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Alien Fae Mate

Page 1

by Misty Kayn

  Alien Fae Mate

  Misty Kayn



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  About the Author

  Also by Misty Kayn

  Copyright © 2016 Misty Kayn

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  *this book depicts kinky sexual practices in a fantasy setting. It is meant for reading enjoyment only.


  “Thank you,” I said to Dohan, the alien fae security guard who checked my ID when I reported to work on the faes’ mother ship’s top deck.

  He grinned, showing a set of pearly whites while his black-eyed gaze roamed my body, and paused at my long, straight platinum-blonde wig. “What happened to your hair? Yesterday, you were a redhead. I loved the redhead look.”

  Tip number one. If a fae didn’t like your hair, your hairdo was hideous. The fae weren’t too picky about their partners. My shoulders slumped. “I tried to dye it platinum and it didn’t turn out right, so I had to wig the platinum look. Besides, the red wig got old, and Titan didn’t seem to notice it anyway.” At work, I’d been wearing wigs and different styles of clothing for the past two months in an attempt to uncover my boss’s type. I’d been everything. The sexy dark-haired schoolgirl, the blond bombshell, the pinup brunette, and, last week, I was a sexy redhead in a sundress. This week I was going with the platinum blonde in a pencil-skirt suit.

  “Titan doesn’t notice anyone,” Dohan said. “You’re wasting your time.” He leaned in. “But, baby, I notice everything about you. My favorite part of the day is when you walk away from me. Red, black, purple, pink, or platinum hair, it’s all hot when you wear it. So go on to work, little lady, make my day.”

  I chuckled and rounded his security booth. A strip of light blue light glowed along the black walls, and I followed it to Titan’s quarters at the end of the long narrow hallway. Flirting never hurt anybody, so I fluffed up my long hair and made sure I put an extra swagger into my ass.

  “The mating season is coming,” Dohan called out.

  Mid-step, I spun around and almost tripped over my sneakers. “When?” The mating season was the single most important time of year for the fae. And for some of us humans who crushed on fae. Since the alien fae had invaded Earth, they’d turned our mundane existence into a sex-powered universe. The sexcapades during their mating seasons each year turned our lives around. Before them, a few of us humans thought we knew all about sex, some of us thought we were the kinkiest fuckers in the universe, and, hell, most of us thought we were the only fuckers in the universe. Very few of us had made sex a priority. Our lives didn’t revolve around mating the way their lives did, but that had all changed. At least for me.

  “Sometime this week,” Dohan said. He stepped out of the booth and patted his uniformed chest. “First in line, baby, first in line.”

  “How do you know the season’s coming?”

  “Our Titan’s all bent out of shape.”

  “That’s nothing new,” I said.

  “More than usual. He hates the mating season.” Dohan wiggled his eyebrows. “Like I said, waste of time, but”—he palmed his groin—“I’ll have you bent over in no time. And beggars can’t be choorsers. I’m on to you, girl.”

  “Choosers,” I corrected. Some fae still had a hard time with English.

  “We could get an early start.”

  I spun around and walked away, placing my hand over my ass, which I was sure he ogled. I folded all but my middle finger. Dohan’s laughter reached the end of the hallway, where I knocked on the wooden door.

  Every morning at nine, I followed a routine. I entered Titan’s dark quarters on quiet feet, even though I knew he showered at this time and wouldn’t hear me. On my right was his bathroom. I heard water hitting tile and confirmed my assumptions. I closed his front door and rapped three times on his bathroom door, telling him I’d arrived. His morning routine would make any hot-blooded woman want to come to work. It made me want to come in early, but he wouldn’t like that as it would disrupt whatever he did before nine. Titan was a male of routine.

  The short hallway led me into his bedroom, with a large bed on the right, and past it to my workstation, an old wooden desk set inside an alcove space. The first thing I did—before I tripped over my own feet in the dark—was turn on the pair of lamps on either side of my desk. The blue neon hues glowed dimly. It wasn’t much, but any light was better than the pitch-black the fae preferred. Unlike human eyes, the faes’ black eyes were made for seeing in the dead of night.

  Lights on, I folded neatly in my leather chair and unbuttoned my suit. Underneath, I wore a peach tank top with a pretty pastel-green lace at the vee of my breasts. I pulled the shirt down a bit more and pushed up my B cups. Meh. No amount of chest puffing and bra stuffing would turn them into Ds, but a girl had to try. I sighed and replaced sneakers with leather heels. Makeover done, I picked up a laser pen, my working tool. A human skin graft I’d been working on for the past year was on a tray in front of me. I placed goggles over my eyes and pretended to busy myself with the secret project Titan of the Dark Fae had hired me for. The fae needed human skin filled with anti-iron serum in order to walk on Earth unharmed. I maintained their human skin grafts, and I was the only human allowed to work with the serum and the grafts.

  I’d start working, however, after he left for his Titanic duties, because my brain didn’t function when Titan was around. At least, not on the scientific-geek level. Like many other women in their late twenties, I’d had sex, liked it, and wanted to do it more often, but I didn’t make it my priority. Until about three years ago when I’d met Titan, the ruler of the Dark Fae. I never wanted to have sex again in my entire life. With anyone else. When he was around, the only thing my brain conjured up was ideas on ways to seduce him. I was pretty creative in that department too, and I looked forward to seeing his reaction to the platinum-blonde look.

