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Tick Tock To Midnight- The Man Of Sin, The Lawless One

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by Les Pruitt

  Tick Tock



  What If?


  Man Of Sin,

  The Lawless One

  Les Pruitt

  Tick Tock to Midnight: Think, What if?

  Copyright © 2018 by Les Pruitt

  All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

  Scripture quotations marked NLT are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996, 2004, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

  Scripture quotations marked NASB are taken from the NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE®, Copyright © 1960,1962,1963,1968,1971,1972,1973,1975,1977,1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.

  Scripture quotations marked ISV are taken from The Holy Bible: International Standard Version. Release 2.0, Build 2015.02.09. Copyright © 1995-2014 by ISV Foundation. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED INTERNATIONALLY. Used by permission of Davidson Press, LLC.

  Scripture quotations marked ESV are taken from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version (ESV) is adapted from the Revised Standard Version of the Bible, copyright Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A. All rights reserved.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or any other—except for brief quotations in printed reviews, without the prior permission of the publisher.


  To my brother, Emmett Pruitt, who is an avid reader for his loyalty, patience and encouragement throughout this laborious task of writing my first novel: “Tick Tock To Midnight (The Man Of Sin, The Lawless One). If you endured this process for nearly two years, the reader will be stunned.

  I cannot end my dedication without much gratitude to the staff of Standout Books who remained by my side throughout the publishing process. A gratitude of utmost admiration and thanks to my Editor at Standout Books - what a marvelous soul, you understood my thought process, and guided me in such an encouraging manner.

  And, a shout out to all those I'd given a glimpse of my undertaken and the priceless response they offered.

  Most of all, I give all thanks to the spirit of good versus bad that dwells in us all - in the end, IT encompasses all and will judge all.

  The longest research paper I've ever written!

  I couldn’t think of a better publisher for my next book: "This Is War (A Path Chosen)”


  What if?

  What if the event most of humanity has dreaded throughout history is now upon us? Regardless of our personal views, the world’s three dominant religious faiths share a similar vision of end-of-days events. My focus in this book is on events throughout history that have affected Rome, the West, and the birth of America. Therefore, let’s begin by clarifying what we mean when we think of sin and lawlessness. We all can agree at least on its etymology. Therefore, sin “in its original sense refers to ‘offense, wrong-doing, misdeed.’”1

  What if from a religious perspective, the nation of Israel should have been the world’s monotheistic spiritual center from ancient times? A spiritual center that fends off, and opposes all pagan, and idol worship. But, now it seems to have become a nation of increased transgression, corruption, and the bells and whistles of a bachelor’s party. What happened to the Jewish compulsion to abide by the Ten Commandments? Weren’t they commanded to abide strictly by the divine law of the Ten Commandments, handed down to Moses on Mount Sinai by their God?

  By definition, “sin is the act of transgression against divine law.”2 Even in modern times, as a result of Christ’s crucifixion, that same law given to Moses now applies to all who claim themselves as Jews. Christ himself spoke of this, “‘Don’t misunderstand why I have come. I did not come to abolish the law … I came to accomplish their purpose,” this is still true in the twenty-first century. (Matt. 5:17, NLT). What if His return is due to humanity’s continued transgression, especially Jewish disobedience against that divine law?

  In later sections, we will review our current state of affairs through the lens of lawlessness and its implications. We will see the role of lawlessness in the rise of America and the open disregard shown to our divine Constitution. America’s newly elected president has shown blatant disregard not only toward American citizens, but also against the rule of law and its institutions. President Trump has made it clear he prizes isolationism, self-governance, and nationalism above all else.

  How did we get here? This is the question that has plagued me since the rise of the Trump Administration. It was America’s 2016 presidential election that prompted me, like many Americans, to look around and see just how dazed the rest of the world had become by President Trump’s hypnotic spell on our nation and the world. Those observations sowed the seed for this book. I am hopeful that this roller-coaster ride will awaken the global community to the workings of God and Satan. Because we only see in part, sometimes these two opposing forces may appear to work together. But, unknowingly to Satan, everything works towards the fulfillment of God’s glory.

  But what if the glory of God were made manifest in the formation of America? What if everything that happened was just part of a divine plan? Oppressed people, migrants from distant lands, some free, some oppressed, and many enslaved, though they were broken, and scattered rose collectively to form a new nation.

  Now, if they would just humble themselves, stand together, and acknowledge that the battle is not theirs alone. What might we achieve if collectively as Americans we stand together for equality and against tyranny and injustice, both foreign and domestic?

  This novel explores the question: What if it is God’s design to battle against various Antichrists, False Messiahs, and corrupt social systems? Seemingly, executing his plans through his Holy Ones and Watcher Angels to build his Church until the end of days. When will that be? Some say humanity will be renewed by an alien civilization or by the second coming of the Lamb of God.

