Snow and Seduction: A Steamy Reverse Harem Winter Collection

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Snow and Seduction: A Steamy Reverse Harem Winter Collection Page 117

by Amanda Rose

  “One day, it’ll distract me fully.” His heated gaze left no room for misinterpretation and the playfulness was exchanged for longing. I needed him and soon. Cal must have taken my silence as misunderstanding, because he leaned forward to whisper in my ear. “I’ll watch as you pleasure yourself while thinking about me.”

  I hadn’t expected him to be so graphic when all we’d exchanged so far was flirty banter, but the effect was instant. My body heated up and parts of me clenched with anticipation.

  “Are you sure you have the patience?”

  He leaned his forehead against mine in a move that was much more sweet than sexual.

  “Not at all.” He said and kissed my lips gently. “I have to go to work. But I’ll pick you up at seven?” I nodded. The sooner we could get this date part out of the way the sooner we can get to the good stuff. Though the fact I even thought that shocked me. I’d never been the ‘jump into bed and forget the romance’ kind of girl. He kissed me again, gentle and caring, before saying goodbye and heading off to work. Today was going to be a long day.


  I glanced at the clock again, and cursed. How was there so long left until Cal picked me up? Oh right, yes. Because I was far too excited about our date for my own good. If I wasn’t careful, I’d have to change my underwear before I left. It was getting to me that much. Just imagining his strong hands on my skin was enough to get me going right now.

  I smoothed down my fitted red dress. Maybe a little formal looking, but even I would admit it made me look good. Hopefully good enough to eat.

  Pull yourself together, Saffron.

  The bell went, and I looked over eagerly, expecting Cal’s broad frame to be making its way towards me. Except that it wasn’t him at all.

  “Dan-” I started as he strode towards me, but before I could even finish saying his name, he pulled me towards him with a surprisingly strong arm around my waist. Without warning, he crushed my lips with his. He took me off guard, but without thinking about it too hard, I kissed him back. This was a side of Daniel I’d never really experienced before. Sure, I’d picked up on the slight jealousy, but this felt like more than that. It was possessive.

  We broke apart, but his arm still rested around my waist. I liked it. It was safe, secure and just felt so damn good.

  “What was that?” I whispered hoarsely, touching my lips gently with my fingers. Daniel’s gaze followed the action, desire simmering in his eyes, and only adding to my own that was winding tighter and tighter within me. I was never going to survive the night.

  “Something I should have done months ago,” he admitted, his own voice sounding as strained as mine. Satisfaction flowed through me. He was as affected as me then.

  “Only months?” I smirked at him, and he actually responded with a laugh.

  “Okay, longer. But still.”

  “What made today different?” I asked softly, almost dreading the answer, but desperately needing to know.

  “Jazz called…”

  “The little traitor,” I muttered. Though given that kiss, I couldn’t be too mad at her. Daniel laughed throatily, sending little spikes of desire through me. Damn, I was done for tonight. I might as well just lay myself down on the bed and scream ‘take me now’. Not the time.

  “She told me about your date.”

  “So, you thought coming over before that was a good idea because…” I raised an eyebrow at him.

  “Just trying to give you something to think about.” He smirked, and did the last thing I expected. Turning from me, he stalked towards the door, not looking back at me as he left. The bastard. Getting me all hot and bothered, only to leave me standing in the middle of my café with no way of sorting myself out before Cal arrived.

  Cal… what was I going to do there? Even picturing him in my head was winding me up even tighter. But Daniel kissed me, that had to mean something. My mind warred between cancelling on Cal, and still going on the date with him anyway. Our kiss this morning had been beyond hot. I’d needed him in a way that I’d never needed any man before. Except Daniel. Damn, this was confusing.

  Strong arms wrapped around me and pulled me back against a hard chest.

  “Ooof.” I wasn’t expecting that, and the annoying word sound escaped before I could stop it.

  “Are you alright?” Cal whispered in my ear, making me shiver.

  “Yes. But how did you get in?” I asked, looking around at him.

  “Through the door. It’s how you tend to get into a room.” His smile softened the slight cruelty of the words, so I let it slide.

