Microsoft Press Windows Vista Administrator's Pocket Consultant ebook
Page 62
Legacy applications, 162, 170
License terms, 5
Links toolbar, 134
Local area networks (LAN), 182, 234, 404, 448. See also Networks
Local Intranet sites, in security zones, 462, 465-466
Local machine account, 6
LocalService accounts, 190
LocalSystem accounts, 189-190
Local users and groups, 37, 190
Lockdown, 456-457
Locking taskbars, 130
Logging on to Windows Vista, 12-13
Logon, Group Policy for, 264-267
Low battery alarm, 228-229
Low priority I/O designation, 279
Malicious software, 32
Managing Windows Vista, 25-71
advanced system information on, 42-43
computer management console of, 36-38
control panel of, 30-31
start menu of, 27-30
system and performance information on, 38-42
system properties of, 55-71
advanced tab in, 58-68
data execution prevention (DEP) on, 63-64
performance on, 59-60
startup and recovery on, 66-68
system and user environment variables on, 64-66
virtual memory on, 60-63
computer name tab in, 56-57
hardware tab in, 57-58
remote tab in, 71
system protection tab in, 68-71
system support tools of, 46-55
boot options, 51-53
disk cleanup, 47-48
file signature verification, 49
startup applications, 49-51, 53-55
taskbar of, 26-27
user and administrator user accounts of, 32-36
Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) of, 43-46
Manual Restore Points, 69
MAPI (Messaging Application Programming Interface), 258
Master File Table (MFT), 289
Internet Explorer
complementary metal oxide semi-conduc-tor (CMOS), 108
dumps of, 67-68, 181, 284
Random Access, 82
separate, 174
SuperFetch and, 278
virtual, 60-63
Memory Diagnostics, 77
Memory Leak Diagnosis, 80
Memory protection technology, 63
Menus, 120-129
administrative tools, 127-128
classic start, 120-122
context, 123-124
modifying, 124-129
simple start, 120, 122-124
Messaging Application Programming Interface (MAPI), 258
Microsoft DirectX9, 5
Microsoft Management Console (MMC), 241, 271
Microsoft Office Outlook 2007, 29
Microsoft Online Crash Analysis tool (OCA), 77
Microsoft Windows Installer Package, 173
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Administrator's Pocket Consultant (Microsoft Press), 1, 58
Mobile computing, 217-234
alarms in, 228-230
Disk Management issues with, 282
networking for, 230-234
power button and password protection on wake setting for, 225-226
power plans for, 219-227
advanced settings for, 220-222
balanced, 219
command line management of, 226-227
creating, 224-225
in Group Policy, 227-228
high performance, 219
saver, 220
selecting, 223-224
sleep mode in, 15, 222-223
synchronization in, 253
Windows Mobility Center for, 217-218
Mobile networking and remote access, 397-435
automatic or manual connections for, 407-409
broadband connections for, 423-424
connection attempts and automatic disconnection for, 414-415
dial-up connections for, 399-406, 422-423
firewall for, 421
identify validation for, 417-419
logon information for, 413-414
networking protocols and components for, 419-421
phone numbers for, 416-417
proxy settings for, 410-413
redialing options for, 415-416
understanding, 397-399
VPN connections for, 406-407, 424-425
wireless connections for, 426-435
adapter for, 429-430
connecting to, 433-435
devices and technologies for, 426-427
security for, 427-429
working with, 430-433
Modularization of Windows Vista, 16-18
changing, 157-158
drivers for, 154-156
energy-saving settings for, 151-152
Mouse, 102-103, 124, 139
MS-DOS programs, installing, 173-174
Multimedia settings, 222
Multiple gateways, in networks, 379-381
My Network Places, 343
Netcfg tool, 19
Net commands, 19
NET SHARE command, 329, 335
Net start themes command, 138
Net stop themes command, 138
Network adapters, 373-374
Network Address Translation (NAT) firewalls, 210
Network configuration operator group, 191
Network Explorer, 367-368, 391
Network map, 369-370
Network Projector Wizard, 234
Networks, 365-395
on Computer console, 271
file security and resource sharing on, 327-336
accessing, 328, 333-334
for administration, 334-336
creating, 328-333
guest accounts and, 209
icon for, 142
installing components for, 371-375
local area connections for, 375-385
domain name service resolution for, 381-383
dynamic and alternate IP addresses in, 378-379
enabling and disabling, 386
multiple gateways for, 379-381
