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Tick Tock To Midnight- The Man Of Sin, The Lawless One

Page 6

by Les Pruitt

  It seems the first seal of Revelation foresaw this global deception under the guise of Christianity that would pursue world religious dominance in conjunction with Jewish imposters thousands of years after Christ’s crucifixion.

  Just the thought of being manipulated in modern times for nearly four hundred years should cause true Christian believers of all ethnicities to finally bind together under the banner of faith—a faith based on spiritual truth and historical fact. It’s time to turn from the lies we’ve been fed for over five hundred years, since 1492, and the false portrayal of Christ still being preached to this day.

  Satan and his earthly alliances would rather deny the very existence of Christ than admit his true origin of birth and earthly ethnicity. It’s almost reminiscent of the “Birther Movement … in 2011, when Donald J. Trump mischievously began to question President Obama’s birthplace aloud in television interviews. ‘I’m starting to think that he was not born here …’”42 Many religious leaders and church members—Jew and Gentile alike—along with President Trump and most of his supporters come to mind when I think of Paul’s words to the Romans:

  Claiming to be wise, they became fools … they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and … God gave them up to dishonorable passions … a debased mind … filled with all manner of unrighteousness, evil, covetousness, malice. They were full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, maliciousness. They are gossips, slanderers, haters … insolent, haughty, boastful, inventors of evil … foolish, faithless, heartless, ruthless.” (Rom. 1:22–32, ESV)

  The passage goes on to say that though people who practice such things deserve to die, they just continue doing them.

  What if it is these people who will experience the second death, after everyone is commanded to appear before the Great Judge? It could be that everything humankind does, every thought that is imprinted only into our subconscious and onto our spiritual souls will receive a verdict at our fateful end as we face our final judgment. In the end, it’s our habits, behaviors, and choices that will define us.

  News Flash—May 21, 2018: The Associated Press just released an article titled, “LGBT Community Cheers Pope’s ‘God Made You Like This’ Remark.”

  Humanity must realize that Lucifer did not become Satan, and his followers did not become Satanists to become advocates and protectors of God’s Church and the nation of Israel. Satan did not present the foundation of the Catholic Church to the world, but he did influence its sin and lawlessness. However, we must understand that no human has the spiritual authority to persecute any church.

  Gift to the New World?

  The Roman Catholic Church allowed itself to be influenced by Satan’s pagan idolatry. Ironically, the face of sin and lawlessness, that False Light, was introduced to the new world in 1492 during the transatlantic voyage of Christopher Columbus, just 492 years after Satan’s release from imprisonment in Hades and just five years after Cesare Borgia had murdered one of his four brothers, Giovanni Borgia, in 1497. It sure seems like Satan’s priority was aimed at attacking and degrading the Roman Catholic Church. What if this is why the Church suffers relentlessly from sin and lawlessness?

  A student of history can understand that most ancient governing systems eventually fell under Satan’s sphere of influence. That system began to focus on a new and improved strategy, mechanism, purpose, and method to control and sway empires, kingdoms, and modern nation-states, constantly corrupting the heart and soul of humanity.

  One of the systems that emerged was reportedly the Grand Court Of Draconian Order. This apparatus consisted of a system of laws that “was unfair, and could easily be exploited by the aristocratic class for their own benefit.”43

  Our global society was eventually turned into a fictional stage play and projected onto every television set around the globe as the mainstream media and other modes of social communications took control of the airwaves—a global effort carried out for the benefit of the oligarchy at the bequest of Satan’s Luciferian ideology and end-game.

  Propaganda for Whom?

  As the Bible says, Satan became the prince of power of the air. Ironically, a resource of power and apparent apparatus of the Beast’s system is America’s widely known Federal Communications Commission (FCC). We might as well call it: Control, Conquer, Fake-It, or Control them and Conquer them by any and all means necessary before humanity becomes enlightened by modern education, social media, and the World Wide Web.

