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AndroDigm Park 2067

Page 11

by JMJ Williamson

  “Good advice,” said Taylor.

  Scarlet thanked George Taylor for his advice and they left his offices.


  The next day Shelby was researching those high-tech competitors of AndroDigm that might have a motive for eliminating Diane Chambers. One name kept cropping up: HHT - Human Hybrid Technologies. Their CEO was Gloria Deaks and there were rumours of ill will between her and Diane Chambers. Shelby thought it might be a lead worth following up.

  He called HHT on his wrist communicator and asked to speak to Gloria Deaks. Her personal assistant answered and stonewalled him against any kind of appointment to meet her — she was out of the country; unavailable for comment; meeting the president; launching the Mars Adventurer. Every time he suggested a date, she had an excuse. She told him, if he needed to speak to Gloria Deaks, he would have to contact her attorney.

  Ten minutes later, Chief Anderson burst into his office red faced and furious.

  “What are you doing harassing Gloria Deaks? Do you know who she is? Do you know who she is connected to? I’ve got her attorneys all over me wanting to file harassment orders. What are you doing?”

  “I’m just following up a lead on the Diane Chambers’s case.”

  “Fuck the Diane Chambers case. We all know who was behind it. If I had my way, you would be off this case. Now leave the detective work for us to do.”


  “Back off!”

  Chief Anderson stormed out of his office.

  Shelby let out a sigh. How was he to investigate the murder of the CEO of AndroDigm if he couldn’t speak to the CEO of their biggest rival, HHT?

  Detective Bonny came over to him. “You get used to her. She’s just letting off steam.”

  “What do you know about Human Hybrid Technologies?”

  “They’re big, almost the same size as AndroDigm. Some think they’re connected to the Triads. I don’t know about that. But you don’t mess with them, particularly Gloria Deaks. Some say she’s slept with the president, but it’s probably just gossip. She’s a real looker though.”

  Shelby sighed. The case was never going to be easy, but he didn't think it would be this hard. He went to get a coffee, and when he returned, he had a call on his wrist com.

  “Mr Shelby? This is Gloria Deaks. I heard you wanted to talk to me.”

  Shelby wondered if one of the officers was playing a practical joke on him. He looked around him. No one seemed aware of his unusual call.

  “Yes. I wanted to speak to you about Diane Chambers.”

  He waited for her responses. He heard her take a deep breath. “Very well, meet me for dinner at HHT Towers at nine this evening. Don’t keep me waiting.” She ended the call.

  Was it a practical joke? That evening he would find out.

  * * *

  The time was 8:55pm and Shelby was standing in the reception of HHT Towers. It was time to find out if this meeting was a practical joke or not.

  “I have a meeting with Gloria Deaks,” he said to the receptionist.

  She frowned at him and then checked her appointments schedule. Her jaw dropped.

  She looked up and smiled. “Take the red elevator.”

  “Which floor?”

  “It only goes to one place.”

  Shelby thanked her and walked over to the elevators. One elevator had a red door. He took it to the top floor. It stopped, and a light flashed ‘penthouse suite’. The doors opened, and he walked out into the room.

  The light was subdued: three candles on the dining table lit the room. He walked over to the table and looked out through the window at the spectacular night view over Angel City.

  As he took in the view, he heard footsteps and turned. Out of the near darkness, he saw the figure of Gloria Deaks. She looked more like a Hollywood movie actress than the CEO of a high-tech company. She wore a black dress and a stunning diamond necklace. And her long platinum blonde hair cascaded down to her chest framing a young pretty face. He wondered how someone so young and beautiful could be a CEO of one of the leading cyber businesses.

  “You made it on time.”

  “Thank you for seeing me.”

  “Thank me later, when you have assessed whether I've told you anything of value.”

  She sat down at the table and gestured for him to sit, which he did. She rang a tiny crystal bell, and a waiter came though the door carrying their first course. As she turned to see him, Shelby noticed a tiny gold plate behind her ear glinting in the candle light. It was a cybernetic implant.

  When she turned back, she noticed him looking at her.

  “Oh, have you not seen an HHT implant before? I would be blind and deaf without it. And it gives my brain direct access to the most powerful external bio-computers on this planet. Neat, don’t you think?”

  “I had heard about them, but never seen one?”

  She smiled. “There’s a reason for that. They’re horribly expensive. HHT believes in developing cyber augmentation for humans. We can make humans super bright. Or at least those prepared to pay.”

  “Is that what AndroDigm do?”

  “Not really. They specialise in stand-alone android technologies. We compete, but not in the same fields.”

  “So what was your relationship with Diane Chambers?”

  “You’re very direct… We were friends a long time ago, then lovers for a time, and then when she became CEO of AndroDigm, adversaries. But we were never enemies. I miss her; the cyber industry has lost a great mind.”

  “What can you tell me about her?”

  “Above all she was single-minded — a great scientist who was prepared to push the boundaries of cybernetics to the limits. I have no doubt she would have produced the first sentient android if she had lived longer.”

  “How do you know that?”

