Shadows of Men (The Watchers Book 1)

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Shadows of Men (The Watchers Book 1) Page 26

by M. Lee Holmes

The Dark War had occurred hundreds of years ago and if Rhada had not been standing in the presence of a shadow walker then, staring into its lifeless but wondering eyes, she would not have believed that such a thing would be possible.

  She took in a slow and deep breath. She stepped forward once, then again and held up Bloodbinder. The shadow walker, who was once a man, looked to the sword then smiled evilly at her.

  “You think that sword will save you?” He asked with a raspy, forced voice. It was a voice like a whisper- one that should not have been heard but traveled through the realm of the dead to be heard by mortal ears. It made Rhada shudder but she pressed forward nonetheless.

  “Why do you not come closer and we shall find out?” She replied mockingly. She told herself not to hate him- that judging by his tattered clothing he was a merchant in life- a family man, no doubt. She had to remind herself that this was not him- it was his shadow and she would be doing him a favor to end his suffering.

  “I have been to the depths and back.” He continued speaking but did not move forward. “I have seen what awaits you there.” His smile remained as Rhada stepped right up to him. She placed the tip of her blade to his chest and glowered into his dull yet seeing eyes. He smelled of death and sea water and ash. The smell protruded her nostrils and stung her eyes. She tried her best to ignore it as she stared at him.

  “Aren’t you going to fight?” She asked, knowing the shadow walkers needed no weapons to kill.

  His smile grew with the question and he lifted a finger and pointed to her before speaking. “Put an end to me, it does not matter, for he has seen now.”

  With those words, Bloodbinder began to ring in her ears and she cringed at the sound of it. Then the shadow walker tilted his head back and laughed. It was a low and guttural but piercing laugh. It rang louder in her ears than the sword and she stepped back a few paces, away from him.

  “What do you mean by that?” She asked angrily. He did not answer but kept laughing loudly and Rhada knew that if she allowed him to continue, he would attract any other shadow walkers that were nearby. She raised Bloodbinder with both hands, pulled the blade over her shoulder and swung with all her strength. The shadow walker’s skin was rubbery and dry, making it easier for Bloodbinder to slide through. His head flew from his shoulders and landed at her feet with a sickening thud. Then his body went limp and fell to the ground in a heap.

  Rhada looked down to the severed head at her feet and took a few steps away from it. She stared into his eyes and saw they looked the same as before-dead, but now they were unseeing. She looked to Bloodbinder and saw there was no blood dripping from its tip. The shadow walker’s blood had dried up long ago.

  She stood silently for a few moments, pondering the meaning of his words when suddenly she heard footsteps behind her. Rhada spun, raising Bloodbinder in defense but lowered it when she saw Mayvard’s face. He stopped and looked down to the severed head at her feet and shuddered.

  “I wish that you had waited for me.” He said, looking back up to her with a frown.

  “There was only one. It was nothing I could not handle on my own.” She turned and began to walk away when Mayvard grasped her arm, stopping her in her tracks.

  Rhada spun back around angrily, ready to reprimand him for touching her but when she saw a look of genuine worry on his face, she softened and silently scolded herself. This man cares for you! He may be the only person in this world who does. Be kind to him!

  “We do not know what we are up against here, not yet. I think it would be wise for us to stay together. No one should wander off alone. Not even you.” Rhada knew that Mayvard was right. Her decision to run off was careless and could have easily gotten her killed. She nodded to him and he smiled in return.

  “I promise.” She said, re-sheathing Bloodbinder. “I will not go anywhere without you.”

  “Thank you.” Mayvard whispered and together, they continued on down the road toward the Blood Sea.

  When they reached what was supposed to be the water’s edge, they both stood in wonderment and stared at the sight before them. A wooden dock stretched out at their feet but there was no water surrounding it. It was raised up into the air like a bridge and below, only sand and stone. A few ships that had been tethered to the dock were now lying on their sides on the shoreline. Rubble and debris littered the ground where they had burst from the force of being thrust against the shore. And all around them the fog seemed to thicken. Rhada could feel the chill of it run up the length of her arms and she saw Mayvard from the corner of her eye wrap his arms in his hands, trying to rub away the cold.

