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Broken Bonds: The London Crime Syndicate - A Dark British Mafia Romance

Page 3

by Brit Vosper

  I looked up and caught her smile. “Okay? That’s it?”

  She nodded. “What else can I say, Olivia. You’ve fucked up, and I’ll have to sort it out.”


  Her smile crept across her face and formed a sinister grin. “Will you do me a favour? Next time you question a guy, find out what you need to know before you kill him. It’d really help me out.”

  I huffed. “When have I ever made anything easy for you?”

  “You’ve been the thorn in my side since you were born.”

  I returned a fake smile. “Always happy to hear that.”

  She smirked at me then walked to the door. Relief emptied my mind, and I held my face in my hands as I dared to breathe.


  I blinked to ease the frustrating sting her voice pierced behind my eyes. “What?”

  “Clear your afternoon tomorrow.”


  “I’m setting up a new client meeting. I need you to sit in on it.”

  “Who is it?”




  It was a bad idea to bring stock into the city. There were too many variables. Too much that could go wrong. Traffic had been lined up since Battersea, and it made me far too uneasy to sit waiting with a girl in the back. It would only take one arsehole to rear end the van, or one scream from her to screw up everything.

  I’ve told Marcus time and time again to keep the viewings out of town. To limit transportation risks, but yet again, I’ve had to cart another one in. I should’ve refused the first time. Never again. If we wanted to keep ahead in this business, then we would have to stay in business. No more unnecessary risks. I’m not having it anymore.

  The cars in front eased forward, and I was grateful to be nearing the lights. Only a few more minutes before I could turn into the garage. I pulled my phone from my pocket and dialled Marcus. “I’m in Brixton. Have the shutters open. I’ll be there in a minute.”

  He didn’t sound pleased. I threw the phone on the passenger seat as I glanced at the clock, 2.15 pm. I was half an hour late. My finger tapped on the steering wheel as I waited for the lights. If he wanted the meeting to run on time, then he shouldn’t be dragging me through London in the middle of the day.

  Marcus was waiting in the drive as I pulled in. He folded his arms and gave me his trademark scowl. It made his green eyes appear dark and sinister, and his jaw wider than it was. I could see why it intimidated most people, but I knew that was just his resting bitch face.

  I’d known Marcus for a long time; he may have been a good twenty years older than me, but I still considered him a friend. He was the only person I trusted. Shrugging through the windscreen, I swung the van around to reverse into the garage.

  Marcus pulled the shutters as I climbed out. Then glared at me as he ran a hand through his salt and pepper hair. “What time do you call this?”

  “About quarter past two.” I gave him the cocky smile I knew he loved to hate.

  His eyes narrowed further. “Funny fucker. Where have you been? It’s taken three hours.”

  “I stopped off for a blow job, didn’t think you’d mind.” He wasn’t in the mood to piss around, but I couldn’t help winding him up.

  He clenched his teeth beneath a forced smile. “Give me a break, Aaron.”

  I raised my hands at him in defence. “There’s only so fast I can go through traffic. Be thankful I’m here now.” I shut the driver’s door, and he followed me as I walked to the back of the van. “I said we should’ve brought her down last night.”

  “You know we can’t do that. We don’t have the set up in London.”

  Turning to face him, I tapped the key in my hand as I sighed. “Then we shouldn’t be doing this here at all. I’ve been telling you that since you got the place.”

  He rolled his eyes. “And I’ve had to listen to you bitch about it since. It’s convenient here.”

  “It’s convenient for them, risky for us. Bad business, Marcus.”

  He folded his arms again and shifted his weight. He knew I was right, but he wouldn’t admit it. I twisted the key in the lock and opened the doors. The girl cowered in the back corner, hugging her legs and burying her face into her knees. Her long, blonde hair flowed to her ankles, quivering as she shook in fear.

  I’d only had this one a week. She was nowhere near ready for sale.

