Shadows of Men (The Watchers Book 1)

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Shadows of Men (The Watchers Book 1) Page 27

by M. Lee Holmes

  “You have returned.” King Firion noted. He hoped that Zane had brought him the news he was waiting to hear.

  Zane bowed slightly before the King then looked to him regretfully. “I have.” He replied.

  King Firion turned to Lady Ashryn and waved her away. “Leave us.” He said and noticed the disappointed look she shot him before stepping out of the tent.

  “Well? Has the prisoner confessed?” He asked before inviting Zane to sit down. Zane merely shook his head and took a seat across from the King anyway.

  “He will not. I have tried everything, your majesty- everything I could think of. I even tried to bribe him in my desperation but he will not talk. His love for the traitor Lord Ivran has made his resolve strong and he has decided to stay defiant until the very end.”

  King Firion felt rage begin to build inside of him. He looked across the tent to the man who had failed him and wondered how he dared be in his presence. How dare he look me in the eye now and tell me he could not accomplish the simple task I have set him to? He should be trembling in fear! King Firion stood, walked to his flagon of ale and refilled it from the decanter. He ignored the pounding in his head as he took a hard swallow. His sudden urge to strike Zane needed to be quelled and ale was the only way he knew to do that.

  “I am disappointed in you, Zane.” He said quietly. He turned back to Protector Zane and saw fear in his eyes- a satisfied feeling washed over him and he sat back down. “I will strike Lord Ivran regardless of the information you syphon from that traitor but I will be better prepared if I know what I am up against.”

  “Majesty, may I suggest that we strike now? Lord Ivran has many allies, yes, but they are divided at the moment. He is no more prepared to attack us than we are him. If we strike him now, it may make the others afraid enough to stay hidden.”

  “I do not want them to stay hidden!” Firion shouted. He stood tall and let his looming presence shroud Zane in fear. “I want them all captured and brought to justice! Every man, woman and child who dares defy their King will feel my wrath!”

  Zane tore his eyes away from the King and looked down to his hands in shame. “Forgive me, majesty.” He whispered.

  King Firion drank the last of his ale and threw the flagon aside. He stooped down, grasped Zane by the collar and pulled him from his chair.

  “I want that traitor brought back here. If you cannot do your job properly, then I will do it for you.” With that, King Firion pushed Zane away from him, towards the tent door. Zane fell to the ground but quickly stood and bowed to the King. When he spoke, King Firion could hear his voice trembling.

  “Right away, your majesty.” And he turned and bolted from the tent.

  Firion stood and watched the door of the tent for a moment, expecting Lady Ashryn to come charging in but all seemed quiet outside and Firion decided to lie down and try to will the aching in his head to vanish. As soon as he turned away from the door, however, he heard the faint sound of the flap opening and he spun around to see who had intruded.

  Instead of Lady Ashryn, like he suspected, he was surprised to find Myranda standing in his presence. She stood idly at the door, nervously pulling on her own fingers. Her long, blonde hair draped over her shoulders in waves and her blue eyes were sparkling with wetness in the firelight. When their eyes met, she bowed quickly and spoke with a voice so soft, it was near imperceptible.

  “Majesty.” Was all she could muster to say.

  King Firion’s curiosity grew exceedingly as he stared at the Sorceress that was now in his presence. He wondered why she would come to him- if perhaps she had had another vision. But even more so, he wondered how she had found him.

  “Myranda.” He acknowledged her as he sat at the edge of his bed. “Come in.” He urged and she took a few shy steps into the tent. “How did you find my camp?” He asked, trying not to sound as angry as he felt.

  Myranda shifted from foot to foot nervously and forced her gaze back to the King. She took a deep breath to calm the shaking in her voice as she spoke. “Forgive me, majesty, but I followed Protector Zane. I urgently needed to speak with you and had no other way of knowing where to find you.”

  “If it is a vision you wish to speak of, you could have just told the Queen. I’ve no time for petty quarrels of the realm.”

  “I have not come to discuss a vision. I have come to discuss something I have witnessed with my own eyes and heard with my own ears.” King Firion saw the courage growing behind Myranda’s eyes as she spoke and she took a few more steps towards him.

