Sin With Cuffs

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Sin With Cuffs Page 3

by Carver, Rhonda Lee

  “Up for sale?” Holly wasn’t surprised.

  Vicki brought her attention back to Holly. “Yes. What else would we do with it?”

  Holly laid her palms on the arms of the chair. She breathed in her grandma’s floral scent that lingered in the material. Without the buffer of her presence, Holly was alone against her mother. “Grandma wouldn’t want this place sold. It’s been in the family for generations. She was born and raised here.”

  “Oh, hun,” Vicki huffed. “You’re still sentimental. Mother is dead and gone. She couldn’t possibly think, or expect, for anyone to live here.”

  “I thought I’d stay for a while,” Holly said. She regretted the words, knowing she probably should have weighed the consequences before putting voice to them.

  Vicki’s lips thinned and her crow’s feet deepened. Holly always thought her mother should have spent less money and time on her looks and more on therapy. “Why on earth would you want to stay here?”

  Thinking over her words carefully this time, Holly finally said, “I grew up here. I’d like to reconnect with my roots.”

  James’s scoff irked Holly. “Maybe if you’d grown up in a city with style, like Chicago or Las Vegas, you’d have reason to stay. What’s there to reconnect with here?” he said.

  Holly didn’t even act like she’d heard him.

  Her mother sighed. “You’re upset over your grandma’s death. That’s understandable. After the funeral you’ll be ready to move on and put this place behind you,” Vicki said with a bitter chuckle. “You’ll see what I mean.”

  Holly’s blood heated. “What will I see? She was your mother. Is it that easy to talk with such…such…disrespect? Aren’t you sad?” She knew her mother hated fighting, especially when it targeted her, and for the most part, Holly avoided conflict, but on occasion, she couldn’t dodge the bullet.

  Vicki pursed her lips. “Of course I’m sad.” She reached into her purse and removed an unused tissue. With the grace of a professional manipulator, she daintily dabbed at the corners of each eye. “How could you even ask such a ridiculous question? I’m sorry if I don’t like Raven as much as you do,” she glanced around the room, nose wrinkled, “or old smelly houses.”

  Like an ideal husband, James wrapped one arm around her shoulders. Holly realized she’d become the bad guy in this picture as they both brought cool, accusing gazes on her. She also knew defending the honor of Raven and the house wouldn’t change her mother’s opinion.

  Holly’s cell rang. She grabbed it from her pocket, glad for the lifeline. Her heart fluttered when she saw that it was Liam. A complete awareness spread through her. “I have to take this,” she said to her mother and left the room to go into the kitchen. When she was a safe distance from prying ears, she clicked the button. “Hello?”

  “Liam here. I wanted to call and let you know there were no prints on the rock. I figured as much.”

  “Thank you for calling with news,” she said.

  “I’m guessing nothing else happened I need to be aware of?” he asked.

  She had a feeling he already knew her mother was in town and started to ask, but she stopped herself. If he asked how she felt, she’d have to tell him and he wasn’t her confidant any longer, or her supporter. This was the present and she couldn’t rely on him. “No, nothing at all.”

  There was a short hesitation before he said, “I hear your mother is back.”

  Figured. “Yup, the gang’s all here.” She tightened her grip on the phone. “How is it that you know everything that goes on around here?”

  “I’m chief of a small town, Holly. There’s nothing I don’t know.”

  “Sounds pretty exhausting to me,” she stated.

  “Do I need to concern myself with bloodshed?” he asked.

  “If there is, it won’t be mine.” She was joking, but she couldn’t manage laughter. He didn’t either.

  “You two are a dangerous combination. I’d like to keep this town peaceful and I don’t have time to break up domestic arguments.”

  “Come on, lighten up. I remember a Lem who wasn’t so uptight. In fact, you used to think my mother’s snootiness was funny.”

  “Lem no longer exists. There’s a time when everyone has to grow up,” he said.

