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His Bid for a Bride

Page 14

by Carole Mortimer

‘This is lovely,’ Skye told the other woman gratefully as she looked around the gold and cream room, even a vase of flowers on the dressing table to welcome her. ‘It really is kind of you and Charles to—’

  ‘Don’t, Skye.’ Belinda reached out and squeezed her arm reassuringly. ‘We’re only too pleased to have you here.’

  ‘Thank you, anyway,’ Skye told her huskily.

  The two men were seated comfortably in the sitting room sharing a glass of whisky when Skye and Belinda rejoined them a few minutes later.

  Although Falkner stood up as soon as the two women entered the room. ‘Everything okay?’ he prompted Skye huskily.

  ‘Fine.’ She nodded, not quite able to meet his gaze.

  ‘Good.’ He smiled. ‘I’ll just pop through to the kitchen and see the twins before I leave,’ he told Belinda before putting down his empty whisky glass.

  His sister frowned across at him. ‘But I thought you would be staying for dinner…?’

  Falkner gave a rueful grimace. ‘It’s a nice thought, Belinda, but I think Skye has seen quite enough of me for one day!’

  If the circumstances had been different, Skye knew she would never want him to leave. As it was, she didn’t want to be the one responsible for driving him away from his own sister’s house! ‘Do stay, Falkner,’ she encouraged huskily.

  He gave her a probing look, his own expression guarded, finally giving a slight shake of his head. ‘I won’t, if you don’t mind. I have some calls to make, anyway,’ he added briskly as Belinda would have protested.

  Of course, she had once again taken him away from his own business interests with the necessity he had at the moment to be involved with hers, Skye realized guiltily.

  Charles stood up. ‘I’ll walk outside with you,’ he said lightly.

  Falkner moved to give his sister a kiss on the cheek before glancing across at the pale-faced Skye. ‘I’ll give you a call some time tomorrow,’ he told her huskily.

  She didn’t know what to say. Part of her so wanted him to stay, but another part of her knew that, for the moment, they had nothing more to say to each other…

  ‘I’m really sorry about that, Skye,’ Belinda apologized frowningly once the two men had left the room. ‘I’m really not sure what’s happened to Falkner’s manners just recently!’ she added disgustedly.

  ‘It isn’t Falkner’s fault,’ Skye instantly defended him. ‘I—it’s mine,’ she added miserably.

  ‘Don’t be silly,’ Belinda dismissed briskly.

  ‘But it is,’ Skye insisted. ‘Falkner doesn’t need all this in his life.’

  ‘Skye, your father was his friend,’ the older woman told her gently.

  She was only just beginning to appreciate what good friends the two men must have been, what a loss it was to Falkner, too…

  ‘Yes.’ She nodded. ‘But this present situation is difficult, to say the least.’ She grimaced. ‘And I’m afraid I didn’t help matters this afternoon by blurting out, in front of the lawyer, that Falkner had asked me to marry him!’

  She had just done it again, Skye realized with an inward groan as Belinda blinked dazedly at this disclosure!



  ‘I shouldn’t have told you that!’ Skye put in hurriedly, wincing slightly as she saw the open speculation in Belinda’s eyes. ‘I don’t suppose I could ask you to forget I ever said it?’ she prompted awkwardly.

  ‘No, you certainly couldn’t,’ Belinda assured her laughingly, obviously having recovered slightly from her shock. ‘Falkner really asked you to marry him?’ she prompted slowly.

  ‘Yes. But only because he feels sorry for me,’ Skye hastened to explain, really wishing she hadn’t said anything; she could tell by the other woman’s determined expression that there was no way Belinda was going to let the subject go!

  ‘Rubbish!’ Belinda answered unhesitantly.

  Skye blinked at her certainty. ‘But he does—’

  ‘Rubbish,’ the other woman repeated dismissively. ‘He may feel sorry for the situation, but, I can assure you, that certainly isn’t enough to nudge him into making a marriage proposal! I suppose it’s too much to hope that you said yes…?’ She raised dark brows.

