiest to just agree anyways. “Yes, he is.”

  He nodded. “Gotcha. Question answered.” He helped me clear the dishes from the table and then he asked, “Long time?”

  “Long time boyfriend? Uh, actually since Sunday.”

  “This past Sunday? What the heck,” he chuckled. “I asked you out and you told me you were too busy.”

  He wasn’t upset about it, but I could tell he wanted some answers. Zack had pretty much broken me down until I agreed to dance with him. How was I supposed to explain that I wasn’t interested in having a boyfriend, but it just happened that way?

  “No, it’s cool,” he said when I didn’t respond. “You don’t have to answer to me; I was just curious. I was going to give it another try—asking you out—but I suppose it’s too late, huh?”

  “I’m sorry. I really didn’t expect it, it just…”

  “Was he more persistent than I was? Let me know how he did it because I’d like another crack at it.”

  I smiled when he did, and I was glad that he didn’t seem upset with me. He actually continued to help me clean up the kitchen, and while we did, he asked me about some of the work that I do, and what kind of jobs I like best.

  “I’m serious about the other jobs I mentioned,” he said. “I gave out your business card if you don’t mind.”

  “No, I don’t mind. Thank you.”

  “Sure, no problem. And if you want to do a live show next week let me know.”

  “So what is it that you do? Do you promote these bands or something? Are you a manager or represent someone?”

  “Uh, no, I don’t manage anyone, really. I’m just kind of in the scene and just…make recommendations sometimes.”

  “What do you mean? Consulting?”

  “Uh, for other bands? Yeah, I suppose. I just like to help ‘em out.”

  “Well do you have a job title?” I chuckled. “I don’t understand.”

  He smiled but seemed to stall for a moment. Why was it so hard to just say what you do for a living? Like with Zack, I was afraid it was going to be something bad, so I was caught off guard when he said, “I’m a musician.”

  I know I paused for a while as I processed the information. A musician? Well that sounded okay.

  “What does that mean?” I wanted to clarify. “You have a band? Or do you, like, play and compose music sometimes or…”

  “Yeah, both. I have a band, and I write and compose.”

  Again I processed the information. I guess it made sense thinking back to our previous conversations, and then all these job offers that involved music. But why did he look uncomfortable telling me he was a musician?

  “Is something wrong?” he asked. “You look confused.”

  “Uh, because I felt like you weren’t going to tell me. Is there more? A reason why you hesitated?”

  He seemed a little surprised, and by the way he paused again, I was afraid there really was something more. But he shrugged and said, “I guess I’m trying to figure you out, Taryn. You didn’t like corporate, apparently I’m underdressed here… I was only wondering if being a musician was also going to work against me.”


  “You asked why I paused, and that’s why. That’s what was going through my head.”

  “You don’t seem like the type that would care what I think.” Was he? He just seemed so confident and secure. That side of him really did remind me of his dad.

  “Normally I wouldn’t,” he shrugged. He dried his hands on a towel and smiled at me, and then he rejoined Maggie at the table.

  The conversation was left just like that. He didn’t expound voluntarily, and I didn’t question it because I knew the answer. He was implying that he liked me and wanted me to like him too, but how was I supposed to address something like that when I already had a boyfriend? Well, someone I was currently seeing…

  He left about ten minutes later. I’m sure it had to do with the fact that Maggie asked when Zack was coming over. Jared didn’t seem surprised, and he also didn’t seem bothered by it. We had a conversation with Maggie about Halloween and what she was going to dress up as, and I was amused by how much Jared made her laugh and some of the questions he asked her. He was really good with her, and it made me respect him quite a bit. It’s not always easy for young kids to warm up to adults, and Maggie was usually one of the reserved ones.

  I walked him to the door and our parting was on good terms. He wanted me to let him know if Maggie decided to go with the purple-leopard-print Diva, or the Bumble Bee Ballerina for Halloween.

  He waved as he walked to his ’68 Camaro, just as Zack pulled up.

  Chapter Eight

  I didn’t even think anything of the two coming across each other. They sort of seemed to acknowledge the other as Zack got out of his Jeep and Jared got into his car. Zack glanced at him pulling away as he walked up to the house, and then looked at me and said, “Nice car. Who’s that?”

  “Uh, Jared,” I replied as he entered the house.

  It was then that he gave me a funny look. “Jared? You mean he really does exist?”

  I wasn’t sure why he looked so surprised until I remembered how he actually knew of “Jared” in the first place.

  “So he really is a ‘friend’ of yours?” he asked.

  “What? No, he’s not that kind of ‘friend.’ I wasn’t serious when I brought him up before, you know.”

  “Yeah, I knew that at the time…”

  I shut the front door and sighed. Zack’s tone wasn’t accusatory, but I felt guilty anyway.

  “Hey, Maggie,” he greeted. He walked toward the kitchen where she was still trying to hang a spoon on her nose like Jared had. “What’s the deal?” he chuckled as he took the spoon and hung it from his nose.

  “Hey, you can do it too!” she giggled.

nbsp; “I think your nose is too small,” he said, touching her nose with his finger.

  I smiled at the two of them as I entered the kitchen and asked, “Are you hungry? We had lasagna a little bit ago. I was expecting you earlier; did something happen?”

  “Nah, I just had a late conference call. I texted you.”

  My phone was by the front door with my purse, but I didn’t want to seem distrustful by going over to check it. “I’m sorry, I guess I didn’t hear it.”

  “It’s fine,” he shrugged. “I figured you were just busy.”

  He glanced up at me and smiled, and then the two of us just looked at each other for a few seconds. I knew what I’d missed out on when he’d arrived, and I think he was thinking about the same thing.

  I was glad he could read my silent request when he got up and met me in the kitchen for a kiss. Because Maggie’s eyes and ears were nearby, we kept it simple. But then I led him out a different kitchen exit that gave us a hallway for privacy, and prolonged the kiss.

  I cuddled against him for a few seconds as he held me and then I looked at him and said, “At the wedding—when I mentioned Jared? —I had only met him one time. It was at an event of my sister’s that I was taking pictures for. His dad is Rachel’s boss. And then he was the one that called and set up the photo shoot for the bands at the Showbox, and then tonight he brought that by.” I pointed to the venue poster on the coffee table in the next room. “It was only the second time I’ve seen him. He was just a name I used; I never expected to come across him again—”

  “You don’t need to explain, Taryn. I didn’t mean to come off sounding territorial.”

  “So it doesn’t bother you that I spent time with him tonight?”

  He paused for a few seconds and then slowly smiled. “This is one of those no-win answers, isn’t it? If I’m jealous then I’m possessive; if I’m not then I don’t care enough.”

  “So which is it?”


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