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Scarlet Memories (Book 2): Metamorphosis

Page 16

by Jessica T. Ozment

  Ian looked back just in time to see the Wasteling explode from the chest up. Limbs, bile and blood, flew everywhere across the room. Narrowly missing being hit with a giant arm, Ian ducked underneath a small table until the remaining body parts fell the ground. Blood and guts drenched the walls and cabinets in the room, causing a detestable smell to fill the air. The Wasteling blew up so violently that it looked as though at least a dozen people fell victim to a bombing. But, Ian knew that it was merely the collected limbs of the Wasteling blown to pieces. To an outsider it must have looked like war. Ian doubled over, blowing chunks on the floor. He couldn’t help himself. At least, he didn’t have too much left in his stomach. Eventually, he was only dry-heaving.

  Ian collected himself and examined his hand, trying to investigate the bite marks left by the beast. He knew straight away that he was screwed. Any bite from an undead meant certain death, anyway you looked at it. At any rate, his hand was mangled and rendered useless. He took a shirt out of his jacket and wrapped it around his wound.

  “The shirt would keep the blood from pouring out, for now,” Ian mumbled as he picked himself up off of the flesh littered floor.

  Ian took one last look at what used to be Reese, The Wasteling and Jeremy. It didn’t sound possible, but it was. Ian hocked a giant loogy and spat it on the ground near the body of the monstrosity and walked out of the room. It hit him soon after what the reality of the bite truly meant for him. He would lose his family. He would never get to know his unborn child. He lost a great deal tonight and he wasn’t sure how much more he could take.


  Sam sat back and tried to think positive thoughts as Ian left her and the others inside the car. She needed to try and keep her blood pressure down. She couldn’t afford to pass out now; she had to stay strong for Ian. After a few agonizing moments, Sam saw Ian pop out of the Women’s restroom. They waived at each other allowing Sam’s heart slow. She was beginning to worry less.

  “Maybe things would be ok?” Sam entertained.

  She settled back into her chair once more and closed her overtaxed eyes. She focused on the silence and the sound of the rain hitting the roof of the car. It was a rather soothing sound. In fact, it was one of her favorite sounds. Sam just didn’t get to enjoy it as often as she would like. She wasn’t able to hear the rain down in the level they were held captive at the CDC. Sam steadied her breathing and relaxed her neck. She could almost fall asleep, until an almighty boom blasted inside the building, shaking it extensively. Sam jumped rashly in her seat taking in a sudden gasp of air. She nearly had a heart attack.

  After a second she let out the air in her lungs and cried, “Was that a bomb?”

  Charlotte jumped in and answered, “I think it was.” She pressed her face to the window trying to see through the smoke coming from the building. Sam decided she wanted to get out of the car for a better look.

  “I don’t give a damn what Ian told me.” Sam expressed vividly.

  “We are in this together.” She recounted.

  She walked up the cobbled walkway to the restrooms. She didn’t see any sign of Ian there. She scowled, thinking that she would never find him.

  Sam looked up at the front door of the lobby. Ian was waiting there with his hand wrapped in a bloody tourniquet. She shifted her eyes to his obviously hurt hand and skimmed it over.

  “What happened? Are you okay?” She questioned him.

  Sam had already begun to inspect it. She could see underneath the shirt that he had been bitten by something.

  “What was in there?” She asked worriedly. She was starting to get impatient.

  Ian lowered his head and shifted his gaze to the floor.

  “I got bit. The Wasteling was able to still track us here. It covered more ground than we expected. It was a true psychopath.” Ian confirmed. He didn’t even want to mention the pain in his side. Ian stuck his eyes on the floor.

  Sam took her hand and gently raised his head.

  “But, you’re okay?” She asked expectantly. Ignoring the fact that he said he was bitten. She was in total shock about it. She didn’t want to believe the reality of it. She threw her arms around Ian and squeezed him as hard as she could. As she let go of him, they both heard tires squealing loudly in the parking lot. They both followed the vehicle with their eyes as it took off from the rest stop. It was their vehicle.

