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Common Sense Doesn't Become Me

Page 4

by CJ Hawk

  "Hey." My voice was super enthusiastic. "Carl loves you. That is all that matters. He loves you for you. The you that is better than all of his family combined and any co-workers times ten. He loves you because you are gorgeous. You are kind and giving. You always say the right things to people when they need to hear it. You are smart." She interrupted me.

  "Not smart enough to get a college degree let alone a high school degree." Her voice held regret.

  "You got your GED. That's good enough. As far as college, think about all the people that do go and never amount to anything, or they just aren't good stalk, if you know what I mean. It's the person you are not the piece of paper that says how smart you are."

  She laughed and looked across me to the big window with the box seat. "Is that his place?"

  I turned and looked dreamily over my shoulder. "Yeah." Then the room fell silent. When I turned and looked back to her, she had her eyes big and a huge question mark hanging over her head.

  "We've got plenty of time to go all ga-ga over my pregnancy. I think we need to discuss what happened with Steve, then being kissed by the sexy super across the alley."

  "We do... however, Steve is O. V. E. R." I spelled it out. "I should have known better, seen the signs, figured out the what's up situation." I said what's up like I was a gangster. I was going to have to quit acting all party gangster after Wednesday. It was part of my twenty or so step plan to mature and grow up. However, whenever I did talk gangster, Marion and I always got a good laugh.

  She held doubt in her voice. "Really? Because the day before your family birthday party you were hoping, he might step it up a notch. I don't think you were thinking ring, but some type of commitment. It sounded like you wanted it to reach the horizon. You can't be over him that quick."

  I bit the inside of my mouth while thinking. "I suppose. I am still a bit hurt and confused. It was all so surreal. Him being late. My cousin saying something about why is he wearing a ring and then his wife. Ack. That was scary. I hope she doesn't plan on hunting me down, driving me over with her car or worse." I shivered with the thought.

  "I doubt it. And hey, I hate to say it, but you probably weren't his first. The reason the wife figured it out so quickly. Look. Guys like Steve are a dime a dozen. If they think they can get away with it, they will. They look good, say the right things, and plan appropriately by having an excuse for everything. Now this Mason guy, you did say his name was Mason, right?"

  "Yeah. Montahue." I paused and looked at her, waiting to see if she recognized the last name.

  "The Montahue. Like as in the one that manages this building, has the billboards all over town, you make your rent check out to?" Her last word hung in the air. If I wasn't certain, we both were thinking how awkward to write a rent check to your lover that manages the building. Although, he was not managing right now, nor was he my lover - yet, he was being the super and super kisser was more like what I was thinking about.

  While I was thinking about Mason, Marion had her own friendly advice she wanted me to listen to. In one ear and out the other, that seems to be my motto. Because while she was offering very good advice like take it slow, don't give out too much too soon, see if you can establish a friendship first. All her advice was great advice but all I could think about was the color of his skin against my naked skin. Those large hands he bragged about being so skilled with. His eyes and how the color of them just mesmerized me. Then there is the fact that he is built with muscles and hardly any fat that he could easily have been a stage dancer in the Magic Mike movie.

  "Earth to Amber?" Marion joked as she waved her hand in front of my face. "Something tells me that everything I just said will go..." I finished the saying for her.

  "In one ear and out the other?" It came out in a meek squeak with a questionable smile on my face that hopes she forgives me for being so self-centered with my thoughts on Mason.

  "Exactly." She laughed. She knew when I was too far-gone in my own demise that no amount of talking common sense would cure me. She did what any great best friend would do at that time, she changed the subject. "So what happened after Carl and I left the restaurant Miss Party Girl?"

