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Dirty Tactics

Page 2

by Peyton Banks

  “Have you ever heard of approaching your neighbor and just have a conversation with them to get to know them?” Zain asked, his eyebrows high.

  “I’m not even surprised,” Declan drawled from his position. He leaned back in his chair, resting his feet on the railing of Mac’s deck. His friend knew him well. They were similar, and Mac knew that Declan had done the same with his neighbors. “Mac always needs to know everything about anyone around him.”

  Mac nodded in agreement. He had run background checks on all the neighbors. He wanted to truly know who he was living around.

  Questions were thrown out from the guys. They were like a pack of wild savages circling around fresh meat.

  “She’s off-limits,” he ordered.

  Complaints filled the air, and he shook his head, turning back to his team.

  “How do you get to make that decision for her?” Myles leaned back against the railing with his beer paused at his lips.

  “I’m your commanding officer. What I say goes,” he growled, looking them all in the eyes. “Besides, good neighbors are hard to find. Don’t need the likes of you sniffing around her and chasing her off.”

  Chuckles filled the air as he checked on the last of the steaks.

  “Food is done,” he announced, taking the steaks off the grill.

  His team ambled to the oversized table. He needed to get their attention off Sarena and knew she would be temporarily forgotten once food was placed in front of his men.

  He swiveled his gaze back to Sarena’s house for a brief second before moving toward the long table on his deck. His eyes met Declan’s as he made his way there. Declan raised an eyebrow, and Mac knew his friend read him.

  Mac wanted his neighbor, and in time, he would have her.

  Chapter 3

  Sarena rushed over to the nursing station of the emergency room. They had received the notification from the EMTs that they were bringing in a cop who had been shot in the line of duty. Tension was heightened in the emergency room as they waited for the injured cop to arrive.

  Just the thought that the cop being brought in could be her neighbor had her heart seemingly lodged in her throat. Her team was ready and prepared. Even the physicians were waiting for their new patient to arrive.

  The EMTs appeared, wheeling in a large man decked out in black, cursing to the high heavens.

  A sigh went around the emergency room. If he was fussing and cussing, he’d be okay.

  The EMTs pushed his gurney over to one of the stalls then drew the curtain, leaving the glass door open.

  Samantha, one of the techs, disappeared behind the curtains to get first vitals. The curses grew louder as she made her way toward the cop. The EMTs came from behind the curtain

  “Give us a second.” Sarena motioned for the resident to hold off going over there. She strode to the area, determined to get him under control first. She had much respect for the boys in blue and would be damned if one would come in her emergency department causing a ruckus.

  “I know you are not coming into my E.R, cursing and disrespecting my nursing staff,” she barked as she flung the curtain back. Her gaze connected with the officer, and she made sure she showed that she wasn’t afraid of him.

  “No, ma’am,” he growled, sitting up on the side of the gurney.

  She moved near the gurney and motioned for Samantha to hand her the blood pressure cuff. “I got this, Samantha. Close the door behind you.”

  Samantha’s eyes were wide with fear, and she backed away quickly and disappeared behind the curtain.

  “Let me guess, you don’t want to be here?” Sarena asked, cocking an eyebrow.

  His scowl increased as he looked her up and down. She could see a bit of respect in his eyes since she wasn’t backing down from him. She knew cops could be stubborn, but she wasn’t going to take any shit from him and if she had to, she’d force him to allow her to take his vitals.

  “I’m fine. The bullet hit me in the vest. Go save someone else’s life—”

  “You will stay where you are,” a deep baritone voice sounded from behind Sarena.

  Her heart leaped, and she paused.

  “That’s an order.”

  She turned and met the eyes of Marcas MacArthur. He was still dressed in his tactical gear. Her gaze took in SWAT brandished across his vest. His face still had smudges of black on it, and she itched to be able to reach up and rub it off.

  He was even larger in life standing next to her. She swallowed hard while trying to hide his effect on her.

