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Flesh and Feathers

Page 12

by Hylton, Danielle; Fifer, April

  “I left, because I had to,” he said through clenched teeth.

  “I have nothing to say to you. You are not the only one in my life now. Get out!” All of this time Kale was gone, Gage had been there for me. I refused to turn my back on the feelings I had for him, only to be hurt by Kale again. The thing was… he wasn’t Kale.

  Kale placed his hands on my shoulders and tightened his grip, pulling me close to him. I felt so small and helpless. “You’re foolish.” His words were mean and hurtful. “You think he loves you? All of this is a game to him, Azaleigh. Do you think his behavior is genuine or tolerable?”

  “Tolerable?” I spoke, unable to control my anger. “Let me tell you what is not tolerable… you letting me fall for you, then vanishing from my life. And what… now you think you can just come back anytime you want? It seems like he’s not the only one playing games.”

  Kale let go of me quickly, almost making me lose my balance. “My actions were not irrational. I had to leave… that doesn’t mean I didn’t love you.” I tried hiding the small gasp that left my lungs.

  A shadow appeared in the doorway. Gage stood there watching us. I knew he could feel every emotion running through me. “Az? I wanted to check on you, Love.”

  I was wrong earlier. This was the angriest I had ever seen Kale. His movement was fast. Spinning around, he cuffed Gage in the jaw. The collision pushed Gage back a couple of steps.

  “Is this payback for Anna? So what, now we’re even?” Kale raged at him. I looked at Gage and then back Kale, trying to understand what they were talking about.

  Gage used the back of his hand to wipe a small trail of blood that ran from the corner of his mouth, and then he spat some on the floor. “Far from it,” he said, glaring at Kale.

  I couldn’t deal with this. They would kill me… before they could kill each other. “Get out! Both of you!”


  My first days here, I had spent a lot of time exploring. I learned that the north tower had the best view of the sunset. So the evening following Kale and Gage’s clash, I decided to go there to think. The situation with them had my mind muddled and strained.

  I sat at the edge of the stone embrasures and peered out over the sea. The sun danced on the horizon, making the sky turn vibrant shades of caramel and pink. I remembered seeing this kind of sunset in a painting once when I was a child, but I never knew it could really exist until now.

  The salt in the air wasn’t as heavy today, and the cool wind blowing off the ocean made for the perfect setting. I felt closed in and suffocated inside the castle, but up here there was a sense of freedom that could only be found by listening to the waves beat against the rocky shore.

  I had no idea how long I would be here, the only thing I could do was enjoy the wondrous things around me. I propped my elbows up on the stone and rested my chin in my hands as I watched the sun slowly make its escape from the sky. As it fell behind the ocean, it pulled the blue of the night down with it, finally letting some of the stars have their time to shine. It was absolutely breathtaking.

  I heard a dull thud and turn to see Jen standing behind me. Her wings were extended out, but she briskly tucked them behind her back. I could see her feathers stretching all the way down to the ground. There she stood… in the flesh and feathers.

  She smiled softly. “Hey.”

  “Hey.” I replied.

  She looked out over the ocean and closed her eyes, inhaling a deep breath. “The North Tower was always my favorite. It has the best view of the sunset.”

  I looked back out to the sea at where the sun had been only moments ago. “Yeah. It does.” I turned back to Jen. “Did you… fly up here?” She didn’t respond, only smiling at me instead.

  “Things are kind of crazy right now,” I continued.

  “I know this is hard for you, Az. But everything is going to work out. You just need to have faith.”

  She was right. However, having faith was not one of my better qualities.

  “Jen–It wasn’t Kale that night at the bar with you, was it?”

  She paused, and I could see her revisiting the memory. After a moment of silence, she spoke. “No, it wasn’t. His name is Mitch. It’s a long story.”

  “I’m sure I can keep up.” I smiled.

