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Asset Management

Page 10

by Annette Mori

  “I am sure all three were in disguise, but we may be able to determine if there are any overlapping facial features with the photos of Toni and Sophie, who we do suspect are two out of the three women you are after. Unfortunately, our source does not know or has not yet revealed the identity of the third person.”

  The Russian National Anthem permeated the room and Viktor picked up the cell phone that was the origin of the music from the table. He turned away from Byron and left the room to take the call in privacy.


  “Preveet, comrade.”

  Viktor ground his teeth as he listened to the voice on the other end of the cell phone.

  “Where? That stupid son of a bitch. No, I want you out there sweeping that car for anything you can find. I want those women tracked down. Now. I grow weary of this little cat and mouse game. Don’t call me unless you have some good news.”

  Viktor punched the end call icon on the phone with such fury that a small crack in the glass appeared and created a spidery pattern. Viktor growled as he spied the crack and threw it across the room. “Fucking piece of shit.”

  He stalked out onto the patio and waved to his guard.

  The beefy Russian walked to his boss. “Yes, sir, what can I do for you?”

  “Gregor had an unfortunate accident and it seems he broke his neck so he is unable to report back about what he may have found. I’ve already sent someone to sweep his car, but I need you to get down to the morgue and see what he may have on his body. There might be a cell phone with pictures or something else to clue me in to what he was tracking before his accident. Spread the word that any information leading to the detainment of that ex-FBI woman or her brainiac friend will result in a hefty reward of one million dollars and, of course, my sincere gratitude.”

  The guard nodded.

  Viktor was frustrated. It seemed like at every turn something was thwarting his efforts to capture these mysterious women. They were always a step ahead. Gregor had sounded so excited when he called earlier that Viktor thought for sure the end was near and he would finally get his prize. Yet, once again, they managed to avoid capture.

  Viktor had to get back to his guest—the idiot. He needed the banker and when he’d heard from Gregor, he had hoped to give Byron some good news and then secure his favor in return.


  Viktor walked back into the parlor.

  “Unfortunately, Gregor was not able to follow and detain Toni. They managed to slither away.”

  “Fuck. How do these women keep slipping through the cracks? I thought you had her this time. If I continue to lose money, I won’t be in any position to help you with your needs,” Byron spit out.

  Viktor growled. “Are you threatening me?”

  “No, of course not. I am very close to losing my position. If that happens, all of us are screwed. If they find out about the large sums of money diverted to that charity organization under my watch, not to mention the money I move around for my special clients in a way that does not necessarily meet banking standards, none of you will be protected. All of us are at risk here. I don’t think Antonio quite understood this when he washed his hands of me, thinking that all I needed to do was tap into my own reserves to replenish his stash. Surely you do,” Byron pleaded.

  “Maybe it’s time I had a little chat with Antonio. I don’t relish doing business with that slimy little Guido, but desperate times call for desperate measures. I will not let a little sooka ruin my business.”

  Viktor turned in the direction of the doorway into the parlor as a large man with close-cropped blond hair entered. “I apologize for disturbing you, boss, but there’s someone outside the gate who says they believe they have information on that ex-FBI woman you are trying to track down.”

  “Finally, please send our guest in.” Viktor smiled at his employee, showing his even white teeth. “Byron, Ivan will show you out now. I’ll be in touch.”

  Chapter 13

  Sophie looked at her watch again. She’d already left two voice messages on Toni’s phone.

  Kim was looking at her with an expression of deep concern. It was nine thirty in the morning and Toni hadn’t joined them yet.

  Sophie tapped her fingers nervously on the table. Something wasn’t right. Toni was never late. She knew something was off about Heather. “God damn it. Where is she?” Sophie barked.

  Kim placed her hand over Sophie’s.

  Sophie realized she was taking her frustration out on sweet Kim. It wasn’t Kim’s fault that Toni hadn’t shown up yet.

  “Maybe she just had a really good date last night and it spilled over until the morning,” Kim offered.

  “She has a fucking cell phone.” Sophie was livid. She chastised herself as she noticed the hurt look on Kim’s face. “I’m sorry, Kim. I’m just worried.”

  “I know you are. It’s okay. I’m worried too. Why don’t you activate that program Toni installed on your phone? At least then we can track Heather’s whereabouts.”

  “We? If I track down Heather’s location, I’m going alone. It could be dangerous and no offense, but you aren’t trained for this kind of thing. You have many talents, but tracking down the enemy is not one of them.”

  Kim jutted out her jaw. “Oh, my God, Toni is right—you are a Neanderthal. She’s my friend too, and I can damn well take care of myself without your big butch ass protecting me.”

  “Look, Kim, I’m not saying this to be cruel, but don’t you remember the last time someone who wasn’t trained insisted on following me into the field—”

  “You stop right there. Natalie was not killed because you or Toni did something wrong. That shitstorm had nothing to do with Toni accompanying you and you know it.”

  “Don’t you know that I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if something happened to you? I wouldn’t want to go on without you. I can’t go through that again.”

  A single tear leaked out of Sophie’s eye. She knew this was as close as she was prepared to go to confess her love to Kim.

