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The Art of Discipline: Dani’s Discovery (The Mockingbird Chronicles)

Page 5

by Stardawn Cabot

  Closing and locking the door behind her, Emma cursed under her breath. How could Dani do this to her, to Will? Walking with Will back to her apartment, she paused. “You get back to work, and I’ll get dressed and see if I can find her.

  Will agreed and quietly made his way back to the stockroom.

  Entering her apartment, Emma closed the door and gave Atticus a pet before picking up the phone. Cursing again when the call went to voicemail on the second ring, she slammed down the receiver before picking it up again to dial the number for Anna and Stevie. Quickly filling Stevie in, she requested that they both come in early. She was going to be out and needed them to cover.

  Heading to her office, Emma sat in her chair and looked thoughtfully at the photo of Sean and Atticus. It had been taken when Atticus was just a kitten. Sean had a look of utter contentment as the kitten licked him. Making up her mind, she put the picture down and opened her top left hand drawer. “I hope you knew what you were talking about, Uncle Sean,” she whispered before removing the mahogany hairbrush and depositing it in her purse. Grabbing her keys, she then headed back to her car.

  * * *

  Fitting her key into the lock, Dani smirked. She’d been gone all day, drank more diet sodas than she could remember, and had found a wonderful sweet shop on the other side of town. She knew Emma would be angry, but at the moment, she didn’t care. Shifting the bags of Chinese to make opening the door easier, she almost dropped them upon the sight that met her eyes. Emma was not only sitting on her sofa, but there was a rather familiar looking hairbrush gracing the coffee table in front of her.

  “Have fun today, Danielle?” Emma asked quietly.

  Nodding slightly, Dani shifted up her bags, before slowly making her way to the kitchen. Putting them on the kitchen table, she debated whether she should run to her room or out the fire escape and all the way back to Chicago. But the choice was suddenly taken from her when she felt a small hand grab her ear with the grip of a strongman. Leaning down as she was pulled along, Dani whimpered in pain until she found herself deposited on a kitchen chair that Emma had moved into the living room.

  Emma stood in front of her, arms crossed, and tapping her foot. She allowed Dani to rub her ear for a moment before speaking. “I’m just curious, Danielle, did you misunderstand me last night?”

  “About what?”

  “Don’t play games with me, young lady,” Emma snapped. “You knew damned well that you were to help Will out this morning in the stockroom.”

  Glaring up into the flashing green eyes, Dani shrugged. “I already had plans. I told you, it was my day off.”

  “And I told you that I expected you in that stockroom first thing this morning to help Will.”

  “I had plans that did not include the stockroom. I am not a child that you can just order around.”

  Emma grumbled and looked to the ceiling before turning her attention back to Dani. “You keep telling me you aren’t a child, Danielle, but you sure have been acting like one.”

  “I have not, and I’m sure Will did just fine on his own today.”

  “Whether or not Will did okay is not the point, and you know it. You ran off, left your responsibility, and then act as if it’s not a big deal to disobey your boss and skip work.”

  “My boss?” Dani stood up and glared down at Emma. “We are co-owners of Ryan’s Books, or have you forgotten that?”

  “No, I haven’t forgotten. Have you forgotten that letter from Uncle Sean and what he told you?” Emma’s voice was even as she held Dani’s blue eyes with her own. “You, young lady, knew what would happen if you stepped over the line again.”

  “You have got to be kidding me. I don’t care what Uncle Sean told you. There is no way I’m going to let you spank me!”

  Emma sat on the coffee table and motioned for Dani to return to her chair. “You’re right, I can’t force you to allow me to spank you. There is another choice.”

  Dani smirked. “Fine, then I’ll take that one.”

  Emma looked at her and smiled. “I’ll go get my checkbook, and you can head back to Chicago tomorrow.”

  “No, now wait a minute, you can’t do that!” Dani stammered.

  “I can. Uncle Sean left me in charge. You either accept me and my authority, or you allow me to buy you out and head back to Chicago.”

  Dani’s eyes dropped to her lap. The last think she wanted was to give into Emma’s demands—much less let the little dynamo spank her—but she sure didn’t want to go back to Chicago either. The store and everything it represented was too important to her. She didn’t want to disappoint her uncle, and she wasn’t going to give up on the store or Uncle Sean’s memory.

