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The Art of Discipline: Dani’s Discovery (The Mockingbird Chronicles)

Page 15

by Stardawn Cabot

  * * *

  “I’m very proud of you tonight, Dani,” Emma began. “Not only did you drink water, you ate half an order of cooked carrots without complaint.”

  Dani shrugged. “They weren’t that bad, but the fries were better.”

  Laughing, Emma stopped walking before reaching up to give Dani a kiss. “I’m still proud of you.”

  “Thanks,” Dani mumbled shyly as she unlocked the door to her apartment. Kicking off her shoes, she bent down to kiss Emma. “Nightcap?”

  Emma shook her head. “No, I’m too tired. Besides, you and I need to have that chat.”

  Dani froze midstride. “Chat?”

  “Uh-huh. Go put on one of your new pairs of pajamas and wait for me in the corner.”

  “Emma,” Dani whined.

  “Right now, Danielle,” Emma commanded, pleased when Dani didn’t argue further and slowly dragged herself down the hall.

  Walking into the bedroom, Emma removed a pair of her own pajamas from the dresser before disappearing into the bathroom and re-emerging a few moments later much more comfortable. Sitting on the bed, she watched as Dani fidgeted in the corner.

  Standing, she walked over to Dani and gently patted her bottom. “So, why are you standing in the corner tonight, Danielle?

  Dani shifted and sniffled. “Because I made you believe I had only had two sodas today and that’s like lying, and because if I hadn’t had the second soda, you wouldn’t have been left alone, and Sampson couldn’t have hurt you.”

  “Oh, Dani,” Emma breathed, turning her from the corner. “That’s not true. There is no way you could have predicted that.”

  Dani sniffled once more. “It was my fault. I left you alone, and I shouldn’t have.”

  Emma sighed, both relieved and disturbed by Dani’s confession. “Come on, let’s sit down.” Taking Dani’s hand and leading her to the bed, Emma couldn’t help the small smile as Dani instantly curled into her, resting her head on Emma’s shoulder. “Dani, I don’t want you blaming yourself for what happened with Sampson today.”

  “But if I hadn’t snuck that second soda, I wouldn’t have had to go to the bathroom and would have been there with you.”

  “Maybe, maybe not. The point is, you can’t control Patrick Sampson or his actions. You didn’t do anything to hurt me today, Dani. He did.”

  “But I lied to you,” Dani slowly drew a pattern on Emma’s leg. “I told you I was going to the bathroom the first time, but I didn’t. I bought your clothes instead and then met up with you.”

  “I see.” Emma’s voice was suddenly serious. “So, is this why you think you’re to blame for what happened to me today?”

  Dani winced. “I shouldn’t have lied, Emma.”

  “You’re right, you shouldn’t have, but you were lying for a good reason, Dani. You wanted to do something nice for me and did it the only way you could.”

  Dani shook her head stubbornly. “I shouldn’t have lied, and I shouldn’t have had that second soda.”

  Sighing, Emma shifted and tapped Dani’s leg. “I can see we need to take care of this now. Stand up.”

  Tears already falling down her face, Dani stood and waited. Emma quickly pulled down her pajama bottoms before escorting Dani over her lap.

  “Okay, Danielle, why are you in this position again?”

  “Because I lied and tried to trick you about the soda.”

  Smiling, Emma raised her hand. “Good girl,” she said before allowing it to fall with no force.

  Dani looked up in confusion as Emma winked at her. Patting Dani’s bottom gently, she helped her up and righted her pajama bottoms before patting the bed next to her. “Sit down, sweetie.”

  Scooting back on the bed, Emma crossed her legs and waited for Dani to do the same. Taking Dani’s hands into her own, Emma smiled. “I will never spank you for being honest with me, Danielle Ryan. I told you that I was proud of you today, and I meant that.” She looked into her blue eyes. “I will also not spank you for something that is not your fault.”

  “But I tried to trick you,” Dani protested. “I lied to you.”

  “Danielle,” Emma’s voice was stern once again. “Remember, it’s my decision to decide when, where, and how you are punished. This time, I decided that you’ve done nothing wrong.”


