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Progressing with Storm [Granite County 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting ManLove)

Page 10

by Bellann Summer

  “The purple lady home?” Corey asked.

  “If that’s okay with you,” Storm responded.

  “I think the purple lady has enough room for your stuff,” Kris said.

  Storm ran a finger down the back of Kris’s hand. “Will you watch Ralph?”

  “He can come to the shop with us tomorrow,” Kris said.

  “Sounds good,” Storm said. Before he could say anything more, Jared the waiter came back to the table and laid the bill for the meal next to Storm’s hand.

  Corey and Kris jumped to their feet, putting Storm on edge. He automatically glanced around, looking for trouble. Corey put a free finger on the invoice and slid it to the side. Underneath was a slip of paper. On the paper were Jared’s name and telephone number.

  Storm looked at the paper and then up at his two red-faced men whose bodies were so stiff they looked as if they would snap in half at any moment. Corey stepped up into Jared’s space with Kris right behind him.

  “Back off, motherfucker,” Corey shouted into Jared’s face. Gasps could be heard from all around before the room went silent.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Corey had found a man that completed him and Kris, and he was not going to let any fancy-assed waiter try to move in on him.

  It flitted through Corey’s mind that his mother would have the bar of soap out at his crass language, but in his defense, the waiter had been touching Storm throughout the whole meal.

  “What the hell is your problem? You can see he is with us. Who do you think you are?” Corey bumped his chest into the waiter.

  Kris stepped up next to Corey and poked his finger into Jared’s shoulder. “Find your own boyfriend. Storm is ours.”

  Jared’s face paled, and he put his hands up in surrender. “Look, he’s gorgeous. I had to try.”

  A strong arm slid around Corey’s waist and pulled him back against Storm’s hard body. Storm also dragged Kris closer.

  “Calm down, you two,” Storm said. “Let’s get out of here. The faster I’m on the road, the faster I can get back to you.”

  Minutes later they were walking back to the shop. Corey glanced over and saw Storm’s expression was cocky and saucy.

  “Wipe that look off your face, Donahue,” Corey ordered.

  “What?” Now Storm was trying for innocence and not succeeding.

  “Did you like that guy hitting on you?” Kris asked.

  Storm put his arms around them both and pulled them close. “I liked that you two cared enough to be jealous,” he admitted.

  That calmed Corey’s ire a bit, but he had to ask, “What would you have done if he’d given his number to Kris or me.”

  Storm’s face instantly resembled his name. “I’d have made him eat it,” Storm bit out.

  Corey felt better and snuggled closer. “Okay. Let’s go home.”

  “Storm,” Kris said.

  “Yes, sugar?”

  “We’ve officially had a date. Have we progressed to being boyfriends?”

  “We are all absolutely boyfriends.”

  * * * *

  Kris lay back amidst the pile of pillows and pulled the light sheet up over his naked body, leaving the side of his bare leg and hip free. The shower in the adjacent bathroom was still running, so he had a few minutes to calm his nerves.

  Sad was an understatement of his feelings when Storm had left yesterday. Kris had clung to the big man not wanting him to go. Deep kisses, along with patience and understanding, calmed Kris’s distress. It had helped that Storm had called them and talked for at least an hour last night. Right away this morning, the phone had rung, and Storm’s deep voice had Kris greeting the day with a smile.

  After explaining his new schedule, Kris realized he was going to have to get used to Storm not being home every day. He and Corey made a pact after Storm left that they were not going to dwell on the dangers firefighters faced. That would lead to tension and stress they didn’t need.

  On the way to the shop this morning, they dropped Corey’s BMW at the auto garage to have it repainted. Corey was still fussing and fuming at whoever had dared to damage his car. Kris kept his mouth shut about his thoughts on that subject.

  At the shop, with Corey’s help, he set up Ralph’s litter box and cubbyhole. While Kris created flower arrangements and Corey answered the phone and waited on customers, Ralph hopped around and explored. He also charmed every person who entered the shop.

  Later, after Heidi arrived to take over, Kris and Corey loaded the van and spent a few hours delivering all of the orders. By the time they finished, Corey was due at his doctor’s appointment.

