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Wolf on a Mission: Salvation Pack, Book 6

Page 13

by N. J. Walters

  Elias felt his respect for Jacque and his pack growing. This was the kind of place he and Everett had talked about buying someday. They’d been discussing selling the construction business and sinking the money into such a place when his brother had been killed.

  Everett would have liked it here. Marcie would have loved being around the women. She’d often been lonely, though she’d never admitted such a thing. She’d showered her family with love and attention, but Elias had noticed the sadness surrounding her from time to time. So had his brother, which had prompted their discussions about moving.

  Damn, he missed them both so much.

  Jacque slowed and stopped at a group of flat rocks overlooking a small valley. Elias scented Gator quite strongly and knew this was a favorite place for the wolf.

  The alpha shifted and Elias did the same. Jacque didn’t ask him what he thought, but Elias offered him his opinion anyway. “I can see why you settled here.”

  “Can you?” The big bastard continued to stare out across the land.

  The more aggressive side of his nature urged him to fight the alpha, the saner part of his brain knew that Jacque was still testing him, baiting him to see how he would react. It was a smart thing to do. Better to see if Elias could hold back his natural urges to fight and dominate out here in the wild, away from the women.

  Elias had learned long ago that it took more strength to walk away from a fight than it did to take the first punch. Didn’t mean a man was weak, only that he was smart. If he did need to fight, better to come at it from a position of power, choosing the time and place.

  Not that he meant to fight Jacque. Elias had never wanted the headache of being alpha. But he wouldn’t be walked on either.

  “Yeah, I can. Everett and I talked about buying some land too.”

  “Why didn’t you?” It was Louis who asked that question. The other men had all shifted, all except Cole, who continued to watch him intently.

  “Timing. Plus, we started with nothing, and it took time to build our resources. With the boys fully grown, we thought it was time to sell the business and move, start fresh somewhere else. With our skills, we could support ourselves, especially if we had land where we could do some hunting and fishing, have a garden.” It had been a long-cherished dream they’d shared. “The car accident happened before we could make it a reality.”

  Jacque inclined his head. “I’m sorry as hell for what happened to your brother and sister-in-law.”

  Elias rubbed the back of his neck. “Yeah, me too.” Time to start drawing the line in the proverbial sand. “If you’re done checking me out, I’d like to get back to the boys. I don’t like leaving them alone for long.” What went unsaid but was understood was that he especially didn’t like leaving them alone with werewolves he didn’t know well or fully trust.

  Jacque grinned. “Good enough. I didn’t expect you to last this long.”

  Elias found himself smiling back. Damned if he wasn’t starting to like the alpha. “I probably wouldn’t have except it’s been a hell of a long time since I had a run like this,” he answered honestly.

  “I hear you. It’s hard on a wolf when he can’t run.” Jacque’s gaze sharpened. “What about Reece?”

  “What about him?” Elias’s hackles were up and he immediately went on the offensive.

  “Any theories as to why he can shift and his twin can’t?”

  He forced himself to relax, well aware that the other men were tense and ready to pounce. “No. I was hoping you’d have some ideas. He hasn’t had any time to truly test himself. I don’t know how strong he is.” Saying it out loud made Elias feel like a failure for not being able to supply his nephew with the answers he needed and the place to safely test his abilities.

  Jacque slapped him on the back. “Don’t worry about it. We’ll all work with Reece until we figure it out. As for why he can shift while Sage can’t…” Jacque shrugged. “Sometimes there are no answers, mon ami. They’re both healthy and safe, and they know you love them. That’s the best anyone could do.”

  It helped to hear even if it didn’t make him feel any better.

  “Besides,” Jacque continued. “You brought them here because you wanted a better life for them. Not many men in your position would have done such a thing.”

  “They’re my family.” Elias growled slightly, unable to stop himself. There was nothing more important than his boys. Sue popped into his head, along with Billy. Elias forced them out. There was no future for him and Sue. And if that hurt, well too damn bad. Nobody ever said life was fair.

  As much as he wanted Sue in his life, she could never be his mate. She was human. It wasn’t fair to bring her into their world, especially since she had a son to protect. And there was no way Reece and Sage would be accepted into the Salvation Pack if Elias put it at risk by pursuing a relationship with a local woman.

  All his life, he’d sacrificed. First to keep his brother and his sister-in-law safe and then to protect his nephews and give them the life they deserved. He didn’t regret his actions. Not one damn bit. But sometimes it hurt like hell.

  “And that is why you’re still here. Come on.” Jacque shifted and trotted back toward the trees.

  Elias shifted and followed, aware of the others surrounding him. He and the boys might be here, but they were still a long way from making the place their home.

  Jacque picked up the pace, seemingly as eager as Elias to get back. Elias was glad. It felt like there was a rock in the pit of his stomach. One that wouldn’t go away until he set his eyes on the twins.

  Who was he kidding? The knot in his gut would never go away. Not knowing that Sue was so close but he could never have her. He might as well be on the other side of the world.

  The memory of their one time together would haunt him into eternity. To walk away from a mate was unheard of. But nature had screwed up big time. Sue wasn’t a werewolf or even a half-breed. If she were, they might be able to work things out. But she was fully human.