  “Go on.” He replied in a soft voice. He was surprised to find that he was eager to hear what she had to say.

  “Back at the castle, I felt a very strong urge to follow Protector Zane into the dungeons. I listened as he tried to bargain with the prisoner to get information from him.”

  King Firion suddenly stood in rage and glowered down at Myranda. “How dare you?” He shouted. “It is not your place to eavesdrop on matters that do not concern you!” He was about to call for his guards to arrest her when she bent down on one knee and bowed her head low.

  “Forgive me, majesty, it was not my intent!” Now the shaking in her voice could be heard clearly. “Lady Ashryn and Protector Zane mean to betray you!”

  King Firion stopped suddenly and peered down at Myranda with harsh eyes. His hands clenched into fists but it was not from the anger he felt towards Myranda- it was her words now that quenched him in a fiery rage.

  “What did you say?” He asked, almost unable to believe her words.

  “I heard Protector Zane tell Terryn that he and Lady Ashryn are planning to kill you and the High Protector. I did not hear how they mean to do it but you are in danger. They have been lying to you all along. They want the throne for themselves!” Myranda could feel the King’s rage fill the space between them, heating the inside of the tent like a furnace. It palpitated through the air, burning into her chest and making her eyes water.

  The King stood for a moment in silence. Then, without warning, he rushed forward and threw himself from his tent.

  Myranda did not move until her shaking hands were still. She stood slowly and took another deep breath, turning to stare at the tent flap before her, not daring to leave.

  It had been a difficult decision to make- telling the King of Lady Ashryn and Protector Zane’s treachery. Though she had no desire to protect the King, she did not want an uprising in the castle to occur. Even worse, she felt that the High Protector needed to be protected. She could not explain her feelings- for if the opportunity arose, she would not stand in the way of an assassin. But for reasons she could not explain, she knew the realm needed Rhada now. So Myranda decided the only thing she could do was tell the King what she had heard and pray that he granted Lady Ashryn and Protector Zane a swift death. When King Firion returned with three guards and Zane, whose face was already bloodied and bruised, she knew that mercy had been too much to hope for.

  Captain Theodoric, who held tightly to Zane’s shoulders, shoved him forward into the dirt, making a cloud of dust rise up around them and settle on everything inside the tent. Myranda could see Protector Zane shaking with fear and when his eyes met hers, she looked away in shame.

  “So,” King Firion began, placing his hands behind his back and peering down at Zane with unforgiving eyes, “how did you plan to do it? Were you going to kill me before the High Protector returned or were you planning to kill her first before coming to me?” He smiled and leaned forward to stare directly into Zane’s eyes. “That’s it, isn’t it? You thought you could kill the High Protector and Bloodbinder would be yours.” He sneered as he said this last part.

  Just then, another guard entered the tent with Lady Ashryn. He held tightly to a scruff of hair on the back of her head and shoved her forward, causing her to cry out in pain. When she looked up, her face was streaming with tears and she tried to grasp at the edge of the King’s robes. He swiftly pulled away, making her fall forward again.

  “Please!” She
begged. “Whatever you have heard is a lie! I have sworn myself to you!” She was not afraid to look in the King’s eyes like Zane was. She let him see the tears that fell freely down her cheeks.

  King Firion grasped her by the chin and spoke in a whisper so soft- Myranda had to lean forward to hear his words.

  “And none other shall have you- ever again!” He let go of her chin and turned to Theodoric.

  “Start a fire and have your men gather the torch oil. We are going to light up the night sky with these traitors’ bodies!” Theodoric bowed to his King before leaving the tent to carry out his commands.

  Lady Ashryn was sobbing now and Zane had a gentle hand on her shoulder for comfort but a stoical look upon his face. Myranda glanced in their direction then promptly looked away towards the tent door. She knew the King had sensed her desire to flee when he turned to her and said; “you stay and watch. I want you to see that a new rebellion has begun, but I have already started to extinguish the flames of vengeance the people of this realm wish to inflict upon us, starting with these two!” Lady Ashryn’s crying became hysterical with those words.

