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Madam President

Page 35

by Cooper, Blayne

  "There's nothing wrong that way, Devlyn." Lauren gently reached out for Dev's hand and smoothly intertwined their fingers. "It's really very sweet." And I am hopelessly in love you.

  "Face it. It's old-fashioned, and I know I sound like a complete fool. But I want you to know how much you mean to me." Devlyn gathered her courage and looked Lauren squarely in the eye. She drew in a deep breath. "Lauren, the reason I'm saying these things to you is that I want you to understand how important you are in my life." Dev swallowed hard. "I care for you very, very much. Over the course of the last few months I've definitely realized that I'm totally in lo-"

  An alarm rang out, causing both women to nearly jump out of their skins. "Madam President," a rapid, unfamiliar male voice spoke over the rarely used intercom system, "we need you in the Situation Room. Code One."

  "Damn!" Dev leaned forward and kissed Lauren quickly. "I've got to go. We'll finish this as soon as I can, I promise." Dev was off the couch and to the front door before Lauren could say a word. As the door closed she could see Dev being surrounded by advisors and heard the word 'bombing'.

  * * *

  The Situation Room was buzzing when Dev pushed open the heavy door. The men and women in the room were in various states of dress that ranged from Michael Oak's khaki pants and pressed polo shirt to the director of the FBI's jogging shorts and academy sweatshirt. Everyone who was seated immediately jumped to his feet. "At ease." God that was annoying, especially when she knew there were far more important things to deal with.

  "When did the last one go off?" Blue eyes flickered to a large screen displaying a map of the Unites States with five areas lit up in bright red. To the left of the screen, were five live holographic images of the sites with a city name hovering directly above them.

  The Secretary of Defense and the National Security Advisor entered the room with David hot on their heels. Dev turned to face them. "Buckle up, ladies and gentlemen, it's going to be a wild night." She shook her head and pointed to the map. "Five bombings from coast to coast, all within the last hour."

  "Military or terrorist?"

  "My guess is terrorist," Secretary of Defense Brendwell jumped in. "Our military checks are already coming back negative. Though we've still got about 20% to go."

  David ran a hand through his short, disheveled hair. "Foreign or domestic?"

  "We don't know yet."

  David glanced around the room. "How and why?" He tossed his briefcase on the table and began rolling up his sleeves. When no one answered his question he barked, "Anyone?"

  The Director of the FBI cleared her throat. "We don't know, sir. No one has come forward to claim responsibility."

  "Yet," David clarified. "You don't know yet."

  "Yes, sir."

  Dev winced at the live image shots of several firefighters heading straight into the billowing flames of one of the buildings. "Get Press Secretary Allen out of bed and get her over here. We're going to need a lot of damage control on this. And where in the hell are the Directors of the DEA and ATF and the Secretary of the Treasury!" Dev yelled as another paper listing the exact bombing times and locations was placed in her hands. "And somebody find me a pair of socks or something!"

  "Everyone is on their way, Madam President," came the answer from the back of the room.

  "Okay, what do we have here?" Dev pointed to the screen, but looked at a young man to her left. He wore a U.S. Army uniform.

  "In reverse order of attack; a post office in New York City, an IRS building in Atlanta, a federal courthouse in Dallas, a junior high school in Portland, and a shopping mall in San Diego."

  She glanced up at the clocks on the wall, looking until she found the one telling her it was just after 11:00 P.M. on the West Coast. She cursed to herself; the stores would have just been closing about the same time as the explosion. "Injuries in the mall?"

  "We're just starting to get casualty reports now, ma'am. But there are reports of dead or wounded coming in from each of the sites or adjacent buildings." The young man reached over and picked up the ringing phone next to him.

  "David!" Dev whirled around to find her Chief of Staff in the jostling crowd. "Not good enough! We need this contained now!"

  "We're on it, Dev!" his voice called back even though she never saw his face.

  "Wake up every damned staffer we have if you need to. I want every piece of information available. Get me the mayors of the cities in question, and the governor of each state, on the phone."

  Dev headed for the small room at the side of the larger one that was her own personal command center. Just before she entered she felt something being pressed into her hands. She looked down to see a fresh pair of white socks. Before she had a chance to even utter a small thanks, the person who'd handed them to her was swallowed up by the crowded room.

  Monday, August 16th

  The President rubbed her temples and took another sip of coffee. She eyed the omelet that had been placed before her. Dev wasn't hungry, but she could hear Emma's scolding voice blaring in her brain, 'Eat! You won't be any good to anyone if you don't eat.' She picked up the fork and cut away a small bite, placing it in her mouth and chewing slowly as she scanned one of the reports in front of her.

