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A Tale of Two Pretties

Page 15

by Dawn Pendleton

As I sit here, listening to the gears grind in this rusty old truck, I’m wondering how in the hell we ended up here. D & I weren’t even friends two weeks ago, and now we’re roommates, taking road trips together, and spilling all our secrets to one another. Well, maybe not all our secrets. It’s been a whirlwind, for sure.

  My book is for sale, having sold just the one copy, but I’m hoping it will pick up. I want this career to work, I just feel so insignificant, especially in a community where everyone is out for themselves, or maybe that’s just how I see it. Who knows what will happen in Savannah…

  Until then, I’ll just go along for the gear-grinding ride. Or maybe I’ll force D to let me drive, ‘cause it’s painfully obvious she has no idea how to drive stick.




  Thanks for reading! The second book in the Hopeless in Hotlanta series, Catch Her in the Lie, will be available in September 2014. We hope you’ve enjoyed this book as much as we did writing it. And now, we have a few people to thank…

  To our husbands, who tolerated our incessant, late-night calls and texts, when one of us had another crazy idea for the book. They put up with our preoccupied minds, when dishes didn’t get done and the floors weren’t swept or vacuumed. Thank you both, from the bottom of our hearts.

  To our fellow authors, whose real conversations inspired so many scenes in this and future books. Hilarity is a gift, and you all possess it!

  To Elizabeth Sharp of Sharp Designs, for creating the cover. We both adore it!

  To Jordan, who beta read this book and provided invaluable feedback. And also for laughing at our stupid jokes and demanding book 2.

  To Anna, who gave this book its final proofread.

  To Magan’s muse, Joshua Sean McCann, whose tattoos were inspirational.

  To Dawn’s muse, Zac Efron, who’s yolo tattoo made it into this book, even though he’s gotten rid of it.


  About the Authors

  Magan Vernon

  Magan Vernon is a Young Adult and New Adult writer who lives with her family in the insurance capital of the world. When not writing she spends her time fighting over fake boyfriends via social media.

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  Dawn Pendleton

  Dawn Pendleton is a new adult author who began her writing journey in New England with her husband and their pup, though she now resides in Georgia and promptly became a Southern Belle (or so she likes to think). When she isn't staring at a blank page, willing the words to jump from her head to the screen, she's usually playing on her iPhone, reading a book, or taking pictures with her fancy camera (which she has no idea how to use).

  You can catch up with Dawn:

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  More Books From Dawn Pendleton:

  Broken Series:

  Broken Promises

  Broken Dreams

  Broken Pieces

  Broken Valentine

  Best Friends Forever Series


  An excerpt from The Wrath of Sin by Tabatha Vargo and Melissa Andrea

  I was practically floating on air the next morning. I was excited for all the possibilities the week ahead held. It’d been so long since I had a vacation of any kind. I was always looking after others, not that I didn’t love what I did, but it was time to look after me.

  I made an appointment at the spa and spent most of the day there. I thought about inviting Nicole—she was the closest thing I had to a best friend—but I wanted my day to be about me and only me. Nicole was a sweet girl, but she tended to make everything about her in some way or another.

  Who knew a massage could feel like the next best thing to an orgasm and chocolate? I didn’t want to leave the table when my time was up, but I somehow found the strength.

  I got my toes and fingernails done and even had time to get my hair cut and colored. By the time I left the spa, I was a brand new person. When I got home, I called Nicole to see if she wanted to hang out.

  “Well, look who’s still alive and kicking,” Nicole said sarcastically.

  “Sorry, girl. Things have been crazy since I picked up more hours at the practice.”

  “Look at you being a big fancy doctor.”

  I laughed. “It’s not as exciting as it sounds, believe me. How are you?”

  “You know… I’m still me.” Which meant she was single and on the prowl, but that was nothing new.

  “You want to go out tonight?” There was silence on the other end, and I checked the screen of my cell to see if I’d dropped the call. “Hello? Nicole?”

  “I’m here. Sorry, I was waiting for the rest of the joke.”

  “Ha, ha, ha. I’m being serious.”

  “Holy shit, yes!” She practically moaned into the phone. “Where?”

  I turned to look at the dress hanging from my closet door. “The Roaring Fork?” I thought about going somewhere new, but it was my favorite restaurant. I had the entire week to try new things.

  “You don’t have to ask me twice. I’m there. What time?”

  We finished out the details for meeting up later and hung up. Lying back on the bed, I fell asleep. Hours later, I woke up with plenty of time to get ready.

  I was looking forward to what the night held, and who knew? Maybe I’d see the bartender again. My thoughts were full of excitement as I put on my red lipstick. I did a simple French braid with my hair that cascaded over my shoulder so it didn’t take away the sex appeal of the dress.

  Walking over to the dress, I snipped the price tags and slipped it off the silk hanger. Laying it on the bed, I debated on whether or not I wanted to add the thigh-highs and decided against it, leaving them on the bed.