  “There are no complete secrets in this industry. Everyone has their own spies and sources. We know the projects AndroDigm are working on, and I’m sure they know what we are doing. But the details of those projects are another matter. Diane kept the detail of her work secret, even from her own colleagues.”

  “So what were the projects she was working on?”

  “There was one project that stood out from the rest. I believe she was working on a means to download the human mind to a cybernetic source.”

  “How do you know that?”

  “She’s spoken on the subject at conferences and published papers in industry journals. It wasn't a secret. And AndroDigm has spent a small fortune on the most expensive and powerful bio-computers in the world.”

  “And if she had achieved this download of the human mind. How would it affect HHT?”

  “It wouldn’t affect our business directly. But the value of AndroDigm would obviously leap ahead of ours. So you think that might be a motive for her murder? Possibly. But I think you’re looking in the wrong direction.”


  “Because the investors in HHT have no intention of going to war with the investors in AndroDigm.”

  “And who are these investors?”

  She smiled. “Now that would be telling. There’s a reason both businesses are limited partnerships, and it is to protect the identity of our limited partner investors. But I can tell you that neither set of investors wishes to interfere with the other’s business.”

  So the rumours about the investors in the cyber businesses were true. Both businesses were linked to criminal elements in the West and Far East.

  “So who do you think may be responsible for Diane’s murder?”

  “You’re the marshal, you figure it out. But there are plenty of crackpot organisations that hate this industry. There’s the AAA, which I’m sure you’re familiar with. And then there’s all the religious nuts who believe androids are the work of the devil, such as the True Believers.”

  “Have you had any threats from these organisations?”

  “Only every day. I can put you in contact with our Public Relations Director. He can
show you the vile social media we get from their followers. I’m sure AndroDigm gets them too.”

  The waiter took away the plates and brought the main course. Shelby stared out at the night view of the city.

  “You like the view?” she said.

  He turned towards her and gasped. Her black dress had become completely see-through. It was the latest in celebrity fashion: clothes that could become transparent by changing the reflective index of the material.

  “That’s pretty amazing. How do you do that?”

  “Technology. I was just letting you see what you could have for dessert if you’re interested. But finish your main course first. I wouldn't wish to give you indigestion.”

  The dress changed again to its original black state. She was teasing him. He tucked into his steak.

  “It’s important that we reach an understanding this evening,” she said.

  “How so?”

  “I will get you any information I can that might help your investigation. But you must not go near HHT’s investors. They are highly sensitive to privacy issues and do not wish their activities to be investigated.”

  “I can’t promise that. But I’m not interested in investigating your investor’s activities, unless they directly relate to the murder of Diane Chambers.”

  “I assure you they don’t.”

  “How do I know you’re telling the truth?”

  “Because I’m alive. If AndroDigm’s investors thought HHT were responsible in any way they would have retaliated by now.”

  “I’m not interested in your investors or AndroDigm’s investors. I’m only interested in finding out who was behind Diane Chambers’s murder.”

  “Then we have an understanding. Would you like dessert now?”

  “Apologies, enticing as it is, I must skip the dessert.”

  She smiled. “You don’t believe in the karma of love? How old fashioned of you. I admire that in a man.”

  She stood up and held out her hand. “Goodbye Mr Shelby.”

  Shelby stood up, shook her hand, and left.

  * * *

  When Shelby returned to the apartment, he heard voices coming from Scarlet’s bedroom door. He knocked on the door and she invited him in. She was in bed watching an old movie.

  He told her about with his meeting with Gloria Deaks, missing out the part where she had tried to seduce him.

  “I don’t think it’s HHT behind your mother’s murder, although they may have some rather unsavoury investors behind them,” said Shelby. “But the more I dig into this case the more times the name of AndroDigm appears. We need to find out what’s going on there.”

  “Well, I have some good news. I called Jordan Jeffries’s personal assistant to ask for a meeting. She called back and explained that he was only too willing to meet with us and had instructed her to make room in his schedule next Friday. Apparently he wants to introduce me to the Board and management and brief me on AndroDigm’s activities.”

  “He’s rolling out the red carpet for you. It’s not surprising really. You have the power to hire or fire him.”

  “I thought he was just being nice.”

  “He’s a businessman looking after number one. I did some research on him. His rise to stardom was meteoric. Sleeping with your mother might have helped his career kick off. He’s clean. I couldn’t find any dirt on him.”

  “So best to leave things alone until I know more about AndroDigm.”

  “At least we can ask some questions now.”

  There were so many questions about AndroDigm that needed answers. Now they had an opportunity to ask them.

  “What’s the movie like?” he said.

  “It’s just started. Do you want to watch it with me?”

  “Why not.”

  He climbed onto the bed and lay beside her.

  She smiled at him. “Wouldn’t you be more comfortable if you got into bed?”

  Normally when an attractive young woman invites a man to bed, it meant only one thing. But in Shelby’s case, he knew the invite was entirely innocent. They had developed an understanding together: a friendship without any sexual overtones.

