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Asset Management

Page 19

by Annette Mori

  I will find out what I want to know and you will pray for a quick death before I am done with you, Ms. Stiles.

  “Ivan, get back in here,” Viktor hollered. “I need you to prepare our vests. We will not go unprepared. I smell a trap, but this time I will be the cat and they will be the mice.”

  “Yes, sir. The lightweight Kevlar should go undetected.”

  “Pity. Such a beautiful woman. I have clients who might pay well for her, but I don’t think they will want her after I am through with her.”

  “Who would you like to accompany you to the meeting?” the guard asked.

  “I will give the three who disappointed me earlier one more chance. You can summon them and I believe you should also accompany us.”

  “Thank you, sir. I am honored to be chosen.”

  Chapter 24

  The quiet knock on the door woke Sophie from a particularly nice dream of enjoying a picnic lunch with Kim in a field of daises. A peaceful feeling always engulfed her when she thought of Kim.

  Kim stirred, but thankfully did not wake up.

  Sophie carefully disengaged herself from Kim as she slipped out of the bed to answer the door.

  Dani stood on the other side leaning heavily on her forearm crutches.

  “Hi, Dani. What can I do for you? It’s kinda late and Kim’s asleep.”

  “Can I just talk to you for a few minutes?” Dani asked.

  Sophie liked the kid and she looked so forlorn, she didn’t have the heart to turn her away. “Sure. Come on in.”

  Dani tried to navigate the room carefully, but one of her crutches banged against the table.

  Sophie cringed when she heard the noise and looked back over her shoulder. She groaned when she saw Kim yawning as she came out of the bedroom.

  “Hey, Dani.”

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to wake you up too.” Dani looked down.

  “Don’t worry about it. It must be important for you to come see us so late.” Kim gestured to the couch.

  Dani sat down.

  “Coffee?” Kim asked.

  Dani shook her head.

  Sophie sat across from Dani. “Go ahead, spit it out, Dani. You obviously came here to ask me something. What is it?” Sophie asked.

  Kim sat next to Dani and patted her hand. “It’s okay. I’m sure whatever it is, it’s not the end of the world.”

  “I want Sophie to be at the meeting tomorrow,” Dani blurted out. “Well, not exactly at the meeting, but in Char’s secret room next to her office.”

  Kim frowned. “I thought it was decided that because of Sophie’s shoulder, she wouldn’t be the best choice as backup.”

  “Char’s all I have left. I saw you in action the night of Nat’s death…” Dani swiped at her tears. “I…I…can’t lose her. I’m worried and I want a contingency in case something goes wrong. Nobody even needs to know you’re there. You can monitor things from the room because she has security cameras and audio already set up. You only have to act if you see something go wrong. Will you do it?” Dani looked up—her eyes wet with unshed tears.

  Sophie didn’t want to refuse this young woman and honestly, she wanted to be a part of the action. Dani had just given her the perfect opening. “I may not be able to use a gun just yet, but I’ve gotten pretty good with your little pen darts. If you make sure I’m equipped with one of those you got yourself a deal.” Sophie glanced at a scowling Kim.

  Dani struggled to her feet without her crutches and awkwardly hugged Sophie. “Thanks, Sophie. You have no idea how much your help means to me.”

  Dani picked up her crutches and hobbled out the door, smiling as she nodded goodbye.

  Kim sighed. “I don’t suppose I can say anything to keep you from being the backup.”

  Sophie caressed Kim’s cheek and brushed her lips. “Nope. Come on, let’s go back to bed. It sounds like it’s going to be a long boring day for me. I’m sure I’ll have to get there at o’dark hundred to slip inside the room unnoticed. I better take one of your romance novels with me to pass the time until the meeting at five thirty.”

  Before they reached the bedroom door Sophie heard a more insistent knock on the door. “Oh, for Christ’s sake—what is this grand central fucking station?” Sophie grumbled.

  Sophie opened the door to a serious-looking Ronda.

  “May I come in?”

  “Why the hell not?” Sophie opened the door wider and gestured for Ronda to enter.