  “What do I have to do?” Dani whispered.

  “Go wait in that corner,” Emma instructed as she pointed.

  “But, no way am I…”

  “Then I’ll go get my checkbook.”

  “Fine…” Dani looked at Emma as she slowly stood up and dragged herself to the corner.

  The time in the corner passed slowly, and she hated being there more than anywhere else in the world. Uncle Sean knew that, and she couldn’t help but wonder what secrets he’d shared with Emma about her. The idea made her angry, but it also hurt. Why had Uncle Sean given Emma so much power over her? It just didn’t seem fair. Dani’s thoughts were suddenly interrupted as she heard Emma call her name. Dani turned, answering the call only to see Emma was standing by the couch, the dreaded hairbrush lying next to her.

  “Okay, Danielle, let’s get this started,” Emma said once Dani had finally come within reaching distance. Gaining Dani’s attention by gently pushing a piece of wayward hair behind Dani’s ear, she asked, “Tell me how we got here.”

  “Because you have a key to my apartment and let yourself in.”

  “Ow!” Dani squeaked as a quick smack to her backside took her by surprise.

  “Let’s try that again without the smartass comments, Danielle. Why am I about to spank you?”

  Dani stared at the floor and gulped. The words seemed stuck in her throat, and the memories of being in this very apartment and having been asked that question before made her heart beat faster. She wanted nothing more than to run down the hallway and hide in her room.

  “Danielle, I’m waiting.”

  “I didn’t go into work today and disobeyed you,” she whispered as Emma’s question brought her back to the present.

  “Good girl. Let’s get this over with. Pants off, please.”

  “Oh no, I never agreed to that,” Dani protested.

  “Yes, you did,” Emma replied calmly.

  “When?” Dani challenged, her blue eyes going wide as she shifted from foot to foot.

  “When you agreed to allow me to spank you rather than go back to Chicago. Now, pants off.”

  More memories started to flood her, causing a single tear to roll down her cheek. Dani managed to unbutton her jeans but could bring herself to do no more.

  Sighing, Emma reached over, unzipped them, and slid them down to Dani’s knees in one fell swoop, leaving her panties up. She couldn’t help but noticed the shiver cross over Dani as she sat down and patted her lap. “Come on, Danielle, over you go.”

  When Dani didn’t move, Emma reached up and grabbed Dani’s wrist. Not wasting any time, she quickly adjusted her over her lap so that Dani’s feet remained on the floor, but her upper body was supported by the couch.

  “I want you to remember, Danielle, that every time I promise to spank you, I will,” Emma lectured before raising her hand and bringing it sharply down on Dani’s upturned bottom.

  A slow and steady stream of swats followed as Emma used her hand to begin to make her point. She alternated sides with each swat yet tried to make the strikes random enough to keep Dani focused.

  It didn’t take long before Dani started to react. She’s tried to stay tough at first, but the building heat was causing her to squirm and gasp as it continued to grow.

  Emma continued just long enough to n
otice a rosy pink color peeking out from under Dani’s panties. Deciding it was time for the hairbrush, she picked it up and rubbed it across Dani’s bottom. Feeling Dani tense with the changing sensation, Emma asked, “Now, tell me again why we are here, Danielle?”

  “Because you’re enjoying the power trip,” Dani answered.

  Shaking her head, Emma set the brush down, removed Dani’s panties with a flourish, and resumed spanking her now bare backside with her hand. It took less than a dozen swats before Dani’s resolve melted and she was unable to stay still. “Let’s try this again. Why are you here, Danielle?”

  “Because I took money from the drawer instead of petty cash and had Will do my errands, and because I disobeyed you about coming into work today,” Dani gasped.

  “Very good,” Emma responded. She rubbed Dani’s backside gently before picking up the hairbrush once again. “Let’s drive the lesson home now, shall we?”

  As the first crack of the hairbrush bit into Dani’s already sore bottom, she quickly began to squeal and squirm in an attempt to avoid the deadly strikes. Her attempts, though, were futile, as she was unable to go anywhere, for despite her small size, Emma had a vice grip around her waist.

