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Snow and Seduction: A Steamy Reverse Harem Winter Collection

Page 113

by Amanda Rose

  She tangled a hand in his hair, the other a fist to silence her moans. As much as she'd like having one of the other guys join in, right now, she didn't want to be interrupted. She didn't want him to stop. Nothing was allowed to stop them. His mouth felt so good on her, so slippery, so slick, so desperately sexy.

  He flicked his tongue over her nub, eliciting a muffled moan from her pink lips. She was close, much closer than she thought she was. Just a little bit more and...

  Mary almost howled as Louis' mouth stopped moving. She nudged the back of his head, needily begging for him to continue.

  But all he did was chuckle.

  "Aren't you eager," he grinned, his eyes flickering with mischief.

  "Louis..." She wanted to sound stern, but his name fell from her lips in a whimper.

  "Patience, Mary."

  He pressed one lost kiss on the inside of her thigh and rearranged his pants. There was only one way he was going to make her come and that was if she begged him.

  He captured her mouth for another kiss, nibbling on her trembling bottom lip. He ground his bulge against her, creating friction for his member.

  Mary's hands found his belt and Louis gladly dropped his trousers to his ankles. His shirt quickly joined the rest of the clothes scattered on the kitchen floor. Without wasting any time, he shoved his boxers out of the way and proudly showcased his shaft.

  Without hesitation, Mary dropped to her knees and eagerly wrapped her fingers around his swollen member. She traced the vein with her tongue to the sensitive head before gently kissing it. The saltiness of his excitement danced on her tongue and she found herself going back for more. Louis might think he had the power in his hands, she'd prove him wrong. When she was done with him, he'd be begging her, not the other way around.

  She swirled her tongue around the tip, knowingly avoiding the glans. She felt him twitch impatiently in her hand and grinned. If he thought she'd be a prude, he was wrong. Teasingly, she wetted her lips and traced the sides of his member.

  Louis tightened his muscles, trying to thrust into Mary's talented mouth. He hadn't expected her to willingly suck him off and now he wished he hadn't teased her so badly. This was certainly going to come back to bite him in the ass. Quite literally, perhaps.

  A grunt escaped from his lips as his head hit Mary's inner cheek. She was hot and wet and certainly knew what she was doing.

  Mary would've grinned proudly if she wasn't using her mouth for different things. If there was one thing she did well, it was this.

  The familiar build up rumbled in Louis' abdomen as his member twitched inside Mary's mouth. He resisted the urge to grab her head and hoped she wouldn't be as merciless as he was.

  No such luck.

  The cold air blowing over his spittle covered shaft was clear enough. Mary was playing the exact same game as he was.

  Desperately, Louis thrust his member in the air, hoping that she would take pity on him.

  With a lewd smirk, she placed a quick kiss on the top and clacked her tongue. "Two can play this game, Louis."

  For a moment, they stared at each other. Wordlessly. Both hoping the other would give in. But neither did.

  “You’re a real bitch, you know that?” Louis broke the silence, yanking Mary back up. He crashed his lips hard on hers, urgently, hungrily.

  “Yeah? Well, you’re an asshole,” Mary bit back. Literally.

  Louis groaned, the sting in his lip not unpleasant. He ran his hands through her dark curls, grabbing a fistful. If she wanted to play rough, he’d play rough.

  “At least I'm not shagging your best friend in a bathroom,” he retorted, pulling her head backwards to expose her neck. He grazed his teeth over his mark again, making Mary sigh under his hot breath. This little game she was playing with Louis was rightfully turning her on. Maybe even more than her time with Sam.

  Not that Mary would ever admit that out loud. So instead, she pressed herself harder into him, satisfied to find his hardness pressing into her in return. Even if she wasn’t sure whether Louis actually liked her, things couldn’t have been clearer. Right here, in this very moment, he did. She wrapped her hand around his member. Yes, he liked her plenty.

  Louis slipped his own hand between her legs and flicked her sensitive nub, making her jump in surprise. With no time to lose, he sank his finger deep inside of her. Pleased to find her so slippery, he curled his finger until he found the spot that made Mary sink to her knees.

