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Broken Bonds: The London Crime Syndicate - A Dark British Mafia Romance

Page 31

by Brit Vosper

  “You will, or I’ll take them both.” He pressed the sword into Alice’s neck and I stopped fighting. “Do you think I won’t do it?”

  “I know you will.”

  “So, choose. All you have to do is say a name. Give me the order. You don’t even have to get your hands dirty.”

  “I can’t.”

  He huffed and leant into my ear. “If you think saying this name is hard, just wait until I make you choose between your real father and your boyfriend.”



  We drove at a snail’s pace past Gian’s house, getting a scope of the layout. It was a large detached building in a quiet residential neighbourhood. Not ideal.

  Any sign of gunfire and we’d attract more than Gian’s attention. The last thing we needed was the police turning up. The house was set in its own grounds surrounded by high cast iron railings. Shrubs and trees lined the outskirts of the short gravel drive; they’d provide a certain amount of cover while we got in, but after that we’d be in the open. It was late in the day and the sun was setting, but we didn’t have time to wait for the cover of nightfall.

  We passed the house and Marcus picked up speed to meet back with the vans parked a few streets over.

  He glanced over from the driver’s seat. “What do you think?”

  “We can’t go in all guns blazing.”

  “No. It’s gonna have to be stealth. I’ll tell the boys to use silencers, but even still, any gunfire would be risky.”

  “Agreed. I don’t think we can take too many of your boys in, either. Just getting them over the fence would draw attention.”

  “How many do you think? Ten.”

  “Even ten would push it.”

  He kissed his teeth. “Fuck. You know Gian will have a lot more than that in the house.”

  “Then we’ll just have to be smarter.”

  We pulled up in front of the lead van and went to join the boys in the back. There were nine crammed into this one alone. Another ten in the van behind.

  “Okay,” Marcus started as he closed the door. “The place isn’t good. It’s wide open and overlooked from all sides. As far as we can see, the only way in is at the front, and that’s over a six foot high cast iron fence.”

  “Great,” one of the boys muttered.

  “My sentiments exactly. It’s a quiet neighbourhood, so, silencers on and no gunfire unless necessary.” Half the van groaned. “Close contact, knives, wires, whatever you fancy, as long as it’s quiet.”

  “This sounds like a fucking suicide mission,” another commented.

  “It probably will be. We couldn’t see any of his men, but no doubt he’ll have a shitload inside. And, I’m only taking six of you in.”

  A guy shook his head. “Fucking hell, Marcus. We’re not gonna come out alive. Are you sure this is worth it? Wouldn’t it be better to wait?”

  Marcus looked across at the guy and scowled. “Yes, it’s worth it and no, we can’t fucking wait. We’re going in now. Any of you can opt out.” He looked back at me. “We’ll go in alone if we have to.”

  “Nah. We’re with you, Marcus.”

  The rest of the van muttered and nodded in agreement.

  “Good. We’re looking for the girl. If you see her, keep her safe. Take out any and all of his men. Save Gian for me.”

  They all nodded.

  “The six of you in the back, you come with us. Two teams.” He pointed to the three men down his side. “You three with me, and the others with Aaron.”

  He shouted up to one of the guys in the passenger seat. “Simon, call Jake and relay the details to the other van. Tell them to hang close. If Jake gets a missed call from me, the rest can come in as back up. Same rules apply.”

  “On it, boss,” he called back.

  I smiled at Marcus. “Efficient.”

  He turned back and raised an eyebrow. “Need to be. Shall we?”

  “Now or never.”

  He called up to the driver. “Stu, take us up front, but park to the left side of the house behind the trees. Stay put until we’re over the fence then drive back here. Don’t move until called. Even if the other van goes.”

  “Got it.”

  As the van lumbered into motion. The men readied themselves for the fight. Loading with knives and weapons from crates underneath the bench seat. Marcus pulled out a pair of guns and passed one to me. Then dug out a silencer and handed it over.

  “Pick up a knife, too.”

