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Finding Our Forever

Page 23

by Lan LLP

  “Hello, Mr. Bradley. What can I do for you?” Mateo greets promptly after the first ring.

  “I need a name and a location,” I rattle off. There’s nothing personal about the arrangement we have. It’s based on supply and demand, very cut and dry.

  “Give me a little background,” Mateo requests.

  “They’re some kind of company. They want my new bone drug. They have two of my researchers and I believe they’re coming after my fiancée for collateral,” I tell him unemotionally. I want him to respect the confident CEO, not the man whose walls have collapsed since he saw a picture of his lover from his enemy.

  “Not good, man. They’re making it real personal, coming after your woman. I loathe those kinds of people. Let me get in touch with my peeps. You’ll hear from me soon.”

  “So, we’re cleared. I’m indifferent to whatever happens to those assholes who are involved. They can drop off the face of this earth for all I care,” I stress, hinting at a dark underlining meaning.

  “Crystal clear,” he replies and disconnects.

  After speaking with Mateo, the tightening in my chest has seemed to slightly loosen up. He’s frightening, but a man of his words. His connection to the shady community is impressive unlike anyone I’ve encountered. I have every confident he’ll help me get to the bottom of this. My highest priority now is to keep Lil out of their reach. I’m not sure how they were able to get past Luke and two other concealed bodyguards to get so close to her, but they did. This will not happen again. Security will be at its maximum around Lil. She’ll be confined to the penthouse when I’m not with her. No disguises will help her escape my tower of defense. I know I have a tough battle ahead of me, but I’m comforted with the fact that she’ll be safe under my strict rules.

  Checking my watch, I see that I’ve been gone for more than two hours. I need to get back to the main house before Lil discovers that I’m missing. Sneaking in through the side door, I slip off my trench coat and toss it on top of a chair. I fetch a glass of ice water and carry it with me to the bedroom. In case she’s awake, I can tell her I was thirsty. The bright lights surprise me. Lil is up, but not in bed. Placing the glass down on my nightstand, I proceed to the bathroom. Unexpected, I catch a glimpse of Lil standing naked in my closet, sifting her hand through my suits. I know what she’s after, but I can’t allow her to dwell on my mistakes from the past. Laughter. That is what we both need. It is the remedy for many ailments, including her bruised and my guilty heart.

  Lillian Ly

  My eyes comb through a dark room as my hands pat around me. I’m lying on a bed. How exactly did I get here? Where’s Carson? We were just in his limo. The last thing I remember was having him on top of me, making gentle love to me after he fucked me three times in a row. Ouch! I’m tender, tender all over. My nipples are on fire as they brush against the sateen sheet covering my chest. I don’t even want to know what condition my lower half is in after Carson’s merciless assault.

  Curious to discover how I ended up here, I slide out of bed and fumble around in the dark to find a light switch. It looks like we’re at his house in the suburbs of Weston. I remember Carson telling the driver ‘Weston’ right before we drove away from the party. I’ve only been here once. We were caught making out in his SUV by his security guard. It was terrifying. For sure, I thought we would be arrested for public indecency until I learned we were on another one of Carson’s property. Speaking of indecency, I better find something to cover my naked body in case we’re not here alone. I walk into his closet to grab a t-shirt. As I look around, I decide to do a little snooping. Carson mentioned he has a drawer full of purple scarves. I wonder if they’re kept here. I yank open at least ten drawers, but find nothing. I run my fingers across several of his suits and notice a bulge in one of the pockets. Bingo. I pull out a silky purple scarf identical to Alison’s. It feels expensive and looks brand new, no lipstick stains. A sigh of relief escapes me. It would kill me to find a used one laying around here or any of his other places. The thought of him keeping them as mementos of his conquests makes my stomach twist in painful knots.

  “And what are you doing?” Carson probes from the entrance wearing just his gray pajama bottom. I’m caught red-handed or in this case—purple-handed, holding a scarf.

  “I…I was trying to find something to cover my body,” I explain as I stand guiltily in front of him, nude.