  Kris sat by Corey’s side and, after the stitches were out, held his hand while the doctor pulled the staples free from his head. At one point, he had to look away, or he would have lashed out at the doctor for hurting his boyfriend.

  Now that Corey could use his hands, he hadn’t stopped touching Kris in some way during the rest of the day. Tomorrow Storm would be back, and Kris knew there would be a lot of loving in the reunion. But first Kris needed to bridge the final wall he had erected between him and Corey.

  “Kris, do you know where my…” Wide-eyed, Corey froze just outside the bathroom doorway.

  “It’s right over here,” Kris answered. It didn’t matter what Corey was talking about. What they both needed would be found in the bed.

  The towel Corey held around his waist dropped to the carpeted floor. By the time Corey’s knee touched the mattress, his pretty dick was hard and pointing at Kris.

  “I’ve needed you for so long, love,” Corey whispered.

  A knot of emotion formed in Kris’s throat, preventing him from speaking. Fighting the fear, he lowered the sheet to his waist, revealing his ugliness.

  Corey’s hazel eyes roamed over Kris’s body. Kris waited for revulsion and braced himself against rejection. Corey reached for the edge of the sheet.

  “May I see the rest?” he asked.

  Kris’s gaze clung to Corey’s. His soul reached out, willing Corey to still love him. Finally, he nodded.

  Corey pulled the sheet down to the bottom of the bed. Warm hands touched Kris’s feet before gentle fingers began rubbing his skin. After a few minutes, the press of light kisses followed the path of the fingers.

  On their journey up Kris’s legs and body, those fingers and lips brushed over every sensitive, healing slash, slice, and wound that madman had inflicted on Kris. By the time Corey’s lips captured Kris’s, tears were running down both their faces.

  The kiss healed Kris’s inner pain. Corey’s acceptance gave Kris some of his confidence back.

  Corey moved over Kris, and he opened his legs, letting the warm slide of Corey’s body brush against his sensitive skin. Corey's tongue pressed between his lips, and he opened, letting their tastes intermingle. Hard flesh rubbed against Kris’s prick. Kris broke the kiss and tried to catch his breath. He needed Corey to fill him, love him.

  “Corey, under the pillow,” he whispered.

  Kris twisted and pulled on the barbell in Corey’s nipple as the man reached under the pillow and pulled out a tube of lube and a strip of condoms.

  “I’m on edge now, love. Ease off, or this will be over too soon,” Corey warned.

  “I have faith,” Kris said before he leaned forward and took Corey’s nipple pierced with metal into his mouth.

  Corey stilled and groaned. A hand lifted Kris’s leg up until it rested against his chest. Slippery fingers rubbed over the sensitive nerves of Kris’s hole before one breached his opening.

  Kris’s mind flashed to other fingers jamming themselves into his body, and he stiffened. Against his ear, Corey whispered, “I will never hurt you, love.”

  He opened his eyes. Corey’s face, and his hazel eyes reflected warmth and love, telling Kris without words that he understood. Kris relaxed, and as they looked at one another, Corey added a second finger.

  Tiny ribbons of need spiraled up Kris’s spine. True arousal was something he hadn’t fel
t in a long time. Kris started shifting his hips, taking Corey’s fingers in deeper. Corey scissored them, widening Kris’s hole.

  A bead of sweat trickled down the center of Kris’s chest, and he wanted Corey inside. Grabbing the package, Kris tore it open and pulled out the condom. Before long the condom was on Corey’s straining dick and Kris was adding extra slick with firm strokes that had Corey arching his back and groaning with desire.

  Kris guided Corey’s dick to his needy hole. “Put it in,” he pleaded.

  Corey took Kris’s hips into his hands and lifted them. The angle had Corey’s dick inching inside. For a second Kris’s hole rebelled against the fullness, closing over and squeezing the thick head of Corey’s dick, not allowing him in farther.

  “Kiss me,” Corey demanded.

