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Snow and Seduction: A Steamy Reverse Harem Winter Collection

Page 64

by Amanda Rose

  "I wasn't going to do this, but I need to feel you around my cock." He says, pulling from my euphoric state. He moves to my hands and unties me, then frees my legs. He roughly picks me up from the table and throws me over his shoulder, giving me quite the view of his sculpted ass as he walks. I can't help myself and playfully smack one of his firm ass cheeks. He stops mid-stride. Oh shit.

  "Did you just?" He sounds completely thrown off, and I do it again. This time he growls, and nearly drops me. Oops. I'm standing now facing him. I expect him to look furious, but instead he looks confused. He roughly grabs my hand, pulls a stool out from the island, and bends me over it

  "I changed my mind; I'm spanking you now." He says, then slaps my ass hard with his hand.

  "More!" I cry out. He obliges and smacks again, harder. This time it hurts slightly, and he rubs the spot he just hit.

  "Can I fuck you?" He asks. He asks. Like I'm going to say no at this point.

  "YOU BETTER FUCK ME!" I groan. He spins me around so I'm facing him.

  "I want to watch you when you cum around my cock." He says, then lifts me up so I'm sitting on island. He angles my pelvis forward then places his cock at the entrance of my pussy.

  I look into his eyes as he slowly enters me, supporting me with his arm so I don't fall backwards. His cock is wide, and stretches me even more than the flogger. I close my eyes as feel every inch of him fill me. Then he thrusts hard, entering me fully. I open my eyes; he leans forward pressing his forehead to mine. Right then, I can see right into him. I can see everything behind those eyes. This is the real him; he's lost his control and let himself go. I kiss him, and he lets me. Then he pulls away and starts fucking me hard, holding me, while he thrusts in and out, faster and faster. It's rough, raw, and animalistic. The look on his face is completely wild and feral. I need him to come inside of me. My arousal builds and builds; I can see him tensely holding back, waiting for me to orgasm. I can't hold on anymore, and I lean forward, pulling myself closer to him, wrapping my legs tightly around him. I scream as I orgasm around him, trying to pull as much of him inside me as I can. His thrusts become more intense, and then finally, he explodes inside of me, wrapping his arms around me and holding me. I bury my face into his neck, breathing in his musky scent. He strokes my hair and kisses my neck. It almost feels strange to get this soft side of him, after the intensity of the display in the dining room. The moment ends when he speaks.

  "Cadence." He says. I lift my head to look at him.

  "What?" I ask.

  "You are the most dangerous woman I have ever met." Then he kisses my forehead and pulls away, leaving me more than a little confused, sitting naked and dripping on the kitchen island. He walks into the dining room and then walks right by me, holding his clothes and all of the items he had brought down with him, heading up the stairs. I desperately miss the soft side of him he just showed me, and I have feeling it might be a long time before I see that again. Reluctantly, I get up and find my clothes, getting dressed before anyone wonders in.


  The house is eerily quiet. I've gotten dressed, cleaned up the kitchen, and wiped down the dining room table and island, twice. I was expecting today to be so much different. Like a never ending sexual romp with four delicious best friends. Instead, I'm sitting on the couch with Rudolf the fucking Reindeer in the background, wondering when any of my men will emerge from whatever it is they're doing. I have to go home tonight to get ready for Christmas Eve. Mom, Lyric, and I always go to the outlet stores downtown, then head out to the Ethel M. Botanical Cactus Light show to sip hot chocolate and walk through the festively decorated cactus garden. I wonder if I can rent a wheelchair for mom, so she doesn't miss it this year.

  Nope. I'm stuck sitting here, waiting. I've already gone exploring in all of the bedrooms, including Killian's. Especially Killian's. Unfortunately, there really isn't anything exciting that I haven't already seen. I desperately want to explore the basement, but I'm pretty sure that's where everyone is, and from the blood I saw on Killian earlier, probably not somewhere I want to be.

