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Fallen For You (Killer Next Door #1)

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by Carlie Sexton

  As she pulled the plug to let the water out, she realized she hadn’t even washed herself, so she quickly got the body wash and began rubbing some all over, splashing water to rinse off. She finished as the last of the water drained. Standing up and toweling dry, she could hear Charlie’s unbridled praises and her completely satisfied cries of “Yes, Mitch!” over and over. From what she could tell, Mitch was a wizard in the sex department. Hearing them making love awakened her own desire. Her lips parted and she thought about having a man to satisfy her. Charlie was having unadulterated, hot, steamy sex. As Kate went into her bedroom, she imagined being with someone, screaming out his name, feeling the world fall away like Charlie was experiencing right now. She put her hand on her throat and then let it slide down to her chest. Feeling a little lightheaded, she wasn’t sure if it was the steam from the tub or the steam from the adjacent bathroom.

  She was too embarrassed to tell Charlie she could hear them, so she pulled up her playlist on her phone and began listening to Adele. This was the perfect solution to muffle the erotic sounds; her songs about unrequited love were soothing. Kate’s loneliness was somehow alleviated whenever she listened to the songstress croon about her broken heart.


  It was Monday, the first day of the fall semester, and the alarm clock went off early. The first week in the new apartment had been very relaxing. She ran into Roger three or four times, but it was always when she was in a hurry to get to work or run errands. He’d invited her in for coffee twice and another time for a glass of wine, but she’d declined since she was headed out the door. She made a mental note to find the time to accept his invitation. She didn’t want to hurt his feelings. He seemed to understand, but remained persistent.

  Kate had wanted to get up extra early to give herself some reflection time before embarking upon her new adventure. After brewing some coffee, she went out to the balcony to enjoy a few moments to herself. Charlie wasn’t up yet. It was a glorious morning, with the sun peeking through the trees in the courtyard. The grass was damp with dew glistening in the morning sunlight. She noticed a mama bird feeding her young on a nearby branch. The day somehow felt fresh with new possibilities. She almost felt like she was floating. Could hope be filling her heart for the first time in ages?

  Kate leaned against the railing of the balcony. Time had a way of going on whether she wanted it to or not. Because of the tragedy, she’d dropped out of school the summer after her sophomore year. Shuddering to think about that time in her life—which now, strangely had become her past—she knew it was right to be focusing on her future and creating a new life for herself. Her past had ensnared her for far too long. But who was to say how long someone needed before they were ready to move on? She allowed herself to reflect only for a moment on the heartbreaking event that took place almost three years ago and had completely overshadowed her life. It would have been great if life came equipped with a rewind button. Her eyes stung as they filled with tears. She was almost to a place where she didn’t blame herself anymore. Almost.

  Going back inside with her empty coffee mug, she set it in the sink. It was time to start getting ready. After rinsing her cup, she showered, ate her breakfast, and dressed in what she considered the right outfit for the first day of school. Not having to worry about going to work after class, she went with casual and was ready to go after a subtle application of makeup. As she crossed paths with Charlie, she said, “I’m heading out early today, Charlie.”

  “Okay. Have a great day. I know everything’s going to be awesome.”

  “Thanks. I’ll see you tonight when you get home.”

  “See you then.”

  Surprisingly, Roger’s door was open. He came to the threshold to talk to her, all smiles as usual.

  “Hey, Kate. Would you like to come in for a cup of coffee? I’m currently brewing a fresh pot,” he asked enthusiastically.

  “I’d love to, but it’s the first day of school and I want to get to class early to get a good seat. Plus, I heard parking at SDSU is a nightmare. Can I take a rain check?”

  “Sure. Some other time,” he said, sounding more than a little deflated. His brow knit together and his smile turned to a frown.

  “How about after I’m done with my classes? My second class ends about ten. I should be home by ten thirty.”

  Roger’s eyes flashed with light again. “That would be great. I’ll be waiting. Do you like anything special in your coffee?”