  Sam raised a hand over her eyebrows searching for the Honda. She quickly spied Charlotte in the front seat with Jamie and Lucy in the back.

  “That bitch!” Sam cried as she started towards the car. Ian held out an arm and stopped her from trying.

  “There’s no way we can catch up. She’s gone already. It’s raining way too hard.” He lowered his arm and let her go free.

  “We can’t just let her get away with this!” Sam interjected. Her face was beginning to gather color again.

  “We’re close to the CDC. We can try to get their help. She can’t make it too far with the weather as it is.” Ian pulled his hurt hand closer to his chest. It was throbbing significantly.

  “What are we going to do about your hand?” Sam asked pointing to the wound.

  “We need help. Do you think we can make it in time to keep the infection at bay?” Ian nodded at her, and she grabbed his wrist directing him to one of the abandoned vehicles in the lot.

  The first that they came to was an old Red F150 ford. It was an early 90’s model. Sam opened the door and checked it for keys. Luckily, they were still in the ignition. She turned the truck over, and it purred like a kitten. She clutched Ian’s arm and guided him into the cab of the truck next to where she would be driving.

  “Are you ok babe?” She asked him. Tears were rolling down her soft cheeks. She couldn’t stand to see him as injured he was.

  “Yes, I’ll be fine, just hurry.” Ian uttered. His voice was fading fast.

  ”A bite from a Wasteling must take effect much quicker than what it would take a bite from a Cold One.” Sam pondered as she helped him up into the seat.

  Her hand brushed up against his side and she felt the blood coming through his shirt. Ian didn’t mention this wound. He’d lied to her. Not wanting to make a fuss, Sam decided to leave well enough alone. She drove out of the parking lot and onto the main highway in the general direction of where the CDC camp was supposed to be located. She put her foot on the gas pedal and gradually pressed it to the floorboard. The old truck rocked with excitement as being pushed harder than expected. It hadn’t seen speeds like this in a long time. After a few minutes of driving, a sign popped up that was hand written with spray paint on particle board.

  “TWELVE MILES TO CDC CAMP,” It said in red etched letters. Sam read the sign allowed to Ian. He wasn’t able to focus on much of anything and his pain was increasing rapidly.

  “We only have twelve miles left babe. I know you can make it. You’re a fighter. Stay with me Ian!” Sam asserted to Ian. She sniffed her nose and wiped the tears falling helplessly from her eyes. Her whole body was drenched and she was quite cold. Shivering tirelessly, Sam turned the heater up trying to dry the both of them out. After a minute, she could feel the warmth stinging her cheeks.

  “Come on,” She said grabbing Ian’s cold and clammy hand, “stay awake!” She urged. She couldn’t do much to keep him conscience while she was driving. She had to keep her eyes on the road; the rain was still going strong.

  “Please Ian, I can’t do this alone,” Sam whispered. She wondered if she was telling herself this more than she was Ian. He was fading brisk; Sam was scared to death of what was to come. Nothing in the world could prepare her for what she must do. She couldn’tdo it; not the man she held so dear to her heart. He was the only reason she got up in the morning. This world wasn’t worth living in without him.

  Sam slowed down a bit and threw a glance over at him once more. Her heart sank into her seat as she saw him. Ian appeared to be going through the transition now. Sam could see his eyes beginning to change from a soft gree
n to a deep blood red. His skin gave off a gray and greenish tent and his veins shown through black as death. Sam watched as Ian growled with pain. His body had beads of sweat forming all over, yet he still shook as though he were freezing. He thrashed his head about insanely, banging it on the roof of the car; tearing the headlining fabric to pieces. Sam could no longer see Ian’s face because the fabric hung down over his eyes. She couldn’t bear to watch this horrible torture continue any longer.

  ” Ian deserved better.” Sam instructed herself. There was no way she was going to let him suffer. He wouldn’t let her get as far as she had let him. He would put her out of her misery.