  It did not take Marion and me long to be deep into a retake of my family birthday party. She mentioned that it wasn't really all that bad, but she was an awful liar. Deep down, I knew I would not be going back to that expensive Italian restaurant anytime soon, at least not in this decade. Too bad as it was a really romantic restaurant for couples or small parties, and I could easily envision Mason and Carl drinking from a cut glass, as Marion and I giggled over, just about anything as we liked to. I could easily see Carl and Mason having drinks, talking business, hitting the golf course together, which was scary for me, because I was basically envisioning marrying the guy and having his kids. I needed to apply some brakes to my mental race.

  A knock at my apartment door drew both of our attention to stare at the door, as if we could see right through to who was standing there. For a fleeting second, I held my breath thinking what if? What if Steve's wife decided I was worth the kill after all? Then we both looked at each other, shrugged our shoulders, and I was about to call out 'who's there' when his Latin bad-boy voice practically sang out. Well, at least to me, it did. "Amber? It's Mason. I've got your laundry. I saw you come in with someone while I was working on Mr. Cather's door hinge. Hey, Mrs. Hatley had an issue with you monopolizing the laundry room..."

  He did not have time to finish. I swung my door open so fast, the air behind it was sliced in half. "Hey!" No lack of excitement on my part. Then I noticed it. My laundry basket with my three loads of laundry. Washed, dried and oh my garsh... did he fold it too?

  "Can I come in?" He asked in a way as if I could never say no. He produced a sex-laden appeal that even got a smile out of Marion.

  I stepped aside and let him in as I watched him walk over and set my laundry on the very hard window bench from which I first caught sight of him. When he turned to look at me, he gave my body a quick grazing that sent a nice warm happy feeling to the core of my, well you know. Then he looked at Marion with his inquisitive sexy mysterious eyes and smiled.

  I stumbled on the first part with laughter. "Mason." I pointed to Marion. "Marion meet Mason." Then I pointed to Mason. Out of my silliness, I just introduced the wrong name to the wrong person. Marion bailed me out fast.

  "Hi Mason. I'm Marion. Amber's best friend. I heard she put on quite a show for you." She laughed, and I glared. She should not have reminded him. Then she smiled at me with raised eyebrows to say 'what?' and all was forgiven. I could never stay mad at her or think her intentions were ill wished. She was just funning with the ever chaotic and dramatic person we call me.

  He stepped forward and shook her hand hello, and then he turned back to me. "Sorry. Mrs. Hatley apparently does not like your Monday morning laundry routine as she called it, and since I am new here, and she seems to think I give a dang about who monopolizes the laundry room, not saying that you are. I just figured it would be easier to take your things out of the dryers."

  "So?" I stood there looking at my perfectly folded clothes wondering if all my lacy things like bras were at the bottom or did he fold those too? "It wasn't Mrs. Hatley that folded them?"

  He laughed and looked at me straight in the face. "No. That would be me."

  The room grew suddenly quiet and in less than two seconds, Marion was out the door hollering, she will call me later. She has never left without a hug good bye. I think she felt the same storm brewing that I did, and it wasn't the kind that you cursed at; it was the kind where you hunker down with a sexy naked man and do things to pass the time. When a man folds laundry for a woman - that is like porn for women. Gulp.

  I finally got the nerve to look up into his eyes. Those gorgeous bluish greenish eyes that captivated me with their mere brightness and invitation to just jump right on in and take a swim. His eyes were smiling, but they were also singing Latin love songs to my heart. He finally broke the tranc
e and walked over and closed my apartment door, all while turning his ringer on his phone to mute. When he turned to me, I wanted to melt into the floorboards.

  He started off with 'it's no big deal'. I laughed lightly. Then he continued on explaining. "I have three sisters and don't think that I didn't have to deal with their laundry a time or two. I just felt it was easier and perhaps nicer being it's your birthday and all, so I folded them for you."

  I stumbled out. "Actually Wednesday is my birthday."

  "I know that. However, someone as special as you should celebrate all week long." He said it like his tongue just ran up and down my body giving me the shivers, or perhaps; I only imagined that.