  He undressed leaving his shorts on and climbed into bed beside her. She snuggled up beside him and he put his arm around her. It was just two friends cuddling together, talking about their day and watching a movie. It seemed the most natural thing in the world.

  Before the movie ended Scarlet was asleep. For the first time in a long time he felt at peace with the world, enjoying the warmth of her body cradled in his arm so close to him. He wasn’t sure how it happened, or when it happened, but somehow the woman asleep next to him had become important in his life — something he needed to protect. It felt good.


  The following day, after Shelby had left for the Justice Building, Scarlet and Jess went down to her mother’s laboratory. She had promised Shelby she wouldn’t hack Guardian again. But it was promise she was now prepared to break. She was desperate. How else would they find Walker?

  Jess plugged herself into the server that linked to AndroDigm while Scarlet sat at the console. The yellow and green logo for Guardian came on the monitor. She hit the menu button and chose the ‘Edit’ option, and from the edit option she found ‘VIP Exceptions’.

  By now her heart rate was racing. Jess was covering her back for security bots. She typed in the name ‘K.M. Walker’ and his name appeared with a status of ‘VIP’. She changed the status to ‘Norm’.

  “Get out,” said Jess. “Now!”

  Scarlet escaped the program and disconnected from the server.

  “Am I clear?”

  “Just. The bot was faster this time. They’re learning about our access. We can’t go in again. Not from this location.”

  “We shouldn’t have to.” The Angel PD should be able to locate Walker now without any further interference from her. She felt a sense of guilt about going against Shelby’s express wishes. But how else would they find Walker and bring him to justice?

  * * *

  Gloria Deaks was true to her word. The morning after their dinner, her Public Relations director arrived at the Justice Department with two encrypted data files marked for his eyes only. On the first file was some sensitive information about HHT: its latest financials, list of limited partners, and bios of all its key senior management. It also included a dossier on all press coverage of the organisation: both good and bad. Gloria Deaks had held little back from him in the way of sensitive information. She had provided a complete list of all the limited partners. Shelby recognised some of them as known fronts for the Triad. It also had copies of various correspondences between Gloria Deaks and Diane Chambers. Most of the correspondence was of a cordial nature.

  On the second file was a dossier of information about AAA and The True Believers, including hate mail, extracts from public announcements and blog activity. HHT had done a detailed risk analysis on both organisations and psychological profiles of each organisation’s leaders.

  The dossier described Larsen, the leader of the AAA, as a weak fantasist leading a rag-tag bag of liberal-lefties that had found an anti-establishment cause, but which were no real threat to the cyber industry.

  In comparison, the dossier on Sneider, the leader of The True Believers, described him as a dangerous religious zealot that believed in his own extreme propaganda. He believed in a one-true god, advocated celibacy of its members, and campaigned for castration and sterilisation of criminals.

  Sneider denounced hedonistic sex clubs and claimed androids and cybernetic implants were the work of Satan. He was suspected of a string of atrocities against hedonist clubs, although he claimed his religious beliefs prohibited any form of violence. No case had ever been brought against him, although several had been dropped. HHT’s assessment of Sneider was that he was a danger to the industry and every effort to nullify him should be taken.

  Shelby sat back and wondered what ‘nullify’ meant for an organisation linked to the Tr

  He called Detective Bonny. “Bonny, what do you know about the True Believers?”

  “Those are really bad-ass guys. Why do you ask?”

  “Did you consider that they might be potential suspects in the Diane Chambers’s case?”

  “No. Why should we? All the evidence seems to lead to AAA involvement.”

  “But Larsen seems to have a reasonable alibi. If that rules him out, then surely the True Believers might be worth pursuing.”

  “I wouldn’t say that around Chief Anderson. You know what she’s like. I’ll see what I can find and get back to you. But I can’t spend too much time on it or she’ll notice.”

  “Then maybe I should take a look myself.”

  “If you do, tread carefully.”

  * * *

  Shelby had to see for himself whether the True Believers were potential suspects in the Diane Chambers’s murder. He flew out to the True Believers’ ranch near Angel City, taking along Jess as a safety precaution.

  As he approached the ranch, he received a message on his heli-car communicator: “This is private property and the private airspace of the True Believers. Any attempt to breach our privacy will be met by extreme force.”

  Shelby answered. “This is Special Marshal Shelby on Justice Department business. Any attempt to interfere or frustrate my enquiries violates federal law and I will prosecute you to the full extent of the law.”

  “We do not recognise Federal Law. We report to a higher authority.”

  Shelby called their bluff and landed the vehicle. He turned to Jess. “Stay in the vehicle. It’s better they don’t see you. They don’t like androids.”

  He pointed to a large fuel tank on the ranch. “I’ll keep my communication link open. If I get into trouble, or my comms go dead, light up the fuel tank with an explosive round. It’ll wake them up.”

  Shelby got out of the heli-car and headed towards the ranch. As he approached the ranch house, he noticed six members of the cult in yellow gowns, carrying rifles. He walked towards them.

  “That’s far enough,” said one of the men.


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