  “Wouldn’t’t he?” Sam speculated.


  Ian closed his eyes tightly, trying to fight back the urge to pull the dash apart with his bare hands. He looked down at his fingers and saw that his nails were growing lengthy and sharp, just like the Cold Ones. Ian didn’t want Sam to see, so he clutched at his seat, forcing his nails through the fabric with ease.

  “That wasn’t much help.” He scrutinized.

  Ian knew that he was nearing his end. How cruel the world could be to take him from his family now? His son or daughter would be the savior of the human race, and he still couldn’t catch a break. Ian knew that he needed to get out of the car. Sam was in danger; he could be completing the final steps of the change soon. He didn’t want Sam or the baby anywhere near him when it happened.

  “Stop the car!” Ian moaned as he jolted around in the cab.

  “Put me out!” He groaned at Sam not letting her answer. Ian watched as she shook her head.

  “No, I told you, we are getting you to the CDC. We can extract the cure and save you!” Sam croaked as she grabbed his arm.

  “There’s still time!” She cried as tears streamed down her pale cheeks.

  “Listen to me.” Ian snapped.

  “Stop the car.” His voice switched to monotone. He had come to terms with the inevitable, and there wasn’t anything that could be done. All that was left was to save Sam and the baby and to do that he had to die.

  “You’ve got to pull over and shoot me. There’s no easy way to say it.” He sobbed. He couldn’t contain the emotion flowing within him. He never thought he would die like this. They were almost to the CDC. And for God’s sake, he had a baby on the way. Why him? Why now?

  Ian looked over to Sam. He could see her swollen face from her heavy crying.

  “Sam, you can do this. You have to for the baby.” He mumbled. His voice was barely above a whisper now. His body was letting go. The fight was almost over.

  “Please, I’m almost there.”

  Sam slowed the truck down and pulled off to the side of the highway. She put the car in park and grabbed her gun from her bag to tuck it away into the back of her jeans.

  “How will I go on without you babe?” She questioned Ian. She pulled him up into her arms and squeezed him tightly to herself.

  “You will and you will raise this baby. I want you to tell him/her about me when they grow up. I know you will be the most amazing mother. I just wish I could be there to watch you. I’m proud of you Sam.” Ian claimed. He coughed heavily into his hands and pulled them back, revealing a significant amount of blood covering them.

  “We have to do this now.” He urged Sam.

  With a light complacent nod, Sam opened her door and stepped down out of the truck, rain splatted on top of her as she went. Ian watched her round the truck, stopping at his door. She stared at him through the window for a brief moment and then opened his door too.

  “Are you ready?” She asked. She didn’t even know why she was asking; she wasn’t ready herself.

  Ian nodded at her weakly. He could barely stay conscience. His breathing had become labored and he was wheezing with every breath. He reached an arm out to Sam and she pulled him from the truck, being careful not to make either of them trip.

  “There’s a nice tree over there; you want to sit under it?” Sam asked him. She was speaking like it was a nice sunny day out. As if they were going to have a grand picnic.

  “That would be fine,” Ian spoke softly.

  Sam dragged Ian underneath the tree. For the most part, it kept the larger rain drops from falling on them. She sat him up, placing his back to the tree.

  “Now, that’s better, don’t you think?” She asked Ian. He wasn’t able to answer. His breathing was down to a trickle. He was barely even trying by this point. Sam got down on her knees and looked deep into Ian’s eyes.

  “I love you, Ian. You were…are the best thing that ever happened to me. Even in this hell hold. You managed to make me happy. And this baby...” She went on, letting the tears flow freely down her fair skin.

  “This baby will know its father, the man who saved it and the whole world.” Sam pulled in and kissed Ian on the cheek. He had too much blood coming out of his mouth. She watched as his eyes rolled to the back of his head. They were nearly all red now. His radiant green eyes no longer shined through.

  “Ian’s almost gone now.” She thought apprehensively.

  Sam looked up into the ravenous rain-filled sky. The wind was picking up speed and the rain was pelting the ground with a thick clout sound.