  “No offense, but do you think I could talk to you alone?” Ronda asked.

  Kim looked perplexed, but offered, “I’ll just head off to bed.”

  Sophie pointed at the couch and Ronda sat down.

  “Look, I don’t often say this and if you ever tell anyone else about our talk tonight I’m gonna have to hurt you.”

  Sophie glared at Ronda. “Just spit it out, Ronda. I’m tired and I’d like to get some sleep tonight.”

  “I wanted to say I’m sorry. I misjudged you but I have my reasons for hating government employees.” Ronda held up her hand. “I know you’re not a feebie anymore. I…uh…I…wanted to thank you for saving my ass. You didn’t have to do that, especially since you thought I was the mole and all. I owe you.”

  Sophie shrugged. “Well, you didn’t have to risk your life either. You weren’t exactly sitting on your ass watching us get attacked. I appreciate you following Ted and providing back-up.”

  “Yeah, well, I hate fucking traitors.”

  “Former CIA?”

  Ronda looked surprised. “Yeah. How did you know?”

  “Oh, I’ve been around enough spooks to know the telltale signs. So, why did you get out?” Sophie asked.

  “It got to a point where I thought I might be selling my soul to the devil. I wasn’t sure I could tell anymore whether I was still working for the good guys. I was part of a special team. Our job was to eliminate risk permanently. I got too good at it and it started eating on my conscious.”

  Sophie raised an eyebrow in surprise. “Wow. I didn’t ever peg you for someone with a conscious. You’re good though and not just at assassinations. I’m just glad you’re part of our team.”

  “Thanks. So, we’re good?”

  Sophie stuck out her hand. “Yeah, we’re good. For the record—we’re even—you don’t owe me anything.”

  “Hey, Sophie.”


  Ronda looked at the ground. “Um, do you think Toni is in love with Char?”

  “Yes, I’m pretty sure she is,” Sophie responded.

  “And do you think Char loves her back?”

  Sophie looked at Ronda and she thought she recognized the same kind of feelings she once had for Natalie. She felt sorry for Ronda and surmised there was a lot more to her than she allowed others to see. Beneath that tough exterior was just another human being looking for connection. She hoped that maybe Ronda would look for that with someone else.

  “Yeah, Ronda, I think she does.”

  “Good, Char deserves to have someone love her,” Ronda whispered.


  “Sit still. I have to make sure the seams on this mask are hidden,” Kim scolded.

  “But it’s itchy. I’ve never had to wear a disguise before. How the hell do you people do this?” Ronda squirmed in her chair.

  “We only have a few more minutes to get you ready.” Kim chuckled. “I can’t wait to hear all about your day as Char’s assistant. Remember, you have to politely answer the phone. You can’t be your normal charming self.”

  “Hardy, har, har. I can playact just as good as the rest of you. Just because I excel at guns and explosives, doesn’t mean I don’t possess other skills.” Ronda folded her arms across her chest.

  “By the way, what did you guys do to ensure Sandy won’t be showing up for work today?”

  “Such a shitty business we’re in.” Ronda laughed. “Val went this morning and poor Sandy is going to have a mess on her hands with a broken sewage line. Literally, shit all over the place.”

  Kim crinkled up her nose. “Ew. Couldn’t you think of something less disgusting?”

  “Anything less revolting and she might choose to just call the repairman and come into work. No, this guarantees that she’ll stay home to make sure it’s taken care of.”

  “We are going to use the foundation dollars to make up for any loss, aren’t we?” Kim asked.

  Ronda nodded.

  “I think we should give Sandy a hefty bonus for any pain and suffering.”

  “Oh, we will. Once we liberate Viktor’s millions, we should have plenty of money to rebuild the Maryland hub and take care of Sandy and numerous others more deserving of his wealth.”

  Kim smoothed out the last part of the mask and patted Ronda’s shoulder. “Okay, you’re all set. Off you go, Sandy. Have a nice day.” Kim laughed.


