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T-47 Book II (Saxon Saga 6)

Page 5

by Frederick Gerty

  Lori screamed, shocked, furious at first, started to stand to lash out at this stupid woman, but hands held her downward, as someone said, “This is what it felt like, yes, that night, all alone, in the dark, with the assassins all around you.” She took a breath, and gasped again as more mud splashed on her, reliving the horror, her eyes closed, wondering why they did this to her, forced to relive it, in her mind. And admit, that yes, yes, this is what if felt like. Only some of it was warmer. She sat there, immobile, her anger growing, as someone was shoved roughly down next other. “And you, Monsieur, you too felt the dirt and the blood and the helpless feeling, there in the dark, did you not?”

  More clay splattered on her, deflected from Hunter, who gasped also. Enough of this shit, enough, she thought...

  “But now, this time, you will be clean, cleansed by the sea water, and be made whole once more.”

  A heavy stream from the pail of the warmer sea began to course over her, and again, more and more, pail after pail, and she sat there, and let it wash away the clay, the silt, the memory of blood and gore and dirt and sweat and horror of that night. She relaxed, opening her eyes to see herself nearly spotless as her scant nighty was lifted off and away, and Hunter, he also cleansed, poured more seawater on and over her, and she lifted her head, and let him rinse her.

  “Now, carry your lady to the sea, and bathe her there, Monsieur.”

  Slowly, carefully, reverently, Hunter slid an arm under her legs, and one behind her back, and lifted her, she put her arm over his shoulders, and he carried her slowly into the sea. Small, little wavelets washed ashore, as he waded out waist deep, and eased her into the water, down and down until it covered her, and up and down again, three times. Lifting her higher, he held her, hugging her, as both her arms came up and around his neck. He let her legs go, sliding down until she stood in front of him. “Lori, I love you. Now and forever.” Then he said, “OK? You feel OK? Clean now?”

  “Yeah. More...better, now.” She looked at Mme. Rothfeld, half covered with the clay herself, holding the bucket, who looked back at her, and smiled.

  “Encore?” she said.

  “No. Once–no more–is enough.” Lori smiled faintly, not so sure if she appreciated this early morning treatment, or not, but had to admit, it did make her feel better. Much better. Especially with Hunter there, holding her and rinsing her off. That was nice. “But I’d like a shower, too. A hot, soapy one, OK?”

  “Oh, oui. Excellent, allons,” Mme. Rothfeld said, gesturing at them, and starting back up the path, still a bit clayey herself. She led the way up and into their suite and into the bathroom and to the shower, already going, with two Kobi there, who immediately began dousing and washing both humans, scrubbing them with loofahs and coconut and jasmine scented soaps, washing and rinsing their hair with sweet shampoo. By the time they left the shower, and the servants dried them off with thick towels and warm air for their hair, Mme. Rothfeld returned, clean and dry herself, all smiles and full of good cheer, pleased with herself.

  “You look better, mes amis. And in a day or two, you will have a beauty treatment, you are so frail and thin, Ma Cherie, you need some pampering, n’est pas?” She reached out, took Lori’s hand, and looked at Hunter. “She will have anything she wishes, while she is guest on this island. No one will disturb her, or trouble her in any way. And then she will get energy again. Comprendre?”

  “Oui, Madam,” Hunter said.

  “Bon. Et maintenant, dejeunier.” She waved to the servant, and thin drapes to the balcony parted, where a cart waited, with pancakes already on the grill. On an elaborately set dark table, they received plates of pancakes, topped with fresh strawberry sauce, warmed and thick, crisp bacon, cool pineapple, heavy, hot stewed pears with a dollop of vanilla ice cream, juice, and tea or coffee. A plate of French pastries completed the setting.

  Mme. Rothfeld took breakfast with them, chatting on about the island, the weather, some of the neighbors, guests they’d entertained, and interjecting her admiration for Hunter and Lori, in a mixture of French and English, most of which Lori understood. After finishing, she and the servants vanished, Lori went to the bathroom, then out to say hello to Eagle One. When she returned, the bed was freshly made up, it looked so tempting, she couldn’t resist a return to it for a moment, thinking she wouldn’t sleep, but she did, dozing off until late morning. Not a sound, a shout, an engine, nothing, disturbed her.

