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Broken Bonds: The London Crime Syndicate - A Dark British Mafia Romance

Page 9

by Brit Vosper

  He delivered another strike; the hardest one yet. It was as if I experienced the pain from above my body. I watched it rise across my back in a white hot flash, but floated above it’s crippling agony. Instead, a calmness quietened my mind.

  The belt buckle clattered to the floor and his footsteps approached. He spun me around and pushed me against the wall. I moved without resistance. My body a rag doll under his control.

  He held my cheeks and forced me to look up into his eyes. I focused my attention and gazed back at this monster of a man that made me feel trapped and alive at the same time. I hated him. What he’d done was inexcusable, but I couldn’t deny at that moment, I wanted him to touch me.

  He studied my face, and confusion furrowed his brow. “No more fight? I didn’t expect you to give up quite so easily.”

  Unable to speak, I stared back. My mind inactive to rational thought.

  “Answer me.”

  I closed my eyes and nodded. He slapped me across the face and the shock hitched my breath. My nerve endings were ablaze over my sensitive skin.

  “No.” My voice was so weak it surprised me.

  His face softened, and he smiled. “Looks like the endorphins got to you, princess.”

  He brushed his thumbs over my cheekbones and I lifted to his touch. I despised myself for doing so, but I couldn’t help how much I needed it.

  He pressed his chest into mine. The warmth made me secure even though he was the one who endangered my life. The smell of him was intoxicating. It was a combination I shouldn’t like, but did. Everything about him was wrong. This whole situation was wrong, but it felt right. I couldn’t explain it.

  His lips grazed my forehead. Like silk caressing my skin as he traced my hairline then trailed down my nose.

  My lips reached to meet his. He held me back, hovering millimetres from my face watching my advances with interest. His searching eyes were alight as they roved over my face.

  Then he shook his head and pushed away. “Fuck.”

  He picked up the belt from the floor, and stormed out as he slid the bars shut. The loud, grating sound of metal echoed through my entire body. Making me shake as I stood bewildered and bereft from his absence. He left me alone and vulnerable. Lost without the imposing weight of his commanding presence.

  He released the tension on the chain from the pulley on the other side, took one last look at me then left the basement. The heavy metal bolt clattered shut as I slumped to the floor and cried.



  The sunlight strobed through the window and flashed over my eyelids, waking me from a disjointed dream. Visions of my father had melded with the vivid memories of pain. It was a dream I’d had often, but this one was different. There was someone else there. I knew I had to save whoever it was, but I didn’t know why.

  Tired and frustrated, I pushed the images from my mind and shielded my eyes from the dancing glare. Sleep had eluded me for most of the night. Plagued with thoughts of the previous day. Somehow, I knew taking Olivia in Soho would come back and bite me on the arse.

  I shouldn’t have done it; I should’ve waited.

  It was a risk I didn’t need to take. What troubled me most was that I ignored my better judgement and gave in to my urges. I needed her. To have her immediately. Why couldn’t I wait?

  In all the years I’d done this, no woman had ever made me lose control. Olivia had a strange influence over me. One that drew out the worst of my impulses unchecked. I couldn’t let her compel me like that again.

  I sat up and turned away from the bedroom window. The morning sun was far too bright for my mood. Glancing around the dated room, I thought about the agenda for the day. I’d have to call Marcus and tell him I had her. It shouldn’t be a problem I’d taken her so soon. He’d told me everything was in place.

  They’d need to be fed, and I should work with the blonde. She hadn’t seen me yesterday. With her nature, she’ll be feeling abandoned. Especially now there’s another girl on the scene.

  Olivia should have a day to adjust on her own. It’d be better for me if I stayed away for a while considering how it ended last night.

  The memory of her delicate face between my fingers invaded my thoughts. It invoked the sweet smell of honey on her hair. Being close to her was intoxicating. As much as I enjoyed putting her in her place, it paled compared to how it felt to touch her soft cheeks. The lustful look she gave me last night was almost enough to break me. If I hadn’t gotten out of there when I did, I could’ve easily succumbed to temptation. I nearly did, I was weak. I’d let her get under my skin.

