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Wolf on a Mission: Salvation Pack, Book 6

Page 23

by N. J. Walters

  She jolted when he ran his tongue over her labia, up one side and down the other. “Elias.” This time, her voice was breathy and filled with arousal and need. He loved hearing her say his name like that. It was a complete turn-on. He explored her, taking his time to taste and learn where she was most sensitive and what pleased her.

  He ran the flat of his tongue over her clit. A needy cry broke from her lips and she arched her lower body, silently demanding more of his touch. Her sweet essence coated his lips and tongue. Elias thought his dick might explode. He had to get inside her before he lost control and came all over the bed.

  But Sue’s pleasure came first. He wrapped his lips around her swollen clit and sucked on the little bundle of nerves. Sue cried out and her body quivered. He smelled the fresh rush of her arousal. Loved the way she tugged at his hair to keep him close. Her legs trembled and her thighs clamped around his head as she rode out her climax.

  He growled, kissed her inner thigh and surged up her body, unable to wait any longer. He hooked his arms beneath her legs and planted his palms flat on the bed, opening her wide.

  The touch of the head of his cock against her wet heat made his balls clench. “Sue.” He wanted her to be sure.

  She caught his hips, dug her nails into his skin and pulled him closer. “Don’t stop,” she warned.

  That was all he needed. Elias slid into her slick heat, burying himself to the hilt in one thrust. Her inner muscles fluttered around him, clutching and drawing him deeper.

  “Fuck.” He bucked once. There was no stopping his orgasm. It shot from the base of his cock and out the tip, flooding her with his release. He growled, half embarrassed at losing it so soon. Only Sue didn’t seem to care. She ground her pelvis against his while whimpering with need.

  His cock was still as hard as steel so he began to thrust. Over and over, he pulled back to the edge only to drive forward again and again. He hooked an arm beneath her knee and pushed upward, opening her even more. Sue moaned and cried out her pleasure all while trying to drag him closer.

  Elias lost his mind and fucked her hard and fast, his hips slamming against hers. His fangs dropped from his gums. He growled and narrowed his gaze on the wildly fluttering pulse in her neck. The soft skin just beneath it beckoned. Once he bit her, she belonged to him

  “Elias.” Her pussy rippled and then clenched around his cock. He howled as he came yet again. He gave her everything that he was even though he knew she didn’t fully understand. He might not have bitten her, but she was now his. His to protect, to care for and to cherish.

  He was totally drained in both body and soul and collapsed on top of her. He wrapped himself around her and managed to roll to the side so he didn’t crush her. His lungs ached as though he’d run for miles. Sweat coated his skin and his hair stuck to his skull.

  He was well and truly wrecked. His cock was still locked inside Sue. There would be no separation until the swelling subsided. He ran his hand down her back, half surprised to encounter fabric. She was still wearing her nightgown like an open housecoat. He’d ripped the front open but hadn’t removed it.

  Sue clung to him, her breath moist and warm against his neck. He wished she could bite him, marking him as hers. It wasn’t part of the claiming ritual, but he wouldn’t mind wearing her mark.

  Finally, she pushed away from his chest. He didn’t want her to leave. Once they got out of this bed, they both had responsibilities to deal with.

  “Do you have to work today?” His shaft jerked, and her pussy tightened around him, drawing a groan from him and a gasp from her.

  She shook her head. “No. I’m off today.” He was glad. She had to be exhausted after everything she’d been through and could probably use a nap. She started to squirm away from him. “I have to get up.”

  He wrapped his arms around her and drew her tight to his chest, wishing he could keep her there for eternity, or at least for the next fifty years. “Give me a minute.”

  She played with his chest hair, dragging a finger through it. “You’re not getting any smaller,” she pointed out.

  “I swell when I come. Takes a few minutes to go down.”

  “Oh.” She stilled but stopped trying to move away. He wished he knew what she was thinking but didn’t ask. He wanted to bask in these quiet moments before reality intruded once again.

