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Deep Blue

Page 24

by Jules Barnard

  Music blasts from the back bedroom. Jaeger’s office. The one he locked.

  He storms back and I follow.

  Kate’s sitting at his desk, like last time, her feet kicked up at the corner, fingers pounding the keyboard of his computer.

  “I thought you took that to Mason’s,” I whisper.

  “I needed it for work, so I left it here. It was password protected,” he growls. “Kate!”

  Her fingers still, but she doesn’t look up right away. She minimizes the screen and slowly swivels her head. “Yes?”

  “You lied to me about having a kid and you tried to frame Cali. You’re lucky she didn’t die from the drugs your friend gave her.”

  I try to not think about the high fatality rate after aspirating vomit. It’s kind of frightening.

  “I’m sick of your shit. I never want to see your face again. You’ve been legally ordered to leave my house, and now I’m ordering you.”

  Jaeger is large and imposing, but it’s not his size that’s so intimidating, it’s his voice. The deep rumble directed at Kate could quell a lion.

  “Don’t act all gruff and intimidating, Jaeger,” she says in her nasal whine. “We both know you’d never hurt a female.”

  He might not, but I have no problem hurting Kate. I step in front of Jaeger, but he drags me back. I glare at him and he shakes his head.

  Kate grabs an aerosol container and pops the cap, oblivious to danger. She sprays nail polish drying formula onto her red toenails—and the surface of Jaeger’s oak Mission-style desk.

  Jaeger leans his hip against the door frame and crosses his arms. “Nice car you got out there, Kate.”

  She leans forward and picks at a hangnail on the corner of her toe. Her eyes flicker in his direction. “What about it?”

  “The VIN indicates it’s your boyfriend’s car. Word around town is the condo you own in Reno was purchased with his drug money as well, and that you played a part in his meth lab.”

  Her head whips around. “That’s a lie!”

  “You had your boyfriend order his dealer buddy to drug Cali. You’re an accomplice, and I can prove the link between you and Brad. If I want, I can make it so you have a home just like the one your man’s in. Nice and compact, living the simple life.”

  Kate’s feet are on the ground in seconds. “What do you want, Jaeger?” Her words are punchy with anger.

  Cornered and still a bitch. Impressive.

  “I want you out of my house and my life for good. Don’t go near my family and friends, or order anyone else near them. Matter of fact, might be a good idea if you left California and Nevada and went somewhere far away.”

  “You’re crazy. I’m not leaving. Besides, I don’t have any …”

  “Money?” Jaeger’s arms drop and he straightens to his full height. “Sell the ten grand worth of crap you purchased on my credit card prior to my finding out—” I choke, blinking uncontrollably. Ten grand? “—and the apartment you own, and move away. You might consider getting a job for once in your life. It’s over, Kate. There’s no one left to freeload from. Your family filed restraining orders against you.”

  “What? Not my mom.”

  “Your mother, your father, and your sister and her family. Everyone. I filed one this morning. So technically, it’s illegal for you to be this close to me and my property. I could have you arrested.”

  A stunned moment of silence congeals as Kate takes in Jaeger’s words. In her attempt to screw others, she has ultimately screwed herself. She has no one.

  Kate looks around the office, as if searching for someone or something to save her. Her jaw hardens and she shoulders past us to the spare bedroom. We hear a zipper unwinding, along with drawers screeching open and closed. It’s like music to my ears.

  Ten minutes later, Kate is in her car and pulling out of the driveway.

  Jaeger and I stand for a few moments in silence, watching her car disappear down the drive, just soaking up the peace that is a Kate-free house for the first time in weeks. I look back, considering. His beautiful home has been totally contaminated.

  Jaeger pulls out his phone, scrolling through his contacts. “Don’t worry, I’m having it detoxed. Calling my cleaning lady right now.”

  “I’ll pitch in for new bedding.”

  He winks. “Already on it, babe. By tomorrow we’ll be sleeping on a king-sized mattress inside an actual home, though I did enjoy camping with you. Our tent and air mattress will still get time.” He shifts his attention to the receiver. “Janice? This is Jaeger. I need you to come over and do a full cleaning and some shopping.” He covers the speaker. “What color bedding?”

  He’s asking me what I like? For his home? I tell him my preferences and he relays them to his housekeeper.

  The call ends and it’s silent again, except for the sound of the water lapping the rocks below, birds chirping, pine needles rustling lightly on the breeze. I take in these sounds and enjoy them thoroughly. I hadn’t realized how much Kate’s presence brought the world down. It’s like the weight of a mountain has been lifted.

  Jaeger grabs my hand. “Come on. I have something to show you.”

  Hmm, everything he’s shown me I’ve enjoyed. I happily climb in his truck, relishing the freedom of going anywhere and doing whatever we want.

