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Goddess Revenge: Goddess Series Book 4 (Young Adult / New Adult)

Page 3

by Muse, M. W.

  River put his left elbow on the table, dropped his head into his hand, and looked at Legacy. She glanced over at him, and he smiled. She returned the gesture, but then looked away. She felt River’s hand gently slide onto her knee and realized he’d leaned against the table to block that action from Seth’s view. The only person who could see what he did was Calli because she was on the other side of Legacy, but she’d have to be looking closely.

  Legacy shut her eyes briefly, and when she opened them back up, she focused on River’s gaze. He looked at her tenderly, not like she was used to seeing coming from him. Sure, he’d looked at her lovingly before, but usually he’d look at her with intense eyes whenever they had a close encounter. That kind of look would be easier to deal with.

  She covertly reached down and placed her hand on top of his. She stroked her thumb against his hand once, and then she moved it from her leg back to his and moved her hand away. She didn’t want it to seem like she didn’t want his hand there, but she also didn’t want River to get away with doing too much too soon.

  “We should probably get going,” she said, glancing at River and Calli.

  When they headed toward River’s car, he announced it was Legacy’s turn to sit up front since Calli had sat up front on the way, which was fine with her. She turned around and talked to Calli on the ride back, and because of her low-cut top, River had a pleasant view whenever he glanced at her.

  The rest of the day was a breeze just as Legacy had suspected. During gym, the basketball team—and River—was busy practicing on the court, so her class was outside practicing golf swings.

  Since the basketball team had practice after school, she didn’t have to worry about talking to River again. When she headed to the locker room after class, she saw him glance at her, but she didn’t make eye contact. After changing her clothes and exiting the dressing area, she didn’t even look at the court for fear that she’d get caught looking at him. The day was a success already. No need to push her luck.

  Legacy made her way quickly to her car and headed home. She changed into something more comfortable than the sexy ensemble she’d worn to school and started on her homework at the kitchen table. But her concentration was lacking. She couldn’t stop thinking about the damage River had done to her life.

  Right as she finished, she heard a knock on the door, so she got up to answer it. When she opened the door, her heart tingled, and she had to force herself not to smile, which felt totally unnatural. Adin always put a smile on her face.

  And it didn’t help that he looked incredibly hot. He was wearing loose jeans and a fitted cream sweater that nicely displayed his musculature.

  “Hi,” he said softly.


  “Can I come in for a minute?”

  “Um, sure.” Legacy stepped aside. “I just finished my homework.” She headed to the kitchen, and he followed.

  She started gathering her books as Adin took a seat. When she completed the task—really an excuse for a distraction—she sat across from him.

  “How was school?” he asked.

  “Hmm…difficult.” She really didn’t know how to answer that question, but from the confused look in his eyes, she realized her response had thrown him for a loop.

  “Difficult how?”

  She inhaled slowly and shook her head. She was so not going there. “Long story. How was your day?”

  Thanks gods he got the hint and didn’t press it. “It was fine. We’re studying for finals. In a couple of weeks, I’ll be finished with this semester. Then I’ll be out for over a month before the next term starts.”

  “Over a month? Wow. That doesn’t seem fair.” She laughed.

  Adin chuckled. Then he ran his fingers through his hair and leaned against the table, gazing at her. A few seconds passed before he spoke again. “You’re too far away,” he whispered.

  “That’s for the best.” She half-smiled at him. Was her heart trying to break free from the confines of her chest?

  Standing up, he said, “I disagree.” He walked over and took the seat right next to her.

  Legacy sighed and looked down. Being this close to him physically would be challenging, and she knew it. But she’d have to stay detached.

  “I miss you like crazy,” he breathed, resting his forehead against hers.

  “I know.”

  “Let’s do something tonight. I can cook you dinner, or if you’d rather not be alone, we can go out to eat.”

  She’d love to do either one of those things, but one date would turn into two, and two dates would turn her into mush. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  “I figured you were going to say that,” he whispered. Leaning back, he said, “You can pay for your own meal since we’re just friends now.” He grinned.

  A startled laugh escaped her, and she shook her head.

  “And you don’t even have to dress up. In fact, you’re too dressed up as it is. Go throw on some sweats and a holey shirt.” They both chuckled while they stared at each other.

  Adin’s smile faded. “I don’t know how to be your friend,” he confessed.

  “I don’t know how to be yours either,” she whispered. She probably shouldn’t have said that, but it was the truth.

  “I don’t know what to do here, Legacy. You’re more than just a friend. You’ve always been more than just a friend to me, even when we were just friends.”

  “I know. It doesn’t feel right thinking of you like that.”

  He slid his hand into her hair and put his lips to her ear. “Then let’s go back to how it was before.”

  Feeling his breath against her skin sent a shiver through her body, and it did not go unnoticed by Adin. He rubbed his cheek against hers, breathing heavily.

  “I love you so much, sweetheart.”

  Although she really didn’t want to, she pulled away from him. “You know we can’t. And if we’re going to be just friends, you can’t touch me and talk to me like that.” She hated telling him this.

