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Broken Rules: Book 3 in The Broken Road Series

Page 19

by Huie,Melissa

  “That will be the last time you ever put your hands on our child again. Fuck that, you will never see her again. NEVER!” I roared in her ear. Her arms went limp and she fell unconscious.

  “Local just pulled up,” the other agent said, as Mom frantically looked over Aubrey.

  “Good. I want her locked up.” I let her fall into a slump, and moved to hold my baby girl.

  “Daddy’s got you, baby doll. Daddy’s got you.” I pulled her into my arms, and kissed her sweaty head. She hiccupped, and put her head on my shoulder, as I took stock of her injuries. Just bruises from where Jennie’s hands had been, and scratches from her nails. I sighed as the EMTs hauled Jennie out on the stretcher.

  “I want her ass in cuffs. I don’t want her to take a piss without a guard right next to her,” I ordered in a low, threatening voice. He nodded, and followed them out to the car.

  “Noah, thank God you came when you did.” Mom sighed and put her arms around my waist.

  “I was actually coming to say that I have to roll out. Our timeline got pushed up, and we’re going wheels up in two hours,” I informed her, and kissed her forehead. My mom sighed again. She hated when I left. My brother Evan was also Special Forces, and paid the ultimate sacrifice. He never made it home alive. “Mom, if you knew what these animals did to Jennie. I mean, hell, she’s not my favorite person right now, but they tortured her, Mom. They’re torturing these other girls, selling them to the highest fucking bidder. I need to go stop them.”

  “I know, Bub. I just worry.” She raised herself up on her tiptoes to kiss my cheek, then pulled the sleeping angel from my arms.

  “I’ll take care of Bree. You just come home safe.”

  “Always, Mom.” I headed for the door and looked back at my mom swaying with Aubrey in her arms. I knew that I would be back, and Kate would be with me.

  Chapter 22


  I RECEIVED THE message from Noah that Jennie had been found, but that still didn’t put my heart at ease. Something was amiss. Something just didn’t seem right, and I wasn’t sitting pretty. It wasn’t the normal pre-mission angst, either. I checked my nerves at the door, and pushed through the airport terminal in Vegas, and grabbed a cab to the place I would be staying. I knew that meeting up with the Madam right off the bat would be a bad idea, and I needed to make sure I had my head in the game, and a place to lay low if I needed to. Luckily for me, she had two friends that I could stay with.

  The cab pulled up to a lovely, one level stucco home on the outskirts of Vegas. Knowing nothing about the two women that lived there, I was going in unprepared, and slightly nervous. This wasn’t what I did. I was normally more prepped for something like this.

  And boy, was I unprepared.

  “Darling! Welcome to our home!” A beautifully made up woman, about six feet tall, with porcelain skin, fire engine red hair, and startling blue eyes popped out the door. My eyes widened at the sight of her. I paid the cabbie his fare, and lugged my suitcase out of the trunk. I walked up the sidewalk and reached out my hand in greeting, and she lightly slapped it away.

  “We don’t shake hands here, Love. We’re huggers!” And that was the only warning I got before I was swept up in an overzealous squeeze. My face was smooshed against her enormous, yet surprisingly soft breasts. About ten seconds into the hug, I gently eased myself away.

  “Hi! I’m Sabrina,” I said awkwardly.

  “Yes, Love. Do you think we introduce ourselves like this to just anyone? The Madam told us about you! We’re dying to have you stay with us for a while. I’m Penny Johnson, but you can call me Pancakes.”

  “Nice to meet you, Pancakes,” I said with a big smile.

  “Now, come on in. We have a room all set up for you.” She led me through the door, into an exquisitely appointed living room, decorated in rich jewel tones. Through the archway, I could see the gorgeous kitchen, and off to the side, a long hallway.

  “This is Bubblezzz, my sister in crime,” Pancakes gestured proudly. A sister from another mister, maybe? While Pancakes was statuesque and flamboyant, Bubblezzz was small and prim.

  Until she opened her mouth.

