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Undone: The Dark Skies Trilogy

Page 6

by Lysa Daley

“Did he attack you?” my uncle asks. “You look unharmed. Excellent job evading an Arcturian weapons’ master. Perhaps my training is working better than I thought.”

  “He didn't attack me,” I explain.

  But then Fitz has to go and ask, “Did he give you something?”

  “What?” I look up wide-eyed, certain my reaction gives me away. “How’d you know that?”

  Chapter 14

  How did Fitz know I have something for him?

  I pull the small thumb drive out and turn it over in my palm. “Jax told me to give this to you.”

  “What is it?” Simmons asks, craning her neck to get a look at it. It seems like she thinks whatever it is might be dangerous.

  “I believe it's a flash drive.” Fitz’s face is unreadable. Then he walks over to the makeshift tech console and hands it to Tanaka.

  Tanaka, our tech expert, inserts the drive into his computer. Row after row of data immediately scrolls down the screen. “Whoa! This is a big file. Especially because it's all text. I would expect a file of the size to be video, not data.”

  “What sort of file?” my uncle asks.

  Tanaka squints at the screen trying to make sense of it. “It appears to be…. highly encrypted.”

  “How long will it take you to break the encryption?” Fitz asks.

  “I'm not sure. Maybe a couple of hours. Oh wait…” Tanaka looks puzzled, his fingers flying madly over the keyboard as he works on the file. “Hold on. This is crazy. It’s our encryption.”

  O'Malley bristles, “You mean it came from here? Have we been hacked?”

  “No,” Tanaka still studies the screen. “Someone downloaded this text file from an outside source, then encrypted the files with our code again.”

  “How can you tell?” I ask, wondering what this means. Did Jax steal our encryption? Or does it mean someone gave it to him to use?

  “Our system is like no other software on the planet. We've incorporated higher-level technology into the security protocols. It's almost a form of artificial intelligence that continuously changes the security codes. It's like a living breathing entity in charge of our firewall. But this isn’t one of our files.” Tanaka squints, leaning back in his chair. But then adds, “Still, I can’t access it without a file specific password.”

  “Let me try.” Fitz quickly types something into the keyboard instantly unlocking the file. He’s been expecting this.

  Line after line of readable text begins scrolling down the screen.

  “Whoa!” Simmons says. “What is that?”

  “Looks like names,” Tanaka reads. “And dates.”

  “There's thousands of them,” my uncle says as we all stand spellbound by the screen watching the names continue to roll. “Tens of thousands. Maybe more.”

  Fitz quietly examines the scrolling information. “Type in the name of Louise Lokkin.”

  Everyone is surprised that he's so specific. Tanaka nods and types it in. A match immediately pops up. “Bingo! That name is listed here.”

  Fitz nods. “I suspect this is a list of everyone who has been abducted by the Grey aliens in the last 75 years.”

  Everyone is silent as the gravity of this sinks in.

  “Who would compile such a list?” Simmons asks.

  “The Horlocks,” he replies matter of factly. Before someone can ask a follow-up question, he turns to Tanaka. “How many names on the list?”

  Tanaka studies the data. “So far… just shy of one million. But it’s only halfway done loading.”

  “Who is Louise Lokkin?” I ask.

  “Waylon’s mother,” Simmons replies.

  So Waylon was right. All along, he claimed his mom had been abducted. No one at St. B’s believed him. But his faith never wavered. I confess that even I was skeptical. Everyone whispered that she was a drunk who just ran away. They treated him like he was crazy. According to Bella, he's been in dozens of fights defending his mother's honor. And it turns out he was right all along.

  “Are you going to tell him?” I ask.

  “Of course,” Fitz nods, turning away from me. “When the time is right.”

  When the meeting is over, I wait for everyone to shuffle out. I want to ask Fitz privately about Jax. Is he working for the Eye in the Sky? I want answers. I want to know what really happened the night Calliope stole BrightSky.

