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Finding Our Forever

Page 20

by Lan LLP

  “I decided to keep my necklace on,” I begin to explain.

  “That’s not what I’m talking about,” he clarifies and pulls a small jewelry box out of his pants pocket. “This is what you’re missing.” He flips the lid open to show me a pair of teardrop diamond earrings.

  “They’re beautiful, but they better be costume jewelry, Mr. Bradley.”

  “Let’s say they are, if that makes you happy, Angel” he agrees and hands them to me.

  I slip the earrings on as Carson continues to gaze at me. “You’re going to get a hefty bill by the end of this evening if you don’t stop staring at me,” I warn him playfully.

  “A broke but happy man. I’m okay with that.”

  “You? Broke? Never.”

  “Alright, time is ticking away. I better get dressed and escort my princess to the magical ball. The sooner we get done, the sooner I can deliver the remaining nine O’s.”

  “Nine is correct. I’m keeping tabs on those O’s,” I tell him and giggle. He shakes his head at me with a smirk and walks away.

  Is this playful Carson the real deal? He’s been in a much better mood and more relaxed. Maybe my transition into his world won’t be so tough after all. I can only hope.


  Our limo driver stops at a gated entrance. Clear glass carriages await in rows to take guests to the main building, which has the appearance of a royal castle. When Carson said he was taking me to a magical ball, he wasn’t kidding. This place is what dreams and happy endings are made of.

  “Ready, princess?” Carson offers me his hand to step out of the limo.

  “Ready,” I reply, feeling the excitement course in.

  I have to remind myself I’m here as his cousin. We have to be mindful of our touches so we don’t draw any attention to us. Carson has already helped himself to me in the limo. He managed to slip his skillful fingers inside me through all my chiffon layers, giving me my fourth orgasm without displacing even a single strand of hair. My face is probably still blushing from my high.

  A glass carriage with two white horses halts for us. Carson steps in first and then gives me a lift. The seating is made of white suede. It feels so plush under the brush of my fingertips. Strands of pale pink roses adorn the exterior, offering a sweet floral scent. The air is a bit chilly, but my mink wrap keeps me warm. Carson has his game face on, the impassive CEO, as photographers snap pictures of him from all angles, capturing his magnificence. While most people find that side of him intimidating, I don’t anymore. There’s something about his dominance, especially in the bedroom, that stimulates my carnal appetite and I love it. Taking orders from a sexually experienced man, whose only desire is to pleasure me, doesn’t seem like an act of passiveness.

  “What are you thinking?” he whispers with his stern eyes directed forward. How does he even know my thoughts are of him?

  “How much I enjoy your dominance in bed,” I croon softly, purposely coaxing a reaction from him as I test my deviant side.

  From the corner of my eye, I can see his brow arch in amusement. He’s not smiling yet but the contour of his lips is slowly curving up.

  “Don’t make me take you to the dungeon,” he smirks.

  “What’s there?”

  “Cuffs and torturing devices,” he reveals. Finally, his smile emerges.

  “Let’s stay on the main level, then,” I insist with an elusive grin. “It sounds less painful.”

  “As you wish, princess,” he tells me.

  We’re now at the grand entrance. Receiving men dressed in Renaissance doublets align on the red carpet. Carson steps off first and then offers me his hand. Photographers lurk from a roped-off area for more photographs of guests. They go hysterical at the sight of Carson. Intentionally, I retract into the background to give him his limelight. Standing confident in an ivory tuxedo jacket and black bowtie, he poses with his hands in his black trousers. I’m drinking in the vision of his splendor from my view and appreciating every second of it.


  “Lucy,” he calls out to me with his right hand, breaking me away from my gawking. I take his hand and follow him into the building.

  My new name is whispered among the crowd as we walk past them. “Who’s Lucy? Is she his new flavor of the month? He’s such a gigolo.” I’ve learned to block most of that useless noise out of my life to keep me saner.

  Holy wow!