  The FCC was an allegiance that morphed out of a collapsed Roman Empire, the transatlantic slave trade, a civil war, and two world wars. The nefarious ones knew in order to forge a New World Order (NWO) for their individual gains and end-game agenda, a collective social system would have to favor their cause.

  That system must have a homogeneous society with a homogeneous religion and a common monetary system so powerful it has the ability to fund wars and conflicts of both opponents or bring a nation to its knees, all while misusing the Word of God.

  The global elite hide behind strict social laws that protect them from their nefarious deeds and crimes with military alliances that can bring other nation-states into submission and suppress any foreign opposition with their military power.

  One of the first of these to fall prey after that dreaded 1492 voyage from Spain was Hispaniola. Nowadays, it’s a small Caribbean island occupied by those same Draconian laws of Europe to divide and conquer a divided people, the likes of the nation of Israel divided by Jeroboam: East and West in the Dominican Republic and Haiti. And before mentioning diplomacy, Europeans befriended the native population of their sovereign land using false propaganda and European laws.

  Supported by the Catholic Church under Pope Alexander VI, and aided by the enigmatic character of Satan and Nergal now on full display, the rebellious one and a fallen angel of war, corruption, death, and destruction influenced and supported every major kingdom and empire from our ancient past. It was a clever trick played on those who accepted the lesser good of Satan’s light emanating out of the Catholic Church over the greater will for humanity to satisfy self. Accepting the lesser evil always leads to chaos, despair, destruction, death, and separation from the ways of Providence.

  Have you ever really seriously wondered why after two thousand years after the collapse of the Roman Empire—especially after five hundred years of American history and rapid advancements as a nation—our legal system and society are still in a state of flux, confusion, and despair?

  For starters, was our nation’s Constitution designed to support an agenda of suppression and control of those they had enslaved through deception and brute force? A national agenda of systematic raping, lynching, and overt domestic terrorism against human beings became the norm. Or was it to foster a more prosperous future for all Americans regardless of nationality, race, or religions? If so, how and why did America allow the Israelite imposters to hijack not only our republic but also our democracy?

  Does the madness begin to make sense of a dark and well-kept secret? If not, just keep in mind that the nefarious ones seek to control humanity at any cost, even if other Jews are collateral damage. Their idealism is guided and supported by a false religion, a set of traditional instructions titled the Talmud.

  The Talmud is claimed by a false tribe of Israelites in possession of a false monetary system of worthless paper that has been evolving into cryptocurrency—blockchain for buying, selling, and trading on the global market. This currency of the future is supposedly designed to reward the royal bloodlines of the scattered twelve tribes of Israel. It’s a manmade system that will indiscriminately oppress the masses, the Palestinians, and especially the tribe from the Kingdom of Judea.

  As human history progressed, collateral damage of all nations and ethnicities became a lesser concern of Satan’s intent to derail God’s Church. More troublesome is, they even convinced many people that Christianity is fiction: a plagiarized, pagan religion.

  It’s true that very small parts might be; however, other parts of the Ch
ristian faith arise from a sacred spiritual past predating the Roman Empire and the Catholic Church’s modification for politico-religious purposes during and after the Council of Nicaea.

  To the Big Screen: Hollywood

  The spirit of Lucifer has plagiarized the truth since first man and woman, spreading its false copy of the spirit of God from the east to the far corners of the western hemisphere.

  The stage was set for a Luciferian system by first corrupting the hearts and minds of many of the twelve tribes of Israel, attempting to dispel the ethnic depiction of Christ via the Catholic Church, and manipulating humanity to embrace a people that had no biblical lineage to the land of Palestine. A very small percentage might have had biological claim to the land, but there was no method of testing their DNA during WWI and WWII. Crude as it was, Adolf Hitler eventually tried to dissect many to learn the truth. Was this one inhumane rationale of Hitler denying their request for a homeland—that at least 75% had no biblical rights of heritages?