  "Louis..." she gasped, her nails drawing lines on his back.

  "Did Sam do this to you as well?" he hissed next to her ear, drawing more moans from her mouth.

  "Yesss," Mary admitted, twitching around him as she recalled her encounter with Sam.

  "What about this?" Louis groaned, introducing a second finger into her slickness.

  "Oh fuck..."

  "Did he?" Louis teased. Knowing Sam had been here just a couple of hours ago, made his cock spasm uncontrollably. He wasn't sure why, but the idea of sharing a girl with his best friend always made him even harder.

  "No..." Mary whimpered, not believing Louis was so openly asking about her fun with Sam. She felt his swollen member rubbing against her thigh. Clearly, he was more than okay with it.

  "What else did he do?" Louis panted, curling his two fingers up to rub against the roof of her pussy.


  "Tell me what he did."

  Mary bit her lip, hesitating for just a moment. Did he really want to know? Would he be mad if she told him how his best friend took her hard and dirty?

  Louis pushed his thumb through her folds. "Tell me, or I'll stop again," he threatened, his breath hot on the shell of her ear.

  "He took me from behind," Mary moaned quickly, the pressure building inside not wanting him to stop.

  Louis spun her around, bending her over the counter.

  "Like this?"

  "Yes," she mewled, the marble cold against her chest. She almost couldn't believe her luck. Twice in one day was already a big win, but twice from behind? It must've been her lucky day that two handsome studs wanted her in her favourite position.

  Frustrated, Louis harshly spanked her ass. The slap and Mary's surprised exclamation made his already hard cock even harder. He shoved his fingers deeper inside her, her wetness betraying just how much she loved him taking charge.

  "What else did Sam do?"

  When she didn't answer right away, another slap echoed through the kitchen.

  "Answer me."

  Mary spread her legs for him, whimpering as he refused to rub her clit again. "He made me spread my legs," she moaned, wiggling her hips in the hope she'd be able to grind against something. His hand, his cock, or even the counter. Just something to add pressure on her nub.

  Louis laughed and yanked his hand backwards, any chance of grinding removed.

  Frustrated, Mary arched her back, pressing her ass against him. Maybe if she positioned herself just right, he'd accidentally slip inside her. How she wished he'd slide inside of her.

  But instead, Louis pulled back as something dawned on him.


  "I don't want to wait," she whimpered.

  "I don't have any protection," Louis groaned, angry at himself for forgetting this small, but very important detail.

  "What do you mean?" Mary mewled, even though she knew exactly what he meant.

  "No condoms."

  "Nooo..." she howled, not ready to accept she wouldn't be feeling him deep inside of her.

  "Fuck. Sorry, I forgot."

  "I'm on the pill?" she muttered against her better judgment. She knew it wasn't worth the risk, but right now, she felt so desperate, so empty.

  "No, I'm not doing that," Louis mumbled, stepping away from the temptation right in front of him. It would be so easy to slip up. Just two inches to the left and he could kiss her pussy with the tip of his shaft and all would be lost.

  "No," he repeated, more for himself than for her. He couldn't.

Mary turned around. She should've guessed life was never this good.

  "I can use my mouth?" she proposed, noticing the pained expression on his face and the purple head on his cock.

  "That'd be good," Louis mumbled, equally as disappointed. Even though her mouth was good, it wasn't what he wanted right now. Right now, he wanted to plunge his member deep in her hot snatch and pound her until she screamed his name and his name only.

  But without any protection, that wasn't likely to happen.

  Mentally, he cursed himself for not checking whether he still had any left. But then again, he hadn't assumed Mary would be coming back home with him, never mind, be bend over his kitchen counter.

  And he certainly hadn’t expected to be cockblocked by his own sloppiness. With a moan, he pushed the disappointment to the back of his mind. Even if he couldn’t take her the way he wanted, at least he was getting head. And she was pretty damn good at it as well. Maybe next time…


  Smell my rose.

  Mary almost couldn't believe she was actually meeting Louis and his friends again. After her shagging his best friend in a public bathroom and the disappointing anti-climax, it was almost a surprise they wanted to see her again.

