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Bombay Mixx

Page 8

by S L Lewis

  ‘I love you more than you know and I would never do anything to hurt you, you know that right?’ he asked to which Amelia just looked away and refused to answer. ‘I would never cheat on you as I want us to build a future together but I wanted to tell you this last week but couldn’t do it over the phone. I thought you deserved more than that. Elisa has been my friend longer than she has been Charlize’s girlfriend and when she asked for my help I didn’t think twice but I didn’t think it would happen that fast,’ Geron explained to an upset Amelia. ‘What would happen this fast?’ Amelia shouted. Geron paused and looked away but before he could continue his starling revelation, Amelia stood up, reached for the Thompson Local and aimed it at his head with full force.

  It made contact and Geron was knocked unconscious.

  Amelia did not come to the hospital so it was up to us to make sure the concussion wasn’t serious and to pass on Geron’s apologies and pleads for further communication with Amelia but by the time we got back home, the only memory of Amelia was a note saying she had gone to her parents for a few days and would be in contact soon.


  Chapter Three – Was it worth it?

  Being in the flat was very strange without Amelia.

  We tried to call her but we were unable to speak to her so we just communicated with her through her mother.

  The next two weeks consisted of Geron constantly calling to see if one of us would crack and tell him where Amelia was and how he could get her back, he obviously didn’t believe that none of us had that answer.

  Amidst the gloom of the Amelia and Geron situation, the rest of our lives were actually going quite well.

  I was working really hard and in the hope of being offered a promotion (I think Sarah had a hand in me getting considered for the research assistants position but I wasn’t going to argue as it was a nice pay rise), me and Angus were going from strength to strength and we were now seeing each other at least twice a week and I had moved some of my things into his Golders Green apartment to make it easier, if I wanted to stay over in the week. He was still very busy and often had to leave for a few hours but it was understandable as he explained that he was trying to sort out how he could have a stress free divorce and met his solicitor a few times a week to go through the updates.

  Anya was having a slightly more interesting time as she has recently acquired a new client called Dolph, who is a German Stockbroker, and is more fascinated with Anya in a personal capacity than professional and I think she might actually feel the same way.

  Anya is very professional and never engages in anything personal with a client but when she accepted an invite from Dolph to attend one of his work functions in Berlin, I knew he was going to be different from the rest of her clientele. ‘So, how is Dolph today?’ I asked suggestively knowing it would spark a reaction. Anya regarded me with a cool stare and continued, ‘I think he is vine. I do not have a tracker on my clients, you know.’ I chuckled knowing she was trying her hardest to remain cool about the situation, so I tried to break the glass exterior. ‘Are you saying that you don’t like him? What if he asked you to move to his castle in Germany and live the rest of your life being Queen Anya and making strudels?’ I asked before falling into a fit of laughter to which Anya joined me whilst holding her stomach from laughing so much.

  Gabrielle was a different subject completely.

  Throughout the two weeks without Amelia, we hardly saw Gabrielle and only knew she was still alive when we had to begrudgingly sign for huge bouquets of expensive flowers and gifts from her admirers. When she entered the flat she would seem so surprised that the presents were for her then she thought it was a good idea to put us out of our misery and say us, ‘Awww, John is so sweet,’ as she read the silver card attached to the latest diamond bracelet.

  The sick looks on our faces didn’t faze her as she continued, ‘John is so sweet but I think he should know me by now…I don’t do normal gold, only platinum, so I might give this to someone for their birthday. I think Shilpa’s birthday is next, isn’t it? Do you think she’ll like it, Neets?’ She purred as she flaunted it in my face.

  I didn’t entertain her gloating so I just shrugged my shoulders but my lack of response didn’t deter Gabrielle as she went on, ‘I do like John but he’s a little boring so I might just see him once in the week and continue to see Carlos at the weekend.’ She grabbed another dowry but this time it was platinum, diamond encrusted ring encased in a beautiful dark green cashmere scarf. ‘You see Carlos knows me so well and he’s so much fun but he’s away with football so when we do finally have time together we have to make it extra special,’ she bragged as me and Anya just looked at each other in despair.

  Anya couldn’t take anymore and decided to bring Gabrielle down from the clouds a little. ‘So if these men want you so much where is the engagement ring?’ she questioned as Gabrielle went bright red with embarrassment. She quickly packed away her gifts and answered, ‘I’m not ready to settle down yet. I want to be sure I have found Mr. Right first.’ Anya was very quick with her retort and swiftly asked, ‘but I thought Carlos was the perfect one at the moment? But you do know what they say about footballers, yes?’ Gabrielle fumed with anger and I know this meant there was the potential for an argument, which I didn’t want to be near, and with that notion I decided to pretend to get some water from the kitchen, still listening to what could be the cause of World War Three. ‘What do they say then, Anya? I always respect your opinion on men as you have so much experience with them,’ Gabrielle spat out to an unaffected Anya.

  Anya got up and walked into her room and Gabrielle smiled as though she thought she won the battle.