  Rhada began to walk forward slowly, looking down at the edges of the dock as she went. When she reached the end of the dock, she stopped and stared out at what used to be the ocean. She could not see very far ahead of her but knew that the fog stretched on for miles and miles. She also knew that it concealed something from her eyesight, something that sat in waiting and she suddenly got the sick feeling that whatever it was could see her- that she stood staring at it unknowingly and it stared back. She felt her heart begin to thud harshly against her chest and she was about to take a step back when she heard something from below. The sound of raspy breath from beneath her feet reached her ears and she looked down to the wood planks she stood on. She listened for a moment, waiting for the sound to stop but when it did not, she turned to Mayvard and pointed to her feet. He nodded in understanding, unsheathed Bel’dak and walked around the dock, peering underneath as he went. Rhada stepped to the edge and waited for Mayvard to give her a signal. She unsheathed Bloodbinder and when Mayvard waved to her, she jumped.

  “No! Please!” The man cried. He tried to scramble from his hiding place underneath the dock but Rhada grabbed the cuff of his shirt and pulled him out. She shoved him forward, causing him to fall and held Bloodbinder at the ready, in case he tried to strike back but the man did not move. He sat with his hands raised over his face and trembled. Rhada suddenly realized that this man was not a shadow walker and she lowered her blade.

  “It is alright, we won’t hurt you.” She said and she re-sheathed Bloodbinder to show him that she meant it. Mayvard did the same then helped him back to his feet. When he lowered his hands, Rhada instantly recognized Thurdan Malum and she stepped closer to him and reached a hand out to console the frightened Sorcerer. He jumped away from her grasp, however and shook with fright.

  “Do not touch me!” He shouted and he turned to run. Rhada and Mayvard gave chase, farther and farther into the fog until it was all they could see around them. Then Mayvard leapt forward and grasped Thurdan by the collar, pulling him off his feet. He screamed and thrashed but Mayvard held tightly to him and when Rhada stepped in front of him to ask why he ran, his eyes rolled to the back of his head and he fell to the ground unconscious.

  Chapter 24

  The cold walls of the castle loomed over him menacingly, mocking him in his hopelessness. It had seemed so easy on the journey there- sneak in, rescue Terryn, sneak out. But now that he stood looking at the large stone walls, it seemed impossible.

  The castle was a fortress, fortified with the hardest of stone- impenetrable. Its walls jutted upward so high, it hurt his neck to look. There were no windows within his reach; he would have to scale the walls to sneak in that way and that was something he was not about to try. Gaining entrance to the castle would be impossible to do without being noticed.

  Emeric sighed with frustration as he sat shielded from sight in the shrubs. With his cloak and the cover of nightfall, he knew no one would see him there unless they walked right up to him. He lowered his gaze to the front doors of the castle and decided he needed to come up with a strategy. The doors remained closed at all times and Emeric knew there was no way of getting in other than the front doors. At least no way that I have ever heard of. He wondered if he should stalk around the castle and search for another entrance. He knew he would need to do it quickly while darkness still shrouded him.

  As he stood to leave the con
fines of his hiding place, he stooped once more and watched as the front doors swung open suddenly and someone stepped outside. His cloak covered his face and he walked with quick purpose. Emeric’s eyes followed him all the way to the stables and when he looked back to the doors, they were shutting.

  Without thinking, Emeric thrust himself forward, rushing through the tall grass and leaving his horse behind. He raced to the doors and slipped inside just before they closed. The two guards who watched the doors shouted with surprise and held their spears to his chest. Emeric raised his hands in the air, signaling that he meant them no harm. He cursed himself under his breath for acting so rashly. What a fool I am! He thought as he stared into the eyes of the castle guards.

  “Who are you and what are you doing here?” One of them asked and suddenly, Emeric had a plan- he decided to tell the truth.