  She wasn't a hundred percent sure, but she believed it had been at least thirty-six hours since she had stepped into the Situation Room. She'd only been out once; to give a brief prepared statement to the Press. Since then, she'd been hunkered down at her desk, working like a dog, making sure the world knew what a safe place the United States was, and how she would most certainly bring to justice the bastards that had called the nation's safety into question.

  Among a million and one other things, this required phone call after phone call, video conference after video conference, sitting in on strategy sessions with her advisors and department heads, and continuing to deal with just as many of her normal duties as was possible. God, there aren't enough hours in the day. She was grateful, at least, that the children had Emma and Lauren, who she knew would spend a little extra time with them, just because she couldn't. That was one thing she wouldn't have to worry about.

  "Don't," she grumbled to the staffer who was about to place a glass of orange juice in front of her. "Please. I hate the stuff. It gives me heartburn. Milk. A large glass of milk."

  The young man nodded quickly. "Yes, Madam President."

  They'd been lucky so far. Although Dev never thought the word 'luck' was an appropriate one when it came to a situation like this one. Five bombs had gone off and only six people had been killed and twenty injured. Only. It's not 'only' when one of those people is someone you love. By all accounts, it should have been so much worse in San Diego, but part of the explosive device had failed to go off. The junior high school in Portland had been nearly flattened, but even the janitorial staff had all gone home by the time the bomb had detonated. The community, however, was reeling.

  While still wholly unjustifiable, Dev could almost understand the bombings in New York City, Atlanta, and Dallas. Those were all government buildings; always a favorite of terrorists. The two civilian targets, however, made no sense whatsoever, and this pissed her off more than anything.

  When the door opened again, the Attorney General entered the room. She looked as tired as Dev felt. "Coffee's fresh." Dev pointed to the carafe in front of her.

  "If I take another drink of coffee, it'll be oozing out my pores, and my husband won't come near me for weeks."

  Dev chuckled and rested her chin on her fist. "Nah, that's just a nasty rumor started by people who sell tea." Her good humor faded quickly, and she blew out a frustrated breath. "I need good news. Please tell me you have some good news."

  "There's very little good news in a situation like this. But we have our top people deployed at every scene."

  Dev nodded. "Do we know anything yet? Are they connected? If you feel the need to lie just so that I feel better, I won't resent it in the least."

  "Well, that at least, is someth
ing we do know. Preliminary reports show that the explosive devices in Atlanta, San Diego and New York were nearly identical. We're still waiting on the results from the other two cities. But, for now at least, it looks like the same person, or group, is responsible."

  "Is that good news?"

  "Most definitely. One group is easier to round up than two or three."

  Dev leaned back and sighed heavily. "This is true. Well there's some progress at least."

  "Yes, ma'am. We'll get there. "

  Dev met the Attorney General's gaze head on. "Yes. We will." She laid her palms flat on her desk. "In your professional opinion, is this an all right time for me to get out of here for a little while, so that I can take a shower and see my family?"

  "Yes, Madam President. It would be a fine time." The older woman gave Dev a bittersweet smile. "You've had more challenges in your first eight months than most Presidents face in four years. You're facing these challenges in a way that makes me proud to be an American, a woman, and a member of your team. A lot of people think of you as a hero. I just wanted to take a moment to let you know that I'm one of them. It's an honor to work with you, Madam President."

  For a moment Dev was speechless. "Wow," she finally mumbled. "That was one helluva pep talk. My kids' nanny could learn a lesson from you." Dev's expression turned serious. "You know I feel the same way about you, Evelyn."

  Evelyn squared her shoulders proudly as her cheeks took on a slightly pink tint. "That's just because I kick ass and take names."

  Dev chuckled. "Why do you think I appointed you? That's my version of kicking ass."

  Evelyn lowered voice. "We'll get them, Dev. I know it."

  Dev nodded as she rose to her feet. She stretched, rolling her head in a slow circle to get out the kinks. "I'll be back in a few hours." Dev made a show of sniffing the air. "I think I tend to offend."

  The Attorney General snorted. "Have you smelled the air in the Situation Room? Why the hell do you think I'm in here with you?"

  * * *

  Heading into the residence, the first things Dev heard were the faint, but delighted squeals of two children; her brow creased as she wondered what had happened to her youngest child, whose voice was missing from the mix.

  As she made her way farther down the hall, she realized the sounds were coming from Lauren's room. She stopped and listened outside the ajar door.

  "Is she okay?" Ashley asked worriedly.

  "I think she's fine," Lauren answered with more confidence than she felt.