  “Fitz, can I ask —“

  He cuts me off as he sweeps out of the conference room. “We’ll talk later, Astrid. I know you have questions”

  “But—” I want to know what the plan is regarding Tom. How are we going to get him and his children back here. But everyone seems like they’ve forgotten him and are now totally consumed with this abductee list instead.

  “Later. I promise.” Then Fitz turns away, marching down the hallway.

  Chapter 15

  “You look white as a sheet.“ Ruby leans against the wall, waiting for me outside the conference room. No non-essential personnel were allowed in this meeting.

  “Do I?” I reply, instinctively touching my cheek.

  She leans in and whispers, “Does that mean you're in big trouble?”

  “If you can believe it, I'm not in any trouble at all. I mean, my uncle is furious, but I'm not grounded or anything.”

  “Fantastic,” she smiles and claps her hands brightly. “Then you can come with me up to the gift shop. I'm Jonesing for a Diet Coke, but all they have in the fridge in our kitchen is that natural, no chemical crap.”

  During the day, if we have permission, we're allowed up to the lobby for a quick trip and a little fresh air if security says it's okay.

  Unfortunately, O’Malley mans the security desk when we arrive. He’s the strictest of the strict. As the head of security, he's as much of a hardass as I've ever met. I'm pretty sure that at this point I have no street cred left with him. Not after sneaking out last night.

  “Oh brother,” I sigh. “He’s never going to let us go. Or at least, not me.”

  “Let’s give it a shot,” Ruby grins slyly as we walk up to the security checkpoint.

  Acting like it's no big thing, she smiles at the huge, scowling former Navy SEAL. “Hey man. My girl and I want to head up to grab a soda. Happy to buy you one of those super size root beers you like.”

  Leave it to Ruby to know what everybody likes to drink.

  Then she adds, “Plus those Hot Cheetos that pair so well with it.”

  What's even more amazing is that O'Malley doesn't immediately say no.

  He looks at us sideways for a long moment his face unreadable. Just as I'm certain he's about to send us back to our rooms, he picks up the the comm system, “This is O'Malley. How's the lobby look?”

  He listens for a moment then pulls out his earpiece. “You ladies have five minutes. If you're back in five minutes and two seconds, then consider all of your privileges for the next month to be revoked.”

  “Thank you,” Ruby smiles brightly. As we follow O’Malley to the elevator, she gives me a sideways glance that says told you so.

  O'Malley inserts the key into the elevator lock pad opening the door. “And I'll be expecting that root beer and an extra large bag of Hot Cheetos when you return.”

  “Of course,” Ruby says as we step into the waiting elevator. As soon as the door closes, she eagerly asks, “So tell me what happened last night?”

  “I was listening to the police scanner online—” I begin, but she stops me.

  “Hey listen, I’m glad you found Tom and everything, but just start with the part where you saw Jax.”

  That’s Ruby. Getting right to the good stuff.

  “Right. I was walking back to the hotel, and he just appeared,” I explain as the little elevator bell dings and the doors slide open. We step out onto the polished marble floors of the lobby. “He must have been following me, but I have no idea for how long.”

  “What did he say?”

  “Not much,” I shrug. I almost begin to tell her that he gave me the thumb drive, but
something makes me stop. “He wanted to know about Tom.”

  “Right, great vet,” she scoffs. “He had Tom in his clinic for how long and didn’t even figure out that Tom is a girl.”

  “Actually,” I begin. “Gender is fluid in some alien creatures.”

  “What’s that mean?”

  “I guess boys can be mothers.”

  “Wow,” she remarks. “How progressive.”

  The hotel lobby is quiet. Most of the early morning travelers have checked out, and the rush of arriving guests won’t happen until after lunch. The lobby is an elegant space decorated in high-end colonial chic.

  “Did you ask him how Calliope is doing?” she sarcastically inquires.

  “I’m not going to dignify that with a response.”

  “What a dick head. I’m surprised you didn’t deck him.”

  “I tried.”

  “You did?” she laughs. “You actually tried to hit him?”

  “Twice.” I nod, leaving out the part where Jax told me I look beautiful when I’m angry. “But he’s too fast.”