  ‘Of course I didn’t say yes!’ Skye told her incredulously; Belinda couldn’t really think it was a good idea that Skye and Falkner marry each other—could she? ‘Falkner doesn’t really want to marry me.’ She shook her head. ‘I told you, he just feels sorry for me.’

  ‘And I believe I said that was rubbish,’ Belinda said dryly.


  ‘Yes, you did.’ She gave a rueful smile. ‘But I have no idea why you should think that?’ It was her turn to look at Belinda frowningly now.

  ‘Several things, actually,’ the other woman told her lightly. ‘Tell me, Skye, when did you and Falkner actually meet?’

  She frowned. ‘I thought you knew, he came to the hospital a week after the accident—’

  ‘No, not this time,’ Belinda cut in. ‘When did the two of you first meet at all?’

  ‘Six years ago,’ Skye answered unhesitantly. Six years, six months, and five days ago, to be precise. She could probably even give the hours if she thought about it for a minute or two!

  ‘I thought as much.’ Belinda looked triumphant before giving a glance at her wrist-watch. ‘I’m afraid it’s time now to do homework with the twins, before we bath them and get them up to bed,’ she explained regretfully. ‘But we will get back to this, Skye,’ she assured her determinedly. ‘I love Falkner dearly, you know, but he can be such an idiot at times!’

  Skye couldn’t help it, she laughed; it was so strange to hear anyone talk in this derogatory way about the assured Falkner Harrington that she knew. And loved. Although, as his sister, probably no one had more right to do so than Belinda!

  ‘While you’re waiting, perhaps you would like to take a look through this,’ the other woman suggested, rummaging in the depths of a cupboard beneath the dresser to pull out what looked like a photograph album. ‘Don’t worry, I’m not a doting mother about to bore you with dozens of photographs of her offspring.’ Belinda laughed at Skye’s dazed expression as she gave her the album. ‘There are just several photographs in here that I think you might find interesting,’ she added with a pointed rise of her brows. ‘In the meantime, make yourself at home. Take that through to the kitchen with you and make yourself a cup of coffee; Charles and I will be down in an hour or so. The important thing to remember is that Falkner met you first,’ she added enigmatically before hurrying from the room in search of the rest of her family.

  Skye made her way slowly to the kitchen, finding its rusticity entirely to her liking as she moved about the room making the suggested coffee, putting off the moment when she would sit down at the old oak table that stood at one end of the room and open the photograph album Belinda had given her. There were sure to be several photographs of Falkner in there, and, much as she loved him, a photograph just wouldn’t do when it was the real flesh and blood man she so ached for!

  The first few pages of photographs were innocuous enough; several photographs of Belinda’s ‘offspring’, looking as adorable as babies as they did now as they beamed up at the camera with gummy smiles.

  The next few pages of photographs were of couples or families formally grouped, and Skye had reached almost halfway through the album before the first photograph of Falkner appeared, looking extremely formal in a morning suit, Charles standing at his side looking just as handsome in a similar suit, both men having carnations pinned in their button-holes.

  She was looking at a wedding album!

  Not just any wedding album, but Falkner’s wedding album!

  Undoubtedly the photographs had been taken from Belinda’s point of view rather than any other, concentrated on the children, the Harrington family, and of course Charles and Falkner, but nevertheless Skye was absolutely positive that these were the photographs taken at Falkner’s wedding to Selina

  Her hands trembled as she pushed the album sharply away from her across the table, staring at the album now as if it were a snake about to bite her.

  Why on earth had Belinda given her such a thing? She had thought the other woman liked her. But surely Belinda must know—

  Know what? That Skye would be upset at seeing the photographs of Falkner’s wedding to Selina?

  And why should she assume that Belinda would know that? After all, for years she had gone out of her way to conceal her feelings for Falkner from other people, including her beloved father.

  But even so it seemed a very strange thing for Belinda to do…

  Skye swallowed hard, the first shock having receded, curiosity starting to take its place. As Belinda had known that it would? She was quickly learning that it didn’t do to underestimate the seemingly uncomplicated Belinda…

  She reached out to slowly pull the album back in front of her, turning over the page, only to find herself confronted with the first picture of the bride and groom together as they walked down the aisle after the ceremony.

