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Snow and Seduction: A Steamy Reverse Harem Winter Collection

Page 119

by Amanda Rose


  "Yes, oh. And how long have you 'liked' me anyway," I said, using those annoying fake finger quotation marks.

  "A while..."

  "So how come you never did anything until someone else took an interest?" I closed the gap between us, poking my finger to his chest, and unable to ignore the proximity between us. There was something radiating from him. Or me. Or both of us, it was hard to actually tell.


  "I am not second prize. I am not someone to be wanted only when someone else has me. Do you understand?" I sounded angry even to myself.

  Daniel stared at me, different and indistinguishable emotions in his eyes. There was something between us, and indefinable tension that was only mounting. I could only imagine where it could lead us. If we were willing to take a chance on it. In my head, I was warring with what to do, but he solved that for me by making the first move.

  He placed a finger under my chin and tipped it upwards so I was looking at him closely. Then, without warning, he pressed his lips against mine. He was possessive, and I could still feel his lingering anger. But there was passion behind it, a passion that couldn't, and wouldn't be denied.

  I didn't think, I just acted, and my hands began to dance over the buttons of his shirt. He must have come from work, which meant it was his lunch break now. Good to know, I'd better make this quick then. I pushed it over his shoulders and let it fall to the floor, allowing myself a brief moment of amusement over just how much clothing had ended up there in the past twenty-four hours. Sex was fun, so shoot me. I wasn't about to stop doing it any time soon.

  I pulled back from the kiss and pulled my own shirt over my head, before letting my hands fall to my jeans and peeling them off. Anticipation was welling up inside me, and I was determined to make the most of it. For once, Daniel wasn't thinking. Neither was I for that matter, but given last night, that wasn't a surprise.

  Daniel seemed to catch on, and stripped himself of the rest of his clothing too. I took a moment to look him up and down, appreciating the set of his shoulders and the way his torso tapered to his waist. He was leaner than either of the brothers, but that didn't make him appeal to me any less. Quite the opposite I think. The juxtaposition was something I could admire, and enjoy. Particularly if he joined in with the brothers’ games.

  In my appraisal of him, I hadn't noticed he was doing the same to me. Which meant I hadn't really had the chance to feel self-conscious about myself. Oh well, too late now. I was as naked as the day I was born, and stood in front of someone who was clearly as attracted to me as I was to him.

  "You've been holding out on me," I purred, taking a step forward and wrapping my hand around his cock, moving up and down slowly and watching his face to see how he would take it. He groaned slightly and I smiled, filled with a smug satisfaction that I knew I wouldn't be able to shake.

  To my surprise, or more to my surprise given this whole situation had taken me more than a little off guard, he switched our positions, and backed me towards the bed. I walked backwards, trying to keep my balance, but stumbling a bit with the desire clouding my brain.

  We reached my bed, and he pushed me backwards until I was lying there, looking up at him, probably with naked desire written all over my face. Guess that went with the rest of the naked that I was showing.

  I parted my legs naturally. There was no pretending I didn't want him between them, so there really was no point hiding it.

  Instead of joining me, he knelt on the floor, and took one of my ankles firmly in his hands. Starting there, he created a trail of kisses up the insides of my leg, following them with his hands on both, and sending shivers through me. If the anticipation hadn't been so delicious, then I'd have hated it beyond belief.

  When he reached my inner thighs, he slowed his travels, paying more intention to each small patch of skin. I longed to grab handfuls of his hair and press him against where I needed him most, but sometimes the work up to that point was just as good as the event itself.

  He looked up my body, a wicked look on his face, and I met his gaze, making sure he was watching before palming my breasts in my hands. I tugged on one of my nipples, rolling it around and watching as his gaze darkened and intensified. Oh, he wanted me. He wanted me badly. If he'd been further back, I'd have slipped a hand between my legs and played with myself, just for the thrill of the tease.