  “Climbing in through the window would have been more romantic,” I muttered, thinking of my favourite fairy tale and the Prince climbing the tower.

  “Also a little more stalkerish.”

  “And walking in while I wasn’t paying attention didn’t fit that bill?” I was smiling like a loon, unable to help myself. Something about him just did that to me, even if we hadn’t known each other that long.

  He splayed one of his hands across my stomach, pressing me back into him further. There was no doubt in my mind that this man wanted me. In fact, he wanted me badly. I could feel the evidence pressing against my ass.

  “I knocked a few times, but there was no answer and the door was open. I thought you might be in trouble.” There was a slight tremor in his voice that betrayed just how worried he’d been, and a part of me melted. How could I not?

  “Thank you,” I said instead of voicing my meltiness. Didn’t want to give away just how much he affected me yet, right?

  “You’re welcome.” Smug git. But I couldn’t really hold it against him. It crossed a line, sure, but it was also super sweet. “We need to go, or we’ll be late,” he added.

  “Or we could just stay here?” I suggested, already knowing the answer, but turning around in his arms all the same. Mostly so I could have an excuse to brush my body against his, and pull his full attention back to me. Cal laughed.

  “As fun as that’d be, we can’t stay here. I’ve got a surprise for you.” The left side of his mouth pulled up in a smirk. Colour me intrigued. Any surprise that brought out that reaction had to be good.

  It was only a short drive to the restaurant. Though I had to admit to being a little surprised there was a drive at all. If it’d been up to me, we’d have gone somewhere within walking distance. That way, we both could’ve had a drink. We’d loosen up, as would our tongues. And his belt. This man really did do funny things to me.

  Cal held out the car door for me, and butterflies began to play in my stomach. Damn, hotness and romance? I might as well just give in to him now. Which was almost exactly what I’d thought about Daniel earlier too. Turned out men really are like buses. You wait for one, and then two turn up at once.

  His hand rested on the small of my back as we made our way into the restaurant, and the heat coming from it only seemed to radiate outwards. Seemed like I was spending the rest of my evening in a state of permanently turned on. So long as he did something about that, it’d be alright.

  “Here,” he said, gesturing towards a table. I tore my eyes away from him and took a step backwards, confused by what I was seeing. There was already a man sitting at the table. No, wait, table was the wrong word. It was a booth, warm and cosy. The kind of seating that allowed for accidental leg touches and wandering hands. And apparently, there were four wandering hands, not including my own.

  "Erm, Cal...I'm not sure this is our table." My voice shook as I said it to him. I wasn't too sure what was going on here, but he'd better explain it pretty damn quickly.

  "It is," he said, waving me towards the seat next to the other man. I studied the other man. He looked a little like Cal. The same dark blond hair, the same intense stare, and a broad chest that suggested he worked out, maybe even more than Cal did. Just an educated guess on my part.

  "Oh." Wow, wasn't I eloquent. But this wasn't exactly how I'd been imagining my date going.

  "This is my broth
er, Evan," Cal said, solving the mystery of why they looked so alike. Though not the mystery of why Evan was here on my date. He was good to look at, true, but I'd been hoping for a more hands on time with Cal. In fact, I'd been hoping for a very hands on date with Cal.

  "Hi, Saffron," Evan said, his voice sending more darts of desire through me. Damn. What was it with all these sexy men around me? How on earth was I going to choose one of them if they all continued turning me on with nothing more than words and hesitant touches. Well, maybe not hesitant, but still, it wasn't really all that much to go on.

  "Hi." I held out my hand. Wow. Apparently, I'd lost all self-respect and moved over into the territory of seriously lame. I really needed to pull it together if I didn't want to go home alone at the end of the night. I hadn't had a chance to buy new batteries for my vibrator. My choice was a man, or no orgasms, and I knew which I'd prefer.

  "Cal's told me a lot about you," he said, taking my hand firmly in his and lifting it to his lips. The gesture may have been old fashioned, but it sure beat the handshake I'd offered him. The butterflies in my stomach fluttered harder as his hot breath caressed my skin. Damn it to hell, I wanted him too. As if my confusion over Daniel and Cal wasn't enough, I now had to add a third man I was attracted to into the mix? Buses indeed.