  I grabbed a folding blade from the crate and placed it in my jacket pocket. As I checked the clip and fixed the silencer to the barrel of the gun, my apprehension crept in. We only had one shot at this. Any mistake could cost us our lives, or her life. I trusted Marcus, and I trusted his men, but I had a sinking feeling that things wouldn’t turn out well.

  “Are you ready for this?”

  I looked up at Marcus and nodded. “If it’s for Olivia, I’ll always be ready.”

  He smiled. “Good, ‘cause she’s gonna need you.”

  The van came to a stop, and Marcus turned to his men. “Ready, boys?”

  They all agreed.

  “Let’s do this.”

  He opened the door and led out. I followed with his men close behind.

  The streets were clear as I checked up and down the road and made my way over to the fence. The side of the grounds were dense with trees. We couldn’t be seen from the house at this point; we also couldn’t see what was on the other side.

  Marcus was already scaling the brick pillar that joined the railings at the corner. Stowing the gun in my belt, I waited for Marcus to jump off the other side then climbed over. We regrouped further in the trees and I heard the van pull away.

  Marcus signalled for us to stay put and edged up to look at the house. He came back and kept his voice hushed.

  “I can’t see anyone. I’ll take my boys across the front and down the other side, you carry on straight. Clear the perimeter. We’ll meet at the rear. Note any entry points besides the front. I’d like to go in from two sides if possible.”

  I nodded, and he gestured to move out. We stayed together up the side of the grounds following the tree line until we came up flush with the front of the house. Marcus checked through the trees then darted with his men over to the building. I winced at the sound of the gravel under their boots.

  Carrying on ahead, I led towards the back. There was no door on this side. A few large windows, but all too high to get through. I hoped the rear of the house would be more accessible.

  As the back garden came into view, I spotted two guys stood on the grass smoking. I signalled with two fingers and pointed at Gian’s men. We needed to get them closer to us.

  There was one tactic that hadn’t let me down, yet.

  I found a sizeable rock in the soil then crouched into the bushes and signalled for them to do the same. I threw it hard down the side of the house and scattered a fair amount of gravel. The noise should’ve been enough to get their attention. I gestured at the two nearest me to go after Gian’s men, but they were way ahead of me. They held up wire and nodded.

  It was nice to know they were on the ball.

  Voices neared and their footsteps hit the gravel. My guys raised and peered through the bushes. In unison, they took off for Gian’s men. I gave them a few seconds then glanced over. They had them with little trouble. Gian’s men fought and struggled, but they didn’t stand a chance. My guys pulled them into the trees as they choked them, walking them back to their own graves.

  Making my way out of the bushes, I headed to the building and stood flush with the wall. Then peered around the corner. It was clear, there was no one else. I signalled over and waited for them to join me. The back door was two metres down and raised decking further along that looked like it led off patio doors. When we regrouped, I turned the corner and started past the back door. I waved for two to stand guard either side. Then for the guy closest to follow. I edged to the patio doors and spied in.

  She’s there. She’s right fucking there.

  Gian held her by her hair, standing over Alice and Milena with a sword in his hand.

  A fucking sword?

  There were two of his men stood by the open door, but there weren’t any others. Could it be that easy? One bullet and I could save her. One clear shot at Gian and all this would be over.

  I pulled the gun from my belt and stood back. Raising the gun against the side of the door frame, I aimed. She was close to him. Much closer than I’d like, but I could take this shot safely if she stepped away a fraction.

  Movement in my peripheral caused me to drop my focus and spin. It was Marcus and his guys. Fuck.

  He glared at me wide eyed and made his way over to the other side of the door.

  I mouthed and pointed in the room. “She’s there. He’s there.”

  Taking a glance inside, he looked back at me and shook his head. “Don’t,” he mouthed.

  I raised my hands at him in frustration and held up my index finger. That’s all it would take, one shot. One silenced shot wouldn’t bring the armed response unit. Not before we got the hell out of here, anyway.

  He shook his head again. “No.”

  Goddamn you, Marcus.