  With my eyes upon him, he lowered his mouth and licked along me in one smooth motion, causing me to buck off the bed and press into his mouth. That felt good. Seeing my response, Daniel did it again, this time swirling his tongue around my clit, the pressure and wetness only sending me higher.

  I groaned, the sound vibrating down my throat. Oh God, I wasn't going to last. If I'd thought last night with the two brothers had been intense, then this was something else. Well, maybe just as intense, but different. Aside from the obvious fact of not having a cock down my throat anyway, though the thought of that just made me hotter.

  Daniel seemed to sense my growing need, as his fingers played at my entrance, teasing me but not quite letting me have what I wanted. I almost begged. Almost. But I knew that I couldn't. He wouldn't let me forget about it ever, and that was just below my dignity. Weird thought to have while laying splayed and naked before him, but oh well.

  He ceased his ministrations on my clit, and I whimpered, already missing the pressure of his tongue against me. I wasn't normally one for someone going down on me, but I might have just changed my mind. He watched intently as he slid two of his fingers inside me, curling them upwards and drawing a sharp gasp from me. Damn.

  He grinned, looking more than a little smug, and lowered his mouth again, moving his tongue in time with his fingers. Pleasure rose within me, a thick wave of sensation that almost wiped my mind clean. Whatever he was doing, and wherever he'd learned it, I was eternally grateful. This was bliss.

  He curled his fingers upwards more firmly, hitting that one spot inside me that was my complete undoing, especially when he sucked on my clit at the same time. It was too much, and I exploded, screaming out much like I'd done last night. God, the neighbours must think I was getting murdered. Or had taken up some weird kind of singing.

  Slowly, my mind cleared, and I saw that Daniel had moved, leaning over me, but not quite touching. His hand was on his cock and he stroked slowly, only increasing his rhythm when he caught me watching. I hadn’t ever quite been so voyeuristic before, but something about Daniel, and Cal and Evan before, was making me that way.

  "Condom?" he asked, a little breathless. His gaze was heated, and another wave of pleasure began to build within me. I loved being a woman. Recovery time must be a bitch.

  "Yes," I managed to get out, despite having to spend most of my attention on evening my breathing. I didn't want him to know quite how affected by him I was.

  Instead, I reached back into my nightstand, pulling one that I kept there just for emergencies. Well, for wishful thinking more like. I'd never thought I'd actually use it, I just didn't have enough of a love life to need condoms for anything.

  Except now.

  I passed it to him, and he took it, eagerly ripping the foil. He tossed the rubbish to the floor, and I almost scowled. He'd better pick that back up later. I hated mess on my floor. Thankfully, he distracted me by slowly rolling the condom down his cock. It was kind of exciting to watch. He was putting it on for me. He was hard for me. This was all for me. Okay, a little big headed there, probably needed to calm myself down.

  A soft whimper escaped my lips, and I almost thought it'd gone unnoticed until Daniel chuckled and cupped my cheek in his hand. Leaning in, he pressed his lips against mine and kissed me in a way that set me well and truly on fire. As if I hadn't been there already.

  He lowered me to the bed, following me down and caging me within his arms. His gaze connected with mine, and he guided himself to me, far more gently than I'd expected.

  With excruciating slowness, he nudged his cock against my entrance and sl
ipped inside, filling me in a way that was absolute bliss. I was full. Well and truly so. And loving every second of it.

  Daniel began to rock back and forth, moving within me, and not breaking eye contact. With every soft stroke, I was winding up tighter, possibly even more so than the more fast and furious orgasm I'd had before. This was definitely different. This was something that meant more than just a quick fuck.

  He kept the pace steady until almost the last moment. And I could tell that was where he was, as his breath had become ragged, and his movements a little more erratic. But that was fine. I was fast approaching the same destination. I tried to hold back, to keep the pleasure building and prolong the moment, but it didn't work. There was just too much of it, and with Daniel's still rhythmic movements, it was impossible to ignore. It started slowly, with a gentle shaking, before building so my body arched off the bed and pressed against him, the feel of skin against skin only pushing me higher. I let out a long groan, and Daniel joined me, shuddering next to me as he came, before collapsing onto the bed beside me, both of us panting heavily.