  Speaking of that, I'm not sure what has gotten into me. A week ago, I would have freaked out and called the cops at the thought of someone being held in the basement, and… and what, interrogated? For some reason these men have enchanted me beyond reason. I desperately want to know more about them, but I'm afraid if I keep finding out more, my conscience won't allow me to stay a part of this...this, whatever it is we have going on. I keep thinking back to Simon's warnings and the thought of Maya, whoever she is. She couldn't have been associated with them, right? She didn't disappear because of them, right?

  The last time I saw her was months ago, well before Kill and Crew showed up. I recall the willowy, attractive, raven haired, dancer that formed a quick bond with Lucy. I was a bit jealous, as a friend, that someone had so quickly gained all of her free time. At the same time, it was nice to see Lucy have someone in my absence. I was so busy with the dance school and work, that I rarely saw her outside Sin City. I had never even known Lucy was bi until Maya stepped into her life. Then as quickly as she came in, she was gone. Just ghosted my best friend, leaving her distraught and upset. All Lucy got was a cold text saying it was over, and then she was never heard from again. Fuck. Maybe we should have looked into it more? Vegas is a transient city. People come and go constantly, so someone just up and leaving is common. Now, that I'm not clouded by the guy’s sexy presence, I can't help but wonder what they're really up to.

  Either way, I really need to get going soon. I glance at the clock on my phone and it's late afternoon. Usually, we're at the outlets by now. Suddenly it lights up, and rings the obnoxious factory set ring tone. I slide to answer, and I'm immediately greeted with a frantic Lyric.

  "Whoa, Lyric! Calm down, what's going on?" I ask, trying to be as calming as possible. Something is obviously very wrong, but I can't understand a word she's saying. I hear her take a deep breath, then she tries again.

  "Mom is in the hospital. She fell. I rode in the ambulance with her. We're at UMC, please get here, now!" She sounds so hoarse and raw. If she's been crying, it must be bad.

  "I'm on my way! Go be with mom, I'll call when I get there!" I say. She doesn't answer just hangs up. FUCK! Where is everyone? I need a ride, now! Panic sank its poisonous claws in my heart, and it's taking every ounce of calmness I possess to keep myself from turning into a chaotic ball of frenzy and angst. One thing at time. I run upstairs into Mag's room and get dressed in clothes, just throwing on my black jeans and purple-plaid top from yesterday. I shove everything else in my bag and run back downstairs. What do I do? Do I just take a car? Do I try to get the guys? It's that moment standing in the entrance way between the door that leads to the garage and the rest of the house that will lead me down to the basement, that I completely lose it.

  Total. Mental. Breakdown.

  My mom needs me, Lyric needs me, and I'm stuck here! I have to get out of here. What if-what if this is it? And I'm not there.

  The ground rises up to meet me, smacking me hard in the knees as the panic takes over and manifests into sobs and tears. That must be what happens, because I don’t remember falling. I collapse back on my butt and pull my knees to my chest, resting my head on them, letting my body break down.

  "What's going on? Cadence?" It's Killian. The last person I want to see me like this. Where are, literally, any of the other men? I can't make myself stop crying long enough to explain. The sobs are ripping out of my chest, and I can barely get any air in. I'm going to pass out! Before I know it, I'm scooped up in his arms and taken outside into the crisp afternoon air. The shock is enough to distract me enough to cause a pause in my gasps for air.

  "Count. Slowly. One. Two. Three..." He whispers into my ear. I close my eyes and listen to his voice as he counts. I begin to count with him, and finally, I'm calm enough to tell him what happened.

  "My mom. She's in the hospital, at UMC. I need to go see her. She's really sick, and this co
uld be -"

  "Let's go." He says and carries me out the garage. There is a black Dodge Challenger parked next to Bertha, and he's buckling me in before I'm even aware he's opened the door and put me in. He climbs in, and we're speeding down the road in mere seconds. The dissonant harmonies of Thelonious Monk are playing through the speakers. It helps calm my hysterical state, and I turn up the volume to try and block out the panic threatening to reemerge. I try to bop my hand to the beat, but I'm shaking. Killian reaches over and takes my trembling hand in his. His hands are so much rougher and stronger than the others. This hand is bruised and has a few cuts on his knuckles. Yet, somehow, they are comforting and reassuring. I look up at his face, and his mask is gone. In its place is anguish and sorrow. I squeeze his hand, and he glances at me. I want to ask what's wrong, but I feel like I've forgotten how to speak. Fortunately, he speaks for me.