  “Well, I’m a fan of hazelnut, but I don’t want you to go to any trouble. I’m a coffee fiend, so really anything will be great.”

  “Well, it’s a date, then,” he said, his glimmering stare penetrating hers. “See you later.”

  “See you then, Roger.”

  A pit grew in her stomach. Had she accepted an actual date with Roger, or was he using it as a figure of speech? Sure, he was good-looking and she did find him attractive. He carried himself with confidence and was always clean shaven. He usually wore shirts that clung slightly to his body, showing off his muscular frame. He seemed like a nice guy, always inviting her over to get to know her better. But what were his intentions? Dating him was probably a bad idea. If things didn’t work out, she’d still have to see him on a regular basis. She was going to have to make sure he realized nothing was going to happen between them. Then again, what if they hit it off and it worked out? Too bad life didn’t come with a crystal ball.


  Kate made it to campus with forty minutes to spare. The parking garage was a nightmare. She hadn’t found a space until she rounded the fifth floor of the structure. Wow, how many people attend SDSU? The extra time to find parking and walk to class turned out to be critical to keep her from having an anxiety attack. The campus was larger than she remembered, and she needed the additional time to find her first class.

  The campus was buzzing with the energy of returning students. One thing was for certain, electricity filled the air. Everything seemed bright and new. She could feel in her bones something exciting was coming her way. She felt ready.

  When Kate walked into her first class, she immediately noticed the beautiful guy sitting near the window. He was difficult to miss. It was like Superman had stepped out of the movies and right into her life. Even though he was sitting, she could tell by how much his legs stuck out from under the desk that he was tall. His navy shirt hugged his broad shoulders and slightly revealed his cut biceps. Maybe he could be a new opportunity? Her mind flashed to the sounds of Charlie and Mitch in the shower. This guy would definitely fit the bill for chasing away her loneliness. He’d unquestionably scare Roger off too.

  With his dazzling emerald green eyes, he caught her looking at him and he flashed his gorgeous smile, unveiling his dimples. His skin looked so smooth, she wanted to reach out and caress his face. She smiled back, but looked away quickly. The intensity of his eyes was more than she could handle. A warm sensation flooded her body as she blushed. How could one smile make her feel so giddy?

  Many other students entered the classroom. All of the girls were in a whirr, with several talking softly about Mr. Gorgeous by the window. Kate chuckled as she heard some of the comments about him. Apparently, she wasn’t the only one he had squirming in her seat.

  “Welcome to Economics and Ethics!” the professor said. “My name is George Papadopoulos.” He paused, a smirk brightening his face. “I advise you to just call me George.” As George took roll, she paid attention to the names so she’d know the name of the best-looking guy in class. Mark Baxter. His movie-star looks attracted the attention of every female within a hundred feet.

  George clapped once to get everyone’s attention. “So who wants to tell me why studying ethics is important?”

  Mark raised his hand. “A nuanced understanding of ethics underpins a just society,” he said. “Without it, we risk falling into anarchy.” His gaze caught that of one of the girls sitting nearby, and she blushed. Kate’s heart raced. His confidence was so sexy. Damn it.
Looks like I’m in trouble!

  Time flew. When class ended, Mark was immediately surrounded by co-eds. It seemed he was a ladies’ man, working the room like a politician running for re-election. What a turn-off. Kate discarded the idea of dating him. The last thing she needed was to be involved with a womanizer. At least she’d found a man attractive and felt desire well up deep within her. It had been a long time since anyone caught her eye. Maybe she really was ready to be with someone again. She hadn’t had this kind of reaction to a guy since…she wouldn’t let herself go there. That was in the past. Time to leave it there, where it belonged.

