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Over Heated (On the Wild Side Book 3)

Page 7

by Elizabeth Lennox

  Roxy immediately stepped off of the bike and he watched her for a long moment, enjoying the sight of her butt in her jeans. They weren’t tight, but she was so curvy and perfectly round, the denim seemed to hug every curve.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked, holding her helmet off to the side, looking hot and sexy. Like an elegant biker chick.

  “Not a damn, thing,” he replied and took her helmet. He latched it onto the handles of the bike, then came over to her. “You look gorgeous, that’s all.” And he kissed her.

  This time, he didn’t have to prompt her to open for him. Roxy did it almost automatically, pressing against him. Little by little, she was releasing her past and starting to trust him.

  His hands wove into her hair, tugging the band away so the strawberry blond tresses fell over his hand like a silken caress. Then he deepened the kiss further, pulling her closer, pressing her back against a tree as he lifted her higher, pressing her body against him more perfectly.

  The whimpering sent his lust spiraling higher and his hands moved lower, lifting her bottom up so that her legs wrapped around his waist. He ground his erection against her, his mind blanking as she participated more intensely with the kiss. He couldn’t seem to get enough of her, and the way she moved, grinding against him, he thought…was she? Lifting his head, he looked down at her. Roxy’s lips were swollen from his kisses and her eyes remained closed. Abe doubted that she even realized what an erotic image she was presenting. But he didn’t stop. He couldn’t stop! Every shift of her hips brought her closer and closer! He was about to say something to her when she gasped and froze in his arms, her body tensing and…He kissed her then, absorbing her release. She was stunning as her release rolled over her. Then her body relaxed against his, her arms weak, and he held her securely against him.

  “Oh my!” she whispered, her lips pressing against the skin of his throat and Abe just about climaxed himself!

  “That was beautiful!” he whispered in her ear as he held her close.

  “Yes,” she muttered, still half out of it after that release.

  His body throbbed, aching for his own release, but he loved that she’d experienced that kind of joy in his arms. He felt like howling, he was so proud and excited…and turned on!

  Pulling back, he watched as she slowly came back to the present, licking her lips and blinking dazedly up at him. “Can we do that again?’ she whispered.

  He threw back his head, laughing. “Absolutely!” he agreed, pulling back, not wanting to overwhelm her with the state of his body. “How about some lunch? Are you hungry?”

  “Yes. But…” she looked down at him and her face turned pink. “Can I…do that to you?”

  “After lunch,” he promised and stepped away from her, holding her steady to make sure that she didn’t stumble.

  Abe walked over to his bike and pulled open the leather cases, pulling out the sandwiches and chips, sodas and fruit that he’d grabbed at the deli before picking her up as well as a wool blanket. “How about if we go over there? The view is pretty amazing.”

  She glanced over towards the rocks, blinking into the sunshine that dappled through the trees. “That looks really nice,” she replied with a formal voice.

  They walked through the trees and he spread the blanket out while she held onto their lunch. When he turned back to help her down onto the blanket, he looked into her eyes and knew. She was embarrassed.

  “Talk to me, Roxy,” he urged, taking the food from her and placing it on the blanket.

  “What I just did,” she paused and looked out at the clouds, but he doubted she saw anything. “I just…”

  “Don’t you dare be embarrassed, honey! I loved it! In fact, I plan on doing that to you again later this afternoon, but hopefully, without clothes in the way.”

  She looked at him, startled. “Really?”

  “Absolutely,” he groaned, and pulled her closer. But he didn’t touch her other than to hug her gently and kiss the top of her head. “Definitely. But next time, we’re going to do it more thoroughly.”

  “I think I might like that,” she replied and he heard the smile in her voice. The tension in his shoulders relaxed and he was relieved that she could recover so quickly.

  “Good! Then let’s eat and talk and you can relax.”

  “You can’t relax?”

  “Not until we get to the ‘more thoroughly’ part,” he told her with a wink.