  I hoped this wasn’t about his vendetta. There were bigger things than him having his revenge. Like her life. Frustration edged up my spine. I looked back inside. Olivia was struggling against Gian. I couldn’t stand by and watch, I had to do it.

  Raising the gun, I aimed again.

  “Aaron,” Marcus growled in a hushed voice.

  Gian held the sword to Alice’s neck and Olivia stopped struggling. She was still too close. I watched them intently, keeping my breath steady and my finger on the trigger. The moment she moved, I’d take him out.

  “Aaron, don’t.” His voice was more insistent, but still hushed. “What if you hit her?”

  I wouldn’t if he’d leave me to take the shot.

  “You fire one. They fire more.”

  I’d take that chance.

  Gian leaned into Olivia’s ear.

  I saw Marcus waving in my peripheral. “Stop him.”

  Olivia pulled away from Gian, horror on her face.

  I had the shot.

  I squeezed the trigger as my hands pulled up. The glass exploded, but I knew it was high off target. I glared at the guy supposed to be covering my back. “You fucking…!”

  Shots fired out from inside the room. I yanked my gun from the guys hands and dived against the wall. Anger seethed through my blood.

  I had the fucking shot.

  Nothing would satisfy me more than beating that guy senseless, but I had bigger things to worry about now. I glared across at Marcus flat against the wall.

  He scowled back. “Well done!”

  “Fuck you!”

  The gunfire stopped.

  Gian’s voice came out from the doors. “Alright, boys? Can we have less of the gunfire now, please? This is a respectable neighbourhood.”

  I heard a number of footfalls charging across the gravel. A load of Gian’s men appeared from the corner behind Marcus. Guns drawn and pointed at us. I aimed at them, but I knew if I fired, they’d fire back. They had more guns than we did. By the look on Marcus’ face, I could tell there were a few behind me, too. We were surrounded.

  “My men should have just about reached you. Throw your guns on the floor and turn to face the wall.”

  They closed in on us. There was no point fighting. That wouldn’t save us, or her. Marcus threw his first and sighed. The rest of his men followed. I looked at mine still seething over that shot.

  “Put the fucking gun down, Aaron, and listen this time.”

  I threw it to the floor and scowled at him as I turned to face the wall. “If you hadn’t of fucked up my shot, we wouldn’t be in this position.”

  “If you’d have listened we wouldn’t be in this fucking position.”

  “Fuck off, Marcus.”

  “I wish I fucking could.”

  Gian called out to his men. “Bring in the two bitching. Leave any others outside.”

  They grabbed us from behind and shoved us through the broken glass door. Gian had Olivia by the neck with a gun pressed against her head. The sword was on the floor in the centre of the room. Her wide eyes pleaded to me and my heart dropped. I’d failed her.

  They led us around the desk and stood us in front of Gian. A kick to the back of my leg sent me to my knees, and I felt the barrel of a gun press against my head.

  Gian smirked. “Next time you have a shot at me, don’t hesitate and sure as fuck don’t miss.”

  I glared back. “Thanks for the advice. I’ll keep that in mind.”

  He sighed and relaxed his grip on Olivia, waving the gun at us as he spoke. “I thought I left you two in the warehouse.”

  Marcus answered. “You did, old man, but you know me. Never was one to be kept down for long. It helps you hire incompetent fuckwits.” The guy behind Marcus smacked him across the head with the butt of his gun.

  Gian laughed. “You get what you pay for. I’ll be sure to pay back Gary and his goons for this.”

  “No need. We’ve done it for you,” I replied.

  He shook his head and rolled his eyes. “You’re here now though. I suppose it saves me the trip. Even if it will fuck up the office carpet.” He leant into Olivia’s face. “And it looks like you’ll get to make that choice sooner than we thought, too.”

  Her eyes closed and her face became even more ashen. I didn’t know what the choice was, but I could take a good guess.

  “What’s it to be, girl? Your boyfriend, or your real father?”

  Stunned, I glanced across at Marcus. He was just as surprised as I was.

  His eyes were wide as he huffed at Gian. “You know?”