  “Bed,” she ordered, turning back to find the other cop trying to get off the gurney. She narrowed her eyes on him, still holding the blood pressure cuff in her hand.

  He let loose a deep sigh and sat back down on the bed.

  “I didn’t need help,” she said, glancing at Marcas.

  “Sure you didn’t.” He snorted.

  “Want me to leave?” The guy on the gurney made to move again. His eyebrows were raised, and he looked between the two of them.

  “So help me, if you move from that gurney again, I will strap you down,” she threatened.

  “Never had to have a woman threaten to get me in the bed before.” The guy chuckled, a smile lighting up his features.

  His face completely changed with the smile. She could instantly see the sex appeal and knew that some woman would instantly be infatuated with him. Unfortunately, it was the man behind her who had her gut tied up in knots.

  “Watch it, Dec,” Marcas growled.

  A shiver slid down her spine at the sound of his voice dropping low.

  “You, out!” She turned toward Marcas and pointed to the door.

  He narrowed his gray eyes on her. Gray eyes that reminded her of the deepest steel. She lifted an eyebrow, not afraid of him either. She was used to her brother and his alpha ways and hard attitude. She didn’t know what it was about men and their alpha ways, but not here. She ran the emergency room.

  A whistle echoed behind her.

  “I think she means business, Sergeant. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say she could take us both on.” Dec gave a quiet chuckle.

  Marcas’s eyes flickered to Dec first before settling back on her. As if deciding whether or not he could trust his man or her, he must have come to a final conclusion that she could handle his team member, as his head jerked in a nod.

  “If he gives you any trouble, holler,” Marcas said before disappearing from the room.

  She turned back to Dec and blew out a deep breath. Her heart was racing, and she willed it to slow down. Marcas MacArthur dressed in his tactical uniform just gave her more ammunition for her dirty fantasies.

  “You, shirt off,” she ordered so that she could do her job.

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  Mac made his way back to the waiting room. He knew that the whole team would want a report on Declan. Silence fell on the room as all eyes turned on him.

  “How is he?” Zain asked.

  “He’s good. Causing trouble for the nurses, but he’ll be fine,” he announced.

  “Why didn’t you straighten him out?” Iker asked, a smirk on his face.

  They all knew Mac never bit his tongue and was the alpha of the team.

  “The nurse kicked me out,” he admitted, scratching the back of his head.

  All eyebrows rose at his admission. He caught the surprised looks that passed between team members.

  “I would love to meet the woman who kicked Mac out of the room.” Brodie chuckled.

  His team relaxed back in their chairs as they realized Declan would be okay. The minute Mac had watched his friend fall to the ground after a target had jumped out of hiding and took a shot at him, he’d lost it.

  Mac, usually calm and collected, was trained for these potential situations. Declan was like a brother to him. They had been to Hell and back in the Navy. Mac had easily aimed his weapon at the shooter and pulled his trigger, putting him down.

  “If you must know, it’s my neighbor, Sarena.�
�� He moved to stand against the wall to wait with the rest of his team.

  “A woman after my own heart.” Brodie groaned, collapsing his hand across his heart.

  Mac bit back a scowl as he watched his team smile and crack jokes, the fear for losing a member dispersing. Soon they would have to go and debrief with the commander. Since there were fatalities in this situation, they would have to answer to their higher-ups.

  He kept an eye on the door, thinking of the way Sarena had handled Declan. He was truly impressed that she hadn’t backed down from his friend, who he knew could be an ass. Hell, Declan was known to be a damn bulldog, and she hadn’t even flinched. He’d seen the respect in his friend’s eyes. Declan even had the nerve to give him a nod of approval when she’d turned her attention to him.

  He’d seen the flicker of recognition in her eyes when she had looked to him. Her tiny figure had him ready to slam his old friend on the damn gurney just so she could get what she wanted.

  His cock thickened at the memory of her in her nursing scrubs.