  “I am Sir Emeric Lanslet, Protector of Ylia, and I have come seeking an audience with the King.” His heart began to pound inside his chest with the thought of being sent before the King but he had no other chance of saving Terryn.

  “The King is away.” The guard told him and this news took Emeric by surprise.

  “Away? Where is he off to? I have urgent news for him!” He tried to sound disappointed.

  “No one knows. Tis a secret where he’s gone. If you have news, you must share it with the Queen.” Emeric found the King’s absence disturbing. Why would the King suddenly leave without telling anyone where he is going? As much as he wanted to know the answer to this question, he knew he had no time to investigate. His priority was Terryn. Then another horrible realization came over him- What if Terryn has told the King of the rebellion and he is already moving his forces to Ylia? He tried to hide the shaking in his hands as he lowered them and nodded to the guards.

  “I will speak with the Queen then.” He allowed them to lead him to the throne room where one of the guards stood and waited with him while the other left to fetch Queen Scarlet.

  So far, Emeric’s plan had worked. He was inside the castle and hoped that he could convince the Queen to let him stay the night. What he was going to say to the Queen, he had not figured out yet. His hands and brow began to sweat as he pondered what reason he would give for intruding. Nothing came to mind.

  A few moments later, the Queen sauntered into the room with two servants and the guard who had fetched her traipsing behind. She wore a long, black nightgown that left a trail dragging on the floor. Her red hair had been left down and uncombed and Emeric found it hard to look away from her beauty. When she spun to face him and sat in her throne, her green eyes captured him and made him feel as though he was already a prisoner. Then she smiled. It was not as he had always remembered, menacing and mocking, but rather, warm and encouraging. She almost seemed happy to see him standing before her and suddenly, his heart grew calmer and he felt a new wave of confidence rush over him. I can do this! He told himself with excitement. He knew now what he would say as well. He decided to get as much information as he could from the Queen without her realizing it.

  “Good evening, Protector Emeric.” She said in her waspy and timid voice.

  Emeric bowed gracefully and replied- “Good evening, your majesty.”

  “And to what do I owe this most surprising pleasure?” She asked, her smile never fading.

  Emeric stood up tall and smiled back. He tried his hardest to make his voice sound sincerely worried when he spoke. “It was Lord Ivran’s desire that I come here and give your majesty a warning.”

  Queen Scarlet’s smile suddenly faded. She leaned forward in her chair and Emeric could see he had made her uncomfortable. “Go on.” She urged, eagerly wanting to hear his news.

  “Word has reached our ears in Ylia of some trouble in Tyos. Something has gone terribly wrong there and Lord Ivran has stated that he is prepared to send a small party to their aid.”

  Queen Scarlet sat back in her chair and Emeric noticed the look of panic leave her eyes. She suddenly smiled again and Emeric could not help but smile back. He knew the Queen had no way of knowing he was already aware of the High Protector’s journey to Tyos.

  “We have already addressed the issue in the north. The High Protector left weeks ago to lend her aid. Tell Lord Ivran that his concern is much appreciated and his willingness to help will not go unrewarded.”

  “I shall.” Emeric replied enthusiastically. “And when do you expect the High Protector to return? Has she sent any news of what has happened in the north?”

  Queen Scarlet shook her head and sighed. “There have been no reports as of yet and I suspect the High Protector to return within the month.”

  “May she return safely.” He said. The Queen smiled at his courteous remark but the only reason he would want Rhada to return safely was to allow Lord Ivran the chance to kill her himself. He knew that his Lord was anxious for the opportunity.

  “My apologies for troubling you at this late hour, your majesty. I shall deliver word to my Lord and please, I beg, send word of any news that reaches your ears. Lord Ivran shall be anxious to hear it.”

  Queen Scarlet seemed extremely pleased with Emeric’s remark and just as he bowed and turned to leave, she stopped him.

  “Must you go so soon?” She asked, standing from her throne. Emeric smiled to himself, knowing that his plan had worked. As he spun back around, his smile faded and he replaced it with a look of solemnity.

  “Aye. I would not want to encroach on the throne any longer.”