  “Stand.” My command was calm but firm. There was no use in scaring her, it would only make her more unpredictable.

  She felt for the chain on the wall and pulled herself to her feet, keeping her head bowed. Her long hair shielded her face from view. I pulled the small key from my pocket and climbed into the back, grabbing the chain on her wrists before unlocking the padlock. She dared a nervous glance at me as I unfastened it.

  “Don’t even think about it.” I had a terrible feeling she was looking to make a break for it. Another variable I didn’t need on my mind.

  “Come.” I released slack on the chain and led her out of the van. She paused at the edge as I stepped down, scared to move any further once she saw Marcus. “He won’t hurt you.”

  I offered her my hand as an invitation. She looked between us before taking it and stepping next to me, trying her best to cower away from him.

  He smiled. “You’re too soft with them.”

  “She’s petrified, Marcus. Sometimes you need to use a carrot.”

  “The stick is quicker.”

  “Don’t tell me how to do my job and I won’t tell you how to do yours.”

  He raised his eyebrows. “You do tell me how to do my job.”

  I laughed and shook my head. “Touché.”

  She hesitated as I pulled her towards Marcus. Then thought better of defying me and stepped forward. He lifted her head, parted the hair from her face and inspected her.

  “She looks good. I think he’ll be impressed.”

  “I’m not sure. She’s not ready.”

  “He wanted her unbroken.”

  “There’s a difference between unbroken and fucking feral.”

  He shrugged. “Give the man what he wants.”

  Marcus released her head and started towards the door to the garage office. “Let’s get this over and done with.”

  I pulled on the chain and followed Marcus into the next room. The office was bright and bare. Only four black leather tub chairs hinted it was in use. Large windows covered one wall lined with opaque backing plastic, but it didn’t fail to let the light through. It was a marked difference from the artificial lights of the garage.

  The girl stopped in the doorway and covered her eyes. She’d been in the back of the van for hours, before that a dark cell. I wasn’t surprised the light hurt her eyes. I allowed her to adjust and step through in her own time.

  “Go entertain him for five minutes before bringing him down.”

  He nodded and disappeared through the door leading up to the first floor. The chains clinked as the girl dropped her arms and blinked against the unyielding light. She adjusted to her environment with all the caution of a young fawn leaving the dark woods for the bright open field.

  Tentatively, she stepped forward, glancing over her shoulder as she passed the door Marcus left through. A waif of a girl she may have been, but she was smart. She knew what was happening. Even though I took her and held her captive, she was more afraid of what was behind that door than she was of me.

  Positioning with my back to the windows, I pulled her in my direction and attempted to give her a shield against the brightness. She stopped a foot away keeping her head down and her shoulders slumped. The posture was more indicative of her submissive nature. I’d earned a little of her trust at the farm, but getting her eyes from the floor was a hard habit to break.

  “Look at me.”

  She raised her head, but made no attempt to meet my eyes or move her hair.

  “Don’t make me ask you again.”

  She corrected her
shoulders and shook the soft champagne coloured hair from her face. I finished the job by sweeping the stray strands with my thumbs and tucking them behind her ears. She was a dainty thing, with wide blue eyes and delicate ivory skin. Her small oval face and blushed cheeks made her look like a porcelain doll, innocent and fragile.

  Not my type, but pretty nonetheless.

  I grabbed her jaw hard with my hand. She tried to shrink away from me, but it only tightened my grip. “Listen carefully.”

  Her eyes locked on to mine, holding my stare with an intense focus. One that had seen this type of authority before. It gave her an age well beyond her years. This girl had seen a lot.

  “In a few minutes, a man will come down those stairs. I need you to be on your best behaviour. You will do whatever he says. Do you understand?”

  I felt her tremble beneath my fingers and she nodded.

  “Answer me.”

  “Yes.” Her squeak of a voice was quiet and weak, hardly used.

  “Good. Now, come.”