  Jaeger drives us to a street named Beach Drive in the Keys. It’s right along the water, and the homes here are enormous. He pulls into a driveway with a four-car garage. The house itself is about a quarter of a block wide and overlooks the lake. Jaeger’s home is on the lake, too, but it’s up a rise with more distant views. This place is practically on the lake and, with a façade of decorative shingles and stone, it’s impressive.

  “Who lives here?” I ask.

  “A client I want you to meet. I think you’ll like their newest art.” He grins mysteriously.

  He’s taking me to see one of his pieces? Inside someone’s home? Isn’t that intrusive? “Okay-y-y. You’re sure that’s all right with the owner?”

  His smile widens. “Pretty sure. I’ve told them about you, and they want to meet you.”

  What in the world? “Your clients want to meet your jailbird, dropout girlfriend?”

  “Yup.” He leans over and sweetly kisses my lips. His fingers slide a lock of hair behind my ear. The kiss is innocent, but the look in his eyes is naughty and I like it. “None of that was your fault. Besides, adversity makes people stronger. Sometimes it makes them their best self,” he adds with a self-mocking grin.

  He’s right. Where Jaeger is today is infinitely better than if he’d stayed on the Olympic track with Kate by his side. He could have permanently damaged his knees, been crippled. And God knows what would have happened if he’d ended up married to Kate.

  I shiver in horror. That is a fate no one should suffer.

  It’s easier to look at another person’s life and know they are better off; not so easy to do it with your own. The only thing I know for sure is that my feelings for Jaeger are the real deal. I never would have known this kind of love had I stayed with Eric or someone like him.

  I cup my hand around Jaeger’s strong jaw and kiss him softly. I can’t believe he is mine.

  We walk to the front door, and a man with silver hair and reading glasses answers. He greets Jaeger, and Jaeger introduces me.

  “This is Cali?” the man says, as if he’s heard of me before. Jaeger said he wanted to shop some of my designs. Maybe he told this guy about my work?

  “Shall we?” the man says, and waves a hand inside.

  I glance at Jaeger, a big fat question on my face.

  He steps forward and follows the owner through a large entry, which looks straight back to a wall-high view of the lake. We turn left into a living room about five times the size of the chalet. Wall-to-wall windows overlook mountains and lake, divided in the center by a stone fireplace.

  I’ve never experienced this kind of wealth. I’m star-struck by the view and the elaborate furniture. A minute pa
sses before I realize Jaeger and his client are staring at the wall behind me. It’s wide and tall, and blank—with the exception of a single piece of art. One of Jaeger’s wood carvings, only this one is on steroids.

  The piece is the size of a small car, though the room accommodates it, and it is a-ma-zing. I’ve never seen anything so beautiful.

  Another full minute passes, before I realize the design is one of my own.

  Holy shit. It’s my yard—my backyard. The trees I sketch all the time. This is one of the first drawings I did after Gen and I arrived for the summer.

  I open my mouth to say something and nothing comes out. My throat is dry. I cough to clear it, which results in loud hacking, as the cough from my pneumonia hasn’t fully gone away. “Excuse me,” I choke out.

  “I’ll get you some water,” the man offers, and walks off.

  “Well,” Jaeger whispers, “what do you think?”

  I’m shaking as if I were standing in front of a large audience. I have freaking stage fright, and it’s all Jaeger’s fault. My wonderful boyfriend sold a piece of my art. Our art. And it’s incredible. The way he captured the design elements, the shading from the wood itself, to complement the image. There are no words for what I think or how I feel.

  It’s just a sketch of my simple backyard, but it’s stunning—the way I see our yard. And maybe that’s art. Seeing the beauty others miss and capturing it.

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  The ride back to Jaeger’s is silent, what with the bomb he dropped. It took on nuclear proportions when he handed me a check for my portion of the commission—forty percent. If he shocked me speechless with the carving, I almost passed out when he handed me the check. Jaeger had to get me out of his client’s house quickly; my speech had degraded to mumbles and gasps.

  Thousands of dollars sit in my sweaty little hand. More than I made in two months working at Blue. One or two commissions a year with Jaeger, plus my job at Sallee Construction, and I’d officially have a new and exciting career in art. Of course, I couldn’t do the commissions without Jaeger. His talent brings my drawings to life.

  He has a pleased grin as we make our way back to his house, flicking me glances now and then. He knows he’s shocked the hell out of me. Seeing my design beautifully displayed on someone’s wall is like winning the lottery. There is nothing better, except being with Jaeger.

  I’ve turned into a corny, love-struck girlfriend.

  I’m okay with that.

  We pull down Jaeger’s long driveway and my heart speeds up as his house comes into view. Near the front door is a brand-new white SUV. It’s not a luxury brand, but it’s new and my hackles go up. Another one of his cougar clients? A trick from Kate? Or one of her evil accomplices?

  “Don’t worry,” Jaeger says as he scans my face. “That one’s supposed to be here.”

  “Whose is it?”