  The shadows in the room disappeared as the light grew stronger. The sun was rising and the world would soon be waking. Elias knew he couldn’t stay any longer. As much as he hated to release her, he knew it was time. Billy would be up soon. The last thing Sue needed was for her son to catch them in bed. He didn’t think she wanted to have that conversation with Billy this morning.

  He gritted his teeth and ignored the way her body tightened around his shaft when he moved. It wasn’t easy, but he separated them. He immediately felt the loss of her wet heat wrapped around him, as well as the emotional connection.

  She sat and pulled the sheet around her. “You should get going. I imagine Sage and Reece are worried about you.”

  He caught her chin in his hand. “Trying to get rid of me?”

  “No. Yes. I don’t know.” She looked at him and he could see the confusion in her eyes. It hurt him that she didn’t want him to stay, but he understood. Billy would want to know where the wolf was and why Elias was here. Too many questions and no easy answers to give him.

  Elias rolled out of bed. “My stuff still in the kitchen?”

  As Sue nodded, her eyes tracked down the length of his body, widening when they landed on his cock. It was still swollen and got even larger the longer she looked at him.


  He leaned down and dropped a hard kiss on her swollen lips. “I’m not human, sweetheart.”

  She swallowed and her eyes widened at the reminder.

  “I’ll be back later.” He turned and left before he did something stupid, like fall to his knees and beg her to let him stay. She was right about one thing. Sage and Reece and the rest of the pack would be wondering what in the hell happened to him.

  His jeans were in a crumpled heap by the back door. He shook them out and pulled them on, being careful when he zipped them. He wasn’t going to go down until he got away from Sue. Probably not even then. He could smell her on his skin and taste her on his lips. He shoved his feet into his sneakers and quickly left.

  He’d detour down to the stream before he headed back to pack land. A cold dip was exactly what he needed.

  Sue didn’t move until she heard the door closing and knew Elias was gone. She pulled her legs up to her chest and rested her head on her knees. Her life was a mess. The air in the room was hot and heavy with the scent of sex. Even with the window open, there wasn’t enough of a breeze to dispel the unmistakable smell.

  She grabbed the pillow next to her and inhaled. Elias’s masculine scent clung to the fabric. It clung to her skin as well.

  She’d been well and truly loved. She hugged the pillow, clinging to the amazing feeling for as long as she dared. Duty called, and her son would soon be up and about.

  Sue tossed the pillow down and gingerly climbed out of bed. Her body felt well used, but in a good way. Her skin tingled and her pussy throbbed from the memory of having Elias inside her. She needed a shower. Then she needed to change the sheets.

  Her nightgown was beyond salvaging. She pulled off the torn fabric and dumped it in the trashcan. Her robe felt heavy and harsh against her skin, but she had to wear something. She gathered shorts, underwear, a bra and a light sleeveless blouse and headed to the bathroom.

  It didn’t take her long to shower, dress and pull her hair up in a short ponytail. She didn’t linger. Barefoot, she padded back to the bedroom, stripped the sheets and pillowcases from the bed, gathered the rest of the laundry and dragged it to the utility room off the kitchen. Once she had a load of light clothes washing, she started a
pot of coffee. While she was waiting for it to perk, she made sure all signs of last night were erased from the kitchen. A faint breeze floated in through the open windows, offering a slight respite from the heat.

  Once enough coffee had brewed, she poured herself a cup and returned the carafe to the coffeemaker so the cycle could finish. She hesitated and then squared her shoulders and stepped out on the porch. No way was she going to allow the likes of Connor McLennan steal her peace of mind and keep her from enjoying a beautiful summer morning.

  Still, she shivered in spite of the heat. She perched on the steps rather than in the chair she’d been sitting in last night.

  What was she going to do?

  She was almost sure she loved Elias. She’d never believed in love at first sight. Okay, so it had been lust at first sight with Elias but the deeper feelings had quickly followed. She’d only known him a matter of days. That qualified as love at first sight in her books.