  He could almost smell her arousal, feel her soft skin under his hands and hear her cries of pleasure. Both heaven and hell existed in that memory.

  But he’d never let it go. There would never be another woman for him. To take another would feel like he was cheating on Sue, dishonoring her. Not that she’d have the same feelings for him.

  The thought of her marrying another man, a human male, made Elias feel more than a little violent. And living so close, he’d surely hear if she was to remarry.

  If such a time ever happened, Elias hoped the boys were established and happy here, enough so that he’d be able to leave them. If Sue ever decided to remarry, Elias wouldn’t be able to stay. He couldn’t trust himself anywhere near the man.

  He shook his head. It made no sense to torture himself over something that hadn’t even happened, something that might never happen.

  Elias brought his attention back to his surroundings. It wasn’t smart to relax his guard just because the pack seemed to be welcoming, even if it was with conditions. They weren’t heading back to the house where he’d left Sage and Reece.

  He picked up his pace until he was alongside Jacque. The alpha wolf ignored him and kept going. Elias noted the five smaller houses they passed. He’d seen them from a distance but not up close. They were identical in size but their owners had put their stamp on them. Flowers grew outside one, while a small garden had been created behind another. One had two fancy wooden chairs that looked handcrafted, while another had Adirondack chairs painted in bright primary colors.

  The house they were heading toward was larger, much the same size as the alpha’s home. Elias sniffed and his stomach growled. Someone was baking. He smelled apples and maybe lemon.

  Jacque shifted and reached for one of the pairs of jeans slung over the back railing. Elias was pleased that someone had brought his clothing along. He yanked on his jeans and
tank top and followed the alpha inside with the other men bringing up the rear.

  The hard knot in his belly loosened somewhat when he saw Sage and Reece, both seated on the stools by the large countertop. Six pies were set out to cool. He’d been right. There were two apple and two lemon pies. He sniffed again. Cherry as well.

  The rest of the pack was spread throughout the living and dining area. Anny was laughing at something Sage had said, while her mate stood at her side, smiling indulgently at the boys.

  “Are you sure they’re not cooled enough?” Reece asked. “I think Sage is right. We need to taste one for quality control.” Then his nephew swung his head around. Their gazes met and Elias saw the boy relax. Sage smiled and waved, seeming more at home than his brother.

  Anny beamed at both boys. “I’m sure everyone would like to try a piece now that your uncle and the others are back.”

  “We should have lunch,” Gator pointed out as he strode into the kitchen. He opened the refrigerator door and started pulling out containers. “We’ve got ham and turkey for sandwiches. It will be quick and easy. Then we can have pie.”

  His mate went to him and wrapped her arms around his waist. The scar on her face didn’t detract from her good looks. Gator didn’t seem to notice it at all. He dropped a kiss on her lips.

  “Maybe we could have pie and then sandwiches,” she countered.

  Elias glanced at Jacque and found him smiling. In any other pack, the alpha would have made the decision and that would have been the end of it.

  “As long as we eat, I don’t care what it is,” Jacque told them. Gwen went to his side and patted his stomach.

  “You’re always hungry.”

  Jacque nuzzled her neck. “You never complain.”

  Gwen laughed and the rest of the pack joined in, helping to set out food, plates and utensils. Both boys seemed enthralled.

  Yes, no matter what it cost him, Elias knew he’d made the right decision in bringing the boys here.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Sue tacked the new order onto the rack and spun it around. “Burger special, Stan.”

  “On it,” he answered. The grill was sizzling. The smell of onions and fried meat filled the air. Her stomach growled, a reminder that she hadn’t eaten breakfast this morning.

  She was tired, hungry and cranky. Her body was sore in some unusual places. She was paying for her night of sexual adventure with Elias.

  A regular customer waved at her from the corner booth. Sue grabbed the fresh pot of coffee and made her way over. Mabel Thorpe and her best friend, Irene Bishop, were both in their seventies but were still very active in the community. They also came out for lunch at least once a week and had for as long as Sue could remember.

  “Can I get you ladies anything else?” she asked. She topped up their coffee cups without their having to ask. They always had more coffee.

  “Do you have any pie today, dear?” Mabel asked.

  “We have pecan and apple.”

  “And how is your little boy?” Irene looked over the rim of her wire glasses as she spoke. She’d been a schoolteacher for almost forty years before she’d finally retired a few years back. She always asked after Billy.

  “He’s doing well. Looking forward to starting school in a few weeks.”

  “I’ll have the pecan pie,” Mabel decided.

  “Apple for me,” the other woman said.

  Sue nodded and put in their order before she detoured to a few more tables, refilling coffee cups and taking a few more requests for pie. The work was physically demanding but not particularly hard. She had a good memory for details and that helped a lot. What she didn’t like was being on her feet for hours on end.

  It was worth it, she reminded herself as she swung by the ladies’ table and dropped off their pie. It kept a roof over her and Billy’s head. When she’d distributed the last of her pie, she began loading a tray with empty plates, glasses and mugs.