  “Goddamnit, Aaron, get her out of your head. She’s stock, the same as any other. Own her, do what it takes to get her in line then fucking sell her.”

  Taking that determination, I used it as motivation to get up and start my day. I headed down stairs after my shower and set to work preparing breakfast. Dialling Marcus through the messenger app, I put my phone on speaker and placed it on the table while it rang.

  His gruff voice came through too loud on the tinny speakers. “Yeah.”

  “It’s me.”

  “Who the fuck else is it going to be? Where are you? You didn’t come back to Clapham last night.”

  He was in a hideous mood. More than likely caused by the comedown from partying too hard yesterday. That would make this conversation even more difficult. “I’m back at the farm. I have her.”

  “What? Already? Why so soon?”

  He had to ask. It wasn’t like me to act on impulse. “Is it an issue?”

  “That depends, why so fucking soon?”

  “There was an opportunity, and I took it.”

  “Why though? There was no rush on this. We could’ve waited weeks before pushing on Gian.”

  I sighed. “It just happened.”

  “No, with you, shit doesn’t just happen. Where did you pick her up from?”

  I cringed knowing what his reaction would be. “Soho.”

  “What the fuck! Are you fucking insane?” His shouting nearly blew out the speakers.

  I rubbed my face and groaned. “It was fine. No one saw anything.”

  “Do you know how many cameras watch those streets?”

  “A lot. I didn’t spot any.”

  “What about the ones you didn’t see?”

  I was getting annoyed. “Chill the fuck out, Marcus. It wasn’t on Oxford Street.”

  “It doesn’t fucking need to be, it’s central London. That’s why we don’t pick up there.”

  “Are you trying to tell me how to do my job?”

  “I usually wouldn’t need to. Why am I the one now berating you for taking risks? What the fuck happened? Is there something going on with you?”

  “No, Marcus, it’s fine. You defer to me on this, remember?”

  “Yeah, don’t make me regret that.”

  “Just make your arrangements. Gian’s going to be looking pretty fucking soon.”

  He huffed. “Alright. I’ll have to get on it, won’t I?”

  “Everything’s in place though?”

  “Will be. Don’t do anything else fucking nuts in the meantime and we’ll be golden.”


  “I’m coming over the day after tomorrow. I’ve found a buyer for the blonde. He wants to view her.”

  “For fuck’s sake, Marcus, how many times do I have to tell you?”

  “Yes, I fucking know. He only wants to take a look. He’ll wait until she is. Calm down, dear. Nothing sinister. Besides, I want to come and have a gander at Gian’s lass. See what’s got you so riled up.”

  “There’s nothing about Olivia that’s riling me up, just you.”

  “It’s Olivia now, is it?”

  “Fuck off, Marcus.”

  He laughed. “Alright. I’ll see you in two days.”

  I hung up the phone and shook my head. It could’ve gone a lot worse. If he hadn’t been ready to take on Gian, I’d have put him in a tight spot. Another risk I didn’
t think about last night. Was Marcus right to worry over this thing with Olivia? She had been sending me crazy.

  No more, it ends today.

  The bacon popped behind me and brought my attention back to breakfast. It was a little well done, but it’d be fine. They’re in no position to argue. I buttered the toast and plated the bacon and eggs. Then grabbed the scissors from the side and unlocked the doors to the cellar.

  Olivia’s chain rattled as I turned the corner to the cells. She was trying to get to the bars to see what I was doing. I kept her waiting and attended to the blonde first.

  Placing the plates on the ground, I removed the keys from my pocket and unlocked her cage. She was already in her kneel position, head down and eyes on the floor. There had been no more trouble from her since we were in London. I’d taken her off the chain as a reward. Picking up her plate, I opened the bars and walked in. “Stand”

  Her movements were more graceful. She’d made good progress despite the incident at the garage. I figured the fear of being sold to a guy like William made her want to stay here and please me instead. That meant she might not be ready to move to another person soon. I’d have to judge the guy when he arrived. “Look at me.”