  If he asked her to, could she walk away from her life here, from everything familiar? The answer was surprisingly yes. Yes, she could. The problem, of course, was her ex-husband and his sudden interest in his son. Which really wasn’t about Billy at all, but about money.

  She sipped her coffee and tried to figure a solution but couldn’t. Then there was the extra problem with Connor. Would he be back to threaten her again?

  Her life used to be about routine—work and her son. When had it gotten so complicated?


  She swiveled around at the sound. “Out here, honey.”

  Billy, tousled from sleep, pushed the screen door open and stepped out onto the porch.

  “Did you sleep well?” She didn’t need to ask. He always slept well. His waking last night was an aberration.

  He nodded and looked around. “Where’s the doggy?”

  Sue set her mug down and opened her arms. Billy came to her and settled on her lap. He was getting older so fast. Soon he wouldn’t want to sit in her lap or have her fuss over him. “He had to go home.”

  Billy frowned and played with one of the buttons on her blouse. “Why?”

  She nuzzled his neck and made him laugh. “Because he has family waiting for him.”

  Billy nodded even though she knew he didn’t truly understand. Things were simpler in his five-year-old logic. He didn’t see why the doggy couldn’t stay.

  “Since I don’t have to work today, how about we have some pancakes.”

  Billy nodded. He was always enthusiastic about pancakes. She set her son on his feet, grabbed her mug and herded him toward the house. “Then we’ll put you in the tub and maybe we’ll run to the grocery store.” No matter what else was happening in her life, she had chores to do and errands to run. Laundry, the grocery store and the bank. These were all things that needed doing. “What do you say, buddy?”

  “Okay.” He gave her a sly smile. “Maybe we can get Popsicles?”

  They’d run out two days ago and they were his favorite summer treat. She laughed and tousled his hair. “I think that can be arranged.” As Billy scurried into the kitchen ahead of her and dug a plastic mixing bowl for the pancake batter out of the cupboard, Sue looked over her shoulder one last time and wondered where Elias was.

  * * * * *

  Elias’s hair was still damp when he jogged up behind the alpha’s home. The door opened and Reece stepped out. The smile he gave Elias was sly and knowing. The boy knew he’d spent the night with Sue. Then his gaze narrowed and fell on the still fading scar on his shoulder.

  “What happened?”

  Elias walked up the steps and stopped next to his nephew. “I’m fine. It’s better if I only have to tell this story once.”

  Reece growled, whirled around and stalked back inside. Elias shook his head at the rapid change in temperament. He knew the quick shift was brought on by a combination of worry and hormones. They all went through this difficult time when they were edging out of childhood and into adulthood.

  He’d expected all of the pack to be present, but only some of them were. He nodded to Jacque and Gwen. Gator was in the kitchen making what smelled like waffles. Anny was helping. Sylvie and Armand sat at the table as well.

  “Where’s Sage?”

  “I’m here.” His nephew strode down the hallway, pulling on a T-shirt as he came into view.

  Elias faced the alpha. “I didn’t plan on being away all night. I apologize if that caused any problems for you.”

  Jacque leaned back in his chair. “I assume you were with Sue.”

  Elias nodded. “Yeah, but there was a problem.”

  “Sit. Eat.” Jacque motioned to the empty chairs. Sage and Reece took chairs on either side of him. His chest swelled with pride at his nephews. They were letting the alpha and the others know that they were a unit and would stand together.

  Gator brought several platters loaded with waffles while Anny followed with another filled with ham and bacon. Elias waited until everyone else was served before he helped himself. He was starving, but the explanation to the alpha couldn’t wait.

  “I was only going to check on Sue last night, but she had visitors when I arrived.” Just thinking about it made him tense. His fingers curled into fists.

  “Who?” Jacque demanded.

  “The McLennan brothers. She called one of them Connor.”

  “Then the other one has to be Angus.” Anny set her fork down. “They’re always together. What were they doing there?”