  "Jazz fan?" He asks. Those two simple words are enough to break my inability to speak.

  "Yeah. My dad is-was. He taught me everything he knew about the genre. The greats, the unknowns. We'd go to the museums, and he would take to me any performances he could find. Imagine an eight year old girl sitting next to her father in a rundown smoky bar watching Jazz bands play." The memory brings a smile to my face, and suddenly, the weight on my shoulders seems a little lighter.

  "You were close?" He asks. I just nod. "What happened?"

  "He uh - he died. When I was ten. I don't really want to go into details, but he was killed. It was fifteen years ago." I turn away and look out the window. The sun is just beginning to set now, bathing the city in beautiful pink glow. Traffic is hell once we exit off the highway. Of course it is; everyone is out and about shopping, celebrating, and completely clueless that my mom is in the hospital and possibly dying. The thought sets off another panic attack, and I can feel the sobs trying to bubble up and break free.

  “What was his name?” He asks.

  “Phillip. Phil King.” I answer. His grip tightens on my hand, and I gasp from the pain. He lets go. What the hell? Whatever has just happened, it stops the panic attack.

  "I used to dance, you know." He says. Trying to take my mind of whatever just happened, I’m sure.

  "What? Dance? You? Funny.”

  "My mom used to make my sister and I take lessons. Make isn't the right word, we loved it. My dad hated it, but he usually wasn't around much, so we got away with it. I danced all the way through school, I only stopped when I had to step in and become a bigger part of the uh- family business."

  "You mean, investing?" I ask. He snorts out a laugh, and in my somewhat delirious state, I start laughing too. Then something amazing happens. Killian...laughs. It's deep and genuine. My dangerous and let's face it, probably deadly, man has done nothing more than give me a minuscule smirk, and now, he's laughing. This fuels my laughter even more. He covers his mouth, trying to hold back. After a moment, we both get a grip of ourselves.

  "So what was that about? My dancing, or our poor excuse at a cover?" He asks, looking over at me. His eyes are lighter when they're full of laughter.

  "Both? Actually, I was laughing at the fact that you snort when you laugh." He smiles and reaches over, taking my hand again. The car slows to a stop at another red light. Don't they know we're in a hurry?

  "I haven't laughed like that since -" He stops, and his whole demeanor changes.

  "Since what?" I pry.

  "Since, I stepped into the family business." Is all he says.

  “Are you still in the family business?” I ask. He shakes his head no.

  “Not for a few years now, since I met the guys. We’re freelance now, I guess you could say.” I try to change the subject. This isn’t the time for this revelation.

  "How old is your sister? Is she younger or older?" I ask. This doesn't seem to help; his mask is slipping back on.

  "She was younger." He says. Oh shit. The dreaded was.

  "I'm sorry." I whisper. He glances at me again.

  "She's not dead. I hope she's not dead. She disappeared, a few months ago.

  "Oh my god. From where? What happened?" I ask. Killian takes a deep breath.

  "I don't know how much of this I should tell you, but fuck it. My sister is Maya Ward." I gasp in surprise, but he continues, "She came out here on the run from my family. Because I left, they went after her. Out for blood, to make me pay." I'm at a complete loss for words. How do I even begin to say something after that? Things make a little more sense now though.

  "That's awful. Why would her own family do that?" I ask.

  "That's a story for another time. Right now, we need to check on your mother." He says. I look out the window, and we're pulling into the hospital parking lot. I didn't even notice we had arrived. The panic is still just under my skin, but with Killian next to me, it's staying put for now.