  “No one knows about him except for Kale. It would be unacceptable to have a relationship with a human in my position–not to mention dangerous. Kale saw us together one day not too far from the bar. I was terrified that he would tell Tannah. I had put us all in jeopardy by not staying focused on the reason we were here, and I was sure they would send me back.” Then she chuckled to herself. “I should have known better. Kale understood the feelings I had for Mitch and suggested that he come work at the bar. It was easier to keep watch over him–to keep him safe. It wasn’t too hard to convince Mitch. He needed a second job, and of course Kale made it more glorified than it really was. Kale indeed kept his promise. He has never spoken of mine and Mitch’s relationship, and I kept my end of the deal by being careful.”

  “How did you meet him?” I questioned.

  “That’s an even longer story.” She laughed.

  “I want to hear it. You know–I mean–it would be a nice distraction.”

  Her eyes squinted in a little smile of their own. She plopped down on the ground, and I took a seat beside of her.

  “It was a while ago. I had decided to go downtown for the afternoon. The traffic was hectic, and I was attempting to parallel-park. It seemed I backed in too quickly. I ended up backing into the car behind me.” She grinned and then began looking at her fingers.

  “What happened?” I asked.

  “Mitch got out and came to my window. I rolled it down, but I couldn’t see his face. The sun was blazing behind him, and only his outline was visible. He was so sweet. He immediately asked if I was okay. I nodded, and got out of the car, and walked to the back of it. Luckily, he didn’t have as much as a scratch on his car, probably because it was older. But I couldn’t say the same for mine. The rear end was dented in pretty badly. When I finally looked up from my car, I couldn’t look away. He looked like an angel himself, with his golden hair and bright blue eyes. I was suddenly overwhelmed with all of these feelings I had never felt. He told me that he worked at an auto shop and could fix the car for me. I said no at first, but he insisted. I don’t think I realized that I had said yes until he was handing me a piece of paper with the address to the shop on it. When I took the paper from his hand, our fingers touched and electricity pulsed through me.” Jen’s tone changed, sounding almost defensive. “I didn’t plan on going. It just happened. I was driving near Ninth Street when I remembered the address. I have to admit, I had thought about him every day since the accident. It was almost as if the car turned itself down the street and pulled into the parking lot. I hesitated, but then got out and walked in. Mitch was working on a bike inside. Standing there, I watched him for the longest time. He just so happened to look up and see me. His eyes lit up.”

  I watched Jen’s face as she lost herself in the story…


  “I didn’t think you’d come,” Mitch said, as she stood in front of the open garage bay.

  She laughed and tried to sound clever. “Well, I can’t very well ride around with a dented backend. It doesn't look too classy.”

  “I’m sure you could make anything look classy,” he replied a little shyly.

  Normally, Jen would have soaked up the complement, but she found herself feeling befuddled. “So how long do you think it will take?”

  Mitch walked around to the back of Jen’s black Acura. “Actually, it’s not too bad. I can pop it out. You want to come back this afternoon around five o’clock to pick it up?”

  “Sure. I’ll see you then,” she smiled.

  Jen stood outside the shop and waited for Kale. She had called him for a ride. When he pulled up, she walked to the passenger side. Just before opening the door she looked back and saw Mitch. He held his hand up and
waved as she entered the car.

  At five o’clock on the dot, Jen showed at the auto shop. She found her car parked in front of the building. Mitch was inside ringing up a customer. She walked in and stood, waiting for him to finish.

  As Mitch handed the man his change, he looked up and smiled at Jen. “You’re all finished; let me get your keys.”

  Jen followed him out to the car, and to her surprise, it was perfect. “You can’t even tell. It looks brand new.”

  Mitch shifted his weight to his right foot and leaned against the car. “Thanks.”

  “That’s pretty remarkable. You must be really good with your hands.” When she said it, she realized how ridiculous it sounded. Not to mention misleading. “I mean… you know… really good at fixing things with your hands.” She looked at him horrified. “I’m just making it worse. I should shut up now.”

  His eyes soften as he watched her fumbling over her words. “Don’t worry I took it as a compliment.” He cleared his throat, and stood up straight. “If you or your boyfriend ever needs any work done to your cars, you’re welcome to drop them off any time.”