  Elias had a mouthful of coffee. He needed the boost. He was still drained from his injuries and lack of food. It hadn’t stopped him from making love to Sue though. A man had to have his priorities straight.

  “Seems the law paid the group of them a visit about their little hunting trip out here. Somehow they figured out Sue was the one who’d warned you about them. Connor McLennan wasn’t happy.” On either side of him, Sage and Reece both tensed.

  “Did he hurt her?” Anny demanded. She was halfway out of her chair with her hands pressed against the table. “Did they hurt Billy?”

  “Billy is fine,” he told her. “But Connor had just hit Sue when I arrived.” Reece growled and Elias patted his nephew’s arm to let him know everything was okay.

  “Did you dispose of the bodies?” Jacque asked as he forked up a piece of fluffy waffle. The alpha didn’t seem the least bit upset by the prospect.

  “I didn’t kill him or his brother. I managed not to shift, but when I jumped onto the porch to protect Sue they shot me.” He absently rubbed his shoulder. “Got me in the shoulder and grazed my side. Nothing serious.”

  “So I see.” Jacque sipped his coffee. “What then?”

  “I took Connor’s rifle from him and almost choked the life out of him. Sue stopped me.”

  “She was worried about the bastard?” Armand demanded.

  “No, she was worried about me. I was bleeding all over her deck.” The men chuckled at his wry tone but the women frowned. “The men ran off and Sue took me inside. She wanted to call the authorities and the town doctor. I couldn’t let that happen.”

  “Ah, mon ami, what have you done?” Gator’s resigned tone hinted that he had a very good idea what Elias had done.

  He shrugged. “When the bullet slug worked its way out of the wound, I had to tell her something.”

  “You shifted, didn’t you?” Gwen rested her elbows on the table and propped her chin on her hands.

  Elias nodded. Jacque swore and shook his head. “How did she react?”

  “Pretty well, all things considered. I think she was still in shock from the attack, so her reaction was a bit off.”

  “You think?” This from Sylvie. The woman was usually quiet around him, but she had a half smile on her face.

  “Then what?” Gwen asked.

  Elias looked at Jacque, surprised the others weren’t letting the alpha questio
n him. Jacque inclined his head, a signal for him to continue.

  He snagged a piece of bacon and munched. He truly was starving. “She was about to clean up my wounds when her son came into the room.”

  Anny’s mug froze halfway to her mouth. “Billy never wakes up at night. Not since he was a baby. Sue’s often joked it would take nothing short of a war to wake him.”

  “He did last night. Thankfully not while the men were threatening his mother or shooting at me.” That thought made his blood run cold.

  “Let me guess,” Reece teased. “He liked the doggy.”

  The women all grinned while the men frowned. “You got it. He wanted to keep me.” He was both disgruntled by the offer and touched at the same time. Didn’t matter that Billy didn’t know who or what he really was.

  “Anyway, the loss of blood and the energy I used in shifting put me down for a couple of hours. Sue must have put Billy back to bed and cleaned up while I was sleeping. I woke this morning, Sue and I talked and I left.”

  “That’s not all you did.” Jacque pointed his fork at Elias. “I can smell her on you.”

  Elias was impressed as hell with Jacque’s abilities. He’d scrubbed and scrubbed in the stream until he hadn’t been able to scent Sue on his skin. He’d hated doing it, but he hadn’t wanted to return to the pack smelling like her. He hadn’t been sure how they would react and he wanted Sue safe.

  “What are you going to do?” Elias would give his life to protect Sue. He’d broken their most fundamental law when he’d showed a human what he was.

  “Did you tell her about us?”

  He shook his head. “No. I wouldn’t do that. Your secrets are your own to keep.”

  “Sue’s not stupid,” Anny pointed out. “She’s also extremely loyal.”

  “How far will that loyalty extend if her son is threatened?” Jacque leaned back in his chair and rubbed his hand over his chin. “This could be a problem.”

  Elias pinned the other man with a cold stare. “Sue is not a problem. She’s mine.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three


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