  He wanted her.

  The scrubs fit her just right. There was no hiding her curves. Her height put the top of her head to just below his chin. She was the perfect size for him. He imagined bringing her into his arms and instantly had to push that fantasy from his mind.

  No need to have an erection in a room full of his men and his gear still on. He cleared his throat and willed his cock to soften, but it had a mind of its own. It wanted to feel the slick tightness of Sarena’s pussy gripping it.

  His phone rang, and he released a curse. He pulled it from his pocket, seeing his captain’s name flash across the glass screen.

  “Mac,” he answered. He could feel the eyes of his team on him.

  The room grew silent as he took the call.

  “How’s Declan doing?” Captain Donald Spook’s deep baritone voice came through.

  “He’s doing fine, sir,” Mac reported. “Bullet hit his vest. He’ll have one hell of a bruise but should be fine.”

  “Good. See to Declan and then get your asses down here for debriefing.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Chapter 4

  Sarena relaxed on her porch with her feet perched on her banister. She just wanted to relax on this warm fall night. Nights in Columbia didn’t get too cold this time of year. It was one of the things she loved about living in the south. Warm weather all year round.

  She paused with her beer to her lips as the rumble of a motorcycle making its way down their quiet street grabbed her attention.


  She took a long sip and watched him roll up into his driveway. His machine gave a loud roar as he revved it up. The sound of her soft music playing from her small radio was drowned out by the sounds of his bike.

  Marcas shut the engine off and parked, then got off and turned in her direction. He made his way across his yard. She had to hold back a sigh, taking him in, his t-shirt stretched across his muscular frame, his jeans resting low on his hips He headed toward her yard.

  Marcas reached her small white picket fence. It had been one of the highlights of the house when she’d purchased it. It was to be her American dream, owning a home with a white picket fence.

  “Howdy, neighbor,” she called out, a smirk on her lips.

  He paused at her fence. “Evening,” he replied. “May I?”

  “By all means.” She waved her glass bottle in the air.

  He was asking for her permission to enter her yard. She laughed. It wasn’t like that little fence would actually block him.

  He drew closer, and she greedily took him in again. The soft glow from her front door cast him in just the perfect light. Her body awakened.

  “Are you the neighborhood welcoming party?” she drawled. “I seem to have forgotten to get cash. Do you take credit? I swear Janet didn’t have to hire a cop to come welcome me properly. She must have known I had a thing for men who wear uniforms.”

  She allowed her smile to grow on her lips. She didn’t hide the fact that she was looking him over.

  He released a snort and came up her few stairs.

  “I came to thank you for taking care of my team member today.” He reached out his hand.

  She dropped her bare feet to the floor and stood, taking his hand. His warm hand engulfed her smaller one, and he introduced himself. “Mac.”

  “Mac?” She cocked an eyebrow at him. “Sarena. So I’m curious. What does ‘Mac’ stand for?”

  She would play like she didn’t know his name. Janet had been sure to make sure that she knew the entire street before she had even met her neighbors.

  “Marcas MacArthur.”

  He pulled his hand from hers, and she instantly missed his warmth. A tremor traveled down her body, and she cocked her head back to look him in the eyes. He was so much taller than her, and she loved it.

  “Marcas,” she murmured, her eyes meeting his. “I like it.”

  “Well, I’m glad that my name pleases you.” His lips curved up into a small smile as he studied her.

  “So if you knew who I was earlier at the hospital, why are you just now introducing yourself to me?” she asked, crossing her arms in front of her chest. Her nipples had beaded into little nubs and painfully pushed against her shirt. She prayed he didn’t see how he affected her. From the way his gaze dropped to her chest, she knew it was too late.

  He knew.

  She toyed with the chilled glass in her hand and waited for an answer. His eyes flickered to her small cooler that sat next to her chair.

  “Help yourself.”