  "That was unexpected," he said through baited breaths.

  "Quite," I answered. He shifted slightly so he was on his side and facing me.

  "What do we do now?" he asked.

  "We get up, get dressed, and go back to work," I muttered, a little bit bitterly even while I intended it not to.

  "That's not what I meant." He sounded hurt, and I regretted my words already. I hadn't intended to make him feel bad really.

  "I know, I'm sorry." I reached out to caress his cheek, trying to show there really weren't any hard feelings.

  "I meant about the two of us, and the..."

  "And Evan and Cal," I finished for him. Maybe not exactly what he was going to say. But then, that could be because he hadn't technically been introduced to Evan yet.

  "Yes." The word was barely audible, as if he was only saying under protest.

  "I'm not ready to choose between you," I said, then thought on my words. "I might never be," I added with a whisper. I hadn't quite realised how true that was until this moment. But I was pretty sure it was the truth. I didn't want to choose between the three of them. And really, why should I have to? So long as everyone was on board with it, then I should be allowed to do whatever the hell I wanted. Though trying to explain it to my overly conservative grandparents was going to be fun.

  "Right, okay," he said. I waited for him to continue, for surely he would? I mean, we'd just had pretty damn amazing sex, he couldn't just abandon that because he felt a little awkward right now. Could he? More importantly, would he? Maybe he wouldn't want me enough for that. "I need to think about it," he said, getting up from the bed and leaving me feeling far colder and alone than I'd have expected. I watched as he dressed himself, tucking his shirt back in and straightening it out. Basically becoming the man he thought he was rather than the one he could be. Or that's how I saw it anyway. Accepting that there was something between the two of us was going to be the first step for him. Accepting there was also something between me and the brothers? That might be a little more of a struggle. But I wanted Daniel. I wanted Evan. And I wanted Cal. Really, no one should stop me. Or at least, I hoped so.


  "Sounds like you had fun," Evan said as I re-entered the kitchen. I blushed, probably turning a horribly unnatural colour as I did. I'd forgotten he was here and I hadn't exactly been quiet with Daniel. Meaning he'd heard everything. Thank God I didn't have any customers, or they'd all have heard too. As the reality sunk in, I hid my face in my hands. What had I done?

  To my surprise, Evan swiftly moved forward and gently removed my hands from my face. "There's no need to hide, Saffron." His voice was like a caress. And not the kind that happen when the aim was to turn on. It was the kind of caress that someone would make if they wanted to show affection. Love even. Not that love would be happening any time soon. It was going to take a while for the three of us, or hopefully even four, to find our way. They wouldn't be saying 'I love you' any time soon, and neither would I. And if they did, then I suspect them of not being sincere.

  "Why not? I che..."

  "No, you didn't," he said, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me to him. His chest was arm and hard, actually offering me the comfort that I sought. It was actually an odd feeling to be so supported. My parents did so, but it wasn't the same. They clearly loved me, and definitely supported me, but they didn't offer me comfort the same. It'd be strange if they did.

  "But, you and Evan..."

  "We never said we were exclusive," Evan said. "I mean, we've been on one date, Saffron."

  I blinked my eyes rapidly and refused to meet his gaze. If I did, then he'd likely see the intense hurt that rested there. I didn't like the idea of me not being the only one for them. It twisted in my gut and was accompanied by an uneasy feeling in my stomach.

  "No, oh God, no. Not what I meant." He unwrapped one of his arms, and pushed a hand over his face and through his hair, leaving it was messy as if he'd spent the night in bed with a woman. Well, I suppose he had, but that was beside the point.

  "Then what did you mean?" I asked, my voice shaking and emotions very close to the surface.