  After eleven, she walked down to the lower level, and found most of the crowd sitting in the shade on the patio near the pool. When the kits saw her, they looked at Mme. Rothfeld, and she waved at the pool. With a shriek, they jumped in, along with several youngsters of assorted skin colors, and began a lively game, their yells and shouts of joy punctuating the formerly silent place.

  Everyone stood and hugged and kissed Lori, asking how she felt, and she took a cup of sweet tea, still a little groggy, but rested, and pleased.

  So went that day, and the next two, to the point of almost embarrassing her. She only had to seem like she was closing her eyes, and silence dropped around her like a bright fog. If she looked at something, it was brought to her. Servants followed her everywhere, on her brief daily walk, to the beach for an afternoon swim with the kits, or hovered nearby, behind her, when she sat by the pool, or anywhere else. Food and drinks were always at her elbow, pastries in the morning, fruit and cookies during the day, cheese and fruit and wine before dinner, and luscious cakes or creamy pies for dessert after sumptuous dinners. She swam a little, walked a little, and flew Eagle One for a half hour each day. Slowly, her despondency eased, began to leave, and not follow her.

  Late the second day, the Anawoka doctor, summoned or on a scheduled visit, Lori didn’t know, examined her once more, approved the removal of the remaining dressings, modified the prescriptions somewhat, and announced she could do anything she wanted now, her injuries were healed.

  The bird-like Anawoka, natives of the companion planet to Kalimanta, Lucipara, were known for their intellect, and often worked in the medical field. With long wings, they could fly on most planets, even those with higher gravity than their native world. Their golden-hued feathers, serious looking head and face, and fairly tall stature, though shorter than humans, presented a impressive appearance.

  The following morning, Mme. Rothfeld arrived after breakfast with two people dressed in crisp, white shirts and shorts. Two Kobi followed. She introduced them as the spa-operators, who were here to pamper her guests. So it began–a hot shower, then a body scrub, softly on her injured places, followed by a long massage with warm essential oils, a herbal wrap, cool tea and fruit, a facial, then shampoo and hair cut and set, nails manicured and buffed, unbelievably languid treatment for both she and Hunter, with soft music in the background. Finally, a soak in a hot bath, both together.

  One of the Kobi began to shave Hunter, and he held his head up, enjoying it. Finished, as they rinsed and massaged his face, he said to Lori, “Would you mind a shave, too?”

  She knew what he meant, and a tiny thrill surged up through her. It’d been so long, without him, and now she didn’t know how to entice him to her again, without looking anxious, or wanton. Maybe this would be the way. Maybe...

  “Where?” she said, looking serious, to tease him. She raised an arm to show the scant hair there. “Here?” He shook his head. She raised a leg. “Not much here,” and she lifted an eyebrow. Again, a shake of his head.

  “Higher,” he said, looking down into the water. “In between.”

  “My pussy hair?” she said, in mock surprise, her hands darting into the water to cover the spot.

  Again, a shake of the head. “No, just the labia–the lower parts. All the better to eat you up that way. And you know, the madam of the house is totally bare.”

  Again, a thrill ran up and down her body at the naughty idea of it all. She breathed in and out a couple of times. Looking at him, she said, “OK, but only if you do, too.”

  “Me, what?” he said, perplexed
, and a little anxious.

  “Your balls. And cock. And ass. I want them all slick and smooth.”

  Without hesitation, he said, “Deal.” He looked at the Kobi, standing next to the tub. “Give the lady the full treatment. Then do me.”

  Surprised, Lori looked at the Kobi. She produced a small, low stool, slid it into the tub, and pushed it under Lori’s legs. Lori rose up, and sat her ass on the stool. Her crotch just poked up out of the water. The Kobi lifted her legs up slowly, and carefully parted them, and motioned her to lean back, onto a cushion placed there. The second Kobi looped a thin ribbon of fabric under her left ankle, tied it to a handhold, keeping it up. She took the right leg, and held it high. Lori’s pussy lay open and wide to Hunter’s gaze. He stared at it and smiled. Lori saw his penis begin to poke up and out of the water.