  The bathroom door clicked open.

  I “worked,” my pen buzzing subtly in the quiet dark space.

  “Good morning, Rain,” Titan said as he left the bathroom. At the small alcove in the hallway, he paused to pour us coffee. Their quarters reminded me of our hotels, with only the necessities carefully placed around the room to allow for more space. Titan got coffee and crossed the room. “How are the grafts progressing?” He sipped his coffee and placed mine on the desk. I didn’t lift my head right away, as if I wasn’t interested in his naked body.

  I loved my nine-to-five job.

  Currently, I was working on grafts that would replace the old, original grafts and provide better immunity to iron when the fae descended from their mother ship to Earth. But Titan needed to approve the testing and give me fae to test it on. “It’s too big,” I said, my eyes still on the flat, circular piece of skin about the size of a large chocolate-chip cookie. “I’m thinking of cutting it into three parts.” I stood to show him while sucking up the saliva threatening to spill out of my mouth at the sight of the water droplets trailing down his ever so hard chest. Nobody liked a drooling fool.

  Titan was tall, strong, and broad-shouldered, with short blond hair. A guy next-door, if it
wasn’t for his black eyes and pointy ears. “All right,” he said. “Why do we need to cut the graft?”

  “Because I need to place it at different points of the body. When I implant the skin and inject the serum, the serum’ll spread faster if it’s at different points. The upper, middle, and lower parts of the body. You won’t have to wait an hour to touch ground, and the new grafts are more responsive to the serum.” To “touch ground” was a fae expression for going down to Earth. After I injected serum into their current grafts, they needed to wait an hour for it to work. Without the anti-iron serum, they became sick within fifteen minutes of landing. This was due to their intolerance of Earth’s iron core. Iron disrupted their power. Or magic. I wasn’t sure which, actually, and the fae didn’t tell their secrets to humans.

  Titan nodded, his black eyes unreadable, but I’d learned to read his gestures. They revealed his emotions or his intentions, as was the case now as he set his coffee cup down. This meant he considered it and wanted a demonstration. “Where would you put them?” He spread out his arms.

  I cleared my throat and wished they had electricity up here so I could plug in a fan. The ship operated on their power and not of the electrical sort. “One at the jugular.” I pointed at the place on his neck. “One near the crease of your right arm, and one near the groin.”

  That last part got his attention. His eyebrows shot up.

  I smiled.

  “Near the groin,” he repeated. His black eyes showed no emotion, but his eyebrows and his tone cued me in.

  “The groin.” I pointed to his, and then snapped my eyes away from it to the outdated graft on his shoulder. Back in the day—when I was still in diapers—fae medics had performed the human skin grafting technique on Titan first before they were allowed to touch the rest of the fae males. From what I’d gathered from the males on the ship, Titan was the kind of leader who always rode to danger first. This meant his graft was the oldest. The implanted skin was green, and it looked sick attached to his pale white complexion. It was also dry, and it peeled at the sewn edges.

  I grabbed an injection gun and pressed a button. A small needle shot out. I probed under the thin layer of the grafted human skin, careful not to touch his flesh with the needle. Once under the layer, I shot an anti-iron booster inside the dry graft, but hoped that tomorrow he’d let me implant a new one on him.

  While I worked, our breaths mingled. They did every day; another reason why I loved coming to work. I inhaled his fresh breath when he said, “Let me think about the new grafting. I’ll let you know tomorrow.” When I stepped back, he chugged the coffee and left for the balcony to hail his people. The very best part of my workday.

  Titan pushed open the balcony doors. I craned my neck to follow the movement of his ass cheeks. One of these days, my neck might cramp in place. It was so worth it. Titan walked around buck naked as if I wasn’t in the room, and every morning at nine, he was also wet. Droplets of water clung to his massive, pale back like water to an iceberg. They were desperate not to fall. I counted every one of them as they trailed down to his ass.

  Outside, Titan hopped onto the edge of the balcony. I whimpered when he crouched, and his balls and cock hung between his legs. If that wasn’t enough, he roared a morning greeting to his people. Shouts sounded as they replied, and he hopped back down and turned. I stood there, pretending like all this was normal for me because it wasn’t a big deal for Titan. All this nudity and roaring was ordinary for him. After three years inside his quarters, it should be ordinary for me too, and it would be if Titan wasn’t such an extraordinary boss.

  Our eyes locked, and while mine glazed over with want, his were black. I couldn’t tell if he minded that I lusted over him. I couldn’t tell if he even knew I was deaf and blind to all others. He seemed aloof, hard, and he could come off as an asshole most of the time, but the fae weren’t human, and I’d long ago accepted his personality quirks.

  Titan dressed in jeans and a white button-down shirt. Before leaving, he paused at the door and said, “Nice work.”

  He closed the door.

  He didn’t notice my hair had changed from red to platinum blonde, while I saw every drop of water on his body. It didn’t matter. Tomorrow was another day. Coming to work every day and watching him hop buck naked on the balcony made all my seduction efforts worthwhile.