  “Of course I fucking know, Marcus.”


  Gian narrowed his eyes and a sly smile twisted his lips. “You thought you were carrying on with my wife without me knowing about it? Please.”

  He laughed as he pulled the gun from Olivia’s head and pointed it at Marcus.

  “Did you think all those little rendezvous were a secret? All those times you left my side to see to business, did you think I didn’t know exactly where you were, what you were doing? Do you really think you got away with it for eight years? You’re not that fucking crafty, boy, and I’m not that naïve.”

  Marcus shook his head. “Bullshit. There’s no fucking way you knew. Why…?”

  “Why didn’t I put a stop to it? Why didn’t I kill you?” He laughed. “Why do you think I introduced you?”

  Marcus looked between Gian and Olivia. His jaw gaped, but he didn’t answer.

  “You kept her quiet. Kept her in her place. And gave me what I wanted. I was hoping for a boy, but what can you do? There’s only so much you can control.”

  He shook his head again in disbelief. “No, I don’t think so. No. You wouldn’t… Then why did you kill her?”

  His jaw clenched, and he closed his eyes before answering. “It all would’ve been just fine if you would’ve left it like it was. But no, you convinced her to leave. To take my girls away from me. My fucking girls.” He pointed the gun back at Olivia’s head. “No one takes my family away from me. Not Rebecca, not you. Only I get to make that choice.”

  Marcus scowled. “Olivia’s mine.”

  He grabbed Olivia by her hair and pushed her forward. “She may have your blood, but she’s mine. My successor. My heir. I raised her, and she will take her place as the head of this business. As my daughter.”

  Olivia tried to struggle against him. “I don’t fucking want it!”

  He pulled her back into him and shouted in her ear. “I don’t give a fuck what you want, girl! This one isn’t your choice. You’ll come round and take your place. I’ll make sure of it.”

  I hated seeing him rag her around. “Why Olivia? Why not Milena?”

  He switched his attention back to me, but pointed th
e gun at Milena. “Because she’s a fucking moron. She’s not capable of keeping this business where it should be.”

  “But she’s your daughter.”

  He huffed and shook his head. “No. She’s not.”

  “What?” Milena’s voice was soft.

  He looked across at her. “Work it the fuck out, girl. You found out Olivia wasn’t mine, but yet, never questioned why I considered her your equal. She is the same as you. I can’t have kids, hence, I had to arrange for you, and what a disappointment that was. Your mother sure as hell didn’t like it.”

  “Who’s my father?”

  He sighed. “My brother.”

  “You don’t have a brother.”

  He smiled. “Not anymore.”

  Milena sat back dejected. Her eyes searching as she thought about the implications. She looked like her entire world had just collapsed.

  Gian turned back to Olivia. “Time to decide, girl. You’ve two choices to make. Who lives? Who dies?”

  Olivia closed her eyes and shook her head. “I’m not choosing.”

  “Then I’ll kill the lot. It’s still your choice. Except, you’ll lose all four instead of just two.”

  Tears welled in her eyes and she tried to look away. “Don’t do this. You don’t need to do this.”

  “I think I do. See this as an opportunity. Your chance to grow. I’m liberating you from your emotional attachment.”

  She pleaded with him. “Please, don’t. I’ll run the business, just don’t do this.”

  “Don’t be so fucking soft!” He growled and ragged her hair. “I’m doing this for you. Why can’t you see that?”

  Tears streamed from her eyes. “Please, don’t.”

  He let go of her hair, spun her around and slapped her face. “Focus, Olivia. The choice is easy enough. Get rid of your family, like I did. They’ll only cross you the first chance they get. Say their names.”

  She backed away from him. “No.”

  “Get rid of your best friend and your boyfriend then. Before they ditch you.”

  Her hands were shaking. “No!”

  “You have to choose.” He walked over to Milena and pressed the gun against her head. She winced and froze with her eyes sealed shut. “The only way to get through this life is to do it alone. I thought you’d already figured that one out. Say their names, Olivia.”


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