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Opposing Sides

Page 6

by C. M. Doporto

  Chapter 6

  My phone chimed and I rolled over, reaching for it.

  Collin: I’ll be there in 30 minutes to pick you up.

  Blinking a few times, I struggled to see the time. Seven-thirty flashed on my phone. Collin was picking me up to attend weekly church service, and I had over slept. Crap!

  Me: Okay, I’ll be ready.

  I flung the covers off the bed and ran to the shower. Grabbing a hair band, I twisted my hair up in a messy bun and bathed as fast as I could. With little time to spare, I found a shear blouse and matching skirt that didn’t need ironing and put it on. I applied a little makeup and ran down stairs. A few minutes later, my brother pulled up in his black 1959 Chevy Camaro.

  The door opened, and Collin stepped out of the car. “You look pretty in that skirt.”

  “Thanks,” I said, ducking to get into the back seat. I didn’t even try to kiss him because with my brother around I knew he wouldn’t be responsive.

  “Hey, Bro, didn’t know you were coming.”

  “Yeah, me either.” He brushed his thick brown hair with his fingers, while looking in the rear view mirror. “Mom called and said they hadn’t seen me in a while and, well… you know the routine.”

  I sighed and relaxed against the cold vinyl seat. “Yep, know all about that. Glad they’re bugging you instead of me.”

  He laughed while peeling out. “Don’t hold your breath too long because you’ll be next.”

  “You know your parents mean well.” Collin chimed in.

  Luke’s laugh deepened. “I can’t wait to see what happens once you two marry.”

  “Oh, I don’t think they’ll continue to be overprotective. I know they want the best for Lexi so they are willing to do whatever it takes to ensure she makes good decisions.”

  “Yeah, you don’t know my parents as well as you think you do.” I informed Collin.

  “You might change your mind after a few weeks of my mom’s nagging.” Luke added.

  “I think you two are wrong.” Collin adjusted his seat belt but kept his body perfectly straight. “Not to be vain, but they know I’m a good choice for Lexi so they will give us our privacy.”

  I had to bite back a laugh. Collin sounded so confident and cocky, and I had never heard him talk that way. If he’d only take that confidence in the bedroom then I might agree with him.

  Luke slowed to a stop. “Well, you might be the best guy for Lexi, but my parents will soon be telling you two how to live your lives. Trust me.” Luke hooked up his iPod to his radio and turned on the music. The sounds of One Republic blared over the speakers.

  The rest of the drive to Dallas remained quiet, and I reclined my head, nodding in and out of sleep. My mind drifted off thinking about Raven and our last tutoring session, but I forced the dangerous thoughts out of my head.

  Reason number 6 -- I can’t stop thinking about him.

  Church service seemed to drag, and my stomach twisted with hunger pains. The last thing I had eaten was the sandwich Collin bought me. I couldn’t wait to get to the restaurant and eat. The service ended, and we made our way to the front entrance. Members gathered with their families talking and smiling. Kids screamed and chased each other as their parents demanded they stop. I wondered if Collin and I would end up this way or if my display of marital bliss would be fake. Because whether or not he was good for me, I wasn’t convinced. I needed someone that wasn’t afraid to show me how much they loved me.

  “Sweetie, how was your week?” Mom smothered me with a hug.

  I shrugged, hugging her back. “Okay, I guess.”

  “Collin, you always look so handsome.” Mom gave him one of those hugs where she patted his back and kissed the air.

  “Hello, Mrs. Thompson. You’re looking younger every time I see you.”

  “Oh, thank you.” Mom touched her hair and flashed a girlish smile.

  Collin’s phone chimed, and he pulled it from his pocket.

  “Lexi, my dad needs help with something so I’ll meet you at the restaurant.”

  I nodded. “Okay.”

  “Excuse me, Mrs. Thompson.” Collin gestured before fighting his way through the crowd.

  “No problem.” Mom waved but Collin was already deep in the throngs of people.

  “You should have taken the time to fix your hair.” Mom tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. “We’re meeting the Norris’ for brunch,” she whispered, “You want to look your best.”