  After that, Skye was hooked, turning each successive page over more quickly than the last, the truth of Belinda’s intent finally dawning on her. No wonder Belinda and Paul Barclay had initially mistaken her for Selina—facially the two of them might have been sisters, if not exactly twins.

  Selina was taller than Skye, reached up to Falkner’s chin, whereas Skye only managed his shoulders; Selina was also much older than Skye, probably in her late twenties when these photographs were taken, and the other woman was also in possession of those voluptuous curves Skye had so coveted when she was younger, but the two faces, the sky-blue eyes, the creamy complexion, even the blazing copper-bronze hair, were almost identical!

  What did it mean? More to the point, what did Belinda think that it meant? Because Skye was becoming more and more convinced that Belinda thought it meant something!

  Skye sat back heavily in her chair, still staring at the photographs of a grim-faced Falkner and the beautiful Selina taken at their wedding reception.

  A year after their own disastrous first meeting, Falkner had married a woman who facially could have been her double. Facially, because from the little Skye had gleaned from other people concerning the other woman’s nature, the two bore little resemblance there; if Skye had been the one lucky enough to be Falkner’s wife she would never even have looked at another man, let alone become involved with any of them!

  She turned sharply as she heard someone enter the kitchen behind her, Belinda standing just inside the doorway, her head tilted sideways in silent query.

  Skye swallowed hard, still confused by Selina’s likeness to her, even more confused as to why Belinda thought she should see that. But also knowing she had to find out the answer to those questions. And, in fairness, there was really only one person who could give her those answers…

  She licked dry lips, having totally forgotten to drink the coffee she had made for herself earlier. ‘I know he said he had some calls to make, but do you think Falkner will be at home this evening?’ Her voice was husky too.

  ‘I’m sure he will,’ Belinda confirmed softly. ‘After all, what reason does he have to go out?’ she added ruefully.

  Skye stood up with a noisy scrape of the chair on the tiled floor.

  ‘Take the station wagon,’ Belinda invited even as she took the keys down from the rack behind the kitchen door. ‘Will you be okay driving yourself?’ she added as the thought suddenly occurred to her.

  ‘Fine,’ Skye assured her as she took the keys. ‘I could be about to make a colossal fool of myself, you know, Belinda,’ she added, the nervousness increasing inside her by the minute at what she was about to do.

  The other woman gave a confident shake of her head. ‘I don’t think so.’

  Skye could only hope Belinda was right. Could only hope that she was right in the conclusions she had come to only seconds ago. Because if she was wrong—!

  ‘Here, take this with you.’ Belinda reached to take a bag off one of the work surfaces. ‘It’s some wool Mrs Graham asked me to get so that she can knit the twins a jumper each for the winter,’ she explained ruefully. ‘Feeble, I know, but it’s better than nothing,’ she added with a grimace.

  Skye took the bag before moving to give the other woman a hug. ‘You’re a sister in a million, Belinda.’

  ‘Tell Falkner that!’ The other woman chuckled softly as she stepped back.

  ‘Oh, I think he already knows,’ Skye said with certainty.

  ‘Good luck,’ Belinda told her huskily.

  Skye had a feeling she was going to need it!

  Handing over the wool to Mrs Graham was no problem, although, not surprisingly, the housekeeper did look slightly surprised that Skye had driven over purposefully to give it to her.

  Skye had deliberately gone to the back door of the house in order to deliver the wool, not wanting to alert Falkner to her presence just yet.

  ‘Is that for Falkner?’ Skye looked at the tray the other woman had been preparing when she’d arrived.

  The housekeeper instantly looked disapproving. ‘He says he isn’t hungry.’ She shook her head. ‘He’s been completely off his food just lately, but I thought he might eat some home-made soup and bread if I put it in front of him.’

  Skye wondered just how recent that ‘lately’ was that Falkner had been off his food…‘Would you mind if I took it to him?’ she requested persuasively. ‘I need to talk to him about a few things, anyway,’ she added lightly.