  Toni placed her hand on Kim’s shoulder as she noticed her eyes glued to the monitor. The gesture was an attempt to reassure her. “Kim, honey, I don’t think anything important is going to happen for at least another hour. It’s only four o’clock,” she said softly.

  Kim blew out a breath. “I know. I’m just worried about them. Aren’t you the least bit concerned?”

  “Of course I am, but they’re all competent women who are capable of handling themselves.”

  “We all know Viktor is leading them into a trap. I just haven’t quite figured out what he has up his sleeve. He has to know Char is dangerous. I mean, my God, how many men has he already lost.”

  “That’s why we have to be the eyes and ears from afar. If we notice anything out of place, we can warn them. The three of them are the best there are for this sort of thing. We have our talents—but let’s face it, in a crisis like this we suck.”

  Toni moved away from the monitors and sent up a silent prayer. She didn’t really believe in God per se—but a prayer to the universe couldn’t hurt.

  Dani rolled into the control room with two pints of Ben and Jerry’s ice cream and four spoons on her lap. “I’ve got comfort food.”

  “How come you have four spoons?” Kim asked.

  “I met Maggie in the tunnel and she mentioned she would be joining us in a few minutes. She had something she wanted to take care of first,” Dani explained.

  “Hmm, I wonder what that sly fox is up to now,” Toni said.

  Dani placed the containers of ice cream on the table and handed out the spoons.

  Kim pulled open the container of chocolate chip cookie dough and dug in.

  “Dani, do you think the disguise we created for Ronda was good enough?” she asked around a mouthful of ice cream. “You know what Sandy looks like in person but I only had a picture to work with.”

  Toni noted the look of insecurity on Kim’s face.

  “Aw, Kim, it was perfect. I know Sandy and I couldn’t tell the difference. You did good,” Dani assured.

  “So now we wait.” Toni dug into the container of cherry Garcia. “And eat ice cream.”

  “Yes, ice cream is always good for the soul. You did get me a spoon, Dani?” Maggie entered the control room and smiled.

  “Of course,” Dani replied.


  “Contact in less than a minute.” Char heard in her comm link. She assumed Ronda heard the communication as well. She hoped that Ronda would also turn on her link when Viktor entered the office so she could hear the conversation just outside her office and know what to expect.

  “Good evening. Sandy, is it?”

  “Yes, Mr. Borsky. Heather is expecting you. Can I get anything for you or your associates? Coffee or tea perhaps?” Ronda’s voice rang clear in Char’s ear.

  “No, but perhaps you can find places for two of my men to wait, while Ivan, Andrei, and I conduct our business with Ms. Stiles.”

  “Of course, come with me, gentlemen. The rest of you can go right in.”

  Char heard rustling as Viktor and his two men entered her office.

  “Shit, Kevlar,” Ronda hissed into the comm link.


  “Aim for the neck…” Char heard this last piece of advice from Ronda.

  Ronda’s comm link went silent.

  “Char, they’re wearing Kevlar vests and pants. Ronda’s down. They used one of the darts that bounced off his vest,” the voice screamed in the comm link.

  Char looked up into the barrel of Viktor’s gun.

  “Hello, Ms. Stiles. Or, shall I call you something else? If you do not wish for an unfortunate accident to happen to your colleague, Sandy, you will come peacefully with me and we can discuss business at my home. I am particularly intrigued by a few things and need your clarification.”

  Char narrowed her gaze at Viktor and slowly rose. She picked up the gold pen and placed it in her jacket pocket. She was confident they were monitoring her and the cavalry would be on the way soon enough. “No need for the weapon in my face. I’m unarmed. I’ll come with you.” Char lifted her arms in a gesture of surrender.

  As Char exited her office, she noticed Ronda slumped on the desk and one of Viktor’s men crumpled on the floor in a heap. Good girl, Ronda, one less man for me to take care of.

  “Come. We will retrieve him later,” Viktor ordered.

  “What do we do with the receptionist?” Ivan asked.

  “Leave her. After all, I promised Ms. Stiles here that she would come to no harm if she submitted peacefully. I think a principled man should honor his promise.” Viktor laughed.