  Dev rapped on the door. "Anyone home?" She pushed the door open a little further and stepped inside. "Is this a private party, or can anyone join the fun?"

  "Mom!" Christopher jumped up and ran over to his mother, flinging himself into her arms.

  "Hiya, pal." She groaned quietly as she picked him up. Damned shoulder. Blue eyes flickered around the room, landing on Aaron, who was on Lauren's bed fast asleep. She turned back to Ashley and Christopher. "Now, what's causing all this ruckus? I could hear you half a mile way."

  "Puppies!" Ash grinned. "Princess is having her puppies!"

  The tall woman leveled her gaze at Lauren, who was looking slightly green around the gills but otherwise in good spirits. "Oh, joy. How many so far?"

  Lauren stepped out of the way to reveal Princess' bed. If Dev strained she could hear the faint whimpering sound of the mutant baby dogs. "Do you guys need a vet?"

  "I don't think so. Then again, Princess has been silent on the subject." The writer stepped closer to Dev, leaving Christopher and Ashley leaning over the box Lauren had placed Princess in.

  The little boy and girl cooed at the squirming puppies and gently stroked their longish, wiry hair.

  Princess grunted and then let out a long-suffering groan.

  "She's had two so far." Lauren winced. "But I don't think she's finished."

  Dev couldn't disagree. Judging by the sounds coming out of the box, Princess still had a way to go. "Sucks to be Princess today."

  "Oh, yeah." The shorter woman wrinkled her nose. "But on the bright side, I haven't thrown up or passed out yet."

  A genuine grin stretched Dev's cheeks. "Wow. I'm impressed."

  "You should be," Lauren teased back.

  Dev peeked over Lauren's head and caught a glimpse of the puppies. "Oh, my God," she muttered.

  "I know," Lauren giggled. "Poor things. They didn't inherit all of Grem's good looks. They look at least part Pomeranian." She mulled that statement over in her mind for a moment and then amended herself. "Or maybe part alien. One of the two."

  "Grem's good looks?" Dev flicked Lauren a disgusted look, but chuckled when the tip of a pink tongue was the blonde's reply.

  Of their own accord, Lauren's arms found their way around Dev's waist, and she placed a gentle kiss on waiting lips. "How goes it?"

  "Not so well," Dev admitted quietly. "But we're handling it and starting to make some progress."

  "Of course you are." Lauren cupped Dev's cheek with her palm, and the President leaned into the comforting touch. "Anything I can do to help?"

  Dev glanced at Aaron who was curled in a tight ball, snoring happily with a thin blanket draped over him. "You're already doing it, sweetheart. Thank you."

  Slate gray eyes went round and innocent. "Well, I thought they should be here when the puppies were born."

  Devlyn chuckled and lifted a well-defined eyebrow. "Very sneaky. But we are not taking even a single one of Grem's babies. Speaking of my arch nemesis..." Dev's gaze narrowed as it crisscrossed the floor.

  Lauren burst out laughing. "He's hiding under the bed. I tried to get him to come out earlier, but he's not budging."

  Princess whimpered pitifully as another portly part Pug shifted within her.

  Dev shook her head, cringing at the piteous sound. "Maybe he's smarter than I gave him credit for." Dev captured the writer's hand and gave it a kiss. "I'm on my way to get a shower and a changes of clothes. I'll be back in a few minutes. I don't have a lot of time, but I'd love to spend what I have with the four of you. How about I meet you in the dining room for a snack in about twenty minutes?"

  Lauren drew the tip of her finger down Dev's throat, lingering almost imperceptibly at her pulse point, then coming to rest on her collarbone. "What would you like?" She looked up at Dev from behind pale lashes.

  Dev swallowed hard as a warm wave of desire washed over her. Damn, she can flirt. She growled and ducked her head for another quick kiss. "There are lots of things I'd like. But I guess I'll have to settle for food and good company." She winked at Lauren before heading towards the kids. Dev gave Christopher and Ashley a quick kiss on the tops of their heads, trying not to look into the crate again and risk traumatic blindness. Again. Weren't all puppies supposed to be cute? "See you guys in a few minutes."

  * * *

  After a snack of fresh fruit and milk, they returned to Lauren's room to do a puppy check. Dev was dismayed to find that Princess had delivered not only a third, but a fourth puppy. "Holy cow!" she exclaimed, fending off Lauren's playful slaps. "They are so, so..." she searched her mind for an appropriate word.

  "Cute!" Aaron provided helpfully, still a little dazed from his nap. He positioned himself in his mother's lap so that they could peer into the puppy crate together. "Now there's enough for us each to have our very own!"


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