  Kate did everything in her power to ignore Mark as she walked to her political science class. However, he was there as well. He’d noticed her, his eyes locked on her, seeming to want her attention. When he smiled at her, she gave a brief smile back and then turned her head. She wasn’t about to become part of his harem. Her brave thoughts earlier of being open had quickly dissipated. Fear of intimacy had taken over her body and the thought of being hurt again was something she couldn’t wrap her mind around. She had loved so deeply and completely her first time and then it had been ripped away from her abruptly. Giving her attention to Mark would be a complication she wasn’t sure she could handle. The rapid beating of her heart seemed to create a warning sign that flashed in her head, making her realize she wasn’t ready to open herself up to a man. Especially not this man, who seemed so sure he could have anyone he wanted whenever he wanted. When class ended, she hurried out, preventing “Mr. Gorgeous” from approaching her. It wasn’t too hard, and besides, looking around the room, there were other guys who could provide acceptable eye candy.


  Approaching the stairs to her apartment, Kate could smell the aroma of freshly brewed coffee. Roger’s door was open, indicating she could come in without knocking, and he was waiting for her. She tapped on the door a couple of times and stepped in as he came out of the kitchen.

  “How was your first day of school?” he asked cheerfully.

  Did he really care, or did he know women wanted to be heard and loved to talk? That was difficult to discern.

  “It was great to get started again. I’ve always loved learning. Both of my professors were very engaging. One was a downright comedian. I think it’s going to be really good.”

  “The coffee’s ready. I’ll pour you a cup. The sugar and hazelnut creamer are on the coffee table. Sit down and make yourself at home.”

  “Thanks. Did you already have the hazelnut creamer?”

  “Yeah. I love hazelnut. It’s my favorite.”

  “Ahhh. Something we have in common…I’m not going to be able to stay long. I need to start outlining chapters for my classes. I have a full schedule this semester.”

  Roger didn’t seem to care as he stared at her mouth. “No problem. I understand you need to study. I’m glad we could finally do this,” he said, handing her the steaming cup. She sat down on the plush sectional, added sugar and creamer, and took a sip. A soft moan escaped from her throat. Roger stared at her intently, almost beyond her comfort level.

  “It’s delicious.”

  “Glad you like it. I tend to make strong coffee.”

  He seemed interested in finding out everything he could about her. He asked her about her family, school, and work. As they chatted, she eyed an enormous picture of a rose on the dining room wall.

  “Your painting is beautiful.”

  “Thank you. My girlfriend, Rose, gave it to me last month. She found it at the flea market and thought it would go nicely in my dining room. She really loves it.”

  “How long have you and Rose been dating?”

  “About nine months,” Roger said, placing his empty mug on the coffee table.

  “How did you two meet?”

  “Rose worked with my best friend, Rick. He thought she and I would hit it off, so he set us up on a blind date. He was right; we’ve been together ever since.”

  “You said ‘worked.’ Do they not work together anymore?”

  “Unfortunately no.” Roger paused for a moment. “A horrible thing happened. A couple of months ago, Rick went missing. No one knows where he is. I think he took off to get some perspective on life. He and his wife separated last year because of marital problems. Darcy was cheating on him and he found out. The police suspect foul play but haven’t found anything to support their theory. His wife and family are frantic with worry,” Roger said, shaking his head.

  Kate’s hand automatically rose to her chest. “I’m so sorry to hear that. I hope he comes back or is found soon. Do the police have any leads?”

  “No. It’s like he vanished without a trace. I keep in touch with his wife so I know what’s going on. She’s hanging on by a thread and their two daughters cry themselves to sleep every night.”

  “That’s terrible. It’s so sad when people cheat and marriages are destroyed. Is Rick the kind of guy to abandon his family?”

  “No. That’s why it’s such a shock to everyone who knows him. He was a good family man.”

  She noticed Roger had used the word “was” to describe Rick. It sounded odd. Why would he use the past tense instead of the present tense? She didn’t question him about it, but instead decided to change the subject. Looking around the room, she noticed a picture of a curly-haired little boy on the entertainment center. She got up to take a closer look.

  Picking it up, she asked, “Who’s this adorable little guy?”