  I released my grip, and she darted back as far as the chain would allow. It remained taut as I walked over to a chair, but she followed my steps. As I sat, I positioned her to move to my side.

  “Face front and kneel.”

  She dropped cautiously. Her eyes fixed ahead and her breathing quick and shallow. Deep laughter erupted upstairs, and she shook at the noise. I wished I could’ve had more time with her, at least enough to lesson her nerves. Not that it mattered if she was going to that abusive retard, William. A natural submissive like her would make a great acquisition, but instead, she’d be ruined within a matter of weeks.

  It pissed me off more than it should.

  Footsteps rumbled overhead, and the voices grew louder as they came down the stairs. I tightened her chain and held it with both hands, ready for a reaction. The door opened and Marcus stepped inside, followed by William, and two of his hired guards.

  “Good to see you again, Aaron.” A slick smile plastered William’s stout face as he offered me his hand.

  I remained silent and glared at him.

  He chuckled and turned his attention to the girl. “She’s a fine little thing. How old?”

  “Twenty-one,” Marcus replied.

  “May I see her?”

  “Of course.” Marcus nodded at me from behind William.

  I stood and towered a foot above William’s balding head. He looked up and took a nervous step back. At least he was fun to intimidate. I despised dealing with this guy, but he was a collector, and he had the cash to back it up.

  “Stand.” I pulled on her wrists. She joined us in front of the chair, eyes fixed on the ground.

  “You’ve out done yourselves.”

  He reached out to touch her arms, and she flinched away. I curbed the chain to bring her back.

  “She’s not trained?”

  “Obviously not,” Marcus replied. “Basic commands, but that’s it.”

  “Good. I’d rather train her myself.”

  I wanted to laugh at that comment, but I bit my lip and held the strong, silent persona.

  Marcus placed a hand on William’s shoulder. “What do you think?”

  “Can I take her upstairs and try her out?”

  “No.” I interrupted Marcus before he could speak. They both stared at me in surprise. “This isn’t a fucking try before you buy service. If you want to get laid, hire a prostitute.”

  Marcus shook his head with a confused scowl pinching his brows. “But…”

  “No, Marcus. She’s not trained, and she’s not ready. How many times have I told you that today?”

  He pushed William aside and came over. “What’s your problem?”

  I gestured towards the girl. “Look at her, Marcus. She’s terrified.”

  He shrugged. “They’re all scared.”

  “Not like this.”

  “I’m sure he can…”

  I threw my hands at him in frustration. “No, he can’t. If he sticks his dick in her mouth, there’s a good chance she’ll bite the fucker off.”

  “She’s got it coming.”

  “When he gets her home, it’s his problem. He can do what the fuck he likes to her. Until then, she’s my responsibility.”

  The girl took her opportunity. She tugged the chain from my grip and bolted for the door, pushing William into Marcus before I could grab the chain back. I manoeuvred around the falling bodies and went after her.

  One guard lurched forward and made a grab for her arm. She spun and hit him across the head with the chain, causing her to fall back into the doorframe.

  Her eyes widened when she saw me coming, blind panic stricken on her face as she scrambled to her feet and headed into the garage. I ran through the door two seconds after, holding the frame for leverage as I sprinted around the turn.

  I had to catch her. If she got out here in the city, we’d all be royally fucked.

  She passed the van and reached the shutters. Her hands fumbled for grip as she franticly tried to raise them. I prayed they’d stick shut. The screech from the rollers stopped my heart as they slid. Fuck.

  The girl fell to her side and rolled through. I had no choice but to dive to the floor and grab her hair. She screamed and kicked as I pulled her back inside, fighting for her freedom like a rabbit in a snare.

  I righted myself on my knees and gripped her waist as I scrambled for her arms. When I had both locked, the fight left her with a despairing wail of resignation and she cried.

  Marcus ran through the door with as much panic on his face as she had. “Thank fuck.” He leant against the van and clutched his chest.