  I was looking forward to some alone time with Jaeger so I could show him how much I appreciated his efforts with my drawing and helping my art career. He is the best boyfriend in the world and I have plans for how to thank him. Detailed, creative, body-art type plans. Sort of like Twister, bedroom style.

  “It’s yours.”

  Huh? “What’s mine?”

  “The car. I bought it for you, but really it’s an investment in my peace of mind. I might have an aneurysm if I go one more day worrying about you and how you’re getting around.”

  Normally, something like this would go against my whole I am an independent woman thing, but all I can do is smile. No one should be dependent on someone else for their happiness, but this is not about coddling. Jaeger loves me, and this is how he’s showing his love. He’s worried about my safety and wants to take care of me. The sentiment is mutual, because I want to take care of him. That’s a part of the loving business. I don’t feel trapped or dependent. I feel loved.

  “You bought me a car.”

  He nods.

  I look at my pretty new vehicle. The sports utility aspect will come in handy. Good for Tahoe summers—and winters. “I love it,” I say, but I’m looking at him, the emotion he fills me with pouring out.

  Jaeger leans over and we kiss, long and slow, merging all manner of feelings into one point of heated contact.

  After a moment, I lift my head. “Thank you … for everything. Everything you’ve given me.” And I’m not referring to the car.

  “You’ve given me more.”


  Coming in May 2014 from Jules Barnard, Book 2 of the Blue Series …


  What exactly is going on between Gen and Lewis, and will Drake get away with using the casino as his sinful playground?

  On the cusp of a humiliating breakup from the safe, conservative boyfriend, who ended up betraying her, Genevieve Tierney moves to Lake Tahoe with her best friend after graduation, determined to throw off the financial reins of her mother’s dirty money and lick her romantic wounds. Earning cash at one of Lake Tahoe’s lucrative casinos and keeping a safe distance from cheating jerks seems like a good plan, until she meets the one guy tempting enough to drag her back down.

  Lewis Sallee is six and a half feet of perfectly sculpted mountain man, who captures Gen’s attention from the moment he walks in the door. Her play-it-safe approach to relationships flies out the window as Lewis’s presence awakens a sex drive she never knew she had. Lewis is in a complicated relationship with one of the most beautiful women Gen has ever seen, and despite all logical reasons to stay away—and she’s a logic devotee—Gen can’t seem to control her body’s attraction to him.

  Feeling like a magnet for the worst sort of guys, Gen’s desperate to win the battle for self-control around Lewis and put the sleazy casino men pestering her in their place. When her friend suggests she step out of her comfort zone to build self-confidence, Gen signs up for Lake Tahoe’s gritty Alpine Mudder, an endurance race filled with extreme obstacles. But as Gen prepares for one of the biggest physical challenges of her life, her emotional strength is pushed to its limits when she finds herself agreeing to train with Lewis and his mudder team after realizing she needs his help. Spending time alone with Lewis tests her willpower and has her fighting her body’s attraction—while her mind and heart are not far behind.


  I hope you enjoyed Deep Blue. Please consider leaving a review at the site where you purchased it or on GoodReads.

  To learn about upcoming releases from Jules Barnard, sign up for her newsletter. You will only receive notifications when new titles are available and when her books go on sale. You may also occasionally receive teasers, excerpts, and extras from upcoming books. Jules will never share your contact information with others.

  Follow Jules on Twitter at @jules_barnard, or visit her website at

  The Blue Series continues in Book 2, Blue Crush. Out May 2014.

  Book 3, True Blue, is due in late summer 2014. Details forthcoming on her website and in her newsletter.


  I couldn’t have completed a single book without the support of my husband. He entertains the kids when I’m on deadline or need to get an idea down before it drifts into the ether, and places food in front of me when I forget to eat. Thank you, Patrick, for your love and support and for reading my girly manuscripts and finding all the dialogue “a guy would never say.” Along those lines, I’d like to thank my children for making me stop and smell the roses—literally, they shove them in my face—no matter how busy life gets.

  A huge thank-you to my agent, Laura Bradford, for her unwavering support of Deep Blue and intelligent insights along the path to publication. Heartfelt thanks to my critique partners and beta readers—Lia Riley, Jennifer Ryan, and Marlene Relja—who’ve been there from the beginning. A special thank-you for the expertise and hard work of editors Laura Ownbey and Shelley Bates. No author is complete without her writer’s groups, so a collective thank-you to the Rogue ladies, members of the Silicon Valley R
WA, and members of the small but powerfully supportive Monterey Bay RWA group. Last, but in no way least, a huge thank-you to Sarah Hansen of Okay Creations for coming up with the Deep Blue cover and series design.

  In researching Cali’s unintentional drug overdose and the subsequent fallout, I received valuable assistance from the South Lake Tahoe Police Department, and my friend and ER doctor, Rob Collins. Any errors on these topics are mine alone.

  A final thank-you to the rest of my friends and family who’ve supported my writing. Love to you all!

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Chapter Thirty-Three






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