  “And why would you do that? I like you just the way you are,” he tells me with indulging eyes as he advances closer to me.

  “I’m naked.”

  “Like I said, just the way I like you,” he repeats with a smirk. Slipping the scarf from my grip, Carson uses it to tie my hair back. “Even better. Now that your long tress isn’t obscuring my view,” he tells me as he runs the back of his hand over my breast, grazing my burning nipple. I shrug my shoulders forward and recoil with a wince. My pain hits his eyes immediately. “I’m sorry, baby,” he regrets with a gentle kiss to my pink flesh.

  “I asked for it. I wanted to meet him.”

  Carson grins at my response without asking me to expound.

  “Why do you have a scarf in your suit pocket?” I inquire, demanding an explanation with my stern eyes. I’ve never been one to beat around the bush.

  “Where else would it be?” he trifles.

  Rolling my eyes, I complain, “You’re not giving me the answer I want, Mr. Bradley.”

  “I have them tucked in suits I wear on dates,” he explains casually. Apparently, that makes perfect sense to him while it’s clear as mud to me.

  “Just like a condom?” I interject as sarcastic as my tone would allow me.

  He belts out a loud laugh from my response. “I’ve never thought of it that way.”

  My eyes drop to my feet, feeling a downpour of sadness flood in. I wonder how many of these scarves are out there. How many women still own one of these and are still reminiscing about their heated nights with Carson?

  He tilts my chin up to face him. “Angel, why the long face? I’m trying to make light of our situation. I’m not trying to insult you. That was my past. You’re my future.”

  “Your past is hard for me. I have to compete with so many beautiful women you’ve been with.”

  “Lil, there’s no competition. You’re it. If I can rip my heart open to show you, you would see that you’re all that’s in there. I love you. Please believe me.”

  “I’m trying,” I sigh.

  “Don’t try. Just believe. Follow your heart, not your mind. Your mind can be easily persuaded.”

  He wraps his arms around my shoulders and squeezes me into his chest. His hold feels different to me, almost desperate. It seems as if he’s trying to keep me safe in his arms. Maybe I’m just overly sensitive and over-thinking everything.

  “Can I ask you something?”

  “Yes, anything.”

  “How can you be so callous to all those women in your past after you’ve made love to them?”

  “First of all, I didn’t make love to them. I fucked them for my personal needs. The coldness is easy after you see someone you love suffer a pain greater than anything you can wrap your brain around. Your emotions become dull and then obsolete. The only protection you have against something like that is to block it out completely. If you can’t feel it, it doesn’t exist.”

  “I’m sorry that you’ve been hurting for so many years. You’re right. I can’t understand where you’re coming from. But…I’m willing to listen to anything you want to share with me so I can meet you there.”

  “Have I ever told you how amazing you are?” he expresses as his eyes behold me affectionately.

  “It’s been awhile. I think I need a reminder,” I kid.

  Again, he squeezes me tighter against his chest, holding me safely in his arms.

  Carson Bradley

  “Baby, come to bed,” I holler out to her as I lie with my head rested in my hands. “How long does it take for you to wash your makeup off?”

bsp; “Patience. I’m almost done. Because of you, I’m moving much slower,” she yells back.

  “Did you forget? I still owe you four more O’s,” I remind her as I hold back my amusement. I know there’s no way in hell she’ll allow me anywhere near her, but I can’t resist getting a rouse from her. Whenever Lil’s irked, she makes this adorable face where her lips pout halfway into a crooked smile and her eyes narrow mischievously. I love that face so much that I find myself sometimes purposely trying to coax it out of her. Yes, I can be quite a little shit.

  Still naked, she walks toward the bed, unaffected by my comment and tells me, “Of course I haven’t forgotten.”

  Raising my head up slightly, I behold her with my stunned eyes. “Really?”

  “Yes, really,” she emphasizes. “But first, you need to let me do something to you.”

  My interest is piqued. What is she up to?

  “What does it entail?”

  “Binding,” she replies with a playful wink.


  “Yes, you.” She points at me.

  “With what?”