  “My son, Jacob. He’s my pride and joy. I couldn’t imagine life without him,” Roger said, tilting his head to one side.

  “How old is he?”

  “He’s six.”

  “Do you get to see him very often?”

  “Not really. His mother recently decided to move back to Germany. I used to see him all the time, but now he’s thousands of miles away.”

  She set the picture back on the shelf. “That’s so difficult. I’m sure you’re missing him like crazy,” she said, returning to where she’d been sitting.

  “Yeah, it’s been really hard,” he said, nodding his head. “I miss seeing him every day, but it’s understandable Paulina wants to be near her family. She’ll have more support living with her mother. It wasn’t working out for her here in the States. I’m planning a trip to visit him soon.”

  As Kate looked at her watch, she realized she’d stayed a little too long. “Look at the time. I better get myself home. I have a ton of work to do for school. Thanks for the coffee. I’ll know where to come when I need hazelnut creamer. I really enjoyed our chat.”

  “Feel free to come over anytime. My door’s always open.”

  Yes, I’ve noticed. “Thanks, Roger. I’ll see you later.”

  “Yeah, see you later.”

  Hearing Roger had a girlfriend had been a good turn of events. She wasn’t sure what was behind all of the invitations to come over—friendliness or actual interest? Now, she could relax around him. He was a friendly guy who liked to flirt. If he was attracted to her, she’d feel uncomfortable. His use of the word “date” earlier probably didn’t have any hidden meaning to it. It was just coffee.

  While taking a break from outlining chapters, she couldn’t help mulling over some of the things Roger had shared while they had coffee. It was so heartbreaking Rick was missing and his family was suffering. But Roger hadn’t seemed too choked up about it. He was very casual about the whole situation, using the past tense to describe Rick. An uneasy feeling caused goosebumps to cover her arms as she contemplated their conversation.

  Charlie texted she wasn’t coming home after work because she and Mitch had dinner plans with his parents, so Kate had some alone time. After working out, she set up a bath to soak her tired muscles. Her scheduled activities for the week ran through her mind. She’d signed up for an alumni mentor to show her around San Diego State on Wednesday. On Thursday, there was an open house for all of the clubs and organizations she could join. Her time was limited, but she hoped to get involved with somethi
ng. Closing her eyes, she let her mind wander as her skin began to soften in the water.



  After Kate left, all Roger could do was imagine her becoming his. She wasn’t only smoking hot, but also sweet and kind. She showed genuine concern for people she hadn’t even met. He really liked that about her. The only problem was he already had a girlfriend. He’d told her about Rose before he was ready. But she’d asked about the painting and he somehow found himself having to explain why he had a giant rose painting in his dining room. It wasn’t exactly masculine. Now he had to figure out if he wanted to keep Rose around or pursue his enticing new interest. He’d already fantasized about undressing Kate and exploring every inch of her beautiful body. Of course, if Rose was in the picture, that was unlikely to happen. Kate didn’t seem like the kind of girl who would go out with another woman’s man. She made it clear with her statement about cheating and marriages breaking up. She had integrity. He had a lot to consider.

  Rose had been loyal to him no matter what happened, sticking by him through all of the messiness with his best friend.

  The downside to Rose was her two daughters, ages eight and ten. Rose’s ex-husband had been physically abusive, making the girls painfully shy and timid. Roger didn’t feel comfortable being around the girls, viewing them as damaged goods. Since they were a package deal, he had a tough time envisioning a future with Rose. The question was, could they have a clean breakup? Only time would tell. Meanwhile, the thought of getting to know his new next-door neighbor was increasingly enticing. Rose would serve his needs until he could get Kate between the sheets.



  During class, Kate had managed to avoid eye contact with Mark the womanizer. It wasn’t too difficult since every other girl in class had set her sights on him. He had his choice of many beautiful girls. Oddly, it turned out they had the exact same class schedule. She’d see him every day for the entire semester. Having become a pro at ignoring men over the past few years, she decided not to waste her time and attention on this one in particular.


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