  Kris obeyed. Corey’s kiss brought him back fully in the present, and desire had his hole relaxing. Corey set up a rhythm that nailed Kris’s sweet spot with every thrust. Kris brought his other leg up, and Corey sank deeper inside.

  Emotions and sensations overwhelmed Kris, and he grabbed onto Corey’s arms, needing a lifeline.

  “Come, love, show me your need,” Corey ordered.

  Kris’s balls pulled up and spunk burst from his prick, coating their bellies. His body shuddered, and all sound faded as his orgasm took over. “Corey,” he screamed.

  “Kris,” Corey shouted.

  Powerful jets of Corey’s cum pulsed against the condom. They set off another round of shivers, and more semen left his body and decorated his chest.

  When there wasn’t any more cum left to give, Kris collapsed against the mattress and looked up at Corey. “I love you.”

  Corey’s handsome, sweaty face brightened. “I love you too.”

  “Now, if we can get the big guy in here and have our way with him, things would be perfect,” Kris said.

  “I agree.”

  Both men jumped when Ralph raced into the room and made two circles around the perimeter before streaking out again. They laughed at the antics of the crazy rabbit. Later when Kris went outside to water the flowers next to the side living room window, he found the fragile plants had been crushed. All that was left were the large prints of athletic shoes.

  * * * *

  Storm pulled his filled-to-the-brim truck up to the purple lady’s garage. He had packed as much as his truck would hold and hired a moving company to box up and bring the rest to Granite County. Storm never looked back when he drove past the Come Back Again sign as he left the Twin Cities. He was starting a new chapter in his life and couldn’t wait to turn the page to see what was going to happen.

  A glance at his watch told him Corey and Kris weren’t due home for another half-hour. At least that was what Kris had said during their latest phone conversation. The rest of his former unit would be razzing the hell out of him for his need to talk or text his men every few hours while he was away.

  Grabbing a couple of boxes from the truck, Storm made his way up onto the front porch. It took a few tricky maneuvers, but he managed to put the key in the lock while still holding the boxes. The door swung open, and Storm went to step through. Something sitting on the outside welcome mat crunched under his foot.

  Chapter Fifteen

  The front door opened with a creak. “Storm, are you here?” Kris called out.

  “He has to be here. His truck’s parked out front,” Corey said.

  Storm stayed in his slouched position on the sectional sofa and took a sip from his beer bottle while he waited for the two men to come into the living room. Ralph hopped into the room and jumped onto his lap. Storm loved on his rabbit, letting the bunny calm the emotions that were swirling around inside.

  Kris and Corey burst through the doorway with eyes shining and huge smiles. The moment they got a look at his face they stopped moving and sobered.

  “What’s the matter, Storm?” Corey asked.

  Storm didn’t answer. Lifting his foot, he nudged a gold foil box lying on the coffee table in front of him. The box was smashed flat in the middle but that didn’t hinder a person from reading Quality Chocolates printed on the cover. A homemade card lay open next to the box. With a red marker, someone had drawn a large heart and written, I Love You beneath.

  Both men looked confused as they stared at the box. Corey was the first to speak. “What’s going on? Did someone give this to you and you’re trying to tell us something?”

  Storm sat up straight, forcing Ralph to leap off his lap. The bunny might have sensed trouble in the air for he made short work of getting out of the room.

  “I stepped on this while bringing boxes into the house. I made it clear to both of you that I don’t share, and I demand fidelity.” Storm stood and glared at them, making sure they knew he was not happy.

  Red patches appeared on Kris’s cheeks, and he put his hands on his hips. “I don’t know why you’re glaring at me. I’m not the one who is so handsome and muscled that I stop traffic everywhere I go. And I don’t have tons of boyfriends around the world I’ve fooled around with.”

  “What are you talking about?” Storm demanded.

  “Wait a minute. That isn’t fair.” Corey turned to Kris. “We were broken up when I dated other people. Besides, this is your house, and they were your flowers that someone trampled on looking in the window.”

  “Someone was looking in the window?” Storm asked, getting more confused by the moment.