  Kim placed her hand over Sophie’s again and held on. “I know and I feel the same way, but that just means it’s even more important that I do this with you. Please don’t shut me out. I need to be with you.”

  “Will you do exactly as I say—no questions asked?”


  “Even if I tell you to leave me and go for help.”

  Kim hesitated before she responded. “I don’t know if I can make that promise, but I will do everything else you ask of me. You can’t ask me to do that if you’re hurt.”

  “What if that’s the only way to ensure survival for either one of us. You have to trust me, Kim.”

  “I do trust you, Soph. I trust you with my life. I’m just not sure you value your own life as much as you do mine.”

  Sophie was frustrated. Why did she have to be so damn stubborn? “Okay. How about if I promise not to take any unnecessary chances? If I honestly think that you staying by my side will help either one of us, I won’t ask you to leave. I’ve never broken a promise to you yet. And I think I may call Ted for some extra insurance.”

  “Oh, Soph, do you think that’s really wise? We aren’t exactly legit with what we’re doing. So far, we’ve managed to stay under the radar of the FBI and you haven’t been in contact with them for nearly two years. I’m not sure how wise it is for us to open that door. As far as they’re concerned you fell off the face of the earth once you left them.”

  “Actually, I already made a preliminary call to him last night. I thought he might be able to provide some additional information on Heather. I just had a bad feeling. I might need his assistance and he’s the only one I trust. How about if we check it out first? I’ll just call and give him an update with some basic information and then put him on speed dial in case I need backup. When we get there, I’ll put the coordinates in a text message ready to go just in case something goes squirrely on us. Your safety is the most important thing to me. How does that sound?”

p; “I suppose that is the best I can hope for. Deal.” Kim offered her hand to Sophie who took it gently in her own and shook. As Sophie released her, she caressed the palm for a second before letting go.

  Sophie pulled out her phone and swiped the screen to access the special program. She frowned as she looked at the small map. “It looks like Heather is two hours away in a relatively remote location. I’m not all that familiar with the area, but I know it’s mostly woods. All kinds of warning bells are going off in my head. Are you sure I can’t talk you out of going with me?”

  “Nope, not a chance in hell.”

  Sophie sighed. “Okay then, we’d better get going.”

  Chapter 14

  After a restless night, Toni finally managed to close her eyes and enter dreamland. Despite her attempts to push Char out of her thoughts, she reflected on the kiss as she drifted off to sleep. She still had a smile on her face when she felt the light dance across her forehead.

  Toni forced one eye open and was amazed to find a shaft of light shining above the bed. Well, I’ll be damned, that fake little window feels and looks almost as real as the early morning sunshine in my condo. How the hell do they do that?

  She peeled open her other eye and was instantly aware of the sounds of chirping birds. They must program sights and sounds into this underground coffin to keep the natives from getting too restless. I think I’d go nuts if I had to live in a glamified bomb shelter—regardless of how luxurious they tried to make it.

  Toni jumped up in the bed after she heard a loud clatter in the hallway. Curiosity got the best of her as she scrambled to the door to try to listen to the voices outside her bedroom.

  “Shush. You’re going to wake her up.”

  Toni was sure that was Char telling someone to be quiet. She plastered her ear against the door.

  “Are you insane? You brought someone back here to the compound. Does Maggie know?” the unknown voice asked.

  “Of course she knows. You know there isn’t much Maggie doesn’t know about—especially when it involves anything to do with the compound.”

  “I can’t imagine Maggie would be okay with you bringing one of your dates back to our little hideaway. What gives?”

  “It’s complicated.”

  “Ya think? Who is it and why didn’t you take her—well, I’m assuming it’s a her—to the guest accommodations?”

  “It’s Toni. I don’t think she trusts me and I couldn’t take the chance that she would try to leave and get her fine ass killed in the process.”

  “Ooh, beautiful Toni—the one you keep talking about. Char and Toni sitting in a tree k.i.s.s.i.n.g, first comes love—”

  “Will you shut up? What are you five?”

  “Do you think she’ll join us?”

  “I certainly hope so. It’s as we suspected—they positively identified her last night. Some goon actually came after us. I’d be willing to bet the compound that it’s only a matter of time before they catch up with Sophie. We’re their best shot at getting out of this mess, but Maggie is convinced we can’t do it without their full cooperation. I don’t think that’s going to be easy.”

  “From what I’ve heard, she’s off-the-chart brilliant. I sure would love to pick her brain.”

  “Yeah, she is brilliant and sexy and—”

  “Wow, I’ve never heard you talk like that about anyone. If I didn’t know any better I’d think you were in love.”

  “Dani, you need to get out of here. I want to bring her some breakfast and try to explain a few things while she’s still relatively compliant.”

  “All right, but can you bring her to the control center after breakfast? I really want to meet her before everyone else tries to monopolize her time.”

  In love, huh? Toni rolled that concept around in her brain. She liked thinking that someone might fall in love with her someday, but she had a hard time thinking the chameleon Char would be that person.