  “Oh my fucking God! You’re fucking gorgeous! Girl, are you a stripper? Are you a hooker? If you’re working with the Madam, you’re probably a hooker. You need to tell us everything! The Madam is so secretive when it comes to Ravenous. We perform there every week, but we don’t get to hear all the dirt.”

  Light Bulb. That was how the Madam knew these ladies. They were performers.

  “Unfortunately, I’ve signed several contracts and a non-disclosure agreement, so I can’t spill the beans,” I said in a sly tone, giving them a wink.

  “Shoot, honey, a bottle of tequila for a woman like yourself and you’ll be singing like a canary,” Pancakes retorted, flipping her red hair behind her.

  Mental note, no drinking around Pancakes and Bubblezzz.

  “Why don’t I take you back to your room, and you get settled. We’re having martinis in the lounge, so you can know us better. And we can hear all the gossip from you.”

  “Sure!” I plastered a big smile on my face and followed Bubblezzz down to the room I’d be staying in. Deliciously decked out in whites and creams, the bedroom and accompanying bath were almost like staying in a five-star hotel. I quickly unpacked my clothes, and ensured that the gear I would need was safely secured. My plans to meet up with the Madam at seven were on track, so I had two hours to kill. Two hours to get information out of my hostesses. I meandered my way back to the lounge area, which was really the lanai on the back of the house. Several bottles of wine, both red and white, were displayed on the table, surrounded by an antipasto platter, trays of crackers and veggies, and holy cow, were those truffles? If these women ate like this every day, I was sure to gain a couple—or twenty—pounds.

  “Ladies, what a spread!” I plastered on that fake smile again as I walked in.

  “Oh, Love, we do this every day before we go to Ravenous. It’s our cocktail hour, before all cock,” Pancakes said suggestively.

  “So what do you ladies do at Ravenous?” I asked, pouring myself some wine.

  “We’re performers, dear. You mean to tell me that you haven’t been witness to the Pancakes and Bubblezzz show before? I mean, I know we’re only located in Vegas, but we’re world renowned! We were trending on social media before social media even took off!”

  I shook my head, amused at their disbelief. “Sadly, no. I just started with the Madam at the Baltimore establishment, so I haven’t been privy to your show. Tell me, what do you do? Are you dancers?”

  “We are the hostesses of the Ravenous Burlesque. We put on sexual skits of the most innocent of fairy tales and stories. The skits are short, about ten minutes long, and they only take place three times a week. As the hostesses, we get to make sure that everyone is having a good time,” Bubblezzz informed me, taking a sip of her martini. Her long, ruby red nails drummed on her thigh. “You know, you could make for a fantastic Alice in Sexyland.”

  “Yeah, my acting skills aren’t that great, but thanks.”

  “So tell me, Sabrina. What brings you to Ravenous?” Pancakes asked coyly.

  “I just graduated from High Point University, and I’m looking for a good time, and also to pay down some of my student loans.” The lies, although practiced, flowed easily.

  “Oh, those dreaded student loans. Yes, Love, with your looks, you should have no problem paying those down.”

  I took a sip of the dark, luscious wine, and pursed my lips. “I hope so. I’m not going to make much with my teaching degree, so as much as I can get paid down, the better.” I caught the knowing glance between the two women.

  “What does that look mean?”

  “Exactly what do you think you’ll be doing at Ravenous?” Pancakes asked softly.

  “Oh! The Madam told me all about the place. It’s where the super wealthy come for conversation and companionship. “

  “You’re sweet, Lov
e, and you seem like a great person, but you may not be able to last long at Ravenous,” Bubblezzz said conspiratorially.

  “What do you mean?” I asked, innocence all over my face. I needed to project the girl-next-door attitude.

  “The men at Ravenous, they’re…how do we say this for your poor ears…used to a different sort of woman? They’re used to women who like to provide activities in the most sexual of nature.”

  “Well, yes, I understand that. But the Madam assured me that if I wasn’t comfortable doing something, I didn’t have to.”

  “Hmm…” hummed Pancakes. She glanced at Bubblezzz, who already had her eyebrows raised.

  “If that’s what she promised you, then you should be fine. Have you received your schedule yet?”