  My eyes doubt if what they see is really real. I left Boston and entered an enchanted forest from a fairy tale. Colorful ribbons, blooms, butterflies and crystal chandeliers hang from the cathedral ceiling above us. Beautiful flowering trees are planted throughout the ballroom. Each charming table is decorated with candles, lotus flowers and the sparkles of fairies. I’ve never seen anything this spectacular in all my life, not even on TV.

  “What do you think?”

  “I love it! It’s so…unbelievably…magical.”

  “I’m glad you love it. This is the kind of reaction I hope to get from all my guests.”

  “I can’t imagine anyone who wouldn’t.”

  “Unlike all the other events, this one is very laidback. There’s no campaigning, just partying.”

  “Sounds like my kind of party,” I add as my eyes continue to float around with the butterflies in the air.

  “Once the guests are seated, I just have to give an opening speech and then you’re more than welcome to mingle with people. Take a look around. You’ll find many adorable little princesses, princes and fairies. They’d love to share their wishes with you.”

  “I’d like that a lot. Thank you for bringing me,” I tell him as I fight the urge to throw my arms around him.

  “The pleasure is all mine. By the way, I’ve arranged for my parents, Hayden, Isabella, Nikki and her man, Van, to sit with us.”

  “You’re amazing. Do you know that?” I praise him.

  “Keep reminding me,” he trifles.

  “I will.”

  Carson Bradley

  Looking out to the room from the podium, I see hopeful smiles beaming back at me. They’ve forgotten their pain and struggle for the evening. They’re embracing life and the people around them just as I hoped they would. As I speak, my words find their way from my heart to them. I know and have felt their heavy burden. I can empathize with each person, young and old.

  “Live each day to the fullest. I’ve heard this line, if not a hundred times, at least ninety-nine times. What does that mean? What it means to me is to love the people around you and cherish your time with them. Laugh, cry and talk with them. Make lasting memories and friendships. These are the things that make your life full, not wealth. Without them, it’s just you and an empty room,” I begin my speech.

  Gazing out to the audience, I see Lil’s eyes lock on me, giving me her undivided attention. She appears emotional as she discretely wipes her tears away. My mother offers her a tissue. What am I doing? This is a night for celebration. Immediately, I alter the tone of my speech and conclude with a few humorous lines. The crowd begins to laugh and applaud.

  “Let the party begin,” I yell out to the guests.

  Everyone stands up, claps their hands and roars with excitement. Stepping off the stage, I offer the floor to a group of performers. While dinner is being served, magicians and acrobats will keep the kids as well as the adults entertained. I’ve spared no expense putting this party together. By far, this event is dearer to me than any other. As I make my way to meet Lil at our table, I catch a pair of brown eyes fastened on me, urging me to look at them. They belong to Alison Parker, dressed in a racy Princess Jasmine costume, completely inappropriate for this event. Why can’t she just let go? It’s already been more than three years and we only dated for a brief period. Out of respect, I nod my head and offer her a courteous smile, hoping to not encourage her in any way. Her face brightens instantly from my acknowledgement.

  Shit! I don’t need this. I knew I should’ve just ignored her.

  I continue to
walk away without any further awareness of her presence. Lil’s eyes dart over to me, persuading me to come to her. I do and sit between her and my mother. Servers in red brocade vests begin to bring out soups and salads.

  “That was a wonderful speech, Carson,” Mother praises me, squeezing my hand.

  “Yes, son. That was a fine speech,” Dad contributes.

  “Thanks, but you two are biased,” I kid.

  “It was genuine,” Lil adds while Nik and Belle nod their heads in agreement.

  “It’s one of the few speeches I never have to prepare for,” I reveal in a solemn tone.

  “Who’s ready to dance tonight?” Nik interrupts to lighten the mood.

  Everyone raises their hands, but Lil.

  “Don’t you want to dance, Lil?” I ask, concerned.

  “Not really,” she replies with a long face.

  “Why? You seem troubled.”

  “I’m fine. Can we talk about it later?” she mumbles under her breath with a forged smile.

  Bothered that she’s upset, I refuse to drop it. I excuse us to a hallway by the kitchen.

  “Lil, tell me what’s wrong,” I demand. “You know I hate seeing you unhappy.”