  Adin took a deep breath and groaned through his exhale. He seemed to be searching for the right words to say, but it was apparent he was coming up empty. There were no magical words to make her change her mind about keeping Adin safe.

  “Legacy, for months I watched River be a part of your life. I know he touched you and told you that he loved you. It’s only fair that I be allowed to do the same.”

  He was reaching, and she smiled at him. “Yes, well, River didn’t present a real temptation. You do. I am in love with you.”

  “I guess you’re right,” he said with a slight smile.

  Since they were talking about River, she figured now was as good a time as any to bring up what she could about him. She had no intention of telling Adin about her dream. If Adin knew River was the one behind Venus being here, he’d slaughter River, but she needed to figure out a way to prepare Adin for what was to come.

  “About River,” she started as she looked down. “Don’t be surprised if you see him around a lot more.”

  Adin grimaced. “Oh, since you broke up with me, I figured he’d be sniffing around you twenty-four-seven.”

  “Yeah, he’s definitely making his move.” She was, too, but for very different reasons. Reasons she couldn’t tell Adin.

  “Is River the reason why your day was difficult?”

  “Yes,” she said as she looked up at him through her eyelashes. She needed to be careful with how much she told him, but eventually, he’d figure out something was going on.

  “What happened?”

  “I don’t think it’s wise to talk about that,” she said, looking away.

  “Sweetheart, I want to be here for you. If you’re dealing with something, talk to me. You won’t let me take you out on dates, and apparently, we have to be careful how we spend our time together, but we should be able to talk about anything.”

  That wasn’t true, but he didn’t realize it. She did, however, need to warn him about what she could. “Adin, er, I’m
probably going to be spending a lot of time with River.”

  “Why?” he asked slowly.

  “Because I need to.”

  He looked at her, studying her expression. “Are you…are you going to be dating him?” he asked, bewildered.

  “I don’t know. Maybe.” She shrugged, looking back up.

  She could hear Adin’s breathing accelerate while his eyes searched hers. “Do you like him like that?”

  She shook her head slightly and squinted her eyes. Even though she needed to let River believe she liked him, she wasn’t ready to let Adin think of this possibility. He knew she was still in love with him, so she needed to phrase her response carefully. “There’re a lot of things I’m going through right now. Things I need to do. Things I can’t turn to you about.”

  “Legacy, you can always come to me. You know that,” he said quickly.

  “I know, but things are complicated now, and I don’t want to take a risk that would end up killing you.”

  “Just because you think you can’t turn to me, doesn’t mean you have to turn to him, Legacy.”

  “He knows what I’m going through, Adin.” That wasn’t the real reason she’d be spending more time with River, but that was the only reason she could tell Adin.

  “Legacy! He’s in love with you. If you date him, it’ll just encourage his feelings,” he said frantically.

  She sighed. She didn’t want Adin to get worked up about this, but she should have known he would’ve. “That’s a risk I’m just going to have to take.”

  Adin shook his head. “That’s easy for you to say now, when you don’t share his feelings, but if you spend time with him like that, you’ll be encouraging your feelings for him too.”

  She shrugged. “I can’t be with the man I want. My feelings are really irrelevant at this point.”

  “Not to me. Your feelings…your everything matters to me.”

  “I know, and you’re just going to have to trust me on this. I know what I’m doing.”

  Adin studied her briefly. “You’re up to something,” he said slowly.

  She pursed her lips. Of course she was up to something. Adin was a smart man and he knew her extremely well. She should’ve known he’d figure that out right away.

  He gasped. “Are you doing this to keep me away from you?” he asked, grabbing her hand.

  “I don’t want you away from me,” she whispered, looking down at their joined hands.

  He caressed the back of her hand with his thumb. “Then why? Why are you doing this? It’s hard enough knowing I can’t be with you, but I can’t even begin to wrap my head around the idea of you being with River.”

  “I told you. This is what I need right now,” she said as she pulled her hand away from his.

  As she said that, she thought about the line in her recurring dream from the fall. What we want to do and what we need to do are two different things.

  Adin first told her this when they were making out in his car, and then she started dreaming about that line. But instead of Adin being the one to say it in her dream, she was the one who was always saying it. When she told him this during their breakup, Adin was the one to point out that it had come from her dream.

  Maybe that line wasn’t just about her breakup with Adin, but also about what she needed to do with River—even though she didn’t want to put Adin through this. She wanted Adin, but she couldn’t have him because of River’s actions, so she needed to punish River.

  What she wanted and needed right now were definitely two different things, and as she sat staring at Adin, she wanted nothing more than to run away with him and forget all about River and the hell he was putting her through.

  Instead, she found the strength to ask Adin to leave.

  And he did.

  Chapter Three

  The next morning, Legacy picked out a pair of skinny jeans and a silk top, which she left several buttons unfastened at her cleavage. She left her hair down this time, but doused on the perfume again.