  When Dani began to cry, Emma lightened up the swats. She wasn’t going to stop this lesson yet, but she was taking her cues from Dani. Finally feeling Dani go limp over her lap, Emma realized it was time to finish the spanking. Her strokes once again sped up, and with an added strength, she delivered the last ten to Dani’s sit spot, effective creating a lovely crimson color.

  Throwing the brush down, she gently rubbed Dani’s red backside gently. “It’s all over, Dani,” she said quietly.

  After a few moments, Dani was able to stop the frantic sobs and reduce her cries to quiet sniffles. Only then did Emma help Dani up and pull her to sit gingerly in her lap. Underwear forgotten, Dani also forgot all the hate and anger she had for Emma, for in that instant she needed to be held more than anything. Laying her head on Emma’s shoulder, Dani sniffled as Emma comforted her.

  After another long moment, Emma gently moved Dani’s chin so she could look into her eyes. “Listen to me, Dani. I will do that each and every time you need it. I care too much to let you waste your potential.” Letting go of Dani, she gently kissed the top of her head as Dani began to cry once again. Dani allowed Emma to continue to comfort her, until her stomach finally gave in and let out a loud rumble.

  Laughing, Emma pushed her back slightly. “You go get washed up and into your pajamas. I’ll reheat dinner for us.”

  “Okay,” Dani sniffled.

  Dani slowly stood, and Emma, despite Dani’s protests, helped her right her clothing. Emma couldn’t help the small smirk as she noticing the way Dani winced when her jeans met her backside, and she couldn’t help wondering if Dani knew just how cute she was at the moment.

  “Go on, Dani,” Emma encouraged, tapping her backside to hurry her down the hall, “the food will be ready in a minute.” Emma then got to work and had just placed the drinks on the table when Dani reemerged in a pair of gray sweats with a loose t-shirt sporting a rainbow. “Have a seat, Dani,” Emma directed, noticing that Dani looked at the hard kitchen chair with horror.

  “Can I have a pillow?” Dani asked slowly.

  “Nope, part of the punishment,” Emma answered, waiting for Dani to sit.

  Dani winced as she sat slowly, wondering if this was another secret that Uncle Sean shared. He had no qualms about making her sit on a sore bottom either. Adjusting in her chair as she tried to find the elusive sweet spot, she looked at the table. “Where’s my drink?”

  “In front of you,” Emma responded, pointing to the water.

  “But I wanted my soda.”

  “Well, you’re having water tonight. You don’t need the caffeine this late.” Emma pointed to the plate in front of Dani and waited for her to start eating.

  “I always have soda with dinner,” Dani protested.

  “Not tonight,” Emma muttered before looking across the table. “You’ll be going to bed right after dinner, Danielle, and you don’t need the caffeine.”

  Noticing the change in tone, Dani turned her attention to the chow mein and orange chicken in front of her. “Just like Uncle Sean,” she muttered quietly, looking up as Emma began to chuckle.

  “Where do you think I learned it?” she remarked, winking at Dani.

  Dani’s eyes narrowed, “Just how often did you and Uncle Sean talk about me and the way that he punished me?”

  “You?” Emma seemed surprised. “We never talked about how he disciplined you.”

  “The letter then, he must have told you…”

  “I’m not sure exactly what your letter said, Dani. The only thing he told me was that the old hairbrush was there if I had trouble working with you.”

  “I don’t understand. Then how did you know about the corner, or the pillow?”

  Emma laughed. “You think you’re the only one that’s ever been on the receiving end of that hairbrush?”

  “Really?” Dani took another bite of chicken, suddenly seeing Emma in a whole new light. “What could you have possibly done to incur the wrath of Sean Ryan?”

  Emma chuckled. “You’d be surprised. I was a rather hotheaded thing when I first started working for Sean. Thought I knew more than he did, and I learned quickly that wasn’t always the case.”

  Dani rolled her eyes at the explanation. “That doesn’t sound like much.”

  “Oh, it’s not.” Emma took a small bite of an egg roll. “Unless you happen to count yelling at your boss and calling him an old fool in front of a customer.”

  Dani almost choked on her water. “You didn’t?”