  ”Will it ever stop?” She took in a deep breath and talked herself into having the strength for what was next. Her question wasn’t just about the rain. It had everything to do with life itself. The world was a much different place.

  “I almost wish we never left the CDC in the first place.” She cried.

  “Now look at me. I’m heading back. None of this should have ever happened. I wish I could go back.” Sam threw a glance to the road next to her as she sped down the highway. She could see several Cold Ones traveling down its already flooding ditches. They were heading in the same direction.


  Ian turned toward Sam with a shaky head. He could barely hold it up at this point. He was fading in and out of consciousness now. Quickly, his vision began to fade, and he fell backward. He couldn’t see his sweet Sam anymore. His heart began beating as fast as it could with the pressure it was under.

  Ian could no longer see Sam or the barrel of her cold metal gun pointed down at him. He could only imagine her figure staring back at him, her beautiful piecing blue eyes latching onto him. As he looked down, he could finally focus on her see her swelling belly. He reached for it and whispered,” I love you both.”

  He heard the sound of the gunshot but never felt the pain that followed. He was gone, freed from the evils of this world. He left her with peace in his heart and understanding that Sam and his unborn child would make it.


  Sam pulled the trigger of her gun. The hardest thing she had ever had to do in life and it hurt her heart like hell to do it. She couldn’t leave the love of her life out in the middle of nowhere to rot like the other undead. She gave him mercy, mercy to the father of her unborn child. She dropped the gun to the wet ground and rushed to Ian’s side. He lay there slumped over himself.

  “I’m so sorry baby; I’m so sorry!” She cried, gripping his head to her chest caressing his soft black hair between her fingers. She fell on her bottom, squishing dirt and rocks into her pants and rocked back and forth with his head in her lap. She didn’t want to let go. Let go of him...

  “He can’t be gone.” She sobbed in disbelief.

  Sam sat underneath the great oak tree with Ian’s lifeless body. She was having trouble letting go of Ian. He was all that she really ever had, and now that he was gone, she didn’t know what she would do.

  “But, I have promises to keep.” She reminded herself, snapping back to reality.

  She had to try and make it to the CDC. It was only a few more miles down the road. If she were to stay much longer, the nearby undead would catch up to her. She was confident that they’d heard the gunshot. Reluctantly, she gently laid Ian’s head down onto the ground. Staring down into his green eyes all the while. They had
an obviously glossed over look to them now. She brushed his wet hair back from his forehead and gave him one last kiss on his cold lips. “I’ll never forget you. I’ll raise this baby and they won’t forget you either. I love you, Ian.” She whispered into his ear.

  Sam walked away from the oak tree, looking back at Ian’s corpse. She stumbled over a few branches and holes in the ground before making it to the truck. She hopped inside and wiped herself off with the remaining dry clothes that she had left in her bag.

  Sam looked down at her hands which were shaking uncontrollably, she was freezing. Sam started the truck and turned the heater on full blast. Lastly, she put the truck in drive and blew one last kiss to Ian. The tears began to flow as she took off.

  “It just doesn’t seem right leaving him this way.” She thought as she let out a howl. She couldn’t help herself, her hormones were off completely.

  Before long, she could see the giant building with sign’s labeled “CDC”. They were makeshift signs because they were camps that didn’t exist before the apocalypse. Apparently, the CDC sent out ‘colonist’ to start facilities around the country. Their mission was to find a cure before the World’s population diminished to nothing. She ultimately came to a large metal gate with two soldiers out front carrying large guns. They threw each threw a hand up, signaling her to stop the vehicle. Sam threw the car into park and stepped out of the truck with her hands held high.

  “Please help,” She whispered as she collapsed helplessly to the stony ground.



  The rain pelted the small Honda traveling steadily down the lonely highway. Charlotte was speeding the stretch not wanting Ian and Sam to catch up to her. She’d kidnapped Jamie and stolen their vehicle, and if her thinking was right, she’d left at a reputable time.


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