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Tick Tock To Midnight- The Man Of Sin, The Lawless One

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by Les Pruitt

  Let us face it, humankind’s greatest decision has always been—and still is—which system of spiritual power and authority to trust: Heaven or Hell? Which one will work for the betterment of humanity? The one based on the spiritual laws and commands of God (Yeshua), or the one based on the institutions of human intellect and pompous ego, which has engendered more bumps and hiccups since the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ (Yahushua)?

  For over two thousand years of biblical history, struggling believers have found reason to hope amid this struggle. The Word of God promises that, eventually, regardless of how chaotic the earth seems or is set to become in the near future, all will be made right by Yeshua, the Holy Ones, the Watchers, and the true Messiah—the Lamb of God, (Jesus Christ) Yahushua.

  Therefore, any man, woman, or child with eyes to see and ears to hear might want to connect the dots of biblical history through prayer and faith to discern the true nature of the events of our time so they won’t be caught unaware by the lies, denials, distractions, and deceptions increasing in our world.

  The various historical documentation of biblical history and prophecy as it weighs on the imagination for humanity’s future then begs many questions:

  Will the escalating race for nuclear and space superiority with the huge modernization of America’s armed forces and attempts to bully other nations by President Trump lead to World War III?

  Will there be true reconciliation and lasting peace on the Korean Peninsula?

  Will the United States, or China seal a deal of peace with Israel and Palestine?

  Can there be true reconciliation and lasting peace between the Jews and Palestinians?

  Will the rebuilding of the Temple—a sanctuary for prayer and sacrifice literally replace the body of Christ in opposition to the Book of Revelation—and usher in the False Messiah and the abomination as prophesized?

  Will a newly developed trans-human lifelike robot having the personality of some persuasive Messiah appear on the world scene, displaying strange powers? Will this False Messiah arise—albeit engineered by a merger of artificial intelligence, technology, and biology—for the sole purpose of becoming a god on earth?

  Might this enigmatic character be the current pope? Or perhaps America’s 45th president, who presented himself to the world as the savior of America? Many already view Trump as a savior of Israel, proclaiming greatness and political miracles and achievements never before accomplished by any predecessor, now standing in charge of the most powerful office on earth. What if the abomination of desolation refers to a high sacred public office—The Oval Office of the United States of America? After all, the 45th president did openly state during the presidential election that he, and only he, could fix the world’s problems, claiming that he knew more than America’s seasoned combat military generals.

  Or could the False Messiah be the current Prince of Saudi Arabia?

  President Trump has set himself in position to proclaim himself as the only American president who delivers on his promises. He not only claimed Jerusalem as Israel’s sole capital, but he also promised to relocate the US Embassy to Jerusalem to confirm that claim. It is ironic and hard to believe that millions of supposedly intelligent American citizens believe this president is some God-anointed official in the highest, most powerful position on earth, acting for the betterment of humankind. Little do they realize, his appointment was meant for another purpose.

  However, this falls in line with the Bible’s claim that even the elect could be deceived by antichrists and false messiahs. Some people seem to be wide awake when they are, in fact, sleepwalking hand in hand with the agenda of darkness, with that ancient fallen angel, Lucifer, who became Satan, the adversary to all things noble.

  For doubters, perhaps the most convincing factor will be the reconstruction of the third temple by the Jewish Temple Mount Institute. What if the momentous occasion arrives when citizen, candidate, president, ultimate deal-maker, and now infamous President Donald J. Trump seals the world’s first historic peace agreement between the Palestinians and Israelis? At that precise moment, President Trump would likely be viewed by many as Israel’s messiah: the anointed one appearing in their Temple.

  At that point, there will be no more room for doubt; those watching for the Seven Seals and Seven Bowl Judgments written about in the Book of Revelation will recognize the signs of the times. The end of days would likely begin to unfold like the pages of a bestselling novel. Jerusalem has been the most contested piece of real estate on earth for decades, since Israel’s establishment as a nation. Just think, Arabs would then be faced with the decision to worship the False Messiah or attempt to decimate Israel to bring about their caliphate as their messiah. This could be a trigger for a worldwide religious conflict—not between good and evil, but both sides of a human conflict having strayed from the Divine Laws of God to bring about an apocalyptic event.

  Laymen and clergy alike debate the start of the Seven Seals and Seven Bowl Judgment, initiating and ending prophecy fulfillment. “A key to understanding prophecy is the principle of duality—that some prophecies … may be partially fulfilled but [don’t] come to pass until a later time.”22

  In accordance with biblical prophecy, the third temple (the body of Christ) will descend from heaven for all to see. So how did this biblical concept change? Mankind has always debated and justified their actions, many times in defiance to the law given in Deuteronomy and the prophecy found in Revelation. These books specifically state that humankind should “… not add to the word which I am commanding you, nor take away from it, that you may keep the commandments of the Lord your God which I command you” (Deut. 4:2, NAS). Revelation states, “I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: if anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues which are written in this book” (Rev. 22:18, NAS). In accordance with scripture, then, this is a spiritual temple established by Christ’s second coming—not a literal temple built by the hands of men. Jews and Gentiles alike have claimed themselves as God’s chosen people—especially those in the nation of Israel, whose ancestors trace back to the Khazar Kingdom, converting to Judaism prior to entering Western Europe. Despite their claims, they execute the workings of Antichrist and its system, along with their global partners, toward their vision of a New World Order.