  "I just meant that we hadn't asked if you were okay with it just being the two of us with you, or if you wanted a third or..."

  "Just how many times have you done this?" I interrupted, my curiosity getting the better of me.

  "Twice," he answered instantly, removing any doubts that he wasn't telling the truth. "Once we were too young to make it work between the two of us. We're still brothers, we get jealous. And the other time...well, we were played effectively."

  "So how do you know it's something you want?" My voice sounded a little stronger this time, and less like I was about to burst into tears at the slightest provocation. A marked improvement if you asked me.

  "You tell me, how did it feel last night?"

  I looked up at him, trying to decipher his thoughts, and while I failed, his sincerity was clear. He in the very least believed what he was saying, and even if that didn't make it true, it was something.

  "Good," I answered, not quite sure how to phrase the rest of it.

  "Very good," he returned with a smirk. "But it felt natural, yes?"

  "Yes," I admitted softly.

  "Then we go with it. Or at least, that's how Cal and I have always been. Some girls aren't made for sharing. They can't handle all the affection that'll come their way and it freaks them out. But some, like you I think, can handle that. And if we both like them...well, then we share."

  "And Daniel?"

  "If you want Daniel, and he's okay with it, then we will be too. He might not join in the most fun bits, but we won't stop your relationship with him."

  "Oh." Indecision warred within me. This wasn't exactly normal. But then, I'd never really been one for the norm, so at least it was consistent.

  "You don't have to decide now," he said gently. "Come see what I did." He took one of my hands in his, and drew me over to the workbench where I'd left him earlier. The one with the children's gingerbread on it. Shit, I'd forgotten I'd left him to do that. Secretly, I was a little nervous about what I'd find. So much so that I found myself worrying at the bottom of my shirt.

  Evan looked at his gingerbread proudly, and it took me a moment to actually register why. They were stunning. Each was beautifully neat, and unique in a way that I hadn't expected. They were possibly even better than I could do myself.

  "What was it you said you did again?" I squeaked. It had to be something artistic.

  "I'm a patissier," he said sheepishly. Which was when it hit me. He’d only been eager to ice the gingerbread so early so he could use his icing line on me. Sneaky genius. I’d have to watch out for him.

  "And you didn't think to mention that?" I asked, my voice finally a little stronger. He laughed and took a step closer. He drew a thumb over my lip and I just about held off from biting it.

"I had other things holding my attention."

  I shivered. Thinking back to what we'd been doing was only adding to the seemingly perpetual state of turned on. If this was going to be what having three men was like, then I'm not sure I wanted it. Okay, I did. But I'd need to find some way of getting stuff done. "It'd have been good to know." I pouted, making him laugh again.

  "Would it make you feel better to know I did something immature too?" I nodded eagerly in response, excited to see whatever it was he'd prepared for me. With two gentle hands on my shoulders, he spun me around so that I was facing the large table in front of me. There appeared to be gingerbread here too, and I frowned. "Don't worry, I made more, I didn't want to deprive the children."

  I smiled at that. It was hard not to. "Thank you," I said. It was little things like that I liked. He'd already realised that was the kind of thing I'd be worried about, and done something about it. It was sweet really.

  Or it should have been. The moment was a little ruined by what I could see on the table in front of me. "What did you do?" I asked through my giggles.

  "Well, this one is you," he said, pointing towards a gingerbread biscuit with clearly iced boobs...and didn't matter what the more was, it had me blushing furiously and looking away. "And this one's me..." He pointed at one that was very clearly male, and I brought my hand to my mouth in an attempt to stop the laugh.

  "They're in a circle," I said before he could point out that another one was Daniel, and a fourth one Cal. I glanced at him and saw a satisfied glint in his eye. He was definitely proud of himself. And amused. Yes. That too.

  "All surrounding the prettiest gingerbread they could find," he assured me, and I giggled more, turning around so that I could face him. Sensing what I was doing, he caged me between his arms, and leaned in, almost kissing me, but not quite.


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