  “You have had a long journey.” The Queen replied. “And the hour is late, as you have already stated. I will have the guards show you to a guest room.”

  Emeric bowed again. “Thank you, your majesty. I am rather exhausted.”

  Queen Scarlet clapped her hands and one of her guards stepped out of the shadows.

  “Show Protector Emeric to a room that is befitting a man of his stature.” The guard nodded and soon Emeric was following him down the dark corridor. As he left the throne room, he happened to glance back at the Queen and saw her gaze following him to the doors. He could not help but notice how her eyes seemed to long for him. They shone with brilliance in the candlelight- an image that stayed with him as he traveled through the cold halls.

  When he reached his room, he thanked the guard that led him there, shut the door quietly and threw his traveling pack onto the bed. He sat down on the edge and removed his wet boots then tried his best to rub the soreness from his tired, achy feet.

  After a few moments, Emeric stood and walked across the room to the wine cabinet. He poured himself a glass of sweet red and moved to the large window that overlooked the forest. He could see the outline of his horse under the moonlight, still happily grazing in the grass. He knew the beast would not wander far. He took a sip as he looked up to the stars.

  As he stood, he thought he could feel Terryn’s presence below him, hidden in the bowels of the castle. His torment stretched up to Emeric and sent a shiver up his spine. His only desire was to rush down to the dungeons and rescue him but he knew he needed to wait. The castle was not yet quiet enough.

  Several hours went by and twice Emeric caught himself dozing off. Both times he jolted himself back to consciousness and stood to pace the room until the sleepiness wore off. If I fall asleep, I will sleep through the night and my chance to rescue Terryn will pass me by.

  Finally, when his wine was gone and there were no more sounds outside his door, he decided to slip outside and begin his search for the dungeons. He grabbed his traveling pack and threw it over his shoulder, strapped his sword to his belt and pulled his hood over his face. He stepped to the door, grasped the handle and took a deep breath before opening it.

  Instead of stepping out into the dimly lit hallway, Emeric jumped back in surprise as he stared into the Queen’s eyes. She stepped back as well, surprised by his presence in the doorway. Her hand had been raised to knock on his door but she lowered it as she stared at him then frowned. As she looked him over, she noticed his pack over his shoulde
r, his hood over his face and his sword hanging from his belt.

  “Are you leaving so soon?” She asked disappointedly.

  Emeric took in a deep breath to calm his panicked heart. He nodded and replied- “I could not sleep so I thought I would get an early start home.” He hoped that was believable enough.

  Queen Scarlet smiled and stepped into the room without being invited. Emeric watched her throw her hips from side to side as she walked past him. He leaned out of the doorway and searched for her guards but quickly realized she had come to his room alone.

  “Perhaps I can help the weary traveler get some rest.” She said slyly. Once she was near the bed, she spun back around to face him, pulled the front tie on her robe and let it fall to the ground.

  Emeric swallowed hard as he stared at the naked Queen. Her body was solid and smooth and Emeric felt stirrings he had not felt in years. He tried to pull away, to turn and run down the hall and never look back but his eyes were fixed on the Queen and when she sat at the edge of the bed and laid her head on the pillow, he found himself slowly closing the door. He heard it shut with a soft click and cursed himself for being on the wrong side of it.

  Chapter 25

  King Firion tapped his finger against the side of his head in rhythm with the pounding that came from within. It had started the moment he woke that morning and never ceased. He had drunk far too much ale the night before and woke with an aching in his belly and a throbbing behind his eyes.

  Every night it was the same- Lady Ashryn would stumble into his tent with a bottle of ale or spirit in each hand and they would drink until their vision was blurred and every night they would make love under the blankets next to the warm fire. King Firion smiled as he pictured her naked body in his mind. She was beautiful and her body reminded him of Scarlet’s.

  The King, however, felt no desire to drink with Lady Ashryn tonight and sat patiently awaiting her arrival to tell her to leave him be, when suddenly the flap of his tent was thrown open and in walked Lady Ashryn with Protector Zane at her side.


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