  “Did you really try to trick me, or did you just not tell me that you’d gotten a refill?” Emma interrupted.

  Dani shrugged, purposely avoiding her green eyes.

  “Tricking me would have been going ahead and having that soda at the restaurant and trying to convince me that it was your third soda. Did you do that?”

  “No, but if you knew I already had my limit, why did you tell the waitress to bring me one?”

  “We both had a long day. I just thought you could use a little treat. Dani, you don’t have to hide your drinking or eating from me. I only ask that you’re honest with me when we make a plan about something, okay?” Letting go of Dani’s hand, she reached up and placed her fingers under Dani’s chin, forcing the woman to look at her. “Do you understand, Danielle?”

  “I guess so. So, I don’t have to tell you every time I drink a soda or have some chips?”

  Emma shook her head. “No. I may occasionally make an exception, like I was going to today, but normally I expect you to not drink more than three a day or do something like eat an entire bag of chips as a meal.”

  Dani grinned. “I’ve done that before. Eaten a whole bag of chips for dinner and washed it down with a side of cookies.”

  Emma shook her head. “You must have a cast iron stomach.”

  Dani shrugged. “Maybe I do.”

  Grinning, Emma kissed the back of Dani’s hand. “Feeling better now?”

  “I guess. Emma, we can discuss this more, right?”

  “Anytime you need to, honey.”

  Dani smiled. “Thanks, Emma.”

  Chapter Ten

  It was late the next week that Dani and Emma had finally been given clearance to reopen the store. Now that the immediate problems and police and fire investigations were over, it was time to get back to normal, or whatever they now considered to be normal. Emma continued to stay with Dani, sleeping with her every night, but even with having that closeness, they were both struggling with nightmares.

  Over the past few weeks Dani and Emma had worked out a tentative schedule. Dani would work the store in the morning, leaving Emma to close, while Dani worked with her event planning in the afternoons. It had been a stretch, especially on Emma who seemed determined to pick up the slack. Dani felt terrible about the added pressure, but she had just found it too difficult to try to work both jobs at once. There was no way she could do conference calls, concentrate on details, and still keep up with e-mail and her office when she kept being interrupted by customers. She tried to make up for it by coming back in the later afternoons, but that just depended on how busy she was.

  The pressure of work only added to the stress that Emma especially was under. There was the apartment, which was still under renovations, and the constant worry that Emma’s father would show up again. Since the day at the mall, the only place that Patrick Sampson had reappeared was in Emma’s dreams, but that didn’t stop her from waking up in cold sweats and then have trouble falling back asleep. Between her nightmares and Dani’s, which were also on the rise, no one seemed to be sleeping very well.

  While Dani was used to the nightmares, for Emma they were new. Dani tried her best to comfort her, but it seemed no matter what she tried, the dreams continued to haunt her. Instead, Dani focused on distracting Emma, hoping that with time she’d be able to forget about Patrick Sampson. The downtime, with the store closed, had helped. They’d found time to officially start dating, and were exploring not only the finer points of Fort Strymon, but also of each other. They’d gone to a concert at the park, the movies, and even spent an afternoon at the local museum, but the time they both seem to enjoy the most were the quiet moments wh
ere they could be together, curled up on the sofa and watching a movie or in bed where they could talk.

  Now though, that free time was gone. They were both again busy, and life resumed to ‘normal’.

  Since the fire, Dani had managed to stay out of trouble, going over and beyond to make Emma happy. Her newfound distraction with Emma made this easy. This desire, coupled with Emma’s constant presence, had not only successfully curtailed her soda habit, but Emma’s cooking and encouragement to try new foods was also increasing Dani’s food repertoire.

  Dani had also used the apartment itself as a distraction. Her cleanup crew had done wonders, and now that the apartment had been dried, it was in the process of being gutted so that it could be remodeled. Emma had originally argued the point with Dani, preferring instead to just try to repair the damage, but Dani had insisted and eventually proved to be just a little bit more stubborn than the redhead. They were going to meet with an architect soon to discuss options, but Dani wasn’t really in a hurry. She was happy with Emma next to her every night, and the idea of Emma returning to her own bed was not one that she wanted to entertain.