  “A scarf,” she answers and unties the purple one holding her hair back.

  “Lil…,” I begin.


  “No scarves,” I object. I hate the cold memories that thing has brought back. This isn’t the direction I want our evening to go. Lil isn’t a girl I fuck and leave. I love her insanely.


  “Because. And we’ll leave it at that,” I retort.

  “You’re no fun,” she complains, shaking her head.

  Spontaneously, I jump out of bed, scoop her off the floor and toss her in the center of a white comforter nest.

  “You want fun? I’ll show you fun,” I tell her in a playful and warning tone as I hover over her body, caging hers with mine.

  My fingers begin to tickle along her rib cage. She struggles, squirming under my hold.

  “Stop!” she shouts and giggles at the same time. “Please!”

  “Tell me I’m loads of fun! Tell me now!” I demand with an evil villain laugh, throwing my head back for effect.

  Fighting to get a breath of air in, she pants, “You’re a heavy load on top of me,” and chuckles.

  “You will pay for your stubbornness, Miss Ly,” I warn her and turn my tickling fingers on full speed. At this point, her writhing is useless. I’m too powerful for her.

  “I give up!” she shrieks. “You’re loads of fun and a pain in my butt,” she adds. “Now, stop! I’m dying.”

  I stop and then roll off her and onto my back. We lie there side by side as I listen to her labored breathing. “I was only trying to find a way for us to forget the ugly memories of that scarf,” she explains. “Maybe it’s too soon. I’ll try another time.”

  Not realizing that was her intent, I encourage her to continue. “I’m willing if you’re willing.” Her smile beams bright from my response.

  Rising up on her right elbow, she turns to face me. Holding each end of the scarf with her hands, she lays it gently over my mouth. “Okay?” she asks with a calming smile. I nod in response as my eyes find solace in hers. Tenderly, her lips press against the silky barrier concealing my lips. She leaves a wispy kiss on the material. I absorb her affection as it filters through the fine threads. It’s so fucking sexy.

  “Still good?” she whispers into my ear and nibbles on my lobe.

  “Mmm…uh…huh,” I purr through the scarf. My body is relaxed as is my mind–until my phone goes off. It’s Owen’s ringtone. No. Why is he calling me at this time? I decide to ignore it and go back to my happy place. It rings again, same ringtone. He wouldn’t call me twice in a row if it’s not an emergency. “Lil, I’m sorry, but I need to take this call.”

  “Sure. I’ll be here waiting for you,” she assures, concerned, as her troubled eyes behold me for answers.

  “It’ll take just a sec. Stay wet for me,” I trifle, reaching for the phone.

  I walk down the hallway that leads to the kitchen. This is far enough that Lil won’t be able to hear me. I then listen to Owen’s voice mail:

  “Mr. Bradley, this is urgent. We need to talk.”

  I call back and wait for Owen to answer as my heart beat violently against my chest.

  “I’m sorry to call you this late, but I know you’d be upset if I didn’t inform you of this info immediately.”

  “What is it?”

  “There was a package that came through BPC’s postal service after the letter. We didn’t get it until twenty minutes ago.”

  “How do you know they’re related?”

  “The postal stamp is identical to the letters as well as the handwriting.”

  Releasing a heavy sigh, I ask, “What’s in it?”

  “I’m not sure. Do you want me to open it now?”

  “Are you confident it’s not some kind of explosive?” Bomb threats are common for us , especially from the conservative right-wing groups for our involvement with stem cell research.

  “I’ve had it analyzed. It’s not a bomb. It’s synthetic cotton of some kind.”

  My knees buckle as I hear Owen confirm my speculation. I’m almost positive I know what it is. “Open it,” I insist as my heart pounds forcefully against my rib cage.

  I hear the crisp sound of paper ripping in the background and then dead silence. “What is it?” I demand, more impatient by the second.

  “It’s a…sleeve. Maroon colored,” he pauses. “It was cut off from a sweatshirt—Miss Ly’s sweatshirt.”