  “Sorry, I didn’t have time.” I adjusted my skirt, because I knew she was checking to make sure I looked presentable. Whether I was fifteen, twenty, or forty, Mom would always nag about my appearance. “Where’s Dad?” I asked, rising on my tip toes to see over the crowds of people.

  “He went to get the car. I told him I wanted to arrive at the restaurant early since they don’t take reservations.” Mom flipped her hair. “What do you think about this color? It’s not too blonde is it?”

  Mom had light brown hair that was turning gray so she was testing different colors, claiming she had to have one that didn’t make her appear too young or too old. “I think it looks natural.”

  “Good. It will be perfect for the wedding.” She smiled and then her gazed darted behind me. “Luke! Oh baby, come here.”

  Luke strolled behind the waves of people, in no rush to meet Mom.

  “Hi, Mom.” He embraced her while she planted a big kiss on his cheek.

  “Sorry, baby.” Red lips stained his face and she used her thumb to rub it off. “When’s the last time you got a haircut?” She immediately started messing with his hair.

  Luke swatted her hand. “Stop, Mom. Leave my hair alone.”

  “Well your hair looks like that guy from Twilight.”

  “No it doesn’t.” Luke rolled his eyes.

  “I think it does, so get a trim. And next time, don’t forget to shave and your iron your clothes...” Mom repeated her repertoire of do’s and don’ts to Luke. It was nothing new and we were used to withstanding the brunt of her torture.

  Luke managed to break away from Mom when she saw Dad pull up to the curb. “See you at the restaurant and hurry.”

  “Ya, ya, okay,” Luke replied.

  “We’re right behind you and Dad.” I reassured her we were coming.

  Luke and I walked to his car, taking the time to enjoy the nice, warm weather.

  “Wow, it feels great out here.” I took off my sunglasses and let the Texas sun beat down on my face.

  “Better enjoy it now. It’s supposed to get cold this afternoon.”

  “Darn, that sucks. I hate walking in the cold to class.”

  Luke unlocked the door for me. “Well, it’s our last year so enjoy it before it’s all over.”

  “Yeah, I guess you’re right about that.”

  Since we were alone, I decided to ask him about Delaney. I waited for him to start the car and quickly took control of his iPod, turning down the volume.

  “Hey, turn it back up, I like that song.”

  “I will in a minute, I just want to ask you something.”

  Luke’s head tilted back and he rubbed his forehead. “Damn, Lexi, Mom’s already beat me down today and I got an ear full last night from Dad.”

  “About what?” Luke looked whipped, and I questioned whether I should ask him about Delaney.

  “Nothing.” He pulled a cigarette from his visor and lit it. “Just baseball stuff… that’s it.”

  I rolled down the window. I hated when he smoked, but I knew he did it to relieve stress. “If you need someone to talk to, I’m here.” I swiveled in my seat, turning in his direction.

  He flashed a quick smile. “Thanks, Sis, but its sports, and I doubt I’d hold your attention for more than a minute.”

  “Oh, okay.” And he was right about that. “Talk to Collin, I’m sure he’ll be happy to listen.”

  He nodded. “Yeah, I will.”

  Turning up the volume to the music, I decided to give my brother a reprieve. We both needed a b
reak and any extra crap could wait.

  We walked into the restaurant and found Mom and Dad sitting at a big table. It didn’t take long for the rest of the crowd to arrive. I greeted Collin’s family and another couple my parents knew from church and their kids. Eager to distance myself, I sat at the very end of the table, opposite our parents. Collin sat next to me, and my brother took a seat across from us. I listened to my mom make excuses why my sister and her family weren’t at church, stating they had a mini-vacay to the Caribbean with some big-wig Dallas millionaire, and the kids stayed with their nanny. Mom always made it a point to talk about their rendezvous and who they were rubbing elbows with if they weren’t there. It was sickening.

  Before I had met Collin, we only went to church on Easter and Christmas. When I started dating him, my mom made sure we were at service every week since Collin’s dad was the pastor. Once we were engaged, Collin expected me to attend with him. I didn’t mind, I just didn’t prefer to wake up early on Sunday when I had to get up early the rest of the week. Saturday’s were my only days to sleep in.