  She blushed and he thought he could really get used to seeing her do that. Just thinking about how sexy she looked when she blushed, Abe made a mental list of about twenty suggestions to make her blush. All of those ideas she’d like just as much!

  But for now…they should eat.

  “I have ham and Swiss or roast beef and cheddar. Which would you prefer?”

  She stared blankly at the sandwiches until he realized that she wasn’t seeing them. She was staring at his…uh…erection. “Eyes up, Roxy,” he warned. “Later.”

  “Why not now?”

  He stared at her, then leaned over to kiss her gently, his fingers wrapping around her neck gently to hold her in place. For several moments, he kissed her like this, just needing that connection, the feeling of her lips against his.

  When he pulled back, his eyes were still heated, but he had his body a bit more under control. “Because if I let you touch me right now, Roxy, it will be all over. I need you too much.”

  For a long moment, she simply stared at him as if trying to figure it out. Obviously, she came to the right conclusion, because the corners of her lips curled up slightly, in triumph and excitement. Anticipation.

  Damn, she was beautiful!

  “Later then,” she whispered, and for the first time, she leaned forward to brush her lips against his. It was just a quick, soft gesture, but because she initiated the contact, it turned him on even more.

  They ate the sandwiches and nibbled on the fruit, talking and leaning against the big rock behind them as they admired the amazing view of the mountain tops in front of them. He told her about his childhood which, in retrospect, was pretty idyllic. His parents were still married and in love. He had an older sister who had alternately annoyed or ignored him growing up and a younger brother who had also annoyed him, but never ignored. The three of them were good friends now, although they didn’t get together as much as they’d like. His sister was an accountant at one of the big firms and was slowly making her way up the chain of command while his brother had started his own construction company, which took up a great deal of time. He worked his sites, building custom houses during the day, then worked on paperwork during the evening hours, which didn’t leave much time for socializing.

  “It sounds wonderful,” Roxy sighed, tossing her leftover apple core out to the woods for the birds or other animals to nibble on for food. “I dreamed about having a sibling. A sister.”

  “Not a brother?” he asked, shifting their positions so that her back was against his chest and he could wrap his arms around her.

  She smiled as she snuggled more comfortably into him. “No. I never thought of a brother. I don’t know why. It was always a sister. Someone I could share a room with and tell secrets to.”

  “Do you want kids?”

  There was a long silence and Abe looked at her, trying to avoid looking down the neckline of her shirt.

  “Yes. I suppose I eventually would like to have kids. Although, I hadn’t really thought about it much.”

  “What did your mother tell you about having kids?”

  She shook her head. “That the pain of childbirth was our cross to bear because Eve bit into the apple in the garden.” Roxy paused. “My mother liked to talk about the pain of childbirth a lot.”

  “She had mental health issues, Roxy,” he told her, tightening his arms around her for a moment in a gentle hug. “From what you’ve told me, there was something seriously wrong.”

  Roxy was still for a long moment, then she slowly nodded, still staring out at the mountains.
r />   “I think you’re right. Although,” she sighed, “I wish I’d known that growing up.”

  “You probably wouldn’t have known what to do about it.”

  “I might have spoken to a school counselor,” she thought out loud. “Or maybe one of the neighbors.” She shook her head. “No, I don’t think the neighbors would have done anything. They were terrified of her.”

  “I can’t imagine what you went through honey. Are you going to talk to a therapist?”

  She shrugged. “I don’t know any therapists that isn’t associated with the hospital.”

  He shifted again, trying to look down into her eyes. “There are others out there. I’ll ask around.”

  “No, please don’t…”

  “I promise it will be fine, honey. In fact, if I make the inquiries, it might be better than if you were to start asking people for a reference.”

  She looked into his dark eyes and he waited. “Let me think about it, okay?”

  “That sounds fair,” he agreed. And then she did something he hadn’t expected.