  “Your speech made me think of my mom and Emi’s wedding. I miss them both.”

  With a sigh of relief I tell her, “This is supposed to be a surprise, but I guess I can tell you now. We’re both flying to Fort Wayne tomorrow for Emma’s wedding.”

  “For real? I’ll be able to see them both tomorrow?” she asks, excited with her hands over her mouth.

  “Nik, Belle and Owen have been working out the kinks with Emma.”

  “Everyone knows about this, but me?” she inquires. “Those sneaky slime balls.”

  “Yes, we wanted to surprise you.”

  “Well you did,” she assures and wraps her arms tightly around my neck, honing in on my lips.

  Releasing her hold of me so wandering eyes don’t catch us, I slip her down the hallway and into my office. Click. The door is locked behind us. The room is dark, but I don’t bother to find the lights. I reel her into my arms so her back is pressed against my chest. She giggles. The vitality of her laugh echoes directly into my heart, coating it with her bliss.

  “Before I interrupted you, I think you were about to…offer me something,” I murmur into her ear and inhale her enticing scent. It strikes my nose like a spurt of aphrodisiac. Mmm, that scent is my drug.

  Turning around to face me she says, “You mean this,” and reaches up to seal her lips over my mouth. Her tongue glides over to mine and licks the tip of it. It’s hot. It’s sensual. My hard cock wants the same attention. “I want you so badly,” she pleads, breathlessly.

  “What’s stopping you?” I urge as my hands unzip her dress from the back to free her breasts. Seconds later, my mouth domes over her roused nipple, lapping greedily. Her soft moans grow in volume, driving me crazy and harder than hard.

  “Commitment,” she reminds me, framing my face between her hands and staring intently into my eyes with disappointment. “We better get back to dinner before people notice.”

  “Must you be the voice of reason at this very moment?” I ask even though I know she’s absolutely right. “Okay, but as soon as the limo picks us up, you’re mine.”

  Chapter 19

  Lillian Ly

  Carson instructed me to enter the ballroom first. Then he would follow a few minutes after from a different direction to deter suspicion. Our little disappearing stunt caused a panic among his security team. Owen had to come searching for us with a location tracker on his phone. Thank god, we were decent and I wasn’t bent over on a desk or chair while Carson screwed me from behind.

  I casually take my seat next to Kat and wrap my fingers around the bulb of my wine glass. Belle and Nik both give me the “I know you were doing the dirty deed” stare. Shameless, I wink my eye at them and then tilt my glass up for a sip. They both chuckle and shake their heads. Carson sits down next to me exactly four minutes after he told me he would be here. Nonchalantly, he begins to ask everyone how they’re enjoying their dinner before picking up his fork and knife to slice through his filet mignon. Carson continues to drive the conversation fluidly from one topic to the next. The span of his knowledge and expertise is truly impressive. Everyone, including me, enjoys his witty exchange.

  As soon as the last of the dinner plates are cleared, the emcee announces, “Create your own dessert at the sweet shop by the bar.”

  “Mmm…desserts. I love desserts,” I share.

  “So I’ve heard,” Carson adds with a smirk.

  “Would you like me to get you something special?” I whisper to Carson.

  “I’ll eat mine in the limo,” he whispers into my ear so only I can hear him. I nudge his arm for being so naughty in front of everyone.

  “Ready, Lucy?” Nik interrupts his flirting. “We’ll hit the bar first and then the sweet shop,” Nik suggests as she lifts Belle up by the arm.

  “Yep. Kat, do you want to join us?” I offer.

  “You ladies go ahead. I better be good or I’ll have to do double Zumba tomorrow,” she declines.

  “Honestly? You can eat ten sundaes and still look amazing,” I assure her. Kat takes such good care of herself that no one can ever guess her real age.

  “You’re too kind, Lil,” Kat tells me.

  The three of us head for the sweet shop, but I lose Nik and Belle to a long line at the bar on the way. Since I’m not much of a drinker I tell them I rather wait at the dessert line instead.

  On my way, I hear a deep voice call out to me, “Hey there, gorgeous.”