  It was very early that Friday morning when Emma woke in confusion. She was sweaty and had that horrid feeling in the pit of her stomach. She’d been waking up too much like this lately. The worst thing though, was that she was alone in bed. Hearing noises from the living area, Emma looked at the clock; 3:47 a.m. Wondering what was going on, Emma left the bed and padded to the living room. Hearing voices, she saw the glow of the TV and Dani sitting on the couch watching an old black and white movie.

  “Why aren’t you in bed, Dani?” she asked, causing Dani to jump.

  “Couldn’t sleep, I guess,” Dani shrugged and turned back to the TV.

  Emma crossed the room and sat down. “You have another nightmare?” she asked, rubbing Dani’s leg.

  Dani tensed, not answering and pretending to be interested in the show she was watching.

  “I know it’s hard, honey, but you can’t let them get to you. You still need to sleep.”

  “I’m not tired,” Dani sighed. “What about you? You have a nightmare too?” Dani asked noticing her partner’s bangs were damp with sweat.

  Emma grabbed the remote and turned off the television. “Come on, you need your sleep,” she offered, extending her hand. “We both do.”

  “You can go back to bed. I’m fine right here,” Dani refused, trying to pick up the remote again.

  “Please come back to bed with me,” Emma almost pleaded. “I sleep better with you next to me.”

  Sighing, Dani took the outstretched hand and allowed herself to be led back to the bedroom.

  Getting comfortable and spooning herself behind Dani, Emma put her arm around Dani’s waist. “How often do you get up in the middle of the night?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Guess,” Emma prodded.

  “Three or four times a week,” Dani replied. “About as often as you.”

  Emma frowned. She had been waking up at least that often, and hadn’t realized that Dani had noticed. “Hmm, maybe we can find a way to keep us both in bed longer,” Emma responded, trying to sound light-hearted.

  “Maybe,” Dani confirmed, as they both grew quiet.

  Feeling her eyelids start to grow heavy, Emma yawned. “We’ll talk about this more later. Sleep now,” she whispered.

  “Okay,” Dani agreed, finally giving in and allowing Emma’s embrace to help guide her back to happier dreams.

  Once Dani quieted, Emma felt better. It was nice not to be alone. She could sympathize with Dani’s sleeping problems, but it was a lot easier for her to sleep if Dani was next to her. She wasn’t used to needing anyone, but for some reason Dani made her feel safe. Letting herself relax, she could only hope her own dreams stayed as warm and pleasant as she felt holding Dani.

  * * *

  That Friday, like the nightmares, melted away through the weekend and into the next week. Life had again picked up its busy pace, and Emma and Dani were both tired. It had been another too long day with too little sleep the night before when and Dani finally moved to the door to turn the sign to ‘closed’. She was just about to lock the door when it was suddenly shoved open. Staring into the face of Patrick Sampson, Dani snarled and took a step back.

  “What the hell are you doing here, Sampson?”

  “That’s none of your business. Where’s my daughter?”

  “You don’t have a daughter here,” Dani spat as she quickly retreated to behind the counter, careful to keep it between herself and the threat. “You need to leave, now,” she directed as he laughed and flicked his cigarette butt towards her.

  “You’re not always going to be here to protect her, Ms. Ryan,” he threatened.

  Dani growled, stomping the butt out with her heel before it could do any serious damage, and resisting the urge to fly across the counter and strangle him. “Why don’t you just leave her alone?” she spat, thinking if she could keep him talking that Emma would discover them and call the police.

  “That’s between her and me. Now where is she?”

  “You won’t get anything out of her.”

  “Oh no?” Patrick replied, narrowing his eyes. “Then perhaps I can get something out of you.” In a sudden motion, Patrick pulled a switch blade out of his pocket. Pointing it at Dani, he demanded, “Empty the drawer.”

  Dani took a step back, putting her hands up defensively as she debated her options. Realizing that Sampson might have just presented them with a golden opportunity, she mentally tried to send the message to her partner. She could only hope that Emma would be calling the police. If she could only keep him there a little bit longer, this nightmare might finally end. “Alright, alright,” Dani started calmly. “Let me just open the drawer. I need to get my key. It’s in my pocket.”