  Toni moved away from the door and slid back into bed. She needed to pretend she was just waking up when Char came into the room.

  Ten minutes later, she heard a light knock on the door.

  “Come on in, because I know you’re probably going to anyway whether I like it or not,” Toni called out, loud enough for the person on the other side of the door to hear.

  Char entered the room, carrying a tray laden with muffins, croissants, two large pots, bagels and lox, scrambled eggs, bacon, French toast and pancakes. The door remained ajar.

  Toni eyed the feast and started laughing. “Where’s the army? Because I certainly cannot eat all that.”

  Char blushed. “I didn’t know what you liked, so I thought I would offer you a variety.”

  “You could have asked me last night, you know.”

  “It slipped my mind.”

  Toni jumped up from the bed, noticing how large and probably heavy the tray was. “Here, let me help you with that.”

  Toni plucked both pots from the tray and set them on the dresser.

  “Thanks. I didn’t know if you drank coffee or tea so one is hot water and the other is French pressed coffee in a decanter.”

  “What? Didn’t your little spy source tell you which I preferred. You seem to know everything else about me.”

  Char sighed. “Damn, back to that again. Can we just sit and have a nice breakfast?”

  “Where? On the bed? Why aren’t we eating in the kitchen? You do have a kitchen in this little hobbit hole, don’t you?”

  “Yes, I have a very nice kitchen. I just thought you might appreciate me bringing you breakfast in bed.”

  Toni couldn’t remember anyone ever being kind enough to bring her breakfast in bed. She was being a bitch and she knew it. Char was offering an olive branch and she wanted to take it.

  “I’m sorry, Char. I know I’m being a bitch. Thank you. It was really sweet of you to do all of this for me.” Toni sat on the bed and patted the spot next to her after crossing her legs to leave room for the tray. “Come on, join me. Clearly there’s plenty.”

  Char put down the tray and walked to the dresser. “So, which is it, coffee or tea?”

  “Coffee, please.”

  Char picked up the black pot, walked over, and poured coffee into both mugs on the tray. After she placed the pot back on the dresser, she seemed almost tentative when she sat down next to Toni.

  Toni grabbed a croissant and took a huge bite. “Mmm, delicious.” After she chewed the flaky pastry for a few seconds, she decided it was time to learn a bit more. “Okay. So, I’m not sure who is tit and who is tat, but I do believe it’s your turn again. I last revealed my desire to take you to bed.”

  “Technically, I think I remember you saying you wanted to spend the night with me. Although this is not exactly the location we talked about—we did actually spend the night together.”

  “Stop trying to distract me. I want to know how you got caught up in this—organization—or whatever this is.” Toni waved her hand in the air. “You said you would tell me about it someday. Well, if you really want me to trust you, someday is today.”

  Char took a deep breath. “I do want you to trust me, so I’m going to take a chance and tell you my pathetic little story.”

  Toni used her hand to gesture for Char to continue.

  “I grew up in some shithole in rural Alabama.” Char made a stop gesture with her hand. “I know what you’re thinking. No way. She doesn’t have a southern accent. Well, I’ve worked very hard to remove the accent and any memories of my past life. Like a surgeon with a surgical knife, I’ve cleanly sliced them away. Maggie gave us an education and not only did I lose my accent, but I speak seven other languages—fluently.”

  “Impressive, but what does living in rural Alabama have to do with a pathetic life?”

  “Our mother, God bless her soul, was a raging alcoholic, and didn’t really have the best discernment when it came to boyfriends. I was seventeen when it all came to a head…”

  Char decided to take the shortcut ho
me from school so when she heard voices several feet from her trailer she hid in the trees to listen in on the conversation.

  That fat pig who was living in the trailer was talking with some foreign-looking man. His suit looked expensive and he had an accent that definitely wasn’t from around there.

  “I want the money up front and then I’ll get you the girl. That hellcat sister of hers might be a problem. She’s fast and strong and doesn’t fight fair. Little bitch kicked me in the groin one night.”

  “What about the mother. Won’t she miss her?”

  “Nah. She’s too drunk half the time to even know who’s around. You need to worry about her sister.”

  “I will not pay you for that one, but I’ll take her off your hands if you wish.”

  “You might have to drug her. Like I said, don’t underestimate her. She’s a mean one and she won’t go easily. The little one is sweet as apple pie. I want a crack at her before you take her.”

  “We will be back in exactly one week to transport the packages. You will need to drug the sister yourself and don’t damage the merchandise. You can make her suck you off, but if you damage her in any other way the deal’s off.”

  The man in the suit walked slowly to his car and drove off.

  Char wasn’t stupid. She’d heard all about the underground sex slave business that was alive and well in rural Alabama. The government knew this was happening in the states, but didn’t care as long as it didn’t reach any of the more well-to-do areas. Poor white trash simply weren’t worth saving.

  She had to get Dani away from Alabama and fast. She had a week to plan their getaway. She didn’t really know where she was going to get the money to flee and survive, but she didn’t have a choice now. All her dreams of going to college on a scholarship and getting them both away from this shithole had just gone up in flames. She’d have to get some crap job just to survive.


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