  “Come on, open your eyes.” Kris leaned toward Corey. “Someone is pissed at you for coming back to me. They lured you into that house and started it on fire. When Storm rescued you, they got revenge by keying both of your vehicles.”

  “If they’re out to get me, why leave the candy and card?” Corey challenged.

  “Probably to make Storm and me angry so we kicked you out and they can have you back,” Kris said. He turned toward Storm. His face was pale, and angry tears glittered in his eyes. “You have no right to get all pissy. Why would I invite you to live in my home if I had someone who truly loved me?”

  Corey put his hand on Kris’s arm. “Kris.”

  Kris shoved his hand away and shouted, “Leave me alone,” before he flounced out of the room. Storm heard heavy footsteps stomping up the stairs.

  Corey’s whole body seem to wilt with defeat while he watched Kris’s retreating figure. He turned toward Storm. “His theory doesn’t make sense. I thought we put the past behind us. Is it going to haunt me for the rest of my life? Things were so good. Why the about-face?”

  Storm winced when a door slammed upstairs. His anger had blown in with the force of a hurricane and had left just as fast in the face of Kris and Corey’s pain. Storm’s temper would always be volatile, but now he found his feelings for these two men were stronger and deeper.

  Storm opened his arms. “Come here.”

  Corey flew into Storm’s embrace, and Storm settled him onto his lap. Neither spoke, both turning things over in their minds.

  “Tell me about the flowers,” Storm said, breaking the silence.

  “Ralph was acting strange,” Corey explained. “A little while later Kris went out to water the flowers around the house. By the living room window, he found all the plants squashed. In the dirt were clear footprints pointed at the window as if someone had been looking inside.”

  “Has anything else happened?” Storm asked.

  “Just the chocolates,” Corey answered. “What do you think?”

  “I think tomorrow I’m going to go and talk to Synn. It will be interesting to see what he makes of all this. Right now, you and I are going to find our wayward partner and show him how much he’s truly loved. We are also going to remind him about the no-running-away rule,” Storm said.

  Corey chuckled. “That’s right. He ran out of here. Let’s go find him.”

  Storm kissed Corey until the man was mush in his arms and both their cocks were hard.

  “We have to stop, honey,” Storm said, wanting both men in his arms.

  “Just a couple of
more kisses,” Corey whispered against Storm’s lips while fingers inched under Storm’s shirt and caressed his belly.

  “Once we have Kris settled down, we won’t stop until all three of us are too tired to move.”

  Storm set the protesting man on his feet and took his hand before leading him up the stairs to the master bedroom.

  Kris lay curled around Ralph, nestled in a pile of blankets. Storm climbed onto the bed, pulling Corey behind him. They surrounded Kris, lying on each side of him. Two sets of arms held Kris close. Storm noticed the man didn’t protest. Instead, he snuggled against their bodies.

  Storm reached over and stroked Ralph’s soft, silky fur. “Are you ready for us, sugar? We need to talk about what happened downstairs.”

  Kris buried his face in Ralph’s fur. “Why?”

  Storm chuckled and pulled Kris back against him. “No more hiding and no more running, sugar. Stand your ground, and we’ll work it out.”

  “You were angry,” Kris said.

  “My name isn’t Storm for nothing. You know that. Sometimes I thunder and shoot lightning a bit.”

  Kris laughed. “You have a funny way of saying you have a temper.”

  “I remember at the hospital when my temper was getting the best of me. You calmed me right down with a hug. Maybe next time you should run to me, sugar.”

  “I’m sorry for running,” Kris said. “Sometimes the stuff that’s been eating at me comes flying out. The chocolates brought back images of Cory leaving and being with someone else. ”

  “I think you need to talk to Corey, sugar,” Storm said.

  Kris let Ralph go, and the bunny hopped to the corner of the bed before settling down. Storm loosened his hold on Kris and watched the slim man take a deep breath before looking into Corey’s face.

  “I’m sorry for bringing up the past. We did say we weren’t going to do that anymore. It does make sense that someone you got close to on your adventures wouldn’t want to let you go. I didn’t want to and hated it when you left.” Kris lowered his head until his forehead rested against Corey’s chest.


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