  "Sit, Saffron." Cal's voice was firm, almost commanding, and I found myself obeying the moment the words registered. Which wasn't like me at all. No one told me what to do, not if they wanted to keep their eyes.

  "Would you like some wine?" Evan asked, picking up the bottle that already seemed to be on the table, but was still full. I nodded. Wine sounded good. Not a lot of it, just a glass, maybe two, to combat the nervousness that was growing within me by the moment.

  Once he'd finished pouring the glass, I took a sip, enjoying the cold, tart, taste. This was a good wine, and if there was one thing I knew, it was food and drink.

  "Do you often date the same girl?" I asked after a few moments silence. Okay, and a few sips of wine. I was just glad I'd managed to refrain from gulping it. That was how nervous I was.

  "Yes," Evan said.

  "Sometimes," Cal added.

  Oh. I hadn't expected that. I took another sip of wine, at a loss for anything else to do. If this carried on, I was going to be roaring drunk by the end of the evening.

  "Does it make you uncomfortable?" Evan asked, leaning in so his mouth was by my ear. He rested his hand on my thigh, higher than he probably should, and the fact I didn't move it probably gave him more of an answer that any words I could use. Was I nervous? Definitely. But was I uncomfortable? I glanced between the two brothers before deciding. No, I wasn't uncomfortable at all. There was something about them that made it seem like both a natural thing, and something I should be doing.

  "I don't think so," I said aloud, meeting Cal's eyes as his brother's hand crept further up my thigh, moving around a little so that it was brushing against the sensitive skin through my dress. Damn, why had I worn something that didn't allow slightly easier access? This was the jeans incident all over again. But no, what was I thinking? Evan's brother was sat across the table, watching intently. "Do you share things as well as dates with each other?" I didn't know where my courage had come from, and I still sounded a little shaky, but as soon as I saw the glint of mischief in Cal's eyes, I knew it'd been the right thing to ask.

  "Would you like to find out?"

  I bit my lip, and his eyes flickered down, watching the movement with hooded eyes. Guess that answered that one.

  "I think so," I answered quietly, not entirely sure what I'd let myself in for. This wasn't quite what I'd expected when he'd said he wanted to do things properly. Then again, was there any such thing as properly when there was more than one man involved? Damn, somehow, I seemed to have gone from zero to sixty in the space of a quarter of a glass of wine. That was somewhat unexpected.


  I heard the door half-slam behind me, but I really didn't care in the slightest, not with Evan's hands on my hips, dragging me towards him. After I'd come to terms with what they were asking, it'd been easy to enjoy dinner. He was a lot like Cal. Funny, charming, kind, and on top of that, he'd been teasing me mercilessly.

  He hadn't been far from making me come right there in the restaurant. It really wouldn't have taken much. Hell, it wasn't going to take much now. Not with how his hard dick was pressing against me through his jeans.

  His mouth hovered over mine, waiting for something, but really just winding me up tighter as the anticipation became more and more intense. "Kiss me," I begged. I hadn't meant to, but I was too high on desire. I wanted this. I wanted this more than I'd ever have imagined possible. Mostly because I'd never imagine having two men looking the way they did in the same room, never mind wanting to sleep with me. Wait, was this sleeping with me? Or did they just want me to do dirty things and then leave in the morning? And did I care if that’s all it was?

  "Say please," he murmured, his voice laced with need.

  "Please." A whimper escaped my lips, and that was all it took for him to give in to him. His kiss was firm, but not demanding. Most importantly, it didn't feel like he just wanted one night. Just like it hadn't felt like Cal did. He'd bought me a plant, who did that if they were only after a quick lay?

  Strong hands drew down the zipper of my dress, pushing it from my shoulders. Cal's hands brushed against my skin, and I groaned into the kiss I was sharing with Evan. He pushed my dress down my shoulders and arms, stopping me from continuing my exploration of his chest. Only briefly. Thank God.

  He pushed the dress past my hips, and it fell to the floor. I stepped out of it, not breaking the kiss with Evan, and trying not to feel self-conscious about the fact I now stood between the two of them in nothing but my lacy bra and thong that left nothing to the imagination. Oh, and a pair of black heels. Couldn't forget about those.