  I let my hand slowly stroke up his arm, and over his shoulder until my wrist draped over it, and my hips moved in close to him within inches. I tilted my head while looking up at him with bedroom eyes and realized that I was not in control of my body. My body was in control of my mind, which I was feeling completely out of control. I had such a sexual desire standing next to this man. The man who just folded my laundry and brought it up to me. Not only was he incredibly sexy naked, although I only got to see it from a separation of an alleyway, guessing twenty or thirty feet between buildings, give or take a few feet. I was drawn in by his eyes. It was as if they could look at me and undress me with a sensual stroke. I could look into his eyes and declare that I found euphoria. "I don't normally do this kind of thing."

  His voice stroked my skin when he replied with something so very unexpected. "Well I guess that just makes me a very lucky man."

  I did not have to finish with my seduction that I was planning in my head. Mr. sexy super, Mason soon to be CEO Montahue, naked or dressed, slowly lowered his lips to mine as his strong hands wrapped themselves up onto places on my body that had me reeling for more. I felt his right hand slip behind my head, touching my neck and entangling his fingers into my hair. I felt his other hand glide onto my hip and to the lower of my back pulling me in closer to him. I let my lips open just a bit as his pursued mine that held a tingling sensation to them. I had never felt that vibe with another man before, not in the way his lips were pressing against mine. Just as his hot tongue dipped into my mouth a loud easy moan exited as I felt my body press itself hard against his, almost pushing him backward. If it wasn't for his strength from his body, I was pretty sure I could have knocked him back onto the couch with my passionate bravado. I was feeling pretty dang passionate right now, all this from just this kiss. This kiss, which far surpassed the little surprise he dropped on me earlier right before he left me spinning in the laundry room.

  When his lips pulled backward, his hand on my lower back started stroking my back, as his hand with his fingers entangled into my hair gently pulled my head backward a bit so he could look down into my eyes. He spoke while I felt like a melting mess right there on my hardwood floors.

  "Amber Jones. You are one sweet surprise I was not expecting with this job." He let out a light flirty laughter that made me realize that this attraction had just taken two to tango.

  I wanted to find my voice and talk, yet for once, I could not babble. I could not interject my goofy sense of humor that could talk its way out of a crowded room. I could not speak, nor could I move. My body was humming from toenails to hair follicles on the tip of my head. I was a humming strumming neon sign that was flashing the word 'GO'. There was no word that remotely meant stop that was going to exit my mouth, nor was I going to do anything that might be interpreted in the least bit as 'not tonight dear'. I just stood there with my lips slightly parted, wet from our kiss, my breath hitched and my eyes staring into his wondering if this was one wicked wet dream I would wake up from and kick myself for not following through. Then his voice held question as if he needed a go ahead.

  "Amber?" I felt his fingers stroke my face as he repeated my name in question, just as I felt the distance between us may have only increased by inches but felt like a mile. I wanted to be wrapped back up in his arms.

  I had been mentally undressing and seducing my neighbor slash hot super while he stood in my front room telling me a story about something that had to do with his sister's laundry or was it that he asked me if it bothered me. Either way, I did not remember.

  "Uh. Sorry." It was the only answer I could supply. My body was an inner molten mess from my own internal visioning that I had no words to describe my lack of interest in his conversation. I glanced at my laundry basket, and back to him while spurting out a comment. "Hey thanks by the way. In case, I didn't say it earlier. You didn't need to fold my stuff. Maybe next time I will leave one washer and dryer open." I let the last part come out in laughter as he took a step closer, back within the parameters that had put us in that last memorable sensual kiss.

  "You could or we could put a maintenance sign on the door and do our laundry together. I'm sure we could think of something to do while the wash and spin cycle complete."

  Oh my garsh. Did he just insinuate where my mind had just been? I guess my raised eyebrows caused him some caution on the 'you took it too far Latin lover' level.