  Both Louis and Sam greeted her with a lingering kiss, making it very clear that they were still sharing her. That thought excited her more than expected. She'd never been shared before. Not in this way.

  Even when she was still with Kurt, there had been no overlap. He'd been the sole center of the five girls turning around him. And yet, here she was, being desired by two handsome men.

  She blushed slightly at the sight of the marble kitchen counter. Last time she saw that, she'd been bend over it while being spanked by the dark-haired man watching her lustfully.

  "How've you been?" Sam smirked, playfully twirling a lock of her hair around his finger.

  "Not too bad, what about you?"

  "Not too bad either," he grinned, his signature wink making Mary's cheeks heat up.

  "I'm glad you're here," Louis added shyly. Without Sam, yeah, he felt okay taking charge. But next to his alpha best friend, he just fell a little flat.

  "Surprisingly, so am I," Mary admitted, tearing her eyes away from the delectable Sam and smiling at Louis. Even though his blond best friend ignited all sorts of fires inside of her, she had a soft spot for Louis. After all, it all started with him and one massive Christmas tree.


  Noel glanced at his two friends, astonished that after everything, Mary agreed to another date. And not just any other date, a date with the both of them.

  "Hi, Noel," Mary smiled, happily waving at the shiest of the three. Even though she only jokingly suggested to include him, she had to admit that the thought hadn't left her head ever since. Between the two testosterone fueled males glaring more at each other than her, he'd be a welcome change.

  "Come save me from the machos over here."

  Noel froze in his step. Uncertain, he stared at the petite woman. Was she saying what he thought she was saying?

  Innocently, Mary flashed the two men a smile. "That's allowed, isn't it?"

  Without taking their eyes off of each other, both Louis and Sam nodded.


  She twirled from in between them and curled herself around the baffled Noel.

  "Hi," she whispered coyly, pressing a chaste kiss on his lips.

  Beet-red, Noel peered at his shoes. Unlike Sam and Louis, he'd never shared a girl with them. He thought about it, but had never been brave enough to make a move or ask his friends if it would work. But Mary seemed to have omitted the whole process and was actually making his dreams come true.

  “Hey,” he whispered back, not able to hide the blush or the smug grin appearing on his face. Well, it wasn’t everyday that a beautiful woman kissed him.

  “You come here often?” Mary flirted, emphasising on the word ‘come’.

  “Uummm… I live here,” Noel added helplessly, not used to women so openly flirting with him. If she kept this up, he’d just be in a constant state of looking like a tomato.

  The dark-haired brunette chuckled throatily. Noel was just too cute. He had that gentle quality to him. There was a warmth and depth in his eyes that made him look both younger and older than he probably was.

  “So, you don’t mind sharing me either?” Mary inquired, tilting her head to the side.

  “Errmmm… No, I don’t think so. Unless you mind. I mean…” Noel stuttered, not sure if he was hearing this correctly. Mary wanted him? Even if she could have Sam and Louis?

  He glanced at Louis and Sam, hoping they genuinely were okay with it, but the two men had only eyes for each other.

  "You're a dick," Louis spoke.

  "No, you're a dick," Sam retaliated, poking his best friend in the shoulder.

  "Pffff, you're the dick."

  "No, you're the dick."

  Confused, Noel turned his attention back to Mary.

  “No, I don’t mind sharing. Not if it means I get to be with you,” he smiled, hoping he was shaking off the uncertainty

  “I’m glad to hear that,” Mary flirted, part of her still wondering how she had gone from zero men to three men. She glanced at Louis and Sam, curious if they were really okay with her having a third man.

  “I’ll run circles around you.”

  “As if.”

  Unimpressed, Noel loudly opened the window. His friends were awesome, but they could be so immature. And why the two of them were bickering instead of paying attention to Mary, he'd never understand.

  "Save it for later. Nico will be here any moment," he announced, hoping to change the conversation to something more substantial than their dick argument. He knew how that ended and he doubted Mary wanted to see a sissy fight between the two of them.