  Her hand lifted, her fingers trailed down his cheek and along his jawline. “You’re really a very nice man,” she whispered as if still surprised.

  “You’re right,” he replied, then shifted again. Her touch flamed the fires that he’d banked earlier and he could barely control the lust surging through him. He shifted slightly, not wanting to dislodge her fingers, but needing to feel her body against his again. “I’m a very nice man.”

  She laughed, turning around, but he used her change in positions to his advantage. One moment, she was leaning against his chest, the next, she was on her back looking up at him.

  “Touch me, Roxy,” he groaned as he lowered his mouth to her neck, kissing and nuzzling the sensitive places he’d discovered over the past few days. When her fingers dove into his hair, he moved to her collarbone while his hand slid under her shirt.

  His hand trailed along her skin, feeling her muscles tense, and he waited for her to tell him to stop. He wasn’t planning on anything more than touching her, but damn, she felt good!

  Her fingers were back on his face and the pressure lifted his head so that she could look at him.

  “Am I moving too fast?” he asked.

  Roxy shook her head. “No, Abe. In fact, would you…” she paused and took a deep breath. “Would you make love to me?”

  He stilled, stunned by her request. Before his body could spiral out of control, he clamped down on his lust. “Roxy, I was trying to go slowly.”

  She smiled, her fingers sliding along his neck and the feel of her fingers on his skin made him ache for her fingers to touch him in different places.

  “I noticed. But…I didn’t sleep well last night, thinking about everything. My mother’s ridiculous will, the cat that now seems more terrified than mean,” she explained. Now she could add the thrill and excitement of riding out of town on a motorcycle and…yeah, she’d been thinking a lot about that thrilling sensation he’d given her right before lunch.

  Living, she thought as her eyes followed the trail of her fingers. This was living! These sensations, the thrill and exhilaration of experiencing moments like this. Surely, God wouldn’t have put these wonderful feelings on the earth only to tell people to ignore them.

  “I’m tired of going slow.” Her smile increased with those words. “Actually, I’ve been in the parking lot of life for too long. I don’t want to be parked anymore, Abe. I want to get onto the highway. I want to feel and learn and enjoy as much of life as I can.”

  He was very still and she could feel his muscles tense under her fingertips. “Are you sure?”

  She laughed and lifted her leg to cradle his erection more perfectly against her. “My mother passed away suddenly from a heart attack, Abe. She was fifty years old with only idiotic glass figurines and a terrified cat for company. She had a huge amount of money saved away and she didn’t do anything with it. She just…lived alone and was miserable. And she worked hard to spread that misery.” She shifted against him, remembering the way she’d moved before lunch, the way he’d pressed against her. “I want more, Abe.” Her fingers dove into his hair, shocked at how silky soft it was. “Will you show me more?”

  He stayed completely still for a long moment. She knew the exact moment that he decided to believe her. His eyes heated and there was a subtle shift in his shoulders. Then he nodded.

  “I’ll show you, Roxy. I’ll show you anything you want.” He lowered his head to kiss her. It was a soft, slow, sensuous kiss at first. But when she pressed her hips against his unconsciously, the kiss changed. Deepened. Became more demanding.

  She wasn’t sure how, but her shirt unbuttoned and his hand cupped her breast over the pale cotton of her bra. It was the most magical moment of her life so far! Never had she believed that a man’s hand against her breast would feel so…shocking! So wonderful!

  When he started to take his hand away, she made a strange sound, and slapped her hand over his.

  He laughed, a deep, husky sound that intensified everything she was feeling. “Relax, honey. We’re doing this. I just want to be alone with you, so that we don’t have to worry about anyone interrupting,” he explained, lifting is head and looking around before he grinned down at her. “I want you spread out and naked with no interruptions.”

  With that, he stood up, then reached down to take her hand and tug her to her feet. “You grab the blanket and I’ll pack up the remnants from our picnic.”