  He stepped over and snagged a bottle and popped it opened. She watched him lean against her banister and take a long pull from the bottle before his eyes met hers.

  “Because I usually don’t do this.” He motioned to her with his bottle.

  “Do what?” she asked, puzzled. She pushed her thick hair behind her ear as he appeared to finish his train of thought.

  “Fuck my neighbors.”

  Her throat suddenly became dry at his bluntness. She took a sip of her beer to clear her throat. Butterflies fluttered in her stomach, and she returned his heated gaze.

  “Oh, really?” Her voice grew husky, and she gripped the bottle tight, trying to hide the tremors in her hand. She didn’t want him to know how he truly affected her. “And you’re just so sure that we’re going to have sex?”

  His eyes locked on her, and she had to keep herself from fidgeting. The air between them became heavy with sexual tension, making it difficult for her to breathe. Moisture seeped from in between her folds.

  The heat from his gaze had her body strung tight.

  She wanted him.

  Deep within her.

  She knew they would be good together.

  Too good.

  She was afraid to say anything else for fear that her voice would crack.

  “I figured we’ve been fighting the inevitable. I know you watch me when I’m out in my yard.” He cocked an eyebrow at her as if daring her to lie and say she didn’t.

  She cursed on the inside. Apparently, she hadn’t been as discreet as she’d thought she’d been when she watched him. She just hoped he hadn’t figured out what she did sometimes when she watched him.

  “Let me guess, you’ve never watched me?” she asked, growing bold. She had thought the other night when he had his get-together in his yard that she was a big girl and could handle him.

  Now, with him a foot from her, she knew she was totally out of her league.

  “Oh, I’ve been watching you. Every time I see you out jogging in your little workout shorts and sports bra.” He stepped forward, stopping directly in front of her.

  She had to tilt her head back to meet his eyes.

  “Or when you go out with your girls with those fuck-me heels on. I want you, Sarena Rucker. Naked, in my bed, waiting for my cock to slide inside your wet pussy.”

  She widened her eyes at his words. Her heart raced as he reached out and rubbed her bottom lip wi
th his thumb. She was mesmerized by him and couldn’t move. She waited with bated breath for him to lean in and kiss her.

  “These lips,” he murmured, glancing at her mouth, his eyes darkening. “I would love to see them wrapped around my cock.”

  Her core dripped from his words. It would only take one swipe of his tongue or finger and she would explode. Her skin tingled from his small touch.

  “Um,” she gasped, unable to form any clear train of thought. Images of him braced over her filled her mind. Everything he’d mentioned, she would die to have at that moment.

  He trailed his thumb to her chin and paused.

  “I will have you, Sarena. My cock will fill your pussy, and you will take me,” he growled.

  Her breaths were coming fast, and she leaned into his hold, mesmerized by his words. Her imagination was on overload, images of them together flashing before her eyes.


  Her body screamed for him to take her now. She wouldn’t give a damn if he stripped her out of her clothes right there on her front porch and bent her over her railing. Her pussy ached to feel him deep within her.

  He stepped back and downed his beer. He saluted her with the beer bottle and backed away from her. In shock, she watched him jog down her stairs and make his way to his yard.

  With only words, he had her so aroused that she was ready to beg him to come back to finish her off.

  Her feet were frozen in place. He arrived at his bike and didn’t even look her way while pushing it to the backyard.

  She knew she had been playing with fire and may get burned.

  Burned wasn’t even the correct term.

  Her entire body had just been set ablaze by one Marcas MacArthur.

  Chapter 5

  Mac knew one thing. He wanted Sarena. He was no longer able to hold back. He knew that his job wasn’t easy for any woman to accept.

  Loving a cop was hard.

  Loving a SWAT officer was damn near impossible.

  He was on call for twenty-fours a day with rare occasions off. He was always put in dangerous situations that most spouses had a hard time dealing with. Many women couldn’t stomach the thought that one night they may get a call that their loved one might not return to them.


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