  She shifted her hair from her face and greeted me with a sweet smile.

  “Good Morning, Lucy. Did you sleep well?”

  She nodded and gave her usual reply. “Good Morning, Sir. Yes, I did, thank you.”

  “Are you ready for breakfast?”

  “Yes, please.”

  I gestured for her to sit. She sat cross legged on the floor and put her plate in her lap. Then she glanced up. Her eyes darted to the other cell as she chewed on her bottom lip.

  She wanted to ask me something. “Go ahead.”

  “The other girl…”


  “Am I allowed to talk to her?”

  She’d taken on her role a lot more than I’d realised. I’d expected them to talk, regardless. “Yes, I don’t see why not? Just don’t get any ideas about her behaviour. I don’t want you acting like that.”

  She shook her head. “No, Sir. I won’t.”

  I nodded and walked back out. Locked the cell and left her to eat her breakfast. Taking the other plate to Olivia, I found her stood as far as she could get to the bars. The chain pulled taut behind her. A scowl twisted her beautiful face.

  She jutted her chin towards Lucy. “I hope you’re not waiting for me to act like that.”

  I laughed at her attitude. The difference between the two girls was vast. “Actually, I am.”

  Walking to the chain lock on the side, I pulled it down with my free hand. Olivia grasped at the collar as it yanked at her throat. She stumbled backwards to the far wall. I made sure the tension was tight then locked the chain into place and went back to the bars. Her scowl deepened. She wasn’t in the mood to play today. “Good Morning, princess.”

  Her teeth gritted and anger narrowed her gorgeous green eyes. “Don’t call me that.”

  It amused me no end to wind her up. “Why not? It suits you perfectly. That’s how you want to be treated, isn’t it?”

  Hatred burned behind her emerald gems as she glared. I could deal with that easier than the look she gave me last night. “Answer me.”

  “No,” she spat.

  “Really?” I pressed my face into the bars, goading her with the smile she hated. “So, you’re happy to be here with the peasants? Removed from your ivory tower and the protection of your father, the King?”

  She cocked her eyebrow. “I wouldn’t say so.”

  “Are you happy to kneel before someone else instead?”

  Her nose crinkled as she hissed her reply. “No.”

  “Didn’t think so. You just want everything your own way?”


  “Case and point, princess.”

  She turned away, and I chuckled to myself. Unlocking the bars, I carried the plate to her and presented it forward with my head bowed. “Your breakfast is served, milady.” I glanced up and grinned. There was a glimmer of acknowledgement as her eyes rolled, but she kept the scowl in place. She was not amused.

  Her eyes switched to the plate then fixed back on mine. “I’m a vegetarian.”

  I had to laugh. It was too precious. “You were. Now, it’s eat what you’re given.”

  She flicked her nose to the side. “I’d rather starve.”

  “You and your morality,” I sighed. “You’d starve to uphold your principles, or is this another way to piss me off?”

  A smirk curled on her lips. “A little from the former and a lot from the latter.”

  I kissed my teeth. “Yeah. It’s the latter which needs attention.”

  Placing the plate on the ground, I tore a small piece of bacon and held it up. “Are you going to make me force feed you?”

  Her face straightened, but she soon regained her resolve and tightened her lips.

  “Answer me.”

  She kept her lips sealed shut.

  I stood and grabbed her hair, pulling her face up to meet mine as I closed in. “I’m growing tired of asking for your response.”

  With my free fingers, I dug them against the inside of her collar bone. An action I knew hurt like hell. She held as I increased the pressure, clamping her eyes shut to keep her focus against the pain. When I pulled further, she gave in and screamed.


  “Are you going to eat?”

  “No.” She clamped her lips together again.