  In the pages that follow, you’ll glimpse a potential apocalyptic vision based on real-world events and role players. These role players occupy earthly systems under the controlled authority and power of God—they have been managed by the Watchers and Holy Ones since ancient times. These entities are considered angels within the spiritual realm of heaven, though we humans call them aliens, and their flying crafts as Unidentified Flying Objects.

  I hope this book will cause readers to consider: What if all the lies, deception, distractions, and denials spiraling from a scattered Roman Empire have occurred solely to defeat God’s Church on Earth? And, if God were not in full control, having all power and authority, wouldn’t that lead to a New World Order (NWO)—a literal, earthly man-made system with a dominant religion and a centralized authoritarian government ruled by Satan? In that case, would all nations, kings of the earth, and people of the global community fall in line willfully? Or would it cause worldwide uprising and rebellion, a real-world doomsday apocalyptic scenario hurtling the world toward the last tick of the Doomsday Clock?

  Imagine a scenario of increased global conflicts, population control, uncontrollable plagues and diseases—even World War Three. Could this be the final and complete fulfillment of ancient prophecy?

  * * *

  1 Wikipedia, s.v. “Sin,” last modified May 3, 20
18, 9:32,

  2 Wikipedia, s.v. “Sin.”

  Chapter 1

  Creation Story

  Are World Leaders Guided by These Ancient Ancestors?

  Are They the Watchers and Holy Ones?

  In the Beginning

  Human history is full of many diverse creation stories. However, as human civilizations evolved, it became “… difficult for redeemed man, let alone unredeemed man, to conceive of a world in which materiality and spirituality perfectly coalesce.”3 Most of us are familiar with the account of creation in the Christian Bible.

  It seems “the Bible opens with two different creation stories … the accounts are similar in that they both describe the creation of animals, plants, and humans. But they are distinct in several ways and even contradict each other on key issues. In Gen. 1, God creates plants, then animals, and then simultaneously creates man and woman. In Gen. 2, God creates a human, plants, then animals, and later he divides the human into female and male.”4

  Watcher Angels’ DNA in Humans?

  It is said the offspring of the Watcher Angels, the Nephilim, were “the great Biblical giants … the product of copulation between the divine beings … and human women (lit. daughters of Adam).”5 One thing was probably certain: either they reproduced some really beautiful offspring or some really strange human-looking creatures. Additionally, the Book of Enoch tells the story of divine beings called Watcher Angels.

  However, in accordance with the biblical stories, some of these divine beings were disobedient, and some obeyed the spiritual guidance of God. Disobedient “angels who did not keep their positions of authority but abandoned their proper dwelling” (Jude 1:6). These fallen angels (watchers) were “the sons of God” who “saw that the daughters of humans were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose” (Gen 6:2).

  However, there are other speculations about who these sons of God were. One is, “the godly line of Seth, the sons of God, seeing how attractive are the daughters of men, the wicked line of Cain, decide to take them as wives. The end result … evil spreads, grows, deepens.”6 What if the biblical accounts are historically valid? Some people will say that angels can’t have sex because they’re spiritual beings without bodies. What if after leaving their spiritual habitat, they took on physical form in order to have “sexual intercourse with human females, who gave birth to a hybrid race of nefarious giants. The giants violently attack animals, property, and humanity, and thus caused God to send a global flood, wherein the giants were destroyed. When their physical bodies were destroyed by the flood, they became disembodied spirits, which are called demons today. When their demonic spirits are released from their dead bodies, they seek to possess animals and human beings. When a man or woman become demonically possessed by one or more of these demons, they usually display the characteristic of these giants such as incredible physical strength, extreme violent behavior, ability to endure excessive physical pain, intense sexual perversion, deepening of their voice, and sometimes superhuman intelligence. These demons will wreak havoc throughout world until judgment.”7

  Pictured above, what if these are the so-called fallen angels/divine beings who “mated with mortal women, giving rise to a race of hybrids known as the Nephilim … giants”?8

  What if this ancient story accounts for the rise of different ancient human species found all over the world?

  This is a possibility we should take seriously, given that the Old Testament creation story is surprisingly similar to Sumerian clay tablets depicting the creation of humankind.

  Original Man

  What if the original man and woman of the garden of Eden were short people—say 3–5 feet tall—and thus had short stature encoded into their DNA but their genes were retooled by the Anunnaki through mating and genetics? Interestingly, the rise of modern humans only occurred around the same period as the Hobbits. Anthropologists in 2004 found “… 3-foot-tall humans with brains the size of grapefruits … these 18,000-year-old … miniature people[‘s] existence overlapped with that of modern Homo sapiens.”9

  So, let’s ask the question: Did modern human DNA derive from Seth, Cain, and the Anunnaki? Or were modern humans a result of both the bad Watcher Angels and their offspring, the Nephilim? If so, could this have eventually caused modern humans to spiral out of control? Maybe this is why Yeshua attempted to eliminate these hybrids from the earth since ancient times. However, they’ve managed to survive, causing despair and destruction through their alliance with Satan.