  For example, the Temple Institute, knowing that the last days are near, has posted a two-part video series titled “Will the Holy Temple Descend from Heaven?” If one takes the direction of the scriptures, the answer to this question should be a no-brainer. The question shouldn’t even be up for debate, since the answer is clearly written in the Book of Revelation. This video clearly disregards God’s (Yeshua’s) command in the Book of Revelation not to change what has been written. Once again, the nation of Israel seems to be transgressing against the laws and commands of YahUWeh.

  Even the ancient Dead Sea Scrolls testify to the age of these written words. But many Jews are strict adherents of the Talmud over and above the Torah and the New Testament. What if the events unfolding in the spiritual and earthly realms soon leave the nation of Israel desolate?

  Matthew, Mark, and Luke—Christ’s disciples—all became witnesses of the testimony of Christ for all generations in their era and beyond so that God’s Church would not become frightened as an increase of wars and rumors of wars, catastrophic disasters, plagues, and severe weather pattern changes came upon the land. Such events, along with an increase in spiritual delusions, must come to pass. “So if anyone tells you, ‘There he is, out in the wilderness,’ do not go out; or, ‘Here he is, in the inner rooms,’ do not believe it” (Matt. 24:26). In our modern day, we might add: nor any other public announcement of Christ’s arrival, or presence in the physical temple built by the Temple Mount.

  Remember, Christ warned us in ancient times about what we will “see standing in the holy place ‘the abomination that causes desolation’” in the capital of Jerusalem on display in the third temple “spoken o
f through the prophet Daniel—let the reader understand” (Matt. 24:15).

  A careful study of this book reveals that the abomination that causes desolation can be divided into three parts. These parts are: the abomination of desolation in Daniel’s day (involving the first temple); the abomination of desolation in Jesus’s day (involving the second temple); and finally the abomination of desolation in the time of the end (involving the whole Christian church).23

  Will humanity’s future and current state of affairs within our generation confirm what most are beginning to dread? Or might the savior of humanity be some benevolent Anunnakis (aliens) that will direct and retool humanity using modern genetics, right here on planet Earth to free humanity of pompousness, ego, and rebellion?

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  20 “Who Changed the Sabbath to Sunday?” The Church of God International, accessed Aug. 15, 2018,

  21 “Who Changed the Sabbath to Sunday?”

  22 Gary Petty, “Just What Is the Abomination of Desolation?”, September 29, 1999,

  23 Gary Gibbs, The Abomination of Desolation,

  Chapter 6

  Current State of Affairs

  With an opened mind, free of religious bias, ask yourself if it is possible that Islam could have been the last warning sent from an alien civilization or a Watcher Angel from YahUWeh to warn humanity—Jews and Gentiles alike—to make ourselves more obedient to the spiritual laws and commandments of Yeshua?

  Watching the daily news and observing those who have been placed in charge of earth’s social systems, and the environment—and those that are being persecuted across the glove—reveals why the Christian nations and the nation of Israel will once again, and for the final time, bring God’s wrath upon them and our global community. Persecution of God’s Church and children is not a new phenomenon.

  All of us, believers and nonbelievers, should rethink our actions as individuals and nations. The best source of wisdom for this task is Christ’s Sermon on the Mount, when he taught, “God blesses those who work for peace, for they will be called the children of God” (Matt. 5:9, NLT). Does this seems like America’s state of affairs or the aim of the nation’s leaders?

  Many Americans and Israelis attempt to say it is only the Muslims that are persecuting humankind. Arab nations have their own unique set of problems, but they’re not the only oppressor.

  Early persecution of Americans began with a speech given in Virginia in 1712. Whether the story is true or not, it still embraces not only the American way, but also a practice that has been exported around the globe as part of America’s foreign policy. A slave owner by the name of Willie Lynch briefed his colleagues that, “Ancient Rome would envy us if my program were implemented … Rome used cords of woods as crosses for standing human bodies along its highways in great numbers you are here using the tree and the rope on occasion.”24 That speech, along with other racist southern policies, morphed into racist codes abounding in twenty-first century America. As a result, other countries modeled their foreign and domestic policies similarly in accordance with the Willie Lynch theory of divide and conquer.

  This demonic ideology is still a vibrant and essential element of the Antichrist system 306 years later. What if the faithful of YahUWeh overcame their earthly bondage with assistance from the Holy Ones and Watcher Angels? Imagine if both slave and free bonded together to stand up for righteousness, giving glory and praise to God for their victory. What if the whole purpose was to build up God’s Church as a testament across the globe for the salvation of souls (Yahushua), the Christ (Anointed One)?