  “No, ma’am. That’s what I’m going in early for today. I’m supposed to meet her at seven.”

  “Oh God! That’s in less than two hours. Quick! Shake a leg, Love! We got to get you prepared!” Pancakes shot up from the loveseat and hurried me into the bathroom. “Wax, shave, and buff everything. The Madam likes her girls clean and smooth. Then we’ll get to work on your hair and makeup.”

  Oh dear God, these women are going to be the death of me. I did what they commanded, though, and scrubbed, buffed, and shaved until I was silky smooth. Thankfully, I already had my wax taken care of, because I had a feeling that Pancakes would have done something about that herself. I dressed myself in the lingerie that the Madam recommended, along with the strapless, tight dress that I had brought with me. I was just slipping on the shoes, when Pancakes poked her head in.

  “Ready, doll?” And before I could answer, she threw open the door. She dropped her bag of hair products, rollers, flat irons, and curlers. For the next hour, she blow-dried, ironed, and curled my hair. Then she attacked my face with makeup from the stars. Thankfully, I already had my putty in place, and smoothed over it with some pancake makeup.

  By the time she turned me around, I was stunned. I looked like myself, but way better than I could have ever done. My makeup was dramatic, but flawless. I thought I had seen all the tutorials, but nothing could have prepared me for what Pancakes could do.

  “Wow, you really have an eye.”

  “I wasn’t born this beautiful, Love. Hell, I wasn’t born a woman, but I was born to have a great sense of style and looks. You have good bone structure. You can pull off any look.” She bent down to whisper in my ear. “You can also be anyone you want to be. Even the naïve girl next door.” I looked up at her, and she gave me a knowing smile.

  Before I could open my mouth, she said, “I may not know why, or what’s going on, but I’m no fool, Ms. Sabrina. And I know when people are hiding something. But I ain’t mad at you. Your soul is good. I can see that. I just hope to hell that you know what you’re doing.”

  I nodded. “I appreciate your discretion, Pancakes.”

  “Child, I also know when to keep my lips sealed.” She smiled, then hesitated. “I’m sure you know that Ravenous caters to a dangerous sort.”

  “I do. And please, trust me when I say, I can take care of myself.” She squeezed my shoulder.

  “There’s something about you, Love. Truly, there is. But your true strength is what you show others once those walls are down.” She kissed the top of my head. “Should we attend this evening’s festivities?” She inquired, worry filling her face.

  I thought for a minute, then shrugged. “You have a better idea of what’s going on than I do, Pancakes. Let’s play it by ear, okay? But I promise, I won’t let anything happen to you or Bubblezzz.”

  She smiled wearily. “That, we can do. Come on, we’re just waiting on Bubblezzz to find that perfect pair of shoes, then we can get going.”

  I squeezed her hand and reached for my cell phone. I received a text from the Madam from her burner phone.

  Auction is tomorrow night.

  I was glad that the ladies weren’t going to be performing tomorrow, so I sent off a quick text to the guys. They’d be on-site tomorrow, and we’d have a quick powwow in the morning to go over everything. If everything came together, then Ravenous and the Syndicate would be taken down by tomorrow evening.

  Chapter 23


  WE TOUCHED DOWN at midnight, and made tracks to Zeke’s house in the desert. The huge house was set apart from any other residences by miles, and we made prime use of the land by setting up a shooting range. My body was coiled like a fucking snake, ready to strike. After all the bullshit with Jennie yesterday, I needed to get some of my frustrations out. My preferred method was now playing prostitute in some brothel, so the next best thing would be shooting some gear. We received the text from Kate that the auction was to be held tonight, and that we had to look the part, whatever the fuck that meant. I guess we had to look wealthy and shit.