  Mrs Graham gave a mischievous smile even as she nodded. ‘He’s less likely to shout at you,’ she explained ruefully.

  Skye picked up the tray. ‘I wouldn’t be too sure of that, if I were you!’

  ‘Go on with you!’ the housekeeper teased. ‘You’ll find him in his study,’ she added helpfully.

  Skye’s own smile faded as soon as she had left the kitchen with the tray, her nervousness returning as she slowly made her way to Falkner’s study.

  What was she going to say to him? How could she even begin to broach the subject that was dearest to her heart? She certainly couldn’t just blurt out that she had changed her mind about marrying him! That would be—

  That was it! Falkner’s marriage proposal! That was what had been niggling at the back of her mind these last few days!

  Her strides towards Falkner’s study were more purposeful now, Skye knowing exactly what her first question to Falkner was going to be!

  The door to his study stood slightly ajar, giving Skye the opportunity to look at him for several seconds without his being aware of her presence.

  His expression was bleak rather than grim as he stared out of the window beside his desk, his face pale with strain, the lines beside his eyes and mouth seeming to have deepened since he’d first burst back into her life over a week ago.

  If she had been unhappy these last few days, then Falkner didn’t look as if he had fared any better!

  She took a deep breath, building up the nerve for this confrontation with Falkner. Because she had no doubt that was what this was going to be!

  Unable to knock on the door to announce her entrance because both hands were occupied in carrying the tray, Skye nudged the door open with her foot before striding into the room. ‘Mrs Graham thought you might like some soup,’ she announced brightly, having the satisfaction of seeing the total shock flare in Falkner’s briefly unguarded expression at her completely unexpected appearance in his study.

  Brief, because Falkner quickly had his emotions under control, straightening slowly in his chair to look at her with narrowed eyes. ‘What are you doing here?’

  ‘I told you, delivering soup.’ She put the tray down pointedly on his bare desktop. So much for his excuse of not being able to join his family for dinner because he had ‘calls to make’!

  His mouth twisted derisively. ‘That isn’t what I meant, and you know it.’

  Skye shrugged. ‘Nevertheless, I have brought you s
ome soup. Mrs Graham tells me you’ve been off your food just recently,’ she added lightly.

  His expression tightened. ‘Does she indeed?’ he muttered disapprovingly.

  ‘She does.’ Skye nodded, outwardly appearing much more confident than she actually felt inside; her legs didn’t feel too steady, and her palms were damp with nervousness! ‘Would you mind if I sat down?’ She arched auburn brows.

  ‘Be my guest,’ he invited dryly. ‘You can eat the soup, if you would like it,’ he added dismissively.

  ‘No, thanks,’ she refused, sinking gratefully into the chair opposite his desk. ‘My appetite seems to have deserted me just recently, too,’ she added ruefully.

  Falkner continued to look at her with that narrowed gaze, but, from the scowl that deepened between his eyes, he didn’t feel in the least reassured by what he saw in Skye’s face.

  ‘This is all very pleasant, Skye,’ he bit out with obvious impatience. ‘But shouldn’t you be sitting down to dinner with Belinda and Charles?’

  ‘Probably.’ She nodded, wishing she could read more from his expression; just a glimmer of pleasure at her unexpected presence here would be enough to help her through this conversation! But she was out of luck: Falkner’s expression completely—deliberately?—unreadable. ‘But there was something I wanted to ask you,’ she added determinedly.

  ‘And it couldn’t wait until tomorrow?’ he taunted.

  ‘No, it couldn’t,’ she snapped irritably, glaring across at him. He certainly wasn’t making this easy for her!

  ‘Well?’ he prompted impatiently when she made no effort to continue.

  Skye moistened dry lips, wondering, now that she was actually facing Falkner, if Belinda couldn’t be wrong, if she weren’t about to make a fool of herself, after all. But what did she really have to lose? Besides, there was still that nagging inconsistency concerning the timing of Falkner’s marriage proposal…

  She drew in a deep breath, forcing herself to meet the steadiness of his gaze; she didn’t have anything to lose, but if she was right—if!—then she had everything to win. ‘Falkner, why did you ask me to marry you?’


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