  I pulled the dress up and it fit like a second skin. It been a long time since I had anything that required no bra, but I liked the way the material felt against my nipples so I didn’t mind it.

  Slipping on my heels, I sprayed on perfume in all the right places. My phone rang and I knew it was my cab, saying they were there. When I got to the restaurant, the valet opened my door for me. It wasn’t the first time he’d done that for me, but it was the first time I’d ever gotten that look from him.

  “Dr. Gelding,” he said around the lump in his throat.

  “Thank you,” I said with a wink and enjoyed the red that heated his cheeks.

  Thanks to the valet, I entered the restaurant with more confidence than I knew what to do with. The hostess spotted me and she tried to cover her shock with a delayed smile.

  “Dr. Gelding… how are you this evening?”

  “I’m good, Linda.”

  “I’m sorry, but your father isn’t here yet…” she said, picking up two menus from her podium.

  “Actually, I’m meeting a friend tonight.”

  More shock. “Oh, would you like your regular table still?” She said it as if I’d be cheating on my regular table if I said no.

  “Do you think I could sit at the bar tonight?”

  “Of course. Right this way.” She set down the menus, and I followed her to the bar.

  I couldn’t stop myself from searching for the bartender’s familiar face. I was disappointed when I saw someone different working tonight.

  “Do you know if the bartender from last night will be here later?” I whispered to Linda.

  She smiled a knowing smile. “Ben? I don’t
think so, but I wouldn’t worry. Peter is just as nice.” She winked and leaned onto the counter and whistled for the bartender’s attention.

  He turned to look at Linda and his eyes shifted and caught mine. He smiled and tapped the bar top in front of him, ending the conversation with the man he was speaking with. He made his way over toward us.

  “Peter this is—”

  “Emily.” I interjected before she could introduce me as Dr. Gelding.

  Not that anything looked like it could intimidate the gorgeous man in front of me, but I decided it was better if he just knew me as Emily.

  “Emily. Take extra good care of her.”

  “My pleasure,” he purred, and Linda smiled again, walking toward the front.

  “What’ll you have, Emily?”

  “Surprise me,” I told him, enjoying his sexy grin.

  “My kind of woman. I’ll be right back.”

  I looked around the room and realized that I never actually paid attention to my surroundings when I came for dinners with my father. I had no idea if any of these people were regulars, too. I checked toward the front, scanning the crowd for Nicole, but I didn’t see her.

  “Here you go.” He set a drink in front of me.

  “What’s it called?”

  “A screaming orgasm,” Nicole said before he could.

  I turned around to see her slipping into the empty seat next to me.

  “The lady knows her drinks,” he said.

  “She does indeed.” Nicole flirted.

  “Can I get you the same?”

  “Yes, you can,” she nearly growled.

  When he walked away, I turned toward her. “You’re here!” I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her in for a hug.

  “A girls’ night out? No one could’ve kept me away. Unless handcuffs were involved, then you would’ve been on your own. However, it looks like you’re in good company.” Her eyes got wide as she tilted her head in the direction of the bartender.

  I laughed. “I haven’t made any commitments. The night’s still young.” I tipped my drink at her and took a sip.

  She shook her head. “What’s gotten into you?”

  I frowned. “What do you mean?”

  “You seem different. Cute dress.”

  That was her way of saying it was something she never thought she’d see me in, and she was right.

  “I feel different, and thank you. It was spontaneous.”

  “I like the new you, Em.”

  “Here you go.” Peter was back and placing Nicole’s drink in front of her.

  “Thank you, sugar,” she drawled sweetly. “Don’t go too far now.”

  Nicole wasn’t a native to Arizona, but she’d been living here for five years and her Carolina accent hadn’t faded in the least. It was all part of her southern charm and it seemed to drive the men around her wild.

  She was far from ordinary and she stuck out in all the right ways. I envied her easy attitude and the way she managed to catch the attention of everyone around her. She was far from boring.

  “I didn’t know you ended it with what’s-his-face.” She drummed her purple-painted nails on the bar.

  “Ethan? I haven’t.”

  Her eyes bugged. “Holy shit, you are different.”

  “We’re not exactly a couple.” I was quick to defend my actions, but it was true.

  Ethan and I had never made things official. It was casual and the fact that I wasn’t seeing anyone else had nothing to do with him.

  “So what’s this all about?”

  I took a deep breath and another drink. “I’m tired of being boring, Nicole.”

  “You get to be in the heads of some damaged people. Your life’s not boring.”

  “I’m not talking about my life. I’m talking about me. I’m boring. I don’t want to be boring anymore. Just from the cab ride to seeing you, I’ve managed to shock everyone who knows me. That’s never a good sign.”

  “It looks like you’re on the right path. You seriously look hot. I’d do you.” She shrugged and took a drink.