  The first Kobi went to work, washing her pussy, then lathering it, and quickly began whisking the hair off her labia, with soft, short strokes of a small razor. Lori watched Hunter watching her with a small smile on his face, he leaning closer to her, but she closed her eyes, enjoying the slight sensations, and wondering how she’d look. She wondered if she’d look as good as Stephanie did in the VR and tapes on Eagle One. Stevie looked so feminine, so beautiful, so bountiful, could she ever look like that? She swallowed as the razor, and the soft manipulations went on.

  Too soon, she felt water running over her, rinsing the soap and hairs away. A second going over, shorter, and another rinse, and Hunter said, “Beautiful. You are magnificent. I’m so glad I can see all of you, at last.”

  Yes, and so can everyone else, she realized, too late. She opened her eyes, to see the Kobi releasing her legs, and sliding the stool out from under her bottom. They moved over to Hunter, and when his crotch emerged from the water, the tip of his engorged penis appeared first.

  “Well, won’t you look at you,” Lori said, seeing the erection already in full bloom. “How are they going to do anything with that?”

  “They’re quite talented,” he said, as he leaned back and let his legs be similarly hoisted and parted.

  She watched, fascinated, as they lathered his dangling balls, and deftly ran the razor over them, and very pink, smooth skin appeared. The underside of the shaft was next, easily done. Then the upper side, the long penis pushed down, and quickly shaved. A rinse, and a repeat, and his balls and now enormous looking erection lay fully revealed, all pink and wet, everything getting a final treatment of lotion of some sort. She stared at it, swallowed, and licked her lips, until it disappeared beneath the water again. He stood, and they ran over the slight hair on his buttocks, not much, really, but some, now gone.

  “Want another massage, or anything?” Hunter said, his voice thick, as he sat in the water again.

  “Yes. An internal one. But only from you. It’s been so long. I’m sorry, Hunter, I’m...” and her eyes began to water. But he moved to her at once, swashing the water around, leaning forward to hold her.

  “It’s OK. It’s OK. I understand. I’m in no rush. Whatever you want, whenever you’re ready, it’ll be fine with me.”

  She leaned against him, there in the steamy heat of the tub. “I’m ready,” she said faintly. “Oh, I’m so ready, for you.” She pushed up and away, looking at him, and added, “You rat, you knew this would do it to me, didn’t you?”

  “No, I didn’t,” he said, shaking his head. “But if it did, I’m glad. Want to go to the bed? Or do it here...”

  “No, the bed would be fine.”

  They stood up, and the Kobi rinsed and dried them both. Last, they massaged a cologne on his balls, and spritzed a perfume in Lori’s remaining pubic hair. Hunter lifted her up, and carried her out of the bathroom and over and onto the bed, where the covers were already pulled down, the sheets clean and crisp. The doors closed behind them.

  “You are so beautiful,” he said standing at looking at her, his penis sticking up and out, and bobbing at each heartbeat.

  “Even so naked?” she said, opening her legs. The air felt cool on her bare vulva. She wondered what she looked like.

  Hunter climbed onto the bed, between her legs. He looked at her and said, “Especially so.” He leaned forward, and began caressing her body, head to toes. She lay back, eyes closed, a dreamy look on her face.

  Soon, Hunters hands went to her vulva, and she gasped in pleased surprise. When he

  kissed her there, she gasped, and not long later she thought she’d faint. She didn’t. She just enjoyed his attention, the unbelievable sensation, wanting it to go on and on, feeling really wanton now, and not caring, lost in the joy of her femininity. And too soon, way to soon, she felt the joy of the touch of his mouth and tongue climb and peak and overwhelm her with a wicked sensation, that rocked her back and forth, as long lost pleasure returned in a rush. And she reached down, and pushed his head away.

  “Oh, too soon, way too soon, I was just getting started,” Hunter said, looking up at her.

  “Yeah, well, you finished me. Wow. I was so ready...” she said. Seeing him holding his erection, she said, “And so are you. Come on in, I’ve been waiting for you.”

  He went to get up, but Lori grabbed him. “No, this way, I want all of you. Every drop.”

  “Lori, you sure?”

  “Yeah. I’m not ovulating.” I hope.