  “Forget about that loser,” she says as we cross the lobby heading toward the small hotel gift shop filled with D.C. souvenirs, overpriced toiletries and snacks. “Chad is what you need to focus on.”

  She buys a Diet Coke and O’Malley’s snacks, while I just buy a bottle of fizzy water and a pack of wintergreen gum. As we head back toward the elevators, Ruby says, “Let me dash into the bathroom.”

  “But O’Malley said we only have five minutes.”

  “I’ll be quick.” She ignores my protests and keeps going. “I just want to nab a couple of those fancy hand towels they have in there for my room.”

  As she ducks in the posh hotel ladies room, I lean on the wall near the elevators and unwrap a piece of gum. A burst of mint explodes in my mouth, and I close my eyes for a moment to enjoy it.

  Sometimes it’s the little joys in life that keep you going.

  But when I open my eyes, I nearly spit out my gum. I freeze at the sight of who just walked in through the wide front lobby doors.

  It’s none other than Sunglasses Man.

  Chapter 16

  Two of Sunglasses Man’s thugs, also wearing dark suits, lumber in behind him. He stops and looks around the lobby.

  I want to sprint the twenty yards to the ladies bathroom. But there’s a good chance Sunglasses Man will see me and also, I don’t want Ruby to get caught.

  Sunglasses flashes his badge, talking to a hotel security guard. The rent-a-guard looks nervous like he’s being threatened.

  Panic seizes me. I was feeling so good, so cocky that I snuck out and no one saw me last night.

  But someone apparently took note of my location.

  Or was it Jax? It had to be Jax. He really did betray me. And now he’s going to take us all down. If the Horlocks had just grabbed me last night, then they’d have only me. But now they know that this is the Eye in the Sky base.

  I text Ruby. Stay in there. Sunglasses Man in lobby.

  She replies. No! Get out of there!

  I can’t leave you.

  I’ll hide in here. You go.

  But go where? I can’t cross to the elevator without being seen. I can’t slip into the bathroom.

  I’m trapped.

  I spot a group of Asian tourists heading toward the front entrance. As they pass me, I slip in with their group, using them as a shield.

  Unfortunately, as they get closer to the front entrance, I see two more of Sunglasses Man’s suits waiting just outside the grand hotel front doors.

  Shoot! Now I’m trapped.

  An instant before the suits see me, a hotel service door opens and a bellman pushes a big brass luggage trolley out. An instant before the service door closes, I slip inside.

  I take the service elevator down to the basement and end up in the hotel’s industrial laundry room. Just when I think I’m safe, I hear a little ding as the door spills open and Sunglasses appears.

  With nowhere to run, I jump into one of the huge bins full of wet linens and cover myself with white towels. I can hear them walking around. They’re getting closer. Then it’s quiet. Too quiet. I hold my breath and wait.

  After a few minutes pass, my cart starts to move. At the last second, I realize I’m about to be loaded into the big industrial washing machine with the towels and sheets. As the bin tips, I pull myself out landing on my feet. A very startled elderly laundry man stares at me.

  “Sorry!” I say as I sprint toward the service stairwell. Luckily, it’s empty.

  When I make it back down to my level, I race over to the checkpoint. O’Malley is gone. Instead, Dale sits at the desk. “Dale! Did Ruby come back?”

  “What?” he asks, wide-eyed. “No. She’s not with you?”

  I sprint through the halls to get to the comm center. I see my uncle, Fitz and his crew huddled around a monitor watching something on video.

  “Uncle! The Horlocks got Ruby. You have to help.”

  “Calm down,” he says, putting a protective hand on my shoulder. “I can’t understand you. What happened?”

  I try to recount the whole terrible adventure as quickly as I can. “She was on the other side of the lobby, and we got separated. I think they have her. Sunglasses and his goons must have grabbed her.”

  “It’s okay,” my uncle tells me. “She’s safe. Sunglasses Man and his goons are gone.”