  I didn't think I'd be spending Christmas Eve in the hospital with my mom. Fortunately, they've given her a nice secluded room. I'm sitting with her now, while Lucy and Lyric go scrounge for food. I glance at my phone, and it's nearly eight o'clock in the evening. My mom is sound asleep in her bed, hooked up to IV's. So far she seems okay though, no severe damage caused by her fall. In fact, she can probably go home in a day or two. I reach out and gently place my hand over hers, careful not to disturb her IV. She looks so old and frail. The cancer and treatment really doing a number on her body. She isn’t wearing her usual scarf over her pale, bald head. I feel the tears come, and this time I don't stop them. I desperately wish I could crawl up in bed with her and snuggle up to her like I used to when I was a small child.

  The door clicks open, and quickly remove my hand from hers and wipe my tears away, in case it's Lyric. To my surprise, Forrest peaks his head in.

  "Can I come in?" He asks. I nod, and he opens the door all the way, walking into the small room.

  "No, Killian?" I ask, more than a little disappointed. Forrest shakes his head.

  "He's taking care of a few things." He says. I just nod. I hope I don't lose what little headway I've made with him. “Do you mind coming out with me, to talk to the guys?” I look toward my mom, but she’s still asleep. I’m sure she’ll be okay for a few minutes. Forrest leads me out to the empty lobby where the guys are. My own Nutcrackers. I smile. I’m just missing Killian.

  “Is everything okay?” I ask.

  “There really isn’t an easy way to put this.” Warren says, causing my heart to speed up.

  “Way to freak her out.” Magnus says and shoves Warren’s shoulder. Will takes a step closer to me.

  "What we were trying to tell you,” He continues for his brother, “is that, well, we want you to move in with us." Fuck, what now? If had been drinking, I could have given the world's biggest spit take. I just stare at him. I’m pretty sure my jaw has dropped open.

  "Somehow, you've been targeted as someone close to us. We have a lot of enemies, and we're afraid you're in trouble. We don't want you going back to your apartment." Warren explains.

  "That's ridiculous -" I'm cut off by Forrest of all people.

  "Magnus and I stopped by your place to pick up some things for you. There were classic signs of someone casing your apartment. Also, someone had broken in. The lock was busted, and the door kicked in. If your mom hadn't fallen, and you all had been there -" He doesn't finish the sentence. He doesn't have to. Chills run up my back and send goosebumps all over my body. I involuntarily shiver.

  "What about my mom and Lyric? I can't leave them behind." I say.

  "They can't stay with us." Killian says and pushes his way between Forrest and Will. Oh, now he shows up. I send him a death glare. I'll be damned if I leave them behind.

  "You are shit with words, Kill!" Warren yells. It's probably a good thing he isn't closer.

  "What he means is, it's too dangerous. However, we spoke to Vince, and he has extra room at his place. Lucy can stay with them as well.”

  "Lucy? Why? What's going on with Lucy?"

  "Remember, I told you about Maya?" Ki
llian asks. I nod. "Well, the people we thought had her don't. They're still looking for her. Lucy was close to her, so they might be watching her to see if Maya comes back for her." I shake my head.

  “Wait, you’ve known about Lucy?” Suddenly, it clicks. Was Lucy the one they were trying to lure back to their house? This is all too much for me to handle. Magnus squeezes my shoulder. I have a million questions. I need to revisit that one later. I settle on the next one in line.

  “Also, why Vince? How do you all know him so well?” I ask. Nobody speaks. We all turn when we hear footsteps echo on the linoleum floor. Speak of the devil.

  “It’s okay. It’s time she knew.” Vince says.

  “Knew what?” I demand. Vince looks over to Killian, and he stands.

  “My father had your father killed. Over a dispute he had with a rival family.” Killian says. I shake my head. I knew my father was killed, but they never knew who did it. It was a drug deal gone bad. My dad caught up in the middle. Panic starts to rise in my chest.

  “We aren’t good men, Cadence. We’ve all done some awful things, but we’re trying, really trying, to fix things.” He says. Magnus still has his arm around me, but instead of comforting, it’s now suffocating. I shove him off and run for the door.


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