  For the rest of the day, I worked on the graft. By the end of the day, I’d sealed off the three pieces I’d cut. At five, I closed my workstation, then reached under the wig to dig my fingernails into my scalp. It itched and sweated under the wig. Next, I removed my heels and massaged my feet while inwardly comforting the bruised ego of a woman rejected day after day. Titan of the Dark Fae was worth it. I loved him to pieces, and I wanted him to mate me this coming mating season.

  The season couldn’t come soon enough.


  “Apple,” I called out to my sister when I got home. “Can you help me with the groceries?” Bending, I dragged the bags filled with canned soda and juice on the floor. The front door swung back and hit me in the head. Ouch. I dropped one bag and felt for bumps on my forehead. None found, I whipped off the wig and threw it on the couch in the living room, then kicked open the door and skipped to the side. It slammed into the bags. I grabbed the bags, kicked the door behind me, and dragged them to the kitchen. “Thanks,” I mumbled to my sister when her bare feet padded toward me on the white kitchen tile.

  “Welcome,” Apple said and helped me lift the bags onto the counter. She sat next to them. Apple wore a small smile that didn’t reach her green eyes, an old concert T-shirt, and her ex-fiancé’s boxers. Her heels thumped the bottom cupboards as she swigged from the bottle of Jack Daniels. She set the bottle down and peeked inside one of the bags.

  From the other bag, I took out a bottle of wine and passed it to her. “Wine was on sale today,” I said over the noise of the TV in the living room.

  “I don’t drink wine, but thanks.”

  After a five-year relationship and a planned wedding, Apple’s fiancé had decided he didn’t like blonds anymore. They weren’t his “type,” he’d said. Good riddance, I thought, but Apple had suffered a broken heart. A week after he’d left her, she moved in with me and took to drowning her sorrows in whiskey. That was two months ago, and we’d lived in the stinky dark ever since. The blinds weren’t opened during the day, and the smell of alcohol dominated my apartment. Some nights, whiskey made her mean. Today, I’d bought wine to get her to switch from whiskey. Not that I couldn’t be sure if wine would do the same, but a girl had to try.

  “Dad called,” she said.

  “How was the Mars Deluxe Cruise?” Our parents lived better in their late sixties than they had in their early twenties. They went on space cruises twice a year, and this summer was no different.

  “They gambled.” She chuckled at my eye roll. “Lost every penny. They’re not speaking to each other now.”

  “It’ll last a day.” I filled the fruit bowl and offered my sister an apple. I tried to make good humor of her name, but it didn’t take. Besides, I wanted her to eat. Apple had lost too much weight, and she needed to start eating healthy food again. The concert shirt she was wearing today had been tight back when she was in high school, but now the sleeves sagged over her small shoulders. She’d always been thin, but never unhealthy looking. I didn’t know what to do about her.

  She sighed and shook her head, rejecting the offered fruit. “Some people, like Mom and Dad, are lucky that way. No hope for me, but hey”—she winked—“got booze for that.”

  “You can’t go on drinking all your life.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because I won’t let you.”

  “Says the girl who bought me wine.” She picked up the bottle of wine and frowned at the label. “Cabernet. Never had it, but will now. Jack’s all gone anyway.” She drank the last sip of whiskey and placed the empty bottle on the counter next to the six-pack of empty beer cans left over from last night.

  With a bit of an attitude, I got the trash bin and swiped my hand over the counter. The mess fell inside. “I’m stuffing peppers today,” I chose to say. I could give her shit for the mess, but I wouldn’t.

  “Peppers were on sale too?” she asked.

  “And beef. Got plans for the evening?”


  “I was hoping you’d do laundry. I’m behind around here.”

  “Tomorrow?” She pecked my cheek and walked out of the kitchen to sit on the couch. The red peppers awaited, and I threw them in the sink for a scrub and a wash, then dug in the bags for the stuffing ingredients. Didn’t I get the…? I searched the other bag. Happened all the time! “Crap.”

  “What did you forget?” Apple said.


  “Don’t we have it powdered?”

  “Used it all last night with meat sauce.”

  “It’s fine,” she said.

  “It won’t taste the same.”

  “Do pepper salad and burgers with ground beef.”

  “I put garlic in my burgers,” I said.

  “You do?”

  “You like them.”

  “Not anymore. Uh-oh.” She turned up the TV. “Titan’s on TV.”

  I snatched a towel to wipe my hands and rounded the corner. A skull with a golden crown on the head and blue smoke around it appeared on the screen. “That’s not him.”

  “It’s the fae emblem”—she made an over-elaborate bow—“that’s gracing our screen, so you know he’s gonna show up.” She patted the couch. “Have a seat, put your feet up, I know you want to hear this.”

  I sat and placed my feet in her lap so she could massage my soles. My lips formed an “O” when she pressed her thumbs on the bottom of my left foot. As she worked out the kinks, I winced several times and finally jerked my foot away. “Really sore today.”

  “He’s not worth it,” she said and locked her green eyes with my brown ones. “Men aren’t worth it.”


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