  “Call security now! Send more men over to the Weston property. Lil is their next target,” I panic as the air around me closes in, stifling me slowly, painfully.

  Lillian Ly

  I’m well aware of whose ringtone that was. It’s Owen’s. Whatever he needs to inform Carson I know it can’t be good at a time like this. I wonder if they’ve found his researchers or the people who’ve captured them. One thing’s for sure. Ever since Carson floated into my life, there hasn’t been a dull moment and I can’t imagine there’ll ever be.

  Carson enters the bedroom with a solemn expression. His face is ashen as if he’s seen a bad omen come true. His eyes search frantically for me. They’re comforted when I toss a smile in his direction. His fortress can’t conceal the burden he just inherited—not this time. I’ve only seen this look of anguish on his face one other occasion. The time he thought he almost lost me to an accident.

  “Carson, what’s wrong? What did Owen tell you?” I ask, rattled. Meeting him halfway, I wrap my arms around his stiff frame. His heart races fiercely while fear is shrouded over his silken eyes. As quickly as a hummingbird flaps its wings, Carson is able to shake his uncertainties even quicker. A taut smile graces his face to throw me off his trail.

  Peering into my concerned eyes, he calmly states, “Owen wants to send a few extra men here for precaution since we’re not at the penthouse.”

  “Why?” I demand an explanation. There has to be more to this.

  “I just told you. For precaution,” he snips and then realizes it was uncalled for. “I…I’m sorry, Angel. I didn’t mean to be short with you. I have a lot on my mind right now,” he regrets, stroking the back of his warm fingers along my face.

  “I’m a good listener. You can tell me anything,” I offer, resting my right hand over his heart. Why can’t he just open up to me? I’m sure I can handle whatever he’s dealing with.

  “I know you are,” he agrees and gives me a kiss on my forehead as a peace offering. “It’s getting late. We’ll talk tomorrow. I promise.”

  “Did he tell you anything else?” I pry one last time.

  “He wants us ready for pickup around 10:00 tomorrow morning. Captain Franco will be flying us to Fort Wayne on one of my private jets.”

  Hearing the words Fort Wayne glide over Carson’s tongue soothes my heart instantly. Everything else is now inconsequential. I don’t care to ask him any more questions. Tomorrow, I will see my mom after being separate
d for almost nine months. I’ve missed her so much that it’ll be impossible for me to let her go once I have her in my arms.

  Reaching down for Carson’s hand, I lead him into bed. His body falls back on top of three pillows as his eyes latch onto mine, regarding my every move. “I know how to distract your worrisome mind,” I offer after climbing over him and straddling his waist with my naked thighs. The fine hairs on his chest tickle my skin. His erection, confined behind his cotton pajama pants, is throbbing under my cleft.

  “How?” he asks as his hands spread my thighs even further apart so my sex is now pressed against his delicious hardness. So what if I’m still tender from the previous eight times he had his way with me? I still want him in the stingiest way—all to myself.

  I fall into him with my fingers laced between his. My forehead rests on his soft lips. “I’m going to fuck your worries away,” I purr daringly into his ears. Even I am stunned after hearing myself utter those words. Where did that boldness come from?

  Carson cups my face with his palms so I’m forced to see his amused expression. “Lil, you never cease to amaze me,” he tells me with a huge grin on his handsome face. “Just to let you know, my mind is crowded with worries. You’ll probably need to fuck me all night,” he trifles and then pulls me into his lips.

  “Always an opportunist, aren’t you?” I point out for the nth time and pinch my two fingers against his solid chest.

  “With you, an entire lifetime is but a blink of an eye. Our time spent together is so blissful for me that the hours and minutes drift by unnoticeably. So yes, I seize every opportunity when it comes to you.”

  “I love you so much, hazel eyes.”

  “I love you, cuddly. Now please fuck my worries away,” he smirks.


  After I rode Carson with all my might, fucking his worries away, he concluded by pounding me from behind. Though he didn’t get all twelve O’s in, he was damn close with ten total. He asked if I could fix all his problems with this technique and then slipped into a deep slumber with a satisfied smirk on his face.


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