  There was a lot of meaning to his words. “How long are you going to hold me liable for what I did when I was twenty? Are we going to rehash old times every time we speak? I’d suggest we play the old disappearing act when we see one another coming, but in a town this size, that’s impossible. And honestly, I don’t want animosity between us. We can forget the resentment and move on.”

  His sigh rattled the phone. She could almost see his narrowed gaze and tight jaw line. “I like the sound of your words, but I’ve heard them before. Take care of yourself, Holly.” The phone went dead.

  Clicking off her phone, she concentrated on breathing in and out. Certain people could stick it where it doesn’t shine.

  “Who was that on the phone?”

  Her mother’s voice made Holly jump and in the process, she knocked over a glass sitting on the counter. She faced her mother with a forced smile. “No one,” Holly answered.

  “You seem nervous. It was that Liam boy, wasn’t it?”

  “I wouldn’t call him a boy. He’s thirty-two, which probably classifies him as a man.” Holly wanted to nip this conversation in the bud because she knew the lecture was about to ensue. Her mother always got a look of annoyance in her eye when she was ready to unleash.

  “Won’t you ever learn your lesson? That man is a bad influence on you.” Vicki tossed her blonde mane over one shoulder.

  Holly walked past her mother and into the living room. “Some would disagree. I’d heard I was the bad influence,” Holly said with a chuckle.

  Vicki’s snort bounced off the walls. “You two were always in trouble. I hope he isn’t the one talking you into staying in this good-for-nothing town.”

  Holly turned. “No one is talking me into anything. I’m an adult. And right now, I’m a busy adult.” She hoped that put an end to any more discussion about Liam. It was bad enough she had to deal with him and his moments of acrimony.

  “If you’re busy, James and I will leave.” Vicki had her purse before her last word left her mouth.

  “If you plan on selling this place, are you going to help go through things? Grandma has a lot I think we should keep.”

  An expression of absurdity swept over Vicki’s face. “I thought you might like to do that. After all, you did say you wished to reconnect with your roots.” Each word Vicki said felt like a smack to Holly’s face. “I’m sure there’s nothing here for me.”

  Holly smirked. Vicki had never been one to step out of the comfort zone and do anything that could help others. At least when the advantage wasn’t hers.

  * * * *

  Holly climbed into bed and a cool draft swept up her arm. She snuggled deeper into the warmth of the covers and hopefully into a sexy dream. Cold air blew over her face, making rest impossible. The house had always been nippy, even in the summer. She pulled the pillow over her head and was finally on the brink of sleep when she heard a thump. After last night’s episode with a broken window and a brick, she didn’t hesitate in responding. She jumped out of bed, leaving the frilly comforter behind.

  The dull knocking sound came again. She swallowed the tightness in her throat. Visitors at two in the morning were never good.

  Grabbing the baseball bat from next to the bed, and her phone from the nightstand, Holly headed into the hallway. A sense of déjà vu came over her. She pushed aside the feeling and moved into the shadows. Her bare feet made no noise on the wood floor, yet her pacing heart seemed to echo off the walls in a warning for whoever dared disturb her a second night.

  A snapping sound made her stop midstride and she held her breath. As a kid she knew every creak and pop, and its origin. She couldn’t remember where every soft spot in the house was now, but she did know the sound came from her grand
ma’s bedroom.

  Slowly and carefully, she made her way to the room at the end of the hall. She’d been in here only once in the last two days. It was dark, but she could find her way. The strong scent of her grandmother’s lavender perfume soothed her nerves. The full moon’s glow streamed through the window, offering a pale light on her surroundings. She examined the area, saw nothing, so she took a step forward. An icy breeze swept over her, causing goose bumps on her skin and her teeth to clatter.

  The clock on the bedside table chimed, followed by a scraping on the wall behind her. She spun and caught a shadow as it darted toward the closet. Her breath caught in her lungs. Blinking several times, it disappeared. “Hello? Is someone there?” Intuition warned her she wasn’t alone.