  “Oh thank God!” I visibly relax. “It was Jax. I know it was. He’s told them where we are. That must be why he gave me that drive but didn’t —

  “It wasn’t Jax,” my uncle cuts me off. “Remember what Kraken told us?”

  I think back to the weird conversation I had with the strange Grey alien in Cairo. “He said if we wanted to find BrightSky we needed to plug the leak.”


  “I’m not following.”

  Just then Ruby walks in with O’Malley behind her. O’Malley wears his angry face, and it worries me.

  Fitz says, “We found the leak.”

  “Who?” I ask.

  No one says anything, but everyone is looking at me.

  Finally, Ruby says, “It’s me. I’m the leak.”

  “Wait… What’s going on?” I ask as Ruby bursts into tears.

  No one answers me.

  Fitz is at the console pulling up a video on the big center screen. It takes me a moment to realize that it’s grainy black and white footage from the hotel security cameras stationed in the lobby.

  “When was this?” I ask, just as Ruby appears on the screen. The video begins a moment after I last saw Ruby in the lobby. She's not in the bathroom. Instead, it looks like she's watching me as I quickly duck into the service area.

  Then when she’s certain that I’m not there anymore, instead of running away from Sunglasses, I’m shocked to see that she approaches him. They start talking like old friends.

  “Please, Astrid,” Ruby chokes out through tears. “It’s not what it looks like.”

  Chapter 17

  On the screen, Sunglasses swivels and takes a few steps towards Ruby. She looks hesitant as she approaches him. They stand together, quietly talking for a while.

  What could they possibly be discussing?

  Ruby shrugs weakly, then shakes her head no as she silently drops her eyes. Sunglasses continues to talk to her, his hands gesture in a way that looks threatening. Finally, she turns and points in the direction of the service area.

  My breath catches in my throat. I feel sick. The video clearly showed my best friend pointing the way I had just gone to the man who wants to turn me over to the Crimson Lord.

  Sunglasses and his men hurry off in that direction, leaving her standing there. She's motionless for a long moment, practically frozen, but then she turns and slowly heads back to the service elevator clutching a diet coke and an over-sized root beer.

  Fitz pauses the video and swivels in his chair. “Ruby has been compromised.”

  My knees buckle, about
to give out beneath me. At least now I understand how the Horlocks were able to follow me down to the hotel laundry room.

  Over the years, I’ve lived in 11 different places. Or 12, if you want to count this hotel. In all those places, I’ve never had a better friend than Ruby. I've trusted her with my deepest thoughts and all my secrets.

  I’ve literally trusted her with my life.

  Once I steady myself, a sharp anger bubbles up. “So you've been working with the Horlocks?”

  “No.” She shakes her head, wipes a tear. “It's not like that.”

  “You ratted me out to the Horlocks. You betrayed all of us. You pointed them towards the service elevator.”

  “You don’t understand! They have my family!” she confesses in a rush of emotion. “He said he killed them.”

  “Tell us exactly what they said,” Fitz says, remaining totally calm.

  “They sent me pictures.” She holds out her phone. “First, they told me all I had to do was open the gate in the delivery area by the loading docks the other night.”

  “Wait? So you're the reason Tom got out?”

  She hesitates, shame flutters across her face. “Yes, but it didn't go the way they were planning. They expected him to fight Raki. But Tom never appeared.”

  “Fight Raki?” I spit out. I turn my head, barely able to look at her because I’m so disgusted. “That monster would have killed him. Tom was still injured.”

  “Yes but Tom was already gone…” she replies weakly. “They were mad. I thought that was all I had to do. I thought I was done. And then they told me to be in the lobby this afternoon with Astrid.”

  “And you agreed?” my uncle says, his face red with fury. “Why didn’t you come to us?”

  “What was I supposed to do?” she argues, shaking, tears dropping on her cheeks. “They promised me that if I help them by telling them where Astrid was that they would let my mom and dad and sister go. But if I didn’t, if I told anyone, I’d never see or hear from my family again.”

  My uncle turns to Fitz, anger blazing in his eyes. “Ruby should be locked up. There’s no way this girl should be allowed to stay.”


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