  Mary perked up at the mention of Nico. They kept talking about this him, but she hadn't actually met him yet.

  "Ah, the infamous Nico you're always talking about. Can't wait to meet the fourth member of your gang," Mary grinned, imaging another handsome bloke. They spoke very fondly of their other friend, but so far, she hadn't managed to actually lock him down. Mary could only hope he looked just as handsome as his three other friends.

  "Nico? Nico!" Noel shouted across the street, waving his hand in the air. Mary quickly ran towards the window, studying all the passengers, wondering which one would turn around. Maybe the handsome guy in the suit? Or the sexy hunk in his tight shirt? Oh, hopefully, it was the beautiful man in the midnight blue hoodie.

  A short brunette with a pixie cut pushed the heavy kitchen door open.

  "Hello, guys!"

  Mary stared in confusion at the woman, wondering if this was another roommate they hadn't mentioned before. But as far as she knew, they lived there with just the three of them. So who was...

  "Mary, this is Nico," Noel introduced. Flabbergasted, Mary frowned. That couldn't be right?


  Louis pointed at the figure standing beside her. "Nico, this is Mary."

  Mary narrowed her eyes, wondering if she understood this right. "But... Wait... Nico is a woman?"

  Equally confused, the men scratched the back of their necks as they glanced at each other. "Yes?"

  "Didn't we tell you?" Sam inquired.

  Mary shook her head, her dark curls dancing around her face. "Umm... No? I just..." She glanced at the group, four pairs of confused eyes directed at her. Realising she was being rather impolite, she shook the thought away and extended her hand. "I'm sorry, I must've misunderstood. Hi, I'm Mary."

  Nico pressed an incredibly soft hand into hers. "No worries, not your fault! The guys keep forgetting I'm a girl," she chuckled, little dimples appearing in the centre of her cheeks. Uncomfortable, Mary's eyes shifted from the guys to Nico, unsure if she was going to like this girl or fight her. If she was this close with her men, she must be interested in them somehow? Any girl just had to be. They were perfect. But if she was one of the g
uys, maybe she was already friendzoned. Maybe she'd make life shitty for her though.

  Mary put on a fake smile and decided to keep Nico close, just to find out what her true endgame was. If she was secretly after her men, she'd make sure to work very hard to make her disappear. Louis, Sam, and Noel were hers. And she wasn't looking to share. Not even with this "Nico".

  She wondered why none of the guys told her Nico was a girl though. Was it because of shady reasons? As if they didn't want her to find out they were so close to another female? One that happened to be at their weekly gaming nights and slept over as well? Or did they genuinely not notice?

  All the questions made Mary's head spin as she tried to dissect every interaction between Nico and her men. Yes, her men. She didn't care that Nico knew them longer and better, they were hers. And Mary would make sure it stayed that way.

  "You're just in time, Nico! We were going to show Mary the basement," Noel smiled, waving at Mary to follow her.

  "What's this place?" Mary asked, the dark room rather suspicious. Why did the guys bring her here? Was it to fool around? Dear God, she hoped it was. She wasn't really in the mood to be killed and stripped for parts. Or something else horrible.

  "Just our little slice of heaven," Louis grinned, flicking on the lights.

  "Welcome to our gaming cave!" Noel happily welcomed Mary, pulling a chair from underneath her desk.

  Unsure, Mary glanced at the sight in front of her. Five neat desks, back to back, each with a rather expensive looking computer screens and rows of keyboards.

  "Ummm..." she muttered, not entirely sure what to make of it all. None of her friends gamed. All they did was shop, drink coffee, and gossip. That was all she knew, really.

  "Isn't it amazing," Sam added, looking rather proud of himself and their cave.

  "Very much so?" Mary hesitantly replied, chewing on her lip. Gaming was a whole different world, one that Mary had never really explored. She always thought it was rather stupid and for nerds who had no friends. Yet, here they were. Three gorgeous men and a girl with annoyingly beautiful features, all together in a decent looking room, chatting away enthusiastically. As far as groups went, Mary had to admit she hadn't met a tighter knit group than this one.


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