  Roxanne was stunned for half a second. But as she watched Abe bend down and stuff everything else into the bag, she understood. Sex! She was finally going to have sex! And with Abe, no less. Goodness, she couldn’t believe how her life had changed over the past few days! Before that night in the bar, she would have sworn that Abe was just a pain in her neck, doing everything he could to rile her.

  But now…now she knew he was sweet, caring, and gentle. The tattoo on his arm caught her eye in the sunshine and her mouth dried up. Sex with Abe. She wanted to feel his hands on her skin, touching her breasts and…everything! Oh, she knew how the sexual act happened and, truth be told, she was a bit nervous. She was twenty-six years old! She should have had sex back in high school or college! But her mother’s words…!

  “Stop, Roxy,” he urged, standing up and coming towards her.

  “I’m not…” She began but he cupped her cheek.

  “You were. Your mother’s voice is haunting you, isn’t it?”

  She sighed, her lashes lowering against the wave of emotions rolling over her. “Yes,” she admitted.

  “Hey,” he kissed the corner of her mouth, drawing her attention back to the present. “What happened to the woman who wanted to experience life?”

  Roxanne laughed self-consciously. “You stopped touching her!” she said, then held her breath as she realized what she’d just admitted. To him!

  “Then let’s get back onto that bike and head back to my house. We’ll go as slow as you need,” he assured her. “If you want to stop, we stop. You are in control.”

  Her tension eased and she smiled up at him. “Thank you,” she whispered.

  “Do me one favor,” he urged. Moving closer, he put his hands on her waist, pulling her close. “Just stay with me. Don’t let your mother’s voice invade your mind for just today.”

  “That sounds fair,” she replied, her smile brightening.

  “Good!” He handed her the blanket. “You fold. I’ll take care of the trash.”

  She laughed and took the blanket, folding it while she watched him walk away. With a sigh, she admired his long, powerful legs, currently hidden by the soft, well-worn denim. But as he walked back to her, the sun dappled along his shoulders and arms, her eyes were drawn to the design on his arm. What was it about that tattoo that so fascinated her? She’d never been attracted to men with tattoos in the past. There was just something different about Abe. But if she was honest with herself, she admitted that there’d always been something different a
bout him. From the moment her boss had introduced him to the surgical staff, Roxanne had taken an instant dislike to him.

  Maybe that anger had been misunderstood attraction. Because as he walked towards her, those dark eyes watching her steadily, she acknowledged that she was powerfully attracted to him.

  “You’re not very efficient at folding that blanket,” he teased, taking it out of her numb fingers and rolling it up without any sort of folding. A moment later, he grabbed the backpack, tossed it over his shoulder, then took her hand and led her towards the parking lot. “Come on, beautiful,” he urged. “We have plans for the rest of the afternoon!”

  She swallowed, but hurried along with him, eager for…whatever might happen. “The whole afternoon?” she laughed, thinking he was just teasing her. She’d heard that the actual sexual act only took about fifteen minutes.

  He glanced at her as he handed her the helmet again, storing the pack and the blanket on the saddlebags. “Probably into the evening as well.”

  Less than sixty seconds later, they were riding out of the parking lot, back down the mountain. Roxanne held onto his waist, her heart pounding as she thought about what was about to happen.

  It seemed to take a lot less time getting back to his house than it did to get to their picnic spot. When he pulled directly into the garage of his big, beautiful house, parking the bike next to the sleek Mercedes, Roxanne’s heart rate went into overdrive.

  When the motorcycle turned off, the sudden silence seeming to echo in the cavernous space. He took off his helmet and Roxanne slid away, her nerves causing her to tremble. In fact, her fingers were trembling so badly, she couldn’t get the clasp of the helmet to release.

  “Hey,” he said, his voice soothing. “It’s okay.” He pushed her fingers away and released the catch on the helmet, sliding it off her head and placing it on the motorcycle seat. He then turned back to her and took her hands. “Nothing bad is going to happen, Roxanne. You’re too nervous, honey.”


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