  Running to the nightstand, she flicked on the light. She made two quick turns, scanning the area. The only movement came from the billowing curtains. At the open window, she looked out onto the street. The security light on the corner lit the sidewalk. A loud clang sounded below and she inspected the area from her viewpoint. A cat jumped from the metal trash can in front of her house, causing her to jump and she dropped the bat.

  Closing the window, she headed to the door and it slammed shut. A scream escaped her as her adrenaline soared, until logical reasoning took hold. “Calm down. It’s only a draft,” she said in a whisper.

  She pushed past shock and moved toward the door when she stepped on something hard. A book. Picking it up, she recognized the worn cover. Her grandma’s journal. The first night here, Holly had looked for the diary. How had she missed it?

  Opening the cover, the binding cracked in resistance. On the first page, she found a picture of flowers that her grandma had sketched in pencil. A pain filled Holly’s chest as she smoothed her finger over the drawing.

  Flipping through the yellowed pages, she found poem after poem her grandma had written. On the last sheet, she found written in bold letters…

  “Beware of those who hide their evil acts with a charming smile.”

  She wondered what her grandma meant besides the obvious?

  Clutching the book to her chest, Holly planned to read every page, and cherish it as a priceless gift. She made her way to the door, tugged on the doorknob, grateful when it opened without any problem. With a quick glance down the hall, she made sure it was empty before leaving the bedroom.

  Halfway to her bedroom, a movement made her stop. She rubbed her eyes with the backs of her knuckles, blinked twice and the blurry silhouette remained. Her stomach twisted and uncertainty spread through her as she stared. She started to question if it were her eyes or mind betraying her.

  Closing her eyes and counting to five, she then opened them. The vision was gone. Heavy footsteps vibrated through the house, like thunder in the distance. Seconds later, she heard the front door open and then shut.

  A sob broke through her tight lips. Her hands shook and her mind draped around a dozen explanations. She went to the top of the steps and peered down into the unknown. She couldn’t see anything but knew she hadn’t been alone.

  Dialing a familiar number on her phone, she waited as one ring, then two and three sounded. On the fourth ring, there was a click and a gruff voice, “Ryan here.”

  “There was someone in my house. Can you come?”


  THE DOOR OPENED and Holly stood on the other side looking at him with a worried gaze. Concern sliced through him.

  Liam reminded himself that he was here strictly on a professional level, which wasn’t easy—not when he’d known her most of his life.

  He’d been sleeping when she’d called. In fact, he’d been dreaming about her. His gaze automatically fell to the top and matching bottoms. He had to admit the woman looked enticing in a pair of modest PJ’s. Damn! She’d monopolized his dreams, his waking thoughts—and it angered him. He didn’t want her to occupy one more moment of his time. Even as he thought it, he knew he didn’t have any power.

  He’d told himself to stay away. Yet, he came immediately to her rescue. Like a hero. He liked her needing him, and that was dangerous.

  “We’re going to have to stop meeting like this, Holly,” Liam said, attempting a stern tone but it sounded flirtatious. He cleared his throat. “You said someone was here, in the house?”

  Her eyes slid down his body and came back to hold his gaze in a semi-warm stare. His cock twitched. There went any form of control he had left. “You’re wearing shorts,” she said.

  “Does that bother you?” he asked.

  She shrugged, causing one button to her flannel to come undone. He caught a glimpse of silken skin before forcing his gaze to stay right where it should be be…on her face. Somehow, seeing the top of one breast drove him wilder than he thought possible. It was killing him. “Of course not,” she said.

  He’d forgotten what he’d asked.

  He brushed passed her and caught a hint of her familiar scent. Cotton candy. He loved it. Always had.

  What in the hell was he doing? He regretted coming and knew being there tormented his libido. He should have had one of his officers come instead.

  “I’m sorry for calling.” She slammed the door with her foot. “But someone was in here.”

  “Did you see them?”

  She hesitated, then said, “Well, yes and no.”