  I turn my head over my shoulder to see Edison in polished armor and a long brown wig, gesturing a gentlemanly bow with his fake sword. How did he recognize me? Even I don’t recognize myself in the mirror.

  “Hi, do I know you?” I pretend to hide behind my makeup and costume.

  “Lucy, it’s me. Edison. Did my long hair throw you off?”

  “Oh…Edison. I…really didn’t recognize you. Nice costume,” I lie.

  “Thanks, I ordered it on Amazon,” he chuckles.

  Edison zigzags past a pink fairy and Snow White to catch up to me and plants an unexpected kiss on my cheek. Panicked, my eyes scan the room for Carson. I can only imagine how irrational his reaction would be if he saw Edison kiss me, even if it’s just a friendly gesture. I’m in luck. I don’t see any signs of Carson.

  “Will you save a dance for me? My date stood me up so I’m here alone.”

  “That’s terrible. Sure. I’ll save you a dance if I’m still here.”

  “You’re a doll, Lucy. I better not keep you.”

  “Have a great time. Maybe you’ll find your princess here.”

  “Maybe I already have,” he replies with an implying arched brow.

  I offer him a crinkled smile and pace away. Oh god, how awkward was that.

  Finally, I make it to the dessert line and it’s still a long stretch. There are mostly small children accompanied with one or both parents. It’s hard to imagine so many of these kids suffer from terminal cancer. The big smiles on their cheerful faces tell such a different story.

  “Miss, what princess are you?” a sweet little voice asks me from behind as she tugs on my gown. “I’ve never seen one as beautiful as you,” she adds.

  I turn around to find a miniature Princess Elsa about three feet tall wearing a blond braided wig. Her blue eyes are brilliant like the crystals hanging from the ceiling as she locked them on mine. Her cheeks are rosy and her lips form a perfect tiny pink circle.

  Kneeling down to her level, I reply in a soft voice, “I’m Princess Lucy. What is your real name, Princess Elsa?”

  “My name is Gabriel, but my mommy calls me Gabby,” she answers smartly.

  “Gabby, you are the prettiest Princess Elsa I’ve ever seen, even prettier than the real Princess Elsa.”

  Her contagious smile spreads wide across her face from my compliment, turning her circl
e into a lovely crescent. She reaches out her arms to me and wraps them around my neck. I have to remind myself to be strong as I surrender my heart to her. Don’t cry under any circumstances.

  “I can’t wait to tell my mommy,” she says as she twirls her dress back and forth.

  “Where is your mommy?” I ask, concerned.

  “She’s over there,” Gabby points to a woman in a blue fairy costume waving at us.

  “I’ll help you make your dessert and walk you back to your mommy. Okay, Gabby?” She nods her head willingly.

  As we wait for the line to dwindle down, I ask Gabby, “What is your wish?”

  “My wish is to have a songbird that can really sing. I love to sing. I know all the words to the Frozen song,” she boasts in her toddler voice, so innocent and tender. “I will teach this bird to sing all my favorite songs and it will sing them to my family when I can’t,” she tells me sadly with her head stooped to the floor. “They will think of me whenever the bird sings,” she whispers.

  How can I possibly hold back my tears after hearing Gabby’s selfless story? I can’t. I lift my tiara off my head and place it on top of hers.

  “Gabby, that’s a wonderful wish. You know something? You’re a very brave princess. I’d love to hear you sing. Will you sing a song for me?” I ask, my voice fragile.

  “I only sing with a microphone,” she clarifies, turning my tears into laughter.

  “Well, of course. Will you sing on stage if I give you a microphone?”

  “Maybe. I’m kind of shy,” she replies coyly.

  “You can think about it and give me an answer later. Okay?” She nods her head in response.

  Finally, it’s our turn. We’re now standing in front of a dessert table that even Willy Wonka himself would be proud of. Every type of candy and treat you could possibly imagine is here before my eyes. I pick up Gabby so she can also be amazed like me.

  “Do you have any favorites, Gabby?”

  “I love a chocolate cupcake with pink frosting and rainbow sprinkles. And may you please add some gummy bears?”


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