  Big mistake as you never win an argument with Anya!

  Anya came back into the lounge clutching a mustard version of the cashmere scarf Carlos had just bought for Gabrielle along with the same platinum diamond encrusted ring, ‘I do know a lot about men Gabrielle and I know that a footballer will never only have one voman.’ Anya announced as Gabrielle compared Anya’s gifts to her own and went running into her room.

  ‘I’m sorry Nita but she had to know,’ Anya professed as she threw the items onto the sofa as though they were nothing but the TV Guide. ‘It’s ok. She was getting on my nerves with all her boasting but at least she knows what type of guy he is now,’ I replied.

  We went back to the sofa with our glasses of wine, ate the remains of the Chinese takeaway from last night and settled down to our daily dose of soap opera action.

  Five minutes later Gabrielle stormed out and spent the next few days at mum and dads which meant I had a peaceful few days to myself in the flat.


  Although having the whole flat to myself was tempting (Anya was on a ‘business trip’ in Austria for a week with Dolph), the thought of having a naked, hot, sweaty Angus in bed beside me was even more tempting; so after spending a week at the Golders Green flat with a routine of work, mind blowing sex, takeaways (why leave the bedroom when the food can come straight to you?) and lots of expensive wine, I thought I was in heaven!

  It was exciting to wake up with him, and then see him in action at work thinking, ‘look at my powerful man speaking to all these rich, influential investors! I wonder if they knew he wasn’t just powerful in the boardroom but between my legs too!’ The thought jumped out of my head as I was brought back to reality by the telephone ringing. ‘Hello, AG Cathal. Mr. Maguire’s office, how may I help you?’ I droned as I felt cheated out of my beautiful daydream. ‘Nita, its mummy. Can you call round today after work?’ my mum asked as she started sobbing.

  I hated it when my mum cried as she never does unless it’s something serious!

  I finished work early, promising Ann I would come in early the next day as I had a family emergency and sent Angus an email telling him I couldn’t see him tonight.

  He understood and hoped nothing was wrong with my mum so I jumped on the Tube and prayed no one had died.

  Although maybe I
should have saved that prayer!

  Mum was sat in her dressing gown and I could see a well refreshed tumbler next to her with, with what smelt like straight brandy on the rocks.

  Her eyes were bloodshot red and there were lots of used tissues around her and shards of broken dishes on the floor. ‘Breakdown?’ I thought as I rushed over and gave her a big hug. ‘He’s been cheating! The bastard has been fucking cheating!’ she shouted as I pulled her away to check her face for lies.

  ‘What do you mean, mum? Who’s been cheating?’ I asked as though I tried to push the answer out of my mind. She turned to me, wiped her tears, composed herself and handed me her mobile phone, ‘listen to the message,’ she said as she dialled her voicemail and on speakerphone.

  I paused with shock as to what I was hearing!

  It was a lady with a strong Indian accent.

  She seemed very forceful and determined as she continued, ‘hello Niamh. Its nice to finally speak to the woman who thinks its ok to steal other women’s husbands but what more could I have expected from a woman like you,’ she laughs as she resumes, ‘but isn’t it funny that you took him from me many years ago, but after trying out the dirty trashy Niamh, he’s come back home to the real class! I don’t blame you for being angry or upset though and I will tell him off after he makes it up to me tonight after our romantic dinner and trip to his parent’s to show them we’re back together. Although his mother already knows as she was the one who really instigated our reunion! What a wonderful woman, I’ve always thought of her as my own mother and now she has her real daughter-in-law back. What did you do to make her hate you so much Niamh? I guess even your half bred children didn’t help you get accepted by the family. Oh well time to get ready for when he comes home again. I really do wish you the best with the future. No hard feelings,’ the call ended.

  I was so angry at being called a half bred, I nearly snapped the phone in half, ‘who the hell is this woman, mum?’ I shouted as though this woman was sat in front of me.

  Mum poured me a drink. ‘It’s Shampa. Your father’s first wife,’ she said slowly as she gulped down her drink.

  We sat there in silence for a moment as this woman was only ever referred to as, ‘the pervious one,’ and never had a name so it was surprising to put a name to the craziness!

  ‘Mum, don’t listen to this woman! She’s obviously crazy! It’s been over 20 years and she’s still got this obsession with dad. Its clearly all lies, dad would never cheat on you,’ I begged as I continued to hug her.

  She shook her head as though my words just fell on deaf ears, ‘so, why has he been so secretive for the past few weeks then?’ she questioned, ‘you’ve seen him take his phone calls outside the room! He’s been coming home later than usual, I can smell perfume on his clothes; what else can you say to defend him, Nita? I know he’s your father but all the proof is there!’ she said calmly.

  I had no answers!

  ‘Have you spoken to dad about this?’ I enquired. She shook her head and continued, ‘I only got the phone calls today. She called at midday and started her ranting about him loving her and being with her so I hung up and when I put it to go straight to voicemail she decided to leave the message,’ she explained whilst refilling her drink.