static IP addresses in, 376-378
status, speed, and activity for, 386-387
viewing configuration information on, 388-389
WINS resolution for, 383-385
for mobile computing, 230-234
programs connected through, 182-183
public folder sharing on, 338
troubleshooting, 389-395
Windows Vista features for, 365-370
wireless, 218, 220
See also Mobile networking and remote access
NetworkService accounts, 190
Normal startup, 50
Notebooks. See Mobile computing
Notepad, 147
Notification area of taskbar, 27, 131-134
NTFS (NT file system), 18, 289
access permissions through, 312-327
basic, 312-316
effective, 326-327
file ownership and, 321-323
inheritance and, 323-326
special, 316-321
conversions of, 301-302
disk quotas in, 355, 357-359
security options on, 309
Offline files, 47-48, 345-355
files or folders as, 347-349
Group Policy for, 248-255
controlling, 252-253
file cache, 254-255
setting, 251-252
synchronization, 253-254
types of, 298-251
synchronization of, 350-354
unavailable, 355
understanding, 346-347
working on, 349
Ownership, file, 321-323
Page file partition or volume, 283
Paging file size, 61
Partitions, disk, 269
br /> active, 283, 285-286
boot, 283
crash dump, 284
creating, 290-293
deleting, 300-301
extended, 280
formatting, 297-298
primary, 280, 285-286
system, 283
complexity of, 6
creating, 196-197
for guest accounts, 208-209
key ring entries as, 201-204
in mobile networking, 417-418
reasons for, 193, 205
recovering, 198-199
required on wakeup, 220, 225-226
as temporary Internet file, 452
to unlock computers, 148-150
User Account Control (UAC) and, 11, 13-15
PC cards, 426
Performance, 37-42, 59-60. See also Diagnostics
Performance log users group, 191
Performance monitor users group, 191
Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI) cards, 426
Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI) Express devices, 221
Permissions, 170-171, 367, 461. See also NTFS (NT file system)
Personal digital assistants (PDAs). See Mobile computing
Personalization console, 137
Personalized menus, 128-129
Personalize Windows option, 8
Personal toolbars, 136-137
Phishing, 455
Photo Gallery Viewer, 147
PING command, 377, 391
Playback devices, 104-105
Plug and play, 84, 88, 157
Plug-ins, 462
Policies. See Group Policy
Pop-up blockers, 458-461
Power plans for mobile computing
advanced settings for, 220-222
balanced, 219
command line management of, 226-227
creating, 224-225
Group Policy for, 227-228
high performance, 219
saver, 220
selecting, 223-224
sleep mode in, 222-223
Power users group, 191-192
Pre-boot execution environment (PXE), 18, 20-24
Preinstallation environment, 18-20
Presentations, 218, 234
Previous versions of software, 69-71
Primary partitions, 269, 280, 285-286
Printers, adding, 368
Privacy settings, 454
Private network, 366
Privileges, elevation of. See Elevation of privileges
Processes tab, 181
Processor power management, 221
Productivity, taskbars and, 129
Program Compatibility Assistant Service, 80
Program Compatibility wizard, 175-176
Programs. See Applications
Projectors, networked, 234
Public folders, 310, 336-338
Public network, 366
Quick format, 293
Quick Launch toolbar, 26, 134-135
Random access memory (RAM), 82
Recording devices, 105-106
Recovering, 18, 21
corrupted files, 80
failed disks, 303
passwords, 198-199
rolling back drivers for, 95
in system properties, 66-68
Recycle Bin, 48, 142, 343
Redundant array of independent disks (RAID), 281
Regional hardware device settings, 106-107
Register Windows option, 8
Reinstalling device drivers, 96
Relational database, 289
Remote access, 210-215. See also Mobile networking and remote access
Remote assistance, 46, 71
Remote desktop connections, 71
Remote desktop users group, 192
Remote tab, in system properties, 71
startup programs, 131-132
themes, 137-138
user and group account members, 207-208
user and group accounts, 201
Windows features, 185-186
Renaming user and group accounts, 209
Repairing installed applications, 183
Repeat delay, 102
Replicator group, 192
Reset disk, password, 14, 198
Resolution, screen, 158-159
Resource Exhaustion Detection and Resolution, 81
Resource sharing. See File security and resource sharing
Restarting Windows Vista, 15
Restart Manager, 75
inheritance permissions, 325-326
Show Desktop button, 135-136
system, 46, 69-70, 248
WMI statistics, 44
Restricted Web sites, in security zones, 462, 466-467