  Your days are numbered, you bastard.


  Sophie calmly watched the events unfold. Nice move with the pen, Char. She carefully calculated her next move. It would be important to follow quickly and act. She hoped the surprise would be an asset for Char and she would be able to take out at least two of the men before Viktor registered what was happening.

  Sophie slipped off her shoes and quietly exited the room. The group was just now leaving the office and Sophie thought she saw a glint off the rooftop as the late evening sun reflected off the building across the street. When she was ten feet behind the group, she heard a voice in the comm link. “Backup behind you, Char.”

  Sophie aimed her pen and managed to hit two of her targets before Viktor registered what was happening and placed his gun against Char’s temple.

  Viktor grabbed Char and turned her around, placing her body in front of his. “Take another step and she gets a one-way ticket to hell.”

  Sophie took a step back and heard a new voice in the comm link. “Duck.”

  A second later Viktor crumpled to the ground, his eyes open in surprise as blood poured out of the wound in the back of his head.

  Sophie capitalized on the momentary distraction and aimed the pen at the final target. The dart landed squarely on his neck and his demise was nearly instantaneous.

  Char scrambled out from under Viktor and grinned at Sophie. “Nice job, but who took out Viktor?” She reached into her ear and removed the comm link. “Ew, Goon blood.”

  Sophie shaded her eyes with her hand and squinted up at the rooftop. “I suspect Maggie prepared for contingency number four.”

  “Who sucked you into being backup?” Char asked.

  “Your sister’s big green eyes are pretty hard to resist. I can’t stand it when a woman cries.”

  The comm link crackled to life. “Val’s on her way down and we sent another sweeper to help, but you better get them inside the office before you garner too much attention. We’ve blocked off the street. You know how DC is, they’re always doing construction somewhere in the city.” The voice in the comm link chuckled.

  “Don’t forget to get a high-quality picture of Viktor’s retina and his handprint before you return to the compound. I would prefer that you not cut off his hand and rip out his eyeball like Ronda suggested.” Sophie recognized Toni’s voice in the comm link.

  “Not to be too morbid or anything, but if you didn’t already get a picture of Viktor’s retina, you better get one soon before it changes with the loss
of blood flow to the eyes.” Sophie shrugged. “At least that’s what your brainiac girlfriend told me.”

  “Okay, it should only take me a couple of seconds.” Char leaned over the body and touched the nearly invisible button on the lapel of her jacket six times. That should give Toni enough images to choose from.

  Char shivered as she turned away from Viktor’s lifeless body.

  “I’ll get Viktor’s body.” Sophie pulled off her jacket and wrapped it around Viktor’s head before dragging him into the office. Her shoulder started to ache.

  “I hate moving the big ones. I’m always afraid they’ll make my back go out,” Char complained as she hauled one of Viktor’s men inside the office.

  Sophie deposited Viktor in the front reception area and met Val at the door as she was lugging another goon into the office.

  “Nice shot, Val. Ronda is going to be so pissed that you got to take him out. By the way does anyone know how long Ronda will be in dreamland?” Char asked.

  “About four hours give or take a few minutes,” a voice in the comm link answered.

  “Char had to remove her comm link,” Sophie said into the link, she turned to Char. “They said the tranquilizer lasts about four hours.”

  “Sophie, why don’t you sit this out? I can get the last guy,” Val offered.

  “Thanks, my shoulder is killing me.”

  “Goddammit, Soph, I told you not to overextend yourself,” Kim said in her ear.

  “Hey, baby. By the way, thanks for all the updates. They really helped us coordinate our efforts.” Sophie grinned.

  “Yeah, you all were a lifesaver for us,” Char added and gave a thumbs-up to the cameras.

  “Good job, Char. Thanks for putting your ass on the line for all of us. As the bait, you had the hardest job.” Sophie held up her fist for Char to bump.

  “I’m just damned glad I had the best for backup.” Char glanced at Val then turned her gaze to Sophie.



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