  "I'm just kidding with you." He let his hand stroke my arm as he took that final step closer. This put him within my 'this is going to go somewhere naked' space. The space that is only reserved for lovers. Then before I could say a word, I watched his hand come up and softly stroke the side of my face as his fingers weaved into my hair and found themselves on the back of my neck. He took the last and final step it takes for a man to get ready to kiss a woman. His thumb tilted my chin up and his other hand landed on my back as our mouths met. This was sensual kiss number two, all in less than five minutes. I had to wonder, who was pursuing who, Latin lover?

  The feel of his lips was sexy as all get out. He had a sexy manly mouth that took my mouth and made it feel safe, secure and about to - oh my. He's leaning into my body, and if I am not mistaken as my hands have made their way to any part of his body I can touch and pull him closer; he's very happy to have folded my laundry.

  When he pulled back just a step, not that I wanted him to, I let out a deep 'ah' sound. I wanted to jump up acrobatically, wrap my legs around his body and proceed to take this kiss to an entirely different level.

  "Amber?" His voice was in question and there was no stroke of the fingers this time. His voice was real time; not imaginary play date time. "Amber, I guess I wanted to stop by and see if this attraction I'm feeling is somewhat real. I guess since we barely know each other."

  I don't know if I could agree with that. He was the super, and had access to the management records. He could probably find out that my first-year renting; I was late three times. Not so long ago I lapsed in the required renter's insurance out of sheer inability to remember to pay the bill. Now that I am on auto pay, grouped on the same policy as my car insurance, so there will be no lapsing as I was learning to grow up in the bill-paying department. He knew my name, first and last. Well, I guess we both did now. However, most importantly, he knew what I looked like naked and in a roundabout fair play sort of way, he let me see him naked too. We were just a level higher than mere acquaintances; we could easily be friends with benefits. At the same time, something in me knocked on my brain. 'You want more now, don't you?' And that, I was sure, that I did.

  "Mason?" I said it while trying to look into his eyes that just made me want to shut up and let him kiss me again.

  He took a step back but left his hand holding mine as if he did not want me out of his reach. "Look. My day is done. I've pulled a full shift and then some, well, considering all I had to deal with last night." He laughed lightly with a teasing note to his sentence. "How bout we go get an early bite to eat? Get to know each other a bit?"

  I did not have to think about it, but I wanted to put on something sexy. Do a little makeup and hair touch up, and make sure my push-up bra was causing an after dinner enticement that Mason could not refuse.

  "Give me an hour. You know. To put my laundry away." I looked at him with a bite of my lip and pleadin
g eyes that made his sexy smile widen on his face.

  He stepped forward, let his hand pull my chin up and kissed me lightly on the lips. "I'll give you all the time you need. Something tells me you are worth the wait."

  Hot tamales. Did they have a Latin lover class somewhere, because if they did, I can assure you that boy passed with all A pluses on his report card.

  One hour later, precisely, he was at my door, with a nice pair of jeans, leather loafers, a well-pressed blue shirt slightly open and sleeves rolled up. He looked sexy combined with the smell of cologne that made me want to breathe in deep. I let him inside, with myself dressed in my bar jeans, black tank top and black push-up bra to give the girls a view. I made sure the matching black thong did not feel left behind. I was down to deciding on which shoes to wear. The shoe decision might have been delayed with the smoky eye makeup and few extra curls in my hair.

  He let out a low appreciation whistle while his eyes undressed the very outfit that took too long to decide on wearing. Well not the bra and thong. That was a quick decision.

  "Wow. Amber. If I didn't know better, you get more gorgeous by the minute."

  Ok. Ladies. Here is where I want to break out in song and dance, and no, I am not drunk. I am listening to my heart pound in my ears, my chest restricting, my toes curl, and my lovely lady spot vibrating. Then before I could say a word, he kissed me again. This time, we had to work together to close the door behind him as we fell against it moaning and kissing.

  I pulled away first. I could have easily pulled another reckless love moment, but a little notion told me he wanted to know more, establish a friendship and so did I. It was either that, or cupid just shot me with the 'stop being stupid' arrow.


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