  Jen tighten her brows as she stared at him, trying to understand what he was saying. “Boyfriend?”

  “Yeah… I mean, I assumed the guy that picked you up this morning was your boyfriend.”

  Jen tried to repress the laugh that was tickling her throat. “Oh, you mean Kale? He’s not my boyfriend. More like… an older brother.”

  “Oh, sorry. I wasn’t trying to pry.” Mitch’s face had turned a light shade of red from embarrassment.

  “So how much do I owe you?”

  “How about a couple of hours on Friday?” Mitch asked.

  “Sorry?” Jen questioned. The feelings that were swirling around her made it hard to follow.

  “I was kind of hoping you would let me take you out.”

  “Oh. Umm, I don’t know.”

  “Come on. Just for a little while. I promise I will take you home if you aren’t having a good time.”

  Jen’s heart fluttered in her chest. She smiled at him. “Okay, but only if you let me pay you for fixing the car.”

  “Deal.” His voice showed the excitement he was trying to hide.


  Jen shuffled her legs, crossing them to sit Indian style. The movement woke me from the vision I had created of them together in my head.

  “I didn’t know it was possible to care for someone that much. But I’ve never told him that I loved him.” Her face lost its expression, and her eyes no longer shined as bright. “I thought it would be best that way. I guess saying it to him would only make it true, and I don’t know how things are going to turn out. I couldn’t bear to hurt him.”

  We sat in silence for a moment.

  “Jen, I don’t know what to do. I feel kind of stuck right now,” I said finally.

  “Ah. I assume you are talking about Kale and Gage.”

  I couldn’t face her; instead I looked out over the ocean again, counting the number of times the waves hit a single rock that stood apart from the others.

  Jen spoke up so I didn’t have to. “I know you think you’re stuck right now, but it won’t be that way forever.”

  “I don’t know how you can be so sure. With Mitch, you knew he was the one.”

  “Az, you can love more than one person. You just have to choose which one you can’t live without.”

  “Kale could live without me,” I said, sharply enough to hear the bitterness on my tongue.

  “See that’s where you’re wrong. We feel love differently. There is no butterfly feeling… or longing. It’s stronger than that. And for us… once you’ve loved, there is no life without it. There is only existing… or at least trying to.”

  “Then how was it that he could just leave me here?” I didn’t understand. The moment my eyes met Kale’s, and memories flooded through me, I wanted to die. There was so much we had lost. There was so much he had let go. I felt cheated and unwanted.

  “Az, I can’t explain it to you. Some things are not mine to tell. Kale’s distance from you was necessary… but staying away too long would have surely killed him.” She reached up and placed her hand on my shoulder. Her touch was warm and soothing, and it reminded me of how my mother would touch me when I thought the world was crumbling around me. It was reassuring. “His love for you is greater than anything of this earth. He would fall for you.” And as I heard the word fall roll from her lips, I felt something deep inside the pit of my soul shake.

  Flashes of Kale and Gage in my room disturbed me. I began to think about Gage and how his hand would brush over my skin, the smell of his cologne, and how his voice cracked when he said my name. Who could I live without? I asked myself. I loved them… both of them. But I knew I loved one of them more.

  Then something else came to mind as I sat there. “Jen. Who is Anna?” I realized this was a question that had been swimming around in my mind all night.

  She closed her eyes briefly as if to pray that I hadn’t asked. “Again, there are some things that are not mine to tell. That one would belong to Gage.” Jen gracefully pulled herself to her feet. I noticed that her wings were completely gone now. I gave her a smile as she left.

  After that, I felt my body drained. I gradually found my way to my room and lay down in the bed. My eyes closed, and sleep invaded instantly.