Return on investment (ROI), 16
Robust Security Network (RSN), 429
Rolling back device drivers, 95-96
RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feed, 147
RunAsAdmin applications, 164-167
RunAsHighest applications, 163-164
RunAsInvoker applications, 163
Run levels of applications, 163-167
Run lists, 258
Safe mode, 95
Saver power plans, 220
Screen resolution, 158-159
Screen savers, 139, 148-152
Scripts, 259-261, 329
Search box, 28
Search button, 343
Secure desktop, 34
Secure Digital (SD) cards, 275
Secured passwords, 418
Secure guest user and group accounts, 189, 191, 208-209
applications and, 164-165
in domain environment, 35
dynamic protection for, 455-457
Internet Explorer security zones for, 461-467
Kerberos, 108
of NTFS, 289
User Account Control (UAC) for, 9, 25, 32
Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) protocol for, 33
for wireless connections, 427-429
of WMI statistics, 44
See also File security and resource sharing
Security groups, 190
Security identifiers (SIDs), 357
Selective startup, 50
Services, system, 38
Settings of hardware devices. See Device settings
Setup Information files, for drivers, 89
Set userprofile command, 136
Sharing of resources. See File security and resource sharing; Networks; Offline files
Show Desktop button, 135-136
Shutting down Windows Vista, 15-16, 81, 261-262
Sidebar, desktop, 143-148
Side-by-side, show Windows, 140
Signal strength, in wireless connections, 432
Signed and unsigned device drivers, 89-90
Simple start menu, 120, 122-124
Single-instance storage, 16-17
16-bit programs, installing, 173-174
Sleep state, computer in, 15, 220-223
Slide show, on desktop, 147
Small memory dumps, 67
Smart Cards, 418
Socks Internet settings, 449
Software, information on, 42
Software Explorer, 178-183
Sound themes, 103-106, 139
Spanned volumes, 280-281, 287, 293-295, 303
Special identities, for permissions, 315-316
Special NTFS access permissions, 316-321
SSL (Secure Sockets Layer), 449
Stack Windows, 140
Standard (in-place) file sharing, 310
Start menu, 27-30
adding options to, 127
classic, 120-122
rearranging items on, 125
simple, 120, 122-124
Startup, 21
Group Policy for, 264-267
in, 131-132
scripts for, 236, 261-262
Software Explorer and, 178-183
in system properties, 66-68
system support tools for, 49-51, 53-55
Startup Repair Tool (StR), 76
Static IP addresses, 376-378
Storage, 16-17, 37, 270-271
Striped volumes, 281, 287, 293-295, 303
Submenus, 124
Subnet mask, 392
Summary network map, 369-370
Support. See Automated help and support
Sync Center, 218
Synchronization, 253-254, 346, 350-354
Sysprep image-based installation, 17-18
System and user environment variables, 64-66
System Checkpoint, 69
System configuration utility, 21, 46, 49. See also Configuring systems, hardware devices, and drivers
System information, 38-43
System partitions or volume, 283, 287
System properties of Windows Vista, 55-71
on advanced tab, 58-68
data execution prevention (DEP) on, 63-64
performance on, 59-60
startup and recovery on, 66-68
system and user environment variables on, 64-66
virtual memory on, 60-63
on computer name tab, 56-57
on hardware tab, 57-58
on remote tab, 71
on system protection tab, 68-71
System restore, 46, 69-70, 248
System support tools for Windows Vista, 37, 46-55
boot options, 51-53
disk cleanup, 47-48
file signature verification, 49
startup applications, 49-51, 53-55
System time. See Internet time
Tablet display, 218
Taking ownership permission, 321-323
Taskbar, 26-27
notification area of, 131-134
size and position of, 129-130
visibility of, 130
Task Manager, 178, 181
Task scheduler, 37
Templates, 242, 244-245
Temporary files, Microsoft Office, 47-48
Temporary Internet files, 48, 452-454
Themes, 103-106, 137-140
3D flip view, 27
Thumbnails, 27, 48
Tile images, 141
Time, 107-108, 146-147. See also Internet time
Toolbars, 129, 134-137
Total cost of ownership (TCO), 16
Tracking device drivers, 90-91
Transfer files and settings option, 8
Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) networking, 371-375
Transparency slider, 153
Traveling users. See Mobile computing
disks, 305-307
networking, 389-395
in preinstallation environment, 18
safe mode for, 95
services, 54-55
startup applications, 53-54
Trusted Web sites, in security zones, 462, 466
Turning off Windows Vista, 15-16