  As she headed to school, she realized maybe she was doing better at controlling her emotions. Ever since she’d screamed at the tornado, she hadn’t noticed any strange weather patterns, and her emotions were still on a rollercoaster. She didn’t need to lose sight of her objective. No matter how mad she was at River or how much she hated hurting Adin, she needed to retain some focus on her ascension. She begrudgingly knew that River could still help her with that, like he had been doing all along. Stupid prick.

  When she got to school, Calli and River were already there. She walked to the picnic table and made eye contact with Calli since she was facing Legacy. River had his back to her since he was sitting in the same spot he always sat in.

  “Good morning,” Calli said when Legacy got into earshot.

  River turned around and smiled at her. She smiled back at him. “Good morning,” she said, glancing at both of them.

  “Hey,” River said as she took her seat next to Calli.

  “You’re either getting here earlier, or I’m getting here later,” Legacy said to River as she rummaged around in her purse for some gum.

  “I think it’s a little of both.”

  Legacy glanced up at him, and he was smiling. “Maybe.” She shrugged, but she knew it made sense. He’d want to get here earlier, so he could spend as much time with her as possible. She’d want to get here later, so she wouldn’t have to be around him any more than she absolutely had to. She’d have to make a conscious effort to get here earlier, so he wouldn’t think she wanted to avoid him.

  Game time. Legacy looked down and glanced back up at him through her eyelashes. “I bet I’ll beat you here tomorrow,” she said with a crooked smile.

  He chuckled and looked down. Odd. She knew he wasn’t shy. He was so overbearing with his feelings once he’d told her about the prophecy, so why was he acting this way now? She guessed it was because this was the first time she’d been available since they met. This was new territory for him.

  And for her.

  “You’re on,” he murmured without looking at her.

  The bell rang, and they headed to chemistry. Their teacher kept them busy in class, so Legacy was thrilled. The same was true for their business class, but she was still looking forward to her break from River during her Spanish class with Calli. And thank gods it was time for Spanish.

  “Well, whatever you’re doing, it’s working. River is totally enamored with you,” Calli said after they took our seats.

  “He was already in love with me,” she said matter-of-factly.

  “I know, but he’s different. Before, he’d talk freely about you when you weren’t around. Now, it’s almost like he avoids conversations about you. When I mentioned you this morning before you got here, he was careful not to change his expression, and he changed the subject when he figured it was safe.”

  “Hmm, I wonder why?” And she really did wonder, just like the shy behavior this morning.

  “It’s like his attraction is so much stronger for you now that it almost makes him uncomfortable.”

  “I guess that makes sense.” She hesitated, looking at Calli. “I talked to Adin last night.”

  “Did you tell him about this scheme of yours?”

  “Not in so many words. I told him that I’d be spending a lot more time with River, though. He asked if I was going to be dating him, and I told him I might. Of course, he didn’t like hearing that, but what could he say?”

  Legacy sighed and looked away from Calli. She didn’t like thinking about hurting Adin like this, but she had no choice. It was River’s fault. She didn’t need to lose sight of that painful detail.

  Calli nodded solemnly, then perked up. “Oh, I’m running over to Ellen’s house during lunch. Thad went home sick, and she needs to get her car.”


  Which meant she’d be alone with River at lunch. Already. Before Thanksgiving, she wouldn’t have given that a second thought, but now…

  “I’ll talk to Kate
next period and see if she and Seth can join you,” Calli said as if she could read Legacy’s thoughts.


  And thank gods Calli delivered. Kate and River were casually talking about lunch after they left history class and walked into them.

  “Seth’s taking her to the Mexican place down the street. Want to go?” River asked her.

  Thank you, thank you, thank you! “Sure,” she said with a smile, and then glanced at River.

  He nodded.

  They headed to the parking lot where Seth met up with them. “I’ll drive,” he said to River.

  Seth had an SUV, so there was plenty of room for the four of them. But that meant River and Legacy would be sitting together in the backseat. Not an ideal situation, but at least they wouldn’t be completely alone all through lunch.

  River opened the door for her and walked around to get in on the other side.

  They all talked on the way to the restaurant, so it wasn’t as uncomfortable as she had feared. River and Seth talked about basketball, and they were animated in their gestures when they talked about different plays. Legacy and Kate talked about fashion.

  “I like that shirt,” Kate said.

  Legacy looked down and rubbed her hand along it. “Thanks.”

  “Where did you get it?”

  “Um, I don’t remember.” Then she realized this was a golden opportunity. She had been really careful all day with her flirting since her little bet with River about getting to school before he did tomorrow. It was time to make another move.

  She leaned toward River. His breath caught. She put her hand on her shirt collar and pulled it away from her neck while she took her other hand and lifted her hair. She already had enough buttons unfastened, so she didn’t have to undo anymore.

  “What does it say?” she asked River softly.

  He reached up and gently grabbed the collar. He leaned his head down, his hair brushing against her neck. His hot breath trailed down the back of her shirt, causing goose bumps along its path.

  “I, er, I can’t really see it,” he murmured, and shook his head slightly. When he moved his head, the side of his face brushed the back of her head, and she heard—and felt—a soft sigh escape him.


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