  They waited patiently for the Captain to return and by the time he did, the flames of the fire that roared outside could be seen glowing through the thin walls of the tent. King Firion motioned for his guards to lift the two traitors off the ground and Myranda watched in horror as they stripped them of their clothing completely. Myranda turned away embarrassed and shuddered when she felt the King’s hand on her back, shoving her forward and out of the tent.

  The night air had been chilly when Myranda first entered the camp but now it burned with the heat of the flames. All the men of the King’s camp stood around the fire, having been told by the Captain to stand as witnesses.

  Several guards carrying buckets walked up to the traitors and dumped the contents over their heads. Myranda could clearly see the black oil shining against the firelight that draped over Lady Ashryn and Protector Zane like a thick blanket. Protector Zane shook his head from side to side, trying to shake the oil from his eyes and Lady Ashryn screamed as the black sludge oozed down her face.

  King Firion motioned for Theodoric to bring them forward. He grabbed Lady Ashryn by the wrist and pulled her in front of the crowd. Protector Zane was shoved next to her. They stood naked before the King’s men, covered in black oil and trembling. The flames of the fire burned menacingly in the dark night, lighting the faces of the King’s guards who stood around it, whistling and jeering at the two unfortunate souls about to be consumed in the conflagration. Their faces became as daunting as the King’s in that moment- like demons dancing around the fires of eternal damnation. The orange glow gave their eyes an eerie sparkle.

  Some of them began to whistle and call to Lady Ashryn, making crude remarks about her body. She cried and wrapped herself in her arms, trying to hide her nakedness from the men.

  One of the guards stooped down and lifted a small rock from the ground. He raised it above his head and threw it with precise aim, striking Protector Zane on the side of the head. He grasped his head in his hand and ducked. Another rock came flying through the air and hit his shoulder then another landed on the ground next to his feet, missing its intended mark. Lady Ashryn was struck on the forehead. She cried out in pain and fell to her knees. Captain Theodoric stepped up behind her and pulled her back to her feet.

  Myranda could not watch the spectacle of torture any longer. She turned to the King and saw that he was laughing at their misfortune. His dark hair and dark eyes glistened in the firelight and his broad shoulders bounced with his laughter. He laughed as though it were a joke- as if it was a jester before him, performing puerile tricks. That was the moment Myranda realized she hated the King.

  “Please!” Lady Ashryn cried out. The rocks stopped flying and she was permitted to speak without abuse. “Please let us live! I beg of you!” She was looking at the King now, begging with her eyes. The oil stained her hair and face but her eyes were clearly visible. “We will do anything!”

  “I suppose you wish me to send you to Stonehill instead, as if that was a mercy.” The King said. He stepped closer to the fire and let the heat of it warm his face.

  “At least give us the mercy of a fair trial.” Zane said, finally finding the courage to speak. “What proof do you have that we mean to betray you?”

  “It was from your own lips that Myranda heard of your plans.” The King sneered at him.

  Zane glanced at Myranda and she promptly looked away. She knew he was trying to figure out how she had discovered his secret.

  “The Sorceress lies!” Lady Ashryn shouted. She was becoming more hysterical by the moment.

  “And what reason would the Sorceress have to lie to me?” King Firion asked. “She has none. She has been a loyal servant of mine for many years and I trust her word. You, on the other hand, have every reason to lie to me. For all I know you could be a spy for Lord Ivran.”

  “If you doubt our loyalty, let us try to prove ourselves in court.” Zane said.

  The King’s face turned vicious- his eyes narrowing at Zane and his mouth snarling as though he was a beast about to take a bite from him. He took a few steps closer to Zane and said in a deep, threatening voice; “Scum such as you do not deserve a fair trial. You deserve nothing more than a grave.” King Firion turned to the crowd suddenly and shouted for all to hear; “let it be known throughout the land that any traitors who are captured shall burn! A new rebellion has begun and these two,” he gestured to the condemned, “shall be the message we send to any who dare defy their King!”