  No one knows who the 144,000 are, which for now leaves the Gentile believers of the earth in a constant state of despair, but many remain hopeful in their faith for the second coming of Christ as promised by the prophets and the writer of the Book of Revelation. Take a moment here to read Genesis 6 (but see also Genesis 3:15, 2 Peter 2:4–6, Jude 6–7) & Enoch 1.

  Has the tick tock of the Doomsday Clock drawn humanity closer to the next apex of the Book of Revelation, or the total destruction of humanity by an all-out nuclear war or approaching asteroid? Are we headed toward a new Age of Aquarius? Will science discover that forbidden Tree of Life, allowing humans to live forever? What exactly is the future of the twenty-first century?

  Is There a Worldwide Allegiance to Satan?

  We must admit that on a global scale, humans—both religious and non-religious—depict more characteristics of Satan than they do of Christ. But, why should anyone assume that about humanity, let alone Christianity? Could it derive from humanity’s propensity to sin, which inadvertently aligns our behavior with Satan as oppose to God’s spiritual laws? If so, then this became the most important battle we must fight on earth from the beginning until the last days.

  In as such, humankind has been more tempted to sin by Satan. Even though, all things—whether good or evil—work toward the glory of the most high God. It is God who has ultimate authority over all kings and nations of the earth.

  Lucifer, who became Satan, has occupied the earth’s realm for millennia, but that will soon come to an end. But, that false light bearer, Lucifer, who became Satan was initially responsible for our knowledge of space and time causing our eyes to be opened in the garden of Eden? Modern day Satanists and “Luciferians are often considered to be one and the same thing.”44 Most call this group progressives.


  Additionally, Luciferians as a group are global and vast. Most members are aligned under the radical and rebellious arm of major world secret societies that have supported the agenda of the Beasts (nations) of Revelation under Satan since ancient times. Humans aligned with the Satanists’ view tend toward our more animalistic nature for sex and survival, driven only by each moment and opportunity. They focus more “on the physical nature of man … rejecting any aspirations or effort rise beyond … carnality and materiality … Luciferians, on the other hand, view Lucifer as a spiritual and enlightened being—one that does indeed rise above mere materiality.”45

  Will There Be a Political or Spiritual Jerusalem?

  For example, during WWII, “Pope Pius XII’s pursuit of absolute power … helped Adolf Hitler destroy German Catholic political opposition, betrayed the Jews of Europe, and sealed a deeply cynical pact with a 20th-century devil.”46

  What if this alignment of the spiritual world were inspired by a secret pact of Luciferians? After all, Adolf Hitler and the Catholic Church did indulge in the occult to access advanced technical knowledge. Their schemes and actions, though horrific in nature, still manifested the glory of God with the fulfillment of biblical prophecy. Would it be cruel to assume this was an agent of divine punishment against the nation of Israel?

  Are there Ashkenazis and Khazarians in Israel?

  Who knows what kind of people really hold political power in Israel because the tribe of Judah initially escaped captivity by the Assyrians. Assyria is modern-day Syria. From there, Judah received a warning and escaped captivity by going to Egypt.

  Before Judah’s arrival in Egypt, “the LORD removed Israel from His sight, as He spoke through all His servants the prophets. So Israel was carried away into exile from their own land to Assyria until this day” (2 Kings 17:23, NASB). This is remarkable for end-of-days possibilities. What if the reason Syria is being devastated relates to the continuous idolatry, sin, and lawlessness of Israel’s ten northern tribes in the land of Syria?

  The authors of 2 Kings hasten to remind the reader why it all happened: because Israel had sinned against God and deserted him. “Therefore the Lord was very angry with Israel and removed them out of his sight; there was none left but the tribe of Judah only.”47

  As we near end of days, does anyone really think scripture references God wanting to gather anyone other than the true bloodlines of the twelve tribes of Israel to enter the twelve gates of the New Jerusalem as depicted in Revelation?