  We stored our gear at Zeke’s, after lighting up the morning with the beautiful smell of gunpowder, and before long, it was time to get ready. The auction began at eleven, but we were supposed to meet up with Kate around six to ensure the gear was working, and make sure our plans were ready. We had contingencies after contingencies. Local PD was not yet informed, and only a select few on Kate’s team even knew about what was going down. Rapoles was in town, and coordinated their front, along with Commander Wells. Bravo Team, the slick fuckers, hadn’t been invited, and that was a good thing. I found out it was Jose Martinez running his mouth. I should have known that the motherfucker was talking shit. He’d had a hard-on for me since we both graduated from BUD/S. He was pissed that I was leading this team, and he was back to playing second fiddle.

  A Benz pulled up in the long driveway, and we all grew tense. Our trigger fingers were itching to get some relief, but the only thing that got any relief when that car door opened was my cock. The long, tan legs went on forever, and it took a minute to realize that the blonde bombshell getting out was Kate. My Kate. Torin went to whistle, and before he could get the note out, I socked him in his gut.

  “That’s my girl, fucker. Don’t even think about it,” I growled, as she walked down the driveway. The teal dress she was wearing was like a second skin on her. Those breasts were practically pushed up to her chin, and God almighty, she looked hotter than sin.

  All business, she walked up to our crew and looked at everyone. I quickly made the introductions, and we went over the plan. Myself, Trey, and Torin would be stationed throughout the facility, and to Torin’s elation, they were supposed to be enjoying themselves. At eleven, those with sufficient cash would be escorted into a lower-level for the auction. Zeke would be our eyes and ears, while Benji, Sketch, and Cole would be waiting in the wings. Because Tommy had seen them before, we were limiting our chances of them being recognized.

  “Security will be at the door, checking for weapons. It’s expected that those coming for a visit would be armed, so they’re not going to cause a ruckus if it’s minimal. Just limit whatever you have on you to one handgun in the holster, and that’s it.”

  “Anything else?” Benji asked, checking the magazine on his 9mm.

  “Yeah, the rooms have cameras. They’re live feeds, and watched on a closed circuit TV. Supposed to be for security purposes, to ensure that the women aren’t getting roughed up. But really, it’s to make sure that the women are doing their jobs.”

  “And what job would that be, Princess?” I huffed. So help me God, if she had to service anyone, I couldn’t guarantee that we’d get out of there alive.

  “Whatever the customer wishes. Most of the johns are nice, but there are some I’d like to stay away from,” she replied with a grimace.

  “Have you seen any sign of Tommy, or his brothers?” Cole asked her.

  “I met Sebastian Cruz earlier, just in passing. He didn’t get a good look at me, and I’d like to keep it like that.”

  “What happens if you get put up for auction?” The question slipped out of my mouth before I could think. We weren’t supposed to let it go that far. Benji, Cole, and Sketch were going to tr
ack the vehicles as they left, and remove the girls from harm.

  “Then I go,” she said simply. The beast inside roared with anger, and it was all I could do to control my temper. “I go, Noah. That’s the only way we’ll learn where they’re taking them, and who is doing the buying.” She held up her hand when I went to interrupt. “That’s final. I have the permission of Rapoles and your commander.”

  “That’s fucking bullshit,” I spat out. “How the hell are we supposed to protect you if you’re out of our sight.”

  “You’re going to have to trust in the fact that I can do my job, and I will do whatever it takes to get those girls out,” she retorted. Her brown eyes flashed angrily. I hated that color on her. It didn’t look natural.

  “Kate, I need to get you mic’d up,” Zeke called from the minivan that we commandeered.

  The hell he’s going to mic up that skin. “I’ll do it,” I declared harshly. Kate rolled her eyes and headed over to Zeke. With his short dark hair and glasses, you would think that the nerd wouldn’t be able to fight back. Only a few of us knew what sort of warrior he really was.

  I took the mic from his hand and glared over at Zeke. “Get out,” I snarled. With his hands up in surrender, he quickly backed out of the van with a chuckle.

  “Really? Do you have to be an ass?” she complained, letting the dress fall to her waist. I ignored her while taping the mic to the under curve of her breast. She’d already mentioned that she wouldn’t have to get fully naked at the auction, so I felt somewhat comfortable with the mic being there. However, we did take precautions, and used nude body tape that was similar to her skin tone. Unless someone was really looking, it wouldn’t be noticed.


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