  Or maybe God sent guardians (Watchers) to retool many of us. Take the Sumerian clay tablets, for example. Because “until as recently as 60,000 years ago, Flores was home to Homo floresiensis, archaic humans often referred to as ‘hobbits’ because they stood about one metre tall.”10

  Did the illustration depicted above show the Anunnaki (fallen angels) attempt to redesign our DNA? Many in modern times argue they did!

  These are the Anunnaki, revered as gods by ancient Babylonian and Mesopotamian societies. What if these beings contained DNA of Yeshua? That would make sense; after all, the Hebrews of the twelve tribes of Israel were and still are called “sons of the Most High.” The Psalms call the Hebrew males “gods … sons of the Most High” (Ps. 82:6). According to Sumerian writings, the Anunnaki arrived on Earth, coming down from the heavens.

  Or what if it was the corrupt DNA, the seed of Satan—the line of Cain—that prompted some of the Anunnaki aliens (Watchers) to arrive on Earth and retool humans that already existed? What if the second Creation story actually derived from the disobedient ancient Anunnaki?

  Maybe the little people were a group of original humans that paid homage to these ancient beings illustrated above as their gods or earthly masters. “Sumer … [is] the earliest known civilization in the historical region of southern Mesopotamia, modern-day southern Iraq.”11

  Modern Human Origin?

  But scenes from the above illustration and other ancient relics inspire many questions. Is it possible we should reinterpret with an open mind the creation story and our ancient connection to a possible alien civilization? Could this shed light on the premise that Lucifer brought the light of knowledge to earth? What if these spirit beings infiltrated the spiritual perfection of God’s creation, forming a physical dimension after God had created the spiritual dimension? This would explain why, after our ancestors were exiled from the garden, everything in the natural world began to decay. We humans can only access the material realm; our interaction with the spiritual realm is limited.

  If this were true, wouldn’t you think the spirit beings would want to continue monitoring us? It’s just like humans are compelled to monitor their creations. Take, for example, “Sophia … a social humanoid robot developed by Hong Kong-based company Hanson Robotics … activated on April 19, 2015.”12 Just imagine: What if we were engineered by an alien race with an expiration date?

  In light of this potential, we must ask: Who are these people, a God-kinship of aliens? It’s possible they were Watcher Angels that left their heavenly post—without authorization—to mate with the daughters of man. Maybe they felt the pain God felt after seeing how wicked humanity had become and attempted to retool humankind to please their Creator.

  Modern Civilization

  According to an article posted on Ancient Origins, “Sumerian mythology claims that, in the beginning, human-like gods ruled over Earth.”13 Is this where the idea of “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name” originated? (Matt. 6:9).

  To put this theory into perspective, keep in mind that “the Sumerian Deluge Story [is] one of the oldest extra-biblical versions of the Flood story …” Wouldn’t this serve to support the idea that humankind was genetically redesigned by the Anunnaki after the Great Flood?14

  Human Advancement

  Evolution has taught us that our human ancestors were still primitive; they were not placed in the garden of Eden as modern humans, as Hollywood has brainwashed us to believe.
Nonetheless, our human capabilities rapidly evolved from relying on stone tools to farming. What if our Designer(s) still return from time to time, reported as UFOs?

  It seems that throughout recorded history, they have made contact with elect individuals to sometimes warn humanity, and at other times to provide support and protection during several geological epochs of destruction and renewal? Most interestingly, the biblical story focuses mainly on the nation of Israel. However, because of the life, death, and resurrection of the Son of God, both Jews and Gentiles are now held accountable for their transgressions by the same Law given to Moses. A law for God’s chosen people to govern themselves differently from other humans.

  Being Human

  And, unlike our closest relatives, the apes, we are all created in the image of God. However, the debate of our origin gets complicated in view of the aforementioned human creation stories and the location attributed to those stories. Scripture claims humans were created in modern-day Iraq, while science places the first humans in Africa, thousands of miles west of Iraq. Is this discrepancy further support for the idea of alien interference in our ancient past? Do they visit us from time to time to observe and occasionally experiment on our human components that were fashioned by the hand of God, endowing us with “spiritual ability, freewill, decision making capabilities, reasoning, thought processes and … authority” to properly govern ourselves and become good stewards of planet Earth?15

  After man began to populate the Earth, it seems that Satan influenced some Watcher Angels to descend and mate with the daughters of man. Man’s spirit became exceedingly corrupt with mischief, causing God to decree: “My Spirit will not contend with humans forever, for they are mortal; their days will be a hundred and twenty years” (Gen. 6:3).


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