  “You’re not just saying that, are you?”

  “Nope. I’d do you right here in front of everyone.”

  I laughed. “Thanks.”

  “I think this is good for you. You need some fun in your life, and I’m just the woman to help you with that.”

  “What do you mean?” I looked at her suspiciously. Knowing her, her idea of fun was stealing a car and ending up in a Mexican jail.

  “Truth or dare.”


  “You heard me! Truth or dare?” She nudged me with her shoulder.

  “Don’t you think we’re a little old for that?”

  “You’re never too old for truth or dare. Besides, we’re playing the adult version. So what’ll it be?”

  I thought about it for only a second before blurting my answer. “Dare.”

  “A woman after my own heart. Okay, I dare you to…” She pressed a finger to her pursed lips and then smiled. “I dare you to kiss a stranger.”

  “What? I thought you’d start me off small and simple!”

  “I told you we were playing the adult version. There is no such thing as small or simple. Come on, don’t chicken out on me now.”

  “Fine!” My heart felt like it was going to explode from my chest. “Who’s it going to be?”

  “Let’s see what we’re working with.” We both turned in our chairs and then I remembered there was one prospect I wouldn’t mind kissing.

  “What about Peter?”

  “Who’s Peter?”

  “Keep your voice down.” I shushed her. “The bartender.”

  “Too easy. You need a challenge.” She continued to look around, and I tried to finish my drink. I was going to need the courage. “Hmm… what about that guy?” She pointed toward the crowd of people.

  “Who?” I arched my neck.

  “Right there. Mr. Tall-dark-and-brooding.”

  I spotted him before she finished describing him. “I know him,” I whispered.

  “You know him?”

  “Why do you say it like that?” I took offense at her tone.

  “He doesn’t exactly look like someone who’d run in your circle.”

  “Well, I don’t know him, know him,” I said with a wave of my hand. “I ran into him, literally, last night outside this restaurant.”

  He looked different. Gone was the old hoodie and jeans, and in its place was a plain white button-down and newer jeans. He hadn’t shaved completely, but he’d trimmed to a light stubble. He wasn’t looking in our direction, and that gave us the opportunity we needed to openly stare at him.

  “Maybe he’s following you.”

  I rolled my eyes. I wasn’t exciting enough to have a stalker. “Or maybe this is a really popular restaurant. I mean, I come here all the time.” I wanted to ask what that said about me, but I was afraid of her answer.

  “Well, he seems harmless enough.”


  “It’s not like you’re going to go home with him… right?”

  “Of course not.”

  I wasn’t at all hesitant about kissing the mysterious stranger. I’d be lying if I said he hadn’t popped into my head once or twice after I ran into him. Memories of my late-night fantasy popped in my head.

  I finished my drink and set my clutch on the bar.

  “Here goes nothing.” Standing, I smoothed down my dress.

  “Go get ‘em.”

  She made a catcall as I walked away and I swiped my hand at her from behind my back. She snickered, but I ignored her as I was swallowed in the crowd.

  As I emerged on the other end, I suddenly had the urge to turn around and run, but then he turned and his eyes locked in on mine and I knew there was no turning back now.

  “Hi,” I said, stopping in front of him. I rushed on in case this was going to be anything like last night’s conversation. “Do you remember me? From last night?” He frowned and I realized how thi
s was sounding to him, and I blushed. Like a damn schoolgirl, I blushed. “I ran into you… here,” I said quickly. “Well, actually outside. I was the babbling tipsy girl? Not much different than tonight.”

  “I remember,” he finally said. His voice sounded like sandpaper and I enjoyed the effect it had on my body.

  “Good. Otherwise, I started this off all wrong.”

  “Started what off all wrong?”

  I didn’t know if telling him about the dare voided it, but despite Nicole’s best effort to convince me this was the adult version of truth or dare, I suddenly felt very foolish and in no way wanted him to know what was going on.

  “It doesn’t matter.” I was starting to doubt my own ability to actually pull this off, and I found myself taking a step back. “Well—”

  “Nice…” His eyes roamed down my body, stopping me from going anywhere, and it was almost as if he were touching me. I wanted him to be touching me. “Shoes.” His eyes found mine again.

  “They’re the color of sin,” I blurted.

  He closed the distance between us and I fought to breathe. “Sin suits you.”

  Maybe it was because he looked like he needed it as much as I did. Maybe it had a lot to do with the liquid courage flowing nicely through my system. Or maybe I just needed to prove that I could let go. Either way, I knew it had absolutely nothing to do with sanity.

  I didn’t want to give him time to react, so before I could talk myself out of it, I lifted up on my toes and pulled his face toward mine.

  And damn if sin didn’t suit him, too.

  Stalk Tabatha Vargo

  Be sure to check out more from Tabatha!

  Playing Patience

  Perfecting Patience

  Finding Faith (

  On the Plus Side (


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