  I let go of her hair and pinched her nose. She’d have to open her mouth again within a minute. I released her collarbone and waited with the bacon ready. She held for as long as possible, but eventually gasped for air. I popped it in her mouth, covered it shut and released her nose. “It would be wise for you to chew and swallow.”

  She didn’t; she was far too obstinate. I sighed and moved my opposite hand back to her collarbone. She struggled as I pulled hard. Her eyes widened, and she screamed under my hand.

  I leant into her ear. “I know it hurts, but there’s one way to make it stop.”

  She struggled for another few seconds before I felt her jaw move beneath my fingers, nodding at me a few seconds after. I released the pressure and removed my hand. “Show me.”

  She opened her mouth and spat the bacon across the cell.

  I growled in frustration. My patience wearing thin. But I smiled at her relentless conviction. I was impressed at her will to defy me. It showed a strength of character I’d never encountered before.

  Still, I couldn’t let her get away with it. “What is it with you and spitting?”

  She glared at me, satisfaction lighting her green eyes. “What, too unladylike for my royal status? If it pissed you off, I’d make a habit of anything.”

  “Then I’ll have to break you and those bad habits before they begin.”



  The frustration on his face was evident. Even behind his amused smirk. It would end up badly for me, but pissing him off satisfied me too much. Why should I make it easy? He’d beat me, regardless. I’d take the pain and the punishment as long as I still had the will to antagonise him. He wouldn’t break me without a fight.

  He sighed and pulled a pair of scissors from his pocket. “Just remember, you brought this on yourself.”

  I flinched back as he grabbed for my arm and cut the cable tie. Then walked away and left me to circle my aching wrists.

  “Fuck you, Aaron,” I called as he strolled from the cell.

  I wouldn’t roll over like his little pet. Not like last night. A quiver crept down my spine. It wouldn’t happen again. The disgust at my neediness made me want to stand up to him all the more.

  He opened an old wooden door on the far wall. It was dark inside, but I could tell it was just a storeroom; not much larger than the cell. When he came out, he had a long bamboo cane in one hand and his other held a firm black strap, its end split into two. My boldness faltered, but I tried to
pull it back.

  How much more painful can a cane be to a belt?

  He closed the door and headed to the other cages, bringing back a short length of chain. The first reaction was that he’d hit me with that, but when he slipped it over his neck, I realised it was to tie me somewhere else. My stomach knotted as he approached. Nerves seeped through my resolve and laced it with cracks. The thoughts of last night were alive in my mind, but the intensity of the pain he inflicted suddenly became all too vivid.

  He held the strap and the cane horizontal in both hands, inspecting them as he stopped in front of me. “Y’know, I’ve not needed to use these in a while. Should be fun to get back in the swing of it, so to speak.” He looked up at me with a sly, knowing grin, and his eyes blazed with mischief.

  It was obvious he got a twisted pleasure out of hurting me. I wondered what the hell had turned him into such a sick fuck. Was he tortured and beaten as a child? Deprived of love? Forced to do something inhuman against his will?

  Join the club, mate.

  He threw the whips to the side, took a key out of his pocket, and collected the chain from his neck to his arm. “Now then, princess. Let’s get you into a more comfortable position.”

  Reaching for my collar, he held it with one hand and unfastened the padlock with the other. I struggled, but he pulled the metal tight against my trachea. He attached the short chain then stepped back and coaxed me forward.


  Being led like a dog didn’t sit well with me. I resisted, put the weight into my heels and leant against the wall.

  “Don’t be stubborn, Olivia. You’re no match for me.”

  I held despite his warning; I wasn’t going for walkies.

  He shook his head and wrapped the end of the chain around one hand. Then grabbed it with the other and yanked. The tug on my neck snapped my head back, but flung me forward. I fell heavy to my hands, yelping as my knees and wrists rattled with the impact.

  “I wanted to put you gently into that position, but you like to do things the hard way, don’t you?”


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