  The dream…

  Falling, the white fragments expelling from my body… but instead of separating themselves from me, they attached to my spine and to each other, growing and taking shape. The buildings are tall and immeasurable, and as I fall I see my reflection. The white fragments take on the shape of wings, and like a parachute opening, they bloused out and dwindled my fall. For the first time in my dream, my feet touch the city streets. The city is deserted with no human life. I look from side to side, not quite sure why I am here. When I twist my head again, there she stood..., Scarlet–evil and vile–smiling at me. “He who appears before you as the golden one will slay the Angel Genevieve.” Those were the words she had said to me once before. They were ominous and vague, and their meaning eluded me. Without warning, she pulled a steel dragger hidden by her grown and lunged towards me.

  I woke up in a scream this time. Sitting up, I took calculated breaths to slow my heart. I knew Scarlet wasn’t really here, but even to dream about her disturbed me. The air around me smelled damp and musty, clueing me in that it must have rained for a short time during my slumber. Lying back down, I knew that it would be impossible to go back to sleep. Something struck me odd that Scarlet had said. “He who appears to you as the golden one.” Why was that familiar? I thought for a minute, and then something Jen had said came to mind. She referred to Mitch as having golden hair. The golden one had to be Mitch. Was he going to hurt Jen?

  Chapter 14


  Jen walked through the cemetery, looking for some sign of Mitch. It hadn’t been more than an hour ago since he had called, needing to see her–asking her to meet him at the cemetery. Jen was hesitant about leaving the castle with everything going on, but there was a sense of urgency in his voice when he told her there was something he needed to ask her and it couldn’t wait another minute.

  “Mitch… Mitch!” Jen called. The air was eerie and still. She walked through the dark cemetery brushing her hands over each stone as she passed. She felt misplaced and lost, but her only thought was the sound of his voice and the importance that it held.

  A hand firmly touched her shoulder from behind. She let out a small gasp and turned to see Mitch standing there.

  “Mitch,” Jen said relieved. “You startled me.” She wrapped her arms around his waist, grateful to see him. This had been the longest she had ever been away from him and looking at him now, she realized how it had taken its toll on her.

  “What was so urgent?” Jen asked as she placed her fingertips to the side of his face.

  Mitch grabbed her wrist forcefully. Something was wrong. Jen’s eyes focused
on him in confusion, not understanding the reason for the harsh grip. “Mitch, you’re hurting me! Let go!” she demanded.

  Looking at him, she realized what a mistake she had made coming here. Mitch’s face morphed and sculpted to a familiar vision that she recognized. His face now dark and evil held no emotion. “Kano,” she said in a murmur. His dark eyes scanned her face, and she realized how recklessness her behavior had been.

  “Genevieve,” he said in a way that made Jen unsure if he was asking or stating it.

  Jen squirmed in his grasp. “What have you done with Mitch?” The one fear she had, was now confirmed. They knew about Mitch, and he was in danger because of her.

  Kano’s head tilted sideways as if to look at her from another angle. “I think you should be more concerned with what I’m going to do with you.”

  Her tone was ruthless and didn’t match the beauty of her face. “If anything has happened to him you will be sorry.” Kano found himself intrigued by this. He stared at her intently. “Do you understand me?” she barked, breaking Kano’s daze. He shook his head slightly as if to ward off some sort of enchantment.

  Jen had known about Kano for as long as she had existed. All angels had feared him–good and bad. They had warned her of his abilities, and after seeing how he attacked them in the city that day, she had no doubt of his capabilities. Kano was a hunter, and his services were granted to the highest bidder. He did not choose good or evil. He was driven only by what would benefit him.

  Grabbing Jen around the waist, Kano took two giant leaps into the air. His wings were solid black and blended with the night–except the steel tips that reflected in the moonlight. The night air was thick but not unbearable. Jen’s body was pulled and tossed as Kano made sudden turns. There was no use in fighting. She let her body fall limp in his grasp. Thoughts of Mitch skipped through her mind. She hoped he was safe, and then she thought of Az. She had failed her.

  It only seemed like minutes later when they landed in front of an enormous monastery. A large light on the ground set a few feet back, and shined on the front of the building. The stone was dark and chipped. Strangely, the grounds around it were kept neatly trimmed and landscaped. However, it wasn’t able to hide the unnatural aura around this place.


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