  The waiter came by and took our drink orders and informed us we could head to the buffet line. I ordered the usual, a Mimosa with a slice of orange and a cherry on the side. Mom and Mrs. Norris did the same. Mealtime was the only time I was allowed to drink any type of liquor. Collin’s family only drank alcohol with their meals, and my parents quickly adopted that same etiquette. Funny thing was I remember Mom and Dad being big drinkers when we were smaller. But one day they stopped drinking in front of us and taught us to only drink moderately.

  We hit the glorious layout of the New Mexico style food, loading our plates with various options. That was my favorite part of Sunday, great food, and a nice cool-spritzy drink to melt away the week’s worries.

  “How’s your food?” Collin wiped his mouth before taking a sip of his water. Collin rarely drank alcohol and if he did it was a glass of wine.

  “Good. How’s yours?”

  “Really good. The Adobe Pie is delicious.”

  I moved my fork toward his plate. “Can I try it?”

  Collin moved his hand in front of his plate, guarding it. “I’ll get you a fresh piece.”


  After all this time, he still refused to share his food with me. Yet he was preparing to share his bed with me. What the hell was wrong with him? What if he wanted us to have separate bedrooms, like they did when my grandmother married?

  “Sure.” I said. Collin returned to the buffet line, and I flagged the waiter. “I’ll have another Mimosa, please,” I said in a hushed voice. “And can you bring it in a regular glass and not this fancy one?” I knew I wasn’t supposed to drink another one, but since my parents were too busy chit chatting to notice, and Luke was engrossed with texting someone, I figured what the hell.

  Collin returned with a fresh slice of Adobe Pie, but I didn’t want it. I had wanted to taste his, but sharing food with me was something he obviously preferred not to do. Whatever the reason, it hurt my feelings. I kept to myself, not saying much of anything as my mind analyzed why I wanted to marry him. To make matters worse, Collin didn’t bother to talk to me, as he and my brother chatted the entire time about the baseball season. And four Mimosas later, I felt numb and didn’t care if we got married or not.

  “Is that your phone or mine?” Collin lifted his phone out of the pocket of his blazer, giving it a quick glance.

  I hiccupped and then flopped my purse on the table, searching for my phone. “Yep, it’s mine,” I roared. Several people turned and stared at me, including my mom.

  Clutching my napkin, I covered my mouth, hiding the distracting noise that was a telltale sign that I probably had too much to drink. But I didn’t care. I liked the way the alcohol made my head feel, not to mention how it melted every muscle in my body. I made a mental note to drink at least two next time but stop before number four.

  I held my phone close to my face then moved it back, trying to focus on the text message. It was Delaney:

  Delaney: So what happened? I’m dying to know.

  Me: Shjt

  I set my phone down and flagged the waiter. Collin’s eyes widened, and before I could say anything he said, “Please bring her a big glass of ice cold water.”

  “Sure,” the guy responded.

  “How many Mimosas have you had?” Collin asked through gritted teeth.

  I grabbed a fistful of his shirt, pulling him toward me, and planted a big fat kiss on his lips. “Enough to pull you into the bathroom and give you the ride of your life.”

  “Le-xi.” Collin muttered between our lips.

  Luke started coughing and chortling as soda fanned across the table. “Darn ice… went down the wrong way.” He pounded his chest, but the stunned expression on his face told me he must have heard me. But I didn’t care.

  Mom’s eyes narrowed and I swore I saw billows of steam blow out of her ears. Pastor Norris didn’t look too pleased either as his eyes darted between Collin and me.

  My phone chimed again.

  Delaney: WTF? Nothing happened?

  My fingers pressed several keys at one time, but I managed to type a message to her.

  Me: Nope. I tried to get him to touch men bit e got nervous and spit soda on me.

  The waiter handed me a glass of water, and I chugged half of it while waiting for Delaney to respond.

  Delaney: What? He spit soda on you?

  Me: No. Spilt. Damn autocorrect!

  Delaney: That sucks. And yesterday? Tell me he spent the night.

  Me: No.

  Delaney: No, you’re not telling me, or no he didn’t spend the night?

  Me: He didn’t stay. Said he had to story die.

  Delaney: What?