  “Don’t try anything stupid,” Patrick replied.

  Dani reached in her pocket slowly, showing him her keys before moving to put them in the register. Fortunately, she never got that far. Suddenly, there was a blur of motion from the side as a hardback book came soaring through the air, hitting Patrick Sampson squarely. Shocked, he turned, only to get pelted a second and third time.

  “Get out!” Emma yelled. “Get out and never come back!” she emphasized, throwing another book-turned-missile.

  Patrick took a step back, trying to shield himself from the attack as he was struck again and again. Dani took the opportunity to lunge across the counter. Grabbing the hand that was holding the knife, she managed to just twist his wrist, getting him to drop it just as Emma came forward. She hit Patrick again with a book, forcing him back even further. Being outnumbered and outmatched, Patrick did the only thing he could and fled.

  Dani tried to follow, but Emma grabbed her arm. “Danielle, no,” she implored. “Let him go.”

  “But he’s getting away,” Dani argued.

  “Stay here,” Emma commanded, her voice both firm and shaky at the same time.

  Dani looked longingly at the door. She wanted nothing more than to hunt the bastard down and make him pay for hurting Emma. “Alright, alright,” she finally relented as she pulled Emma into a hug. “It’s okay, everything is going to be okay.”

  No sooner had Dani’s words left her mouth than Emma started to cry, her nerves breaking as the adrenaline began to seep away. Dani continue to hold her as she flipped out her cell and dialed the police. Hanging up the phone and watching Emma collapse, she silently vowed that she’d find a way to keep Emma safe, no matter the cost.

  The minutes ticked by, and by the time the police arrived, Dani knew that Sampson had escaped again. Reluctantly, they gave yet another report, turning over the knife as attempted robbery and assault were added to Sampson’s ever growing list of crimes.

  By the time Emma and Dani returned to the apartment, they were both physically and emotionally drained. Dani insisted that Emma relax on the sofa, while she reheated some leftover Chinese.

  Reaching into t
he microwave, she smirked as she felt a hand wrap around her hip. “Thought I told you to relax,” Dani scolded, turning to meet her green eyes.

  “I missed you,” Emma returned, standing on her tiptoes to give Dani a sweet kiss.

  “I know I certainly miss that,” Dani teased.

  “Brat,” Emma teased back, giving Dani a gentle swat. She then reached up into the cupboard and grabbed a couple of plates, setting the table while Dani finished with the food. Noticing Emma hadn’t placed glasses of water on the table yet, Dani moved to the cupboard, only to see Emma pulling out two cans of diet soda from the fridge. “I’ve already have my limit today, Emma,” she commented.

  “I know,” Emma replied. “A treat. I’m gonna have one too.” Dani frowned, slightly confused, causing Emma to giggle. “Don’t worry, honey. It’s okay to cheat once in a while.”

  “Does that mean that I don’t have to eat any vegetables?”

  Emma shook a mocking finger at Dani. “Oh, you’re still gonna eat the veggies—carrots, and I want you to try the snow peas.”

  Dani frowned, sitting in her chair as Emma scooped up a large serving of cashew chicken, including a handful of the dreaded green snow peas. Looking back up at Emma, she pleaded with her eyes, only to get a raised eyebrow in return. Sighing, she picked up her fork and experimentally poked at the pea pod before stabbing it and quickly shoving it in her mouth. Trying to chew as little as possible, she swallowed and then took a long drink of soda.

  “There now, was that so bad?” Emma asked.

  “Only for me,” Dani mumbled, causing Emma to smile.

  * * *

  Emma suppressed a yawn. It had been another long day. A week in fact since she’d last seen her father. She, Dani, and Anna had just closed the store down. She was more than was ready to head upstairs when she heard a phone ringing. Looking under the counter, she shook her head. She’d told Dani more than once that under the counter was no place for her purse. Maybe they needed to have a small chat, Emma mused, before reaching into the purse to find Dani’s phone.


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