  ‘Ok, well I think you should forget about this insane woman for the time being, I’ll run you a nice, bubbly bath and we’ll get a takeaway and relax. How does that sound?’ I tried as I walked upstairs to get the bath started, I looked back to see her just nod sadly and I went to get the candles and muscle soak.

  After ushering her to the bathroom, I cleaned up the smashed china, poured myself another large drink and ordered the takeaway.

  Five minutes later as I settled down on the sofa, trying to focus on Coronation Street, another drama was about to start as the door handle turned and dad entered the house.

  ‘Oh, hiya Nita, it’s a surprise to see you here on a weekday. You ok? Where’s mum?’ he asked seemly unaware of the recent events of today.

  Before I could reply, we were distracted by a huge suitcase flying down the stairs. ‘Get the fuck out you lying bastard’ I heard mum shout from the top of the stairs as she came down in a storm.

  My father looked at me in shock and I looked back at him with no expression as he saw his raging wife descend upon him, with her arms waving, making me take cover to avoid getting caught in the hurricane.

  It was obvious that my father wasn’t prepared for the wrath of my mother as she caught him off guard with a few punches before he was able to restrain her and finally get some understanding of her fury. ‘What the hell is wrong with you, Niamh?’ he panicked. ‘I know about it all! Did you think I wouldn’t find out? Why would you marry me if you still wanted to be with her? Was I just a trial session? Just a bit of fun? Well fuck you Parwez! I don’t need you and never will so piss off,’ she spat as she hit him again.

  My father looked at me for help but when my mum was angry, I usually did the clever thing and back away as she was a very fiery woman when she got started. ‘What are you going on about? Are you going crazy?’ he gasped as he moved away from her.

  Never call an angry woman crazy and expect to get away with it!

  ‘Crazy? You think I’m crazy? You have no idea what crazy is,’ she screamed and with that the crystal vase Gabrielle bought them one Christmas, flew towards his head!

  Luckily, he ducked in time but there were more items aimed at him and I must admit I was very impressed at his speed and co–ordination at dodging them.

  ‘Nita, please be the voice of reason and tell me what has possessed your mother?’ he begged.

  ‘We know about your affair with Shampa, dad,’ I responded in a disappointed tone.

  It all got too much for my mum as she dissolved in tears and I went to comfort her.

  Dad grabbed a chair and sat down with his hands over his face and didn’t look up for a few minutes, as he looked like he needed to gather his thoughts.

  There was an air of silence as everyone looked at the broken items on the floor as they represented our past happiness and present misery. ‘I haven’t cheated on you, Niamh. You know you are my heart, my soul, my universe, just like our children are to me. I can explain everything, just give me the chance,’ he begged from a distance.

  The doorbell sounded, which distracted my attention as I forgot about the takeaway with all the recent commotion. I went to collect the food and threw the money at the delivery boy, and ran back into the room before my mother killed my father but when I re-entered, they were sat in the same positions with my mother looking into space and my father watching her with sorrow in his eyes.

  As I put the food on the table, she turned suddenly which made both me and my father jump and asked calmly, ‘I only have one question, have you met with her recently?’ I tried to telepathically beg my father to answer, ‘no’ straight away but my powers failed as he slowly responded, ‘yes I have, but it isn’t what you think,’ he alleged.

  I froze as I was close to him so anything she threw would most definitely hit me but she just looked away and continued, ‘you said you would never see her again, so what has changed?’ Dad must have been feeling brave as he slowly moved towards her and got down on his knees and softly answered, ‘I know but I can’t explain it just yet and especially not in front of Nita. Please give me a few days to sort it all out, Niamh?’

  Mum rose to her feet, walked to the front room door and announced, ‘I packed all the things you’ll need for a week, when you get an address I’ll get Renesh to bring round the rest of your things’

  We were both shocked and stood with our mouths open!

  I never thought this would ever happen. ‘Mum, please think about what you’re doing,’ I begged as I went over to her and looked in her eyes to make sure she wasn’t having a breakdown but she was completely calm which was the scariest part.

  Dad joined her at the front room door to beg her to reconsider but she was not interested.

  I cried
; he cried but none of this made any difference and after half an hour, he respected her decision and went to get the suitcase at the bottom of the stairs.

  I hugged him goodbye and tried to give him some positive words but all he could say was, ‘I would never cheat on your mother, Nita, and I will prove it to all of you!’ and with that he went through the front door and my world was torn apart.


  After speaking to a slightly concerned Ann, I managed to get the next few days off work due to family issues and decided to stay at my parents whilst preparing a rota for us all to spend time with mum.

  Monday – Sunday: I will stay with mum in the day and only stay Monday and Wednesday evenings (after all, I don’t want Angus to feel neglected).

  Tuesday and Thursday evenings: Renesh arranged to stay with mum and sometimes invite her to his house with Shilpa.

  Friday and Saturday evenings: Gabrielle reluctantly agreed to keep mum company, much to her annoyance as these were her nights out to look for potential suitors.


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