  I tried to type the right word, but my fingers weren’t cooperating with my brain.

  Me: Stuidy

  Me: Stoody

  Me: Shit! Study!

  Delaney: Is this Lexi? Because she never has typos!

  I giggled.

  Me: Yes, it me. I drank 4 Mimosas.

  Delaney: Holy SHIT! You’re drunk!!

  Me: Yep. Feels good too!

  Delaney: ROTFLMAO!!

  My phone buzzed as another text message appeared from a number I didn’t recognize. I switched screens to read it.

  Lexi, it’s me Raven. I need your help. Can we meet tonight?

  “Shit! How did he—” I clamped my hand over my mouth when I saw all eyes gravitate toward me.

  “Is everything okay, Lexi?” Irritation rang loud in Collin’s voice.

  “Sorry, I just forgot to do something.” I waved a dismissive hand in the air.

  Whispering he said, “Please watch your language.”

  I nodded, not sure how to respond. My heart was pumping so fast I thought it would explode. Not because of my Freudian slip but because Raven was texting me.

  I zeroed in on the keys, making sure to type my message error free.

  Me: How did you get my number?

  Raven: Coach got it from Dr. Phillips. I hope that’s okay because I REALLY need your help. I have a paper due tomorrow that I forgot about.

  It wasn’t okay because I never authorized Dr. Phillips to share my cell phone number. Typically I only gave it to students I tutored if I felt it was absolutely necessary. It wasn’t my fault he canceled Thursday’s tutoring session again, and failed to have his crap together. Even if the entire university wanted me to help him, I didn’t want him to text me.

  Or did I?

  I hesitated for a moment, looking at my phone. My mind protested but something in my body welcomed the idea. A stampede of emotions coursed through my blood, awakening various extremities. Would he talk dirty to me? I pressed my lips together, forbidding the girlish giggle trying to escape. There was only one way to find out.

  Me: I guess. Can we meet at five?

  Raven: That’s fine. Where do you want to meet?

  My phone buzzed again, and Delaney’s message appeared at the top bar
of my phone.

  Delaney: I’ll be at the dorm later tonight. Visiting with family.

  Me: Ok. Can’t chat now. I’m talking to Raven.

  Delaney: The football player?

  Another messaged displayed from Raven as I was about to type back an answer to her.

  Me: Yes, ‘The Raven’. The sexy football player.

  Raven: Thanks. I’m glad you think I’m sexy. ☺

  I looked at the top of the screen. Raven’s number showed in the ‘to’ field. It wasn’t Delaney I had sent that message to, it was Raven! I had switched to his message and didn’t realize it.

  “Oh no.” I gasped, pressing my phone to my chest. How could I have been so stupid? That’s what I got for drinking and texting. Delaney would love to hear about this. Should I tell her? Using my better judgment, I decided not to. But if she asked, I would tell her I was tutoring him. Because that was the truth.

  “Sis, is everything okay?” Luke asked.

  “Yeah.” The surge of adrenaline sobered me instantly.

  Me: Sorry. You weren’t supposed to see that.

  Raven: That’s okay. *wink

  Oh my God! He winked at me. Cautiously, I typed back a message.

  Me: Let’s meet at the library at 5.

  Raven: See you then.

  I stuffed my phone in my purse, deciding it was best if I stopped texting for now. I couldn’t afford another screw up. Collin and Luke were still talking baseball, and the rest of the people at the table were deep in various conversations.

  “I’ll be back. I’m going to the restroom,” I informed Collin.

  He nodded, breaking eye contact with my brother for a quick second.

  I stood and the floor tilted to the side. My head swayed, and I gripped the chair for support. Placing one foot in front of the other, I made it to the restroom without falling. The walls of the stall seemed to move as I sat on the toilet. It reminded me of being in a fun house except it wasn’t scary or spooky. I washed my hands, allowing the cool water to spill over my fingers. My body felt hot, and I thought about dipping my head under the faucet, but I figured my mom wouldn’t appreciate it if I came out looking like a wet mop.

  I returned to the table to see everyone standing, saying their goodbyes. “We’re leaving?” I asked Collin, gripping his arm for support.


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