  “Oh, man,” Hunter said, leaning down over her, and in a quick move, finding her opening, and sliding into it. “You are wet. And slippery. And incredibly tight.”

  New sensations vied for her attention, she did not answer. She arched her pelvis up, to get him going, and go he did, moving in and out, pushing on her bareness, his slick penis hot and big inside her.

  “Oh, how I’ve missed you,” he said.

  “And me, you. Now, enjoy me,” she said, pulling her legs up and apart, and holding them there, the better to feel him deep inside.

  He didn’t last long at all, just long enough for her to get going again, and she screamed as he groaned in her ears, she felt his throbbing, and felt something splashing inside her, warm and thick and incredibly a lot. A flood inside her. His flood. His love. All hers. Her legs came down and crossed on his back, holding him in place as his thrusts slowed, and stopped.

  “More. Don’t stop, don’t go already,” she said. She squeezed him with her muscles.

  “Mmmm,” he said, and kept going. Soon, within minutes, he was hard, and firm again, and he kept going until she came once more, and he stopped.

  They lay together, moist, warm, in love, and loving. They dozed, content.

  Later, they arose, took a brief shower, and went to join the others for a late lunch. As she waked out onto the patio, Mme. Rothfeld’s head dipped, as she looked at Lori’s pussy, and she smiled. Lori, naked, stopped at the chaise, and said, “I need a towel, he’s running out of me.” A wave from Mme. Rothfeld brought one instantly, and Lori sat down, pulling her legs up slightly. As Hunter went on past her, Mme. Rothfeld stopped him with a hand on his hip, and turned him to face her. She looked at his bare parts, and nodded.

  “C’est magnificent, n’est pas?” she said glancing at her husband. His parts were shaved as well, and he nodded and smiled. She reached out and pushed up on Hunter’s hanging balls. “Vide,” she said, nodding. “C’est bon.” She dropped her hand, looked up at Hunter, and smiled.

  “Champagne,” M. Rothfeld said, and when it appeared, he stood and offered a toast. “To the happy lovers. Joy in this place, always.”

  Lori was feigning sleep, on her side on the chaise later that afternoon, when the parents arrived. His, hers already here. They tip-toed in, everyone whispering, so as not to disturb her no doubt, and she did not want to greet them just yet. She still reveled in the glow of Hunter’s love making, and didn’t want to end that just yet. And she must have dozed off again, everyone was gone when she did sit up, finally, and she felt alone, looking around. But a servant must have passed the word, people hurried to her, for long embraces and tales of how much better she looked, how was
she feeling, and on and on.

  “Better,” she said, between hugs. “I even played some tennis yesterday afternoon.”

  More drinks appeared, Tarue and the kits came up and sat with her, the kits sniffing at her, but saying nothing. She looked at them and nodded, and they shivered at each other, knowing she’d had “the sex.”

  The arrival of more guests provided the occasion for one of the Rothfeld’s weekend parties that evening–a huge catered affair, with friends, politicians, generals, lobbyists, and other assorted rich and famous people at odd ends in the Carribean, anxious to see and be seen, and to meet the famous people from off world, and the infamous and wild woman, or so Lori still thought of herself, who brought them here. Lori and Hunter sat at a table with their parents, and Tarue, whenever she was not off somewhere talking to someone, enjoying the company and the meal. She suffered through the music and dancing, Hunter at her side most of the time, and she noticed he noticed the many slim and beautiful women circulating around in low cut, see through, or almost-not-there gowns and scant dresses. Even when he told her several times, “You are the most beautiful woman here, and everyone is jealous, and envious of me,” she didn’t believe him. But he sure acted like he felt that way, dancing with her whenever she would. Best, when she left the party early for bed, he came with her. Before bed, she flew Eagle One up and out and around the island, looking down at all the air cars parked everywhere, it seemed, most with soft blinking lights on, she followed discretely by two of the Rothfeld’s security people in armored air cars.

  That annoyed Eagle One. “Why do the armed hagazzii follow us?” it asked Lori, as it had each time they flew around the island.

  “Eagle One, they are an honor guard, and escort, courtesy of the hosts of the island. It is a great honor.” It did not answer. “You do not think so?” Lori asked as they approached the mansion again.


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