  By all accounts of scripture, the answer would be a resounding no. It seems like a more devastating moment for humanity than ever before during end days for the sinful and lawless ones of earth. The destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, the days of Noah, the Holocaust, WWI, and WWII combined will pale in comparison to what lies ahead.

  The abomination that will bring desolation on Jerusalem and Israel may already have begun. What abomination? The removing of the US Embassy to a holy place in Jerusalem for all the world to see.

  Surely, the Most High God would not have fulfilled those prophecies just to thrust his chosen ones into constant warfare with their Palestinian neighbors. But we have to remember that the ways of God Most High are not the ways and thoughts of humankind, though we can come up with some great dogma and speculation.

  However, this spiritual story is clearly connected to “the Zionists who supported Israel and its violent birth, and those who took the high moral ground and objected it.”48

  What if the cause of Israel’s future punishment also stems from the fact that,” Herut was carved out of the Irgun terrorist gang, famous for its many massacres against Palestinian-Arab communities leading up to … catastrophic ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people … 1947–48”?49 The Herut was a major right-wing nationalist political party known in part for its militia actions in the mid-twentieth century.

  In addition to the Irgun Zvai Leumi, “a Jewish terrorist organization … transitioned from a terrorist group to a political party. The source of … grievances can be found in the settlement of Israel … founded upon … doctrine of Revisionist Zionism, which included” “relentless pressure on Great Britain, including petitions and mass demonstrations, for Jewish statehood … majority in Palestine … they wanted to create a Jewish state.”

  The face of Satan, that False Light, New Age religion, secret societies, carnality, and materiality were first introduced to the Americas during a seemingly innocent crossing of the Atlantic voyage of Christopher Columbus in 1492, just five years after Cesare Borgia murdered his brother Giovanni Borgia in 1497. A nation’s reputation can precede it in many forms. This was true for America, the Church of Rome, and the current state of Israel. All three are based on idealism of race and false religious doctrine for the sole purpose of becoming an independent nation.

  Manmade Laws versus God’s Laws and Commandments

  Looking back through history allows us the vantage point to see how most ancient governing systems eventually succumbed to Satan’s influence. These societies then turned their focus to a new and improved strategy, mechanism, purpose, and method to control and sway their subjects, kingdoms, and modern nation-states, constantly corrup
ting the heart and soul of humankind.

  The Grand Court Of Draconian Order and its laws evolved for the modern global elite, a national and global effort for the benefit of the oligarchy in service to Satan’s ideology and end-game. This system is in stark contrast to the law of Moses and the law of Noah.

  A New World Order

  But, as it is written, Satan has become the “prince of the power of the air” (Eph. 2:2, ESV). A resource of power, and apparent apparatus of the Beast’s system, is America’s widely known Federal Communications Commission. Maybe it should be renamed Fake-it Control and Conquer them. This strategy had to be accomplished by any and all means necessary before humankind achieves enlightenment through education, social media, and the World Wide Web.

  This strategy has become part of their end-game agenda across the globe evolving into fictional world order, with an allegiance that morphed out of a collapsed Roman Empire.

  The nefarious ones knew in order to forge a New World Order (NWO) for their individual gains and a planned end-game agenda, a collective social system must have a homogeneous society with a homogeneous religion and a common currency—a monetary system so powerful it has the ability to fund wars and conflicts or bring a nation to its knees, all while misusing the Word of God.

  These servants of Satan hide behind strict social laws that protect them from their nefarious deeds and crimes, wielding a mighty war machine that can bring other nation-states into submission and suppress any foreign opposition. One of the first to fall prey after that dreaded 1492 voyage from Spain was Hispaniola, nowadays a small Caribbean Island governed by those same Draconian laws. Small offenses had heavy punishments that were mainly meant for the lower echelon of society, to protect rulership over native inhabitants. Satan and his servants can be discerned not only by their talk, but also by how they walk their talk and the bigotry they spew.


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