  There wasn’t much time to think as she ferried food from the kitchen and dirty dishes back the other way. The pace didn’t let up for another hour, when the lunch crowd started to thin.

  Sue finally leaned against the counter and took a deep breath, the first she’d taken in a couple of hours. A quick glance at the yellowed clock on the wall told her she had another hour until quitting time. She was glad to be working the early shift this week. She couldn’t wait to pick up Billy from Mrs. Beecham’s house.

  “More coffee.” Sue’s short break was over when a gruff man hollered from the corner. She wasn’t a fan of Fergus McLennan. The man was tighter than pair of jeans straight out of the clothes dryer. He never left a tip.

  As always, he was with his brother, Sean, and his cousins, Angus and Connor. Sue took a fresh pot of coffee and headed their way. She didn’t even try to make pleasant conversation. They would only glare at her if she did.

  She silently refilled Angus’s mug. He nodded his thanks.

  “I tell you, I seen a wolf out in the woods,” Connor said to Fergus.

  “How many times do I have to tell you there are no wolves around?” Fergus seemed angry with his cousin. “Probably just a dog, like that artist lady had with her last year. You know she married one of them fellows from down south who own that parcel of land a few miles north. Could be her dog you saw.”

  Sue filled Connor’s mug and reached for Fergus’s. She remembered that story. It had made the rounds in the diner. An artist had rented Anny’s cottage, Sue’s home now. And she’d had a huge dog that had been part wolf and part dog. One of the local deputies had recounted the story several times over coffee and pie. Then she’d stayed and married one of the reclusive men who’d settled outside of town. Gossip was, they’d built a few more homes over the years and had other people living there now.

  She didn’t know what to believe. They stayed to themselves and didn’t make any trouble. It was rare for them to come into town. She’d seen several of them, of course. It was impossible not to see them in a town this small, but not often. They were a handsome bunch, but there was something wild and untamed about them. Secretive. They were always watchful.

  Come to think of it. They reminded her of Elias.

  “I’m telling you, it was a wolf.” Connor shot Sue a warning glare, distracting her from her musings. “May even be the one that attacked your friend. You see any wolves?”

  Sue tensed, as she always did when anyone talked about the attack on Anny. Even now, almost two years later, she could still see Anny lying on the ground in a pool of blood. But that was in the past. The only strangers around were Elias and Sage, and she didn’t want to mention them. Still, it wouldn’t hurt to put the men’s minds at ease. Otherwise, no telling what they might do. Fergus and his kin weren’t always known for hunting in season.

  “No wolf. I saw a family camping just outside of town. They had a big dog with them.”

  Fergus slammed his fist down on the table. The cutlery rattled and the dishes jumped. Coffee sloshed over the sides of the mugs. Sue grabbed some paper napkins and started to wipe up the spill.

  “Leave it, woman,” Fergus told her. She took a step back when he turned his angry glare her way. “Just who are those people?” he demanded.

  “I don’t know,” she snapped back. “They were out hiking, said hello and left.” That wasn’t the truth, but some instinct was warning her not to say anything more about Elias and his nephew. Sue was beginning to wish she’d kept her mouth shut. “They’ve probably moved on by now.”

  “We should check it out,” Connor insisted. When Fergus scowled at him, his cousin shut his mouth and picked up his coffee cup.

  “Do you want anything else?” she asked, knowing full well they didn’t. They never ordered dessert.

  “Just the bills.”

  She felt Fergus’s eyes on her as she went back to the counter. She dumped the wet napkins
in the garbage, set the coffeepot back on the warming burner and began to tally their bills. When she was done, she took them back to the table.

  Sue kept one eye on them as she dealt with her other customers. Finally, the men came to the counter to pay. She kept her mouth shut and her head down and gave a sigh of relief when they finally left.

  It didn’t take her long to clear their table. As expected, Fergus hadn’t left a tip. Neither had Sean or Connor. Surprisingly, Angus had. It was only a dollar, but every cent was appreciated. Most folks around here didn’t make a lot of money, herself included.

  She tucked the dollar into her pocket, along with the rest of her tips. By her calculation, she’d made about ten extra dollars today. All her tip money went into her emergency money jar she had tucked away at home. Really, it was what she called her “Billy jar”. It was money to buy those extra things she wanted her son to have. At the moment, she was saving for Christmas. It might be months away but she wanted to be able to give him a good holiday.

  Only two tables had anyone at them. Doc Jones was finishing his coffee at one and Mark Harrison was at the other talking on his phone and making notes on his computer. As the local realtor, Mark kept odd work hours and often worked in the diner.

  “That it?” Stan pushed open the door from the kitchen and peered out into the room.

  “For now.” The diner opened at seven in the morning and closed at seven at night. They did most of their business at breakfast and lunchtime, but they did have a decent late afternoon crowd.

  “You might as well take off. Emily is due any minute.”

  “You sure?” she asked Stan, even as she was removing her apron.

  “I’ve got it.” He waved her off. “Say hi to Billy for me.”

  “I will.” She hurried out back and dumped her apron into the laundry basket and grabbed her purse out of Stan’s office.


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