  Many people say we’re automatically saved without faith, redeemed in the death and resurrection. They believe we might as well just sin, transgress, and party like it’s 1969 and just automatically hop on board when ET arrives. But they forget what the scripture says: “‘As surely as I live,’ says the Lord, ‘every knee will bow before me; every tongue will acknowledge God’” (Rom. 14:11).

  So, until someone above human authority changes it, the original sacred scriptures of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, are true—regardless of some content differences.

  We must understand some troubling facts: not all Arabs are Muslims, nor are all Muslims true Muslims. In comparison, not all Westerners are Christians, and not all Christians are faithful to the Law, still observing God’s Sabbath Day of worship on a pagan Sun worship day.

  Satan has toyed endlessly with human intellect since his release from the underworld. Don’t point the finger at me; I am just writing a story. A story I never envisioned writing.

  Research the history for yourself. Satan’s meddling influence has hijacked about every religious institution and government across the globe. Somehow, he hijacked the last main religion after Christianity: Islam became infected after Satan’s release from prison. Now, we have ISIL, ISIS, Al Qaeda, and other Arab terrorists roaming the globe. In conjunction with the rise of white nationalists to make America the way it use to be in the mid-nineteenth and mid-twentieth centuries.

  The election of President Donald J. Trump has not only emboldened white nationalists but also encouraged neo-Nazis and various affiliates of America’s historical domestic terrorist organization, the Ku Klux Klan on American soil.

  The facts of ancient and current history do not lie, regardless of one’s nationalistic ideas or sense of patriotism.

  What exactly is our current state of affairs?

  That is a complicated question that would require its own book due to the massive amounts of disturbing events bombarding the news cycle every day. So, I’ll attempt to slice some icing off that cake, as it relates to Tick Tock To Midnight. America is now experiencing what seems like a constitutional crisis caused by lawlessness, and that is a deep cave to enter here. So, I’ll pass that torch to a more knowledgeable writer.

  A CNN poll conducted in March 2017 showed that 95 percent of President Trump’s base still believed he was doing a great job. However, consider the following pros and cons of America’s state of affairs:


  Began modernization of America’s armed forces after nearly two decades of war on terror.

  Signed an executive order recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and took steps to move the American embassy to Jerusalem.

  Initiated the denuclearization of North Korea.


  As of 2018, we’ve entered into a trade war, focusing on China.

  The United States issued a threat to bomb United Nation’s member North Korea.

  American forces clashed with Russia in Syria, killing hundreds of Russian mercenaries over Syria’s oil reserves.

  America bombed Syria because of its use of chemical weapons but failed to cripple its airstrips.

  President Trump pulled the nation out of the Paris Climate Accord and the Trans-Pacific

  Partnership (TPP), currently unwilling to ratify the Iranian Nuclear Agreement.

  From the highest levels of government, disrespect is shown for Military Gold Star Families and American POWs.

  The president himself shows little dignity for the Office of the Presidency, had an extramarital affair while Melania Trump was pregnant with their son, Barron Trump, consistently lies to the Federal Bureau of Investigation concerning possible collusion with Russian interference in America’s 2016 presidential election, continues to make most policy decisions from the news feed of Fox & Friends, displays many important policy decision via Twitter, and is dishonest with the American people concerning his federal taxes.

  These are only a few of the disturbing behaviors made public about America’s 45th president. It has become increasingly difficult to keep up with the pace of denials, distraction, and disgraces that have flooded our constitutional republic and democratic institutions.

  What if all this delusion only serves to build up America’s hopes like the Tower of Babel. Because,
no one in government seems to understand what is going to happen from one day to the next. Both inside and outside the hypnosis of Washington’s political playbook, people are beginning to sound the alarm, warning that everything Trump touches will crumble in confusion like the Tower of Babel. Should America and the world be afraid? Yes, be afraid!

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  24 “Willie Lynch Speech,” The Freeman Institute, accessed June 5, 2018,

  Chapter 7

  The Rise of Donald J. Trump

  Whatever the future holds for humanity, America and the world is witnessing a nation without a compass, or a compass that can’t be depended on to arrive at its divine destination. What if the world is now witnessing the rise of the Lawless One, the Man of Sin, and possibly the last False Messiah in the twenty-first century?

  This enigma is still evolving around fake news, spiritual truths, myths, speculations, and faith that humanity is fast approaching end of days—like Sodom and Gomorrah, and the days of Noah before the Great Flood. Through God’s love and grace, it still appears He gives humanity an opportunity to read the signs, so that we might remain watchful. In as such, there’s growing concern that this generation of Americans—and other global citizens—are witnessing this moment in our lifetime.

  The religious must wonder: Is God truly omnipotent? And if so, what does that mean in the last days? Was it by divine decree that Donald Trump won the presidency? And if so, does that make the Most High God an enabler?

  Remember what Christ promised after His resurrection: that he “will come like a thief. The heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire” (2 Peter 3:10). All because of humanity’s continued transgression and the corrupt nature of the flesh.


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