  Evan pulled back from our kiss, and nodded at Cal where he was stood behind me. Cal chuckled, clearly liking whatever it was his brother had wordlessly suggested. Maybe I should have been worried, and yet, I couldn't bring myself to be. Not with the anticipation welling up inside me with every touch of their hands on my bare skin.

  "Get on your knees, Saffron," Cal ordered, quiet but firm. It took mere seconds for the request to register, and without thinking too much about it, I did as he said, finding myself far more turned on than I'd expected. If they carried on at this rate, I wasn't going to need any direct foreplay at all. Which was kind of sad, but there'd be time for it later.

  "Take out Evan's cock," he ordered. I lifted my hands to the fly of Evan's jeans, drawing down the zip of his fly as quickly as I dared. I didn't want to risk ruining the mood by getting this wrong. I knew what was coming next. And for once, I was pretty sure I'd enjoy it. It wasn't like I was being forced to do any of this. All I had to say was no and they'd stop. I'd known Cal long enough to know that of him, and his brother had made it clear that he was cut from the same cloth. It'd been the little things. Making sure I had a drink, passing me things when I needed them, or checking that I was okay throughout.

  "Take him in your mouth, Saffron." I groaned as Cal said my name. Like it was something dirty. I liked it.

  But I also didn't hesitate. He wouldn't hurt me, but I imagined that he'd have some kind of punishment ready for me if I didn't obey him while playing. Hmm, maybe I should try it. Just as an experiment, to see what happened. But not right now.

  I took Evan's cock in my hand, stroking upwards in even strokes, before leaning forward and licking the tip. I looked up at him, and I was sure my eyes were filled with the same desire he was looking at me with. Sure he was watching, I took him the rest of the way into my mouth, taking his cock as far as I could, while pumping my hand at the base in time with the bobbing of my head. There was no way I could take him all the way, at least, not while I was in this position, and using my hand as well would stop it from going too far.

  Evan tangled his hands in my hair, tugging
gently as he groaned. "Fuck." If my mouth hadn't been full of cock, I'd have giggled.

  "Stop, Saffron," Cal ordered. I did what he said, but that didn't stop the whimper that escaped me. I didn't want to stop. Stopping was no fun. Cal stepped around me so he stood next to his brother, and cupped my cheek in his hand. "Only stop so we can move somewhere more fun." The wicked grin on his face sent a thrill through me. I wasn't sure exactly what he had planned, but if what had already happened was anything to go by, I'd enjoy it.

  "Which way to your bed?" Evan asked huskily, his hand resting on his cock, and stroking ever so slowly. I watched, licking my lips. Damn I had it bad if I was fantasising about the slide of my lips down his cock as he thrust into it.

  "Saffron." Cal's firm voice interrupted my thoughts. I looked up at him.


  "Don't keep us waiting." He was smirking slightly. Good. He was having as much fun as I was, then. I rose to my feet, and pushed past them, heading towards the stairs that would lead up to my flat. They were likely going to be very disappointed by the size of it. Then again, I suppose their only real interests right now was what would happen in the bed itself.

  I swung my hips from side to side as I made my way up the stairs. Knowing I was teasing them was adding to my excitement further still. When we got to that bed, it was going to be explosive. Or at least, I hoped it was.

  Thankful I hadn't locked the door earlier, I slipped through, glancing once over my shoulder to make sure they were following. They were, just a few steps behind, their eyes focused on, well, my behind. Which gave me an idea.

  I made my way over to my bed, and without waiting for them, stripped off my underwear, and got onto my hands and knees to wait. I wasn't sure what made me do it, but I was just going with the whole situation. It was probably best.

  "Oh, Saffron." Cal sounded smug, but as far as I was concerned, that was a good thing. Meant I was doing something he wanted to. "Would you like to suck Evan's dick again?" he asked me. I nodded, and Evan made his way around so he was standing by my head. He drew his shirt over his head and dropped it to the floor, revealing his toned stomach and rippling muscles. Yes, he worked out. And I wasn't complaining one bit.


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