  I huffed and shook my head. “Close the fucking shutters.”

  I got to my feet and carried her towards the rear of the van. Her cries drowned out the noise of the shutters scrolling. Climbing into the back, I slid to the floor and sat holding her while she wept.

  “It’s okay. I’m not angry.” I whispered in her ear.

  Marcus appeared and gestured at the doors, I nodded. He closed them and left us sat in the dark as I attempted to comfort her. Make her feel somewhat safe in this fucked up situation. Salvaging what little trust she had left before she was no use to anyone.

  I couldn’t blame her. It was my fault for bringing her here against my better judgement. For letting my attention slip when I fought with Marcus. I cursed at myself. I’d put the whole operation at risk. If she’d got outside here in the city, we would’ve been locked up by the weekend.

  When her sobs faded to whimpers, I took my opportunity to leave. She panicked and held my arm as I moved away, pleading silently for me to stay with her. If I’d have been a better man, I might have felt compassion, but it had been a long day and the frustrations bit through my thoughts. “Let go.”

  She hesitated, but released her grip and slumped from my arm.

  I found the top of her head and stroked her hair. “I’ve got to go. Don’t worry, you’re not leaving with anyone else. You’re coming back to the farm.”

  Her thin, weak voice murmured through the darkness. “Yes, Sir.”

  I tied her up and made my way out, taking one last look at her huddled in the corner before I shut and locked the doors.

  Marcus was sat in a chair when I walked in. His legs splayed straight ahead and his hands covered his face.

  “That went well.”

  He removed his hands and glared at me, weariness heavy in his eyes. “Fucking perfect.”

  “I take it he’s not interested then.” I walked over and took the chair next to him.

  He rubbed his hands through his short, greying hair. “No. He wants a brunette now. One that isn’t as… flighty. How’s the blonde?”

  I swayed my hand back and forth. “Touch and go. I’m not sure she’s salvageable. We pushed her too far, too soon.”

  He sighed. “I suppose you’re gonna blame me for that? Go on, say it.”

  This time, I took no pleasure in being right, but it wouldn’t hurt to rub it in a little m
ore. “I told you so.”

  “I wanted him off my case. You know what William is like.”

  “Yeah, lessening your earache was more important than covering our arses. That’s not the way we should do things, Marcus. It’s bad business. Count your fucking blessings she didn’t make it outside. If she had…”

  “I know.”

  I growled in frustration, threw my head back and sighed. “It’s not just you. I should have told you to fuck off.”

  He laughed. “Why didn’t you? When did you start listening?”

  “I don’t know.” I laughed and shook my head. “It’s not happening again though. Where the girls are concerned, my word is final.”

  “Okay. Okay. I hear you. I’ll defer to your better judgement.”

  “And we’re not using this place again. They’ll have to come to the farm.”

  “But it’s two hours drive…”

  He had the gall to question me after all this. I widened my eyes at him in disbelief.

  His hands shot up in surrender. “Okay. You’re the boss.”

  I nodded at him and stood. “Right, time to make a move. I need to get out of this fucking city.”

  “About that…” A half-smile raised on his face and he kissed his teeth. I knew that gesture. He was going to say something I didn’t want to hear.

  I groaned. “What?”

  “I need you to come down again tomorrow.”

  He had to be taking the piss. “I don’t think so.”

  “I need you to hold a meeting.”

  “Really? That’s in my job description now?”

  He nodded with a smug grin. “Yeah, it’s important.”


  The wicked grin spread across his face and his green eyes gloated with the thought of telling me. “Business.”

  “Stop fucking around, Marcus. What is it?”

  He laughed like he couldn’t contain it anymore. “Gian Romano.”

  My jaw dropped. That was the last name I expected him to say. “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me? There’s no way you’re working with him.”

  “Well, more specifically, his daughters, Milena and Olivia.”



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