  He turned to Captain Theodoric and pointed at Protector Zane. “Start with him.” He said and stepped aside, giving Theodoric room to reach the fire. He grabbed Zane underneath the arm and began pulling him forward, but Zane would not go without a fight. He pulled against Theodoric and tried wrenching his arm free. Theodoric let out a frustrated grunt and grabbed Zane by the shoulder with his other arm and pushed him forward. Zane leaned away from the flames, spun, and tried kicking at Captain Theodoric. His bare foot did little against the Captain’s boiled leather, however. It only made the Captain angry. He let go of Zane, pulled a clenched fist back and struck Zane on the jaw hard enough to knock him off his feet. Myranda heard Lady Ashryn gasp next to her. Myranda could see that she was trembling and her tears were streaming down her cheeks, rolling over the black oil and dripping to the ground.

  Theodoric pushed Zane forward with his foot, just enough for the flames to lick at the flammable oil that covered his body. Lady Ashryn’s cries turned into screams as his body was ignited. It lit with a whoosh and a flash of light that was blinding. Zane’s screams of pain filled the air, sending chills up Myranda’s spine. She didn’t want this. She had hoped the King would be reasonable, and she could not help the feeling of guilt that washed over her. She knew this was her fault- she was watching the King burn them alive because she came to him. If she had just stayed in her room, tending to her own business instead of sticking her nose where it did not belong, none of this would be happening now.

  The King waited until Zane was quiet before nodding at Theodoric to bring Lady Ashryn forward.

  “No!” She shouted, pulling away from the Captain’s grasp. “Have mercy, my King! I beg you!” But no mercy would be given to her. Myranda knew Ashryn’s fate was sealed, she could see it in the King’s half grin. And so, Myranda did the only thing she could think of. She closed her eyes and felt the wave of euphoria come over her that always accompanied mind melding. She felt herself drifting up and away and soon, she was seeing through Lady Ashryn’s eyes. A panic that Myranda had never felt before filled her heart and as she looked to the flames before her, her eyes trying desperately to see through the thick blackness of the oil, her body began to convulse and shake in terror.

  Her gaze fell upon the burning corpse of her lover, but her heart suddenly filled with an unexpected calmness. Even as she stared at his charred, blackened flesh, a slow, relaxed smile spread across her fac
e. Death is good. She found herself thinking, wondering where this wave of peacefulness had come from. Death is only another part of life. She did not even fear the pain and without being forced, she stepped forward and threw herself into the fire.

  Myranda’s mind was forced from Lady Ashryn when the pain became too great. She opened her eyes, feeling the relief of being back in her own body. She watched as the black silhouette of Lady Ashryn shriveled and burned and listened as her now pained screams filled the air. Myranda looked down, away from the burning effigy before her, ashamed that she was not able to stay with her longer.

  Chapter 26

  “He wishes to speak with you.” Merek said to Rhada as he stepped out of the room. They had dragged Thurdan all the way back to the lodge and placed him in an unoccupied bed in the back of the house. When he fully regained consciousness, he spent hours wailing and begging to be released. It had taken Merek most of the night to calm the Sorcerer down. Rhada had tried her best to help but each time Thurdan looked in her eyes, she could see the fear of her in them and decided it would be best for her to wait outside.

  She sat in the dark hallway with her back leaning against the wall and her legs stretched out before her. Merek finally emerged with bloodshot eyes and a weariness so heavy upon his shoulders, it seemed to be dragging him to the floor. Rhada stood and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder.

  “Get some rest.” She told the Protector and he nodded in indignation, turned and left her alone in the hallway.

  Rhada stood outside Thurdan’s door and listened to the pounding in her heart. She knew Thurdan was the answer she sought. He knew what had happened and he was about to tell her everything- he was about to confirm that evil had returned to their land. As she stood, she wondered if she was really ready to hear the truth. If he tells me what I already know, making it real, what then shall I do? What shall I do against the forces of evil that will spread throughout this land? She was not prepared to answer her own questions but not knowing the answer brought a fear so powerful- Rhada wished for the first time that she was not the High Protector. She found herself wishing that Bloodbinder had chosen someone else for this task, someone braver.


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