  “Which is it? You did or you didn’t?” He was closer than ever in believing she enjoyed torturing him.

  “Okay, I did,” she blurted.

  “What did this person look like?”

  Her gaze narrowed as she wrapped her arms around her waist. “He, or she, looked like a shadow.”

  Squeezing the bridge of his nose, he inhaled deeply. Hell, he wasn’t normally this high-strung. He dropped his hand and sighed, wishing he could make a fast trip to the gym where a good hour of workout would relieve his stress.

  She moved into the living room and his eyes automatically dropped below her waist to the perfect curve of her ass. He was heading straight to hell! He followed her, noticing that all of the glass was gone from the floor. A sheet of heavy plastic covered the broken window. “A shadow? And, by the way, you need to get that fixed.” He motioned toward the half-baked repair job.

  She tucked her bottom lip between her teeth, as if she debated how to explain. “It was dark. There was something, a silhouette, and it moved. Then I heard the door open.” There was a slight pause. “And I’ll get around to fixing the glass.”

  “Once a procrastinator always a procrastinator,” he said, but stopped there. He didn’t think she needed a lecture, not tonight. “The front door?” He guessed this story would only get more complicated.

  “Yes, the front door.” She sighed.

  “Did you leave it unlocked?”

  “I locked it.” Her hands moved to her hips.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes!” One corner of her mouth lowered. “Is this an interrogation?”

  Liam realized he was going at her too strong. He was just so damned tense. He mentally pulled back. “I’m just trying to get to the bottom of things. If you’re certain you locked the door, then how did they get in? They could have just stripped the plastic and entered.” He checked the clear tape around the edge of the plastic. “Looks like it’s still intact.” He didn’t get a response so he turned back to her. “Well?”

  Her mouth opened, but quickly shut. There was a long hesitation before she said, “I’m not sure. But someone was here.”

  Her expression told him she second-guessed herself. However, he needed to treat this with supreme importance. He knew her, at least he once had, and he’d never known her as indecisive. “Stay here. I’ll check all of the other windows and doors.”

  She nodded.

  “I’ll start upstairs.”

  Liam climbed the stairs two at a time. Holly’s school pictures still hung on the wall. As he passed, he glanced at each one, remembering her at every age. Being here, at her childhood home, brought back memories, some he’d forgott
en, and some he wished he could forget. When Holly’s grandma had been working, he’d come over and keep Holly company. Most of the time they’d behaved, but on occasion they’d tested boundaries.

  At the time, nothing would have swayed his temptation for her. He was a boy, or rather a walking hormone. He’d like to think he’d matured, but when it came to Holly his sexual drive wouldn’t be good.

  Their relationship had been more than casual or teen lust. He’d been in love with her. They’d promised each other forever and shared dreams. Did anyone believe in forever anymore? Hell, he did.

  Reaching the top of the stairs, he paused and looked down the hallway. It was dark. Too obscure to see anyone, he was certain. So, what had Holly seen? He inspected the floor for any prints and came up empty.

  Checking out her grandma’s bedroom, nothing stuck out to him, besides the bat in the middle of the floor. Holly had never played the sport, and her grandma certainly wasn’t into sports. He’d guess Holly used it as a weapon. At least she had some form of protection.

  He explored the entire upstairs, except for Holly’s room. He saved that for last.

  Switching on the light, he took a trip back into the past. Every inch of her room was a reminder of the days when they were kids. From the twin bed that squeaked like a screen door to the same thin white curtains with the rip in the seam. He’d caught his foot in the fabric more times than he could count when he was climbing through the window, but that was years ago.

  Question was, why hadn’t Holly packed up her posters of rock stars, banners and mementoes? Especially the picture that he found stuck on the dresser mirror. Liam pulled it off and stared down into the yellowed snapshot of him and Holly. It was taken six months before she’d left town. They were young and silly—smiling and holding hands. Holly’s bright eyes and dazzling smile had been the sunshine to his sky.

  He dropped the picture, wishing he could do the same to his memories.


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