  “I did,” Emma admitted with a small blush. “And that, my dear, was the very first time I felt that hairbrush on my backside.”

  “But not the last?” Dani asked with teasing blue eyes.

  “Nope, not the last,” Emma answered with a sparkle of her own. “Now, you finish up. It’s almost bedtime for you.”

  Dani scowled at the idea but managed to finish her dinner and then help Emma clear the table. She was just putting plates in the dishwasher, when a large yawn escaped.

  Putting down the dishtowel, Emma put an arm around Dani’s waist and began to lead her to the bedroom. “Come on, you, time for bed.”

  “I don’t wanna go to bed,” Dani whined.

  “Well, you’re going anyway. You’ve had a very big day, Danielle.”

  “But I’m not tired.”

  “Uh-huh, sure you aren’t,” Emma responded as Dani yawned again.

  Upon reaching the bedroom, Emma pulled down the covers before helping Dani crawl in. Tucking her in, Emma sat down next to her and took her hand. “Before you fall asleep, I want to talk to you.”

  Dani shifted, looking down and playing with the bedspread with her free hand. “Talk about what, Emma?”

  Emma smiled and used her fingers to tilt Dani’s chin until she caught her blue gaze. “I have a feeling this is not going to be a onetime incident, so I want to establish a few ground rules so you know what to expect next time.

  “Next time?” Dani asked, instantly not liking the idea.

  “Can you honestly tell me that I will never need to spank you again?”

  Dani shook her head slowly as she dropped her eyes.

  “That’s what I thought.” Emma squeezed Dani’s hand before continuing. “First, you will always have a nap or be sent to bed after a spanking. This is non-negotiable,” she added, seeing the blue eyes start to blaze. “Secondly, I will decide when you do and do not need to be spanked. I also decide how, when, and where you will be spanked.”

  Dani resisted the urge to roll her eyes. “When, where, and how—I get it, you’re an adverb. Anything else?”

  Emma narrowed her eyes at Dani’s sarcastic tone, but at the moment she chose to ignore it. “Yes, there will be additional consequences for your actions if you don’t comply with my rules.” Emma locked eyes with Dani
once again, “And above all, Danielle, I want you to know that you can trust me. I won’t speak of this to anyone, unless you are okay with it, nor will I threaten you or embarrass you in front of others. This is between you and me. No one else needs to know about it.”

  Dani tilted her head slightly, noticing Emma’s eyes soften with this last statement. “Emma?”


  “Not that you’re giving me much choice, but what if I think the punishment is unfair? I need some way of communicating that without making the situation worse.”

  Emma studied Dani for a moment. “Tell you what. We’ll set up a code word, say, ‘mockingbird’. If you promise not to abuse it, I’ll promise to always stop and listen to your side of the story before making my final decision.”

  “That seems fair,” Dani agreed as she shifted, trying to find a more comfortable position.

  “I’ll always try to understand, Dani,” Emma responded honestly. “Now, you need anything? Water, last trip to the restroom?”

  “Do I look like I’m six?”

  Emma couldn’t help but chuckle. “I’m just trying to make you comfortable, Dani. Plus, after I send you to bed, I expect you to stay there.”

  Dani let out a long slow breath. “I’m fine, but I do have a request.” She paused for a moment, suddenly feeling shy. “Can you stay, please?”

  Emma looked down at Dani, trying to decide what to say.

  “Tonight, all this, it brought back a lot of memories. I just don’t want to be left alone,” Dani admitted.

  Taken a little aback by Dani’s sudden confession, Emma quickly decided her next course of action. “Of course I can stay. Just let me get something a little more comfortable on, and I’ll lie down with you.”

  Looking at Dani and then the dresser, Emma gained silent permission with a nod from Dani. Opening a drawer, Emma located a large t-shirt and disappeared into the bathroom, where she removed her jeans and sweater and donned the shirt like a nightgown. Returning to the bed, she pulled back the covers and slipped in next to Dani. It was a little awkward, but after a few moments, Dani found her spot. She curled up to Emma with her head comfortably on her upper chest, like a human pillow, and found herself lulled to sleep by the steady beating of Emma’s heart.


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