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Asset Management

Page 22

by Annette Mori

  “Let her speak.” Kim patted Sophie’s hand.

  Maggie closed her eyes briefly and shook her head. “As I was saying, I’m just not sure we should be doing that. There are still some areas of disagreement, although I will admit to seeing more shades of gray today than my more idealistic view of the world so many years ago.”

  Maggie looked around the room trying to get a sense of what her top agents felt about her explanation. She didn’t think she detected any open hostility from anyone other than Sophie.

  “Dani has been doing some digging lately because, unfortunately, as soon as we created the void by taking Viktor down, others have been positioning themselves to fill it. If you thought Viktor was the devil, compared to Leonid Petrov, he was a saint. Leonid is a very rich psychopath and he has decided to expand his business into the United States. I do not make this recommendation lightly, but I think it’s time to consider Antonio’s veiled offer of assistance. I know for a fact that Leonid will be a common enemy.”

  Maggie watched as the group split into smaller groups of twos and threes and whispered to one another. Kim seemed to be a calming influence on Sophie, but Maggie knew if she was to convince them to join forces with Antonio, she needed the woman on board.

  Char was the first to speak up. “He was rather charming and it’s not like we’re always squeaky clean with our tactics. I support your recommendation, Maggie.”

  “You know my background, Maggie, and I’m the first to acknowledge that I have no business teaching morality to others. I support you too,” Ronda added.

  Dani held her thumb up.

  Val gave Maggie a subtle nod.

  Cindy smiled. “I’ll be there to patch up all their lame asses.”

  “Well, what the hell are we waiting for, let’s start managing those vast assets of Leonid’s and invite Antonio to the party,” Toni shouted.

  Kim smiled and nodded.

  “Until it is unanimous, we won’t do anything.” Maggie looked at Sophie. “Are you in?”

  “You have not completely convinced me and if it were up to me, we’d be walking out right now. But, Kim and Toni are on board, so I will go along with including Santori in our plans. Just know that if I see any type of subterfuge on your part, I will walk away, even if it is alone.”

  “You won’t,” Maggie said forcibly. “No one, I repeat, no one is important enough for me to betray any of you and that includes you, Sophie.”

  Sophie nodded her head. “Then let’s get to work.” She grinned. “Leonid does not stand a chance against us.”


  Later that night, wrapped in Toni’s arms, Char sighed. “You do know I love you, right?”

  “Yes. I love you too.” Toni searched her lover’s face. “What’s up?”

  “Leonid is going to make Viktor seem tame in comparison.”

  “I think that is an accurate assessment.”

  “I couldn’t stand it if I lost you.”

  Toni leaned in and kissed Char soundly. “You’re stuck with me. Nothing will happen to me, or you, because we will have each other’s back.”

  “We will, won’t we?” Char pulled Toni closer. “Come here. I need to check out that back of yours.”

  About the Author

  Annette Mori

  Annette is a health care executive living in the beautiful Pacific Northwest with her new wife (got to love Washington state) and their three furry kids. Well actually, it might be more than three, but they do not count the ones they only feed. Annette is fifty-five years old and believes it is not too late to try something new. As an avid reader, she is pleased there are thousands of good books to choose from, and hopes that one day hers will be one of the many for readers to consider. She reads at least three to four books a week, so please keep them coming. She has a habit to feed after all.

  No matter if you loved it or hated it, I would love your comments. Feel free to e-mail me at I will always be a WIP (work in progress—just learned that) so feedback is a gift.

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