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Into The Abyss (Demons of Astlan)

Page 16

by Langland, J.

  "No, that would take way to long and Exador would be in and crush us. I'm thinking of leaving."

  "True, with that teleportation trap, we could safely teleport out of here."

  "Exactly, as I'd thought. Except for one problem."


  "Yes, the students and retainers, peasants etc.. I can't take all of them with me in a teleport, and most of them can't teleport themselves. We don't have enough people to carry everyone else out."

  "Since when did you care about them, let them and the men at arms fend for themselves." She was gazing at him with a slightly speculative demeanor.

  "Normally, yes. But in order to exact my revenge on Exador, I'm going to have to have Council help, and they frown on School Masters who lose students they're sworn to protect. So I think, if possible, we should get them out too. It would make for a much better bargaining position later on, if I still had them."

  "Good point. So how do we get everyone out without Exador knowing about it, and following us?"

  "We'll probably have to use the escape tunnels and split up and make our ways separately in small groups to Freehold."

  "Right. And while we're doing this, with the physical shielding nullified so we can get out, Exador comes trashing through, and brings the castle and tunnel down on top of our heads." Jehenna shook her head.

  "Slight problem."

  "Isn't it, though?" She said drily.

  "Well, the two of us will just have to think of something, " said Lenamare as he finally came to rest, leaning on the right hand corner of his desk.


  Jenn sighed and put her diary down. What a day, at least it was over, for the moment. She'd just finished writing up the day's events in her diary after returning from Alvea's quarters. The poor girl was still practically catatonic over the loss of Rex, even now. Jenn herself was just numb. So far the shields continued to hold out, but for how much longer? Old Ugly had destroyed the offensive attack on the wards, all by himself. Actually rather impressive; killing three type two demons, a type three, a fairly powerful wizard and somewhere around twenty to thirty soldiers in less than fifteen minutes, overall not to be scorned. In fact, it just made Jenn all the more nervous about the thing. Monsters that powerful shouldn't be allowed to wander around freely as much as Lenamare seemed inclined to let them.

  Speaking of demon conjuring, she hoped Master Hortwell was all right. Everyone knew by now that he had been the one to go out and conjure the demon, but he'd never returned. No one knew what happened to him, and Lenamare wouldn't risk any wizards capable of teleporting out to try and find him. They had shifted the wards at the prearranged times for him to reenter, but he never had. She knew the masters were quite worried about it.

  Oh well, no use thinking too much on it, it really wasn't worth it; she was powerless to do anything. All she could hope, as she slowly changed into her nightgown, was that if worst came to worst, she might be able to smuggle of few of the children out, before Exador had his way with them all.


  "Come on son, time for your bed now," the soldier patted the boy on the head. While starting his nightly round about the top of the wall, Herchlion, one of Lenamare’s men at arms ran across the small boy, leaning between two merlons, arms folded on the stone, with his head resting on his arms and gazing intently down at the battlefield where the C.o.D had made the giant hole in the earth.

  "Up with you now," Herchlion said again as the boy was slow to move. The child slowly pulled back and gazed up at him with a slightly disappointed frown, as if the boy knew Herchlion was all too right, but yet hating to have to leave. "Come lad, it's too late for you to see anything tonight. If there's no fighting, mayhaps you can come back another time." Herchlion smiled knowingly down on the boy. He knew what it was to gaze out on a battle field, dreaming of the glory. As a lad, he himself had been much the same way. Staring in awe at any soldiers he saw, wishing that he too could fight beside them.


  The boy got up slowly and made his way hesitantly to the top of the stairs. He hated to go back to the "Nursery" as he called it. However, the guard was correct, he certainly couldn't see anything anymore. The glowing of the wards lit up the courtyard and the small perimeter outside the wall; however, since it was dark outside of the dome, the glow of the dome prevented him from seeing out. He could no longer see where the demon had fought its battle. If only he'd been allowed to see it. But no, kids weren't allowed on the battlements during action. So he'd had to rely on second hand reports of the mighty exploits of the demon. He'd hurried up there as soon as the soldiers would let him, hoping to catch a glimpse of where the demon had cast the Cloud of Disintegration on the enemy; he'd seen it, but barely. The fading sunlight and the distortion of the wards had made it unclear, but there was no mistaking a heavy battleground and the troughs dug by the demons. Maybe next time, he thought, maybe then I'll get to see him in action.


  Curriculum Vitae: College of Wizardry

  University of the Council States

  Wizardry is the science of mana manipulation.

  Wizards are scientists and engineers who have codified the complex relationship between Animus and Mana into a set of rules for consistent and uniform behavior. The Laws of Wizardry are in essence, the language of "Magic." At least magic as it is viewed by the layman. Language in all forms, including written in the form of Runes, spoken Invocations and action in the form of Gestures are powerful tools to focus and concentrate the mind and thus manipulate the forces of nature. Further, certain material objects and constructs have natural or man-made affinities to natural forces that helps in channeling these forces. Taken all together, Runes, Invocations, Gestures and Catalysts are tools that allow Wizards to control the very world in which the live.

  Wizards "cast" spells, which are actually complex formulas for the manipulation of the elemental forces of nature through the application of both Animus and Mana. As discussed in the section on Mana, there is significant interplay between Mana and the elemental forces. Properly trained, a mage can utilize his own Animus to accumulate, contain and manipulate Mana in order to control elemental forces.

  Schools of Wizardry

  There are 7 "Schools of Wizardry", each of which is affiliated with some type or element of magic. Despite the name, the Schools of Wizardry are a classification system and are not particularly related to “Wizard School” although most Wizard Schools specialize in only a few “Schools of Wizardry.” Every wizard has a specific specialization, which allows him/her to cast spells of the same element/type with greater ease. The Schools of Wizardry and their elemental affiliation is as follows:

  Sorcerer: Element of Water. Sorcery is the magic of information and scrying from a distance. Sorcery also deals with any spells using water and liquids.

  Enchanter: Element of Air. Enchantment is the magic of illusions and charms, of beguiling the mind. Enchanters also specialize in any spells involving air and gases.

  Thaumaturgist: Element of Earth. Thaumaturgist deal with spells of a physical and earthly nature, healing, mending and spells dealing with the ground and earth itself.

  Pyromancer: Element of Fire. Pyromancy is the magic of fire, light and energy. Usually spells of a destructive nature, pyromancers channel fire and light.

  Conjuror: Element of Spirit. Spirit is animus, the element of life. Conjurers deal with spells that summon beings both magical and mundane. They also use spells that directly affect the spirit or soul of a living creature. While conjurors conjure animals and spirits, they are most known/feared for conjuring demons.

  Runic Wizardry: Runic wizards are not associated with any particular element, but rather they work through runes and symbols inscribed upon things to channel the forces of the elements, thus they are neutral in their ability with respect to all elemental spells, but by channeling these spells through runes they may gain great benefits.

  Necromancy: Necromancy is the only exception to the rule allowing a
wizard to specialize in only one element. Necromancy is a hybridization (some say abomination) of Conjury and Thaumaturgy. It combines Earth Magic and Spirit Magic to do vile and unspeakable things, such as animate the dead, control and converse with undead creatures and even occasionally do what only priests can do, bring the dead back to life (this is only done rarely, since it usually is contradictory to the nature of the Necromancer, unless he/she intends to try and enslave the one brought back).

  Chapter 25

  "I wish it didn't have to be you," Jehenna said to Lenamare as they finished supervising the loading of her wagon.

  "So do I, but as we've already discussed, no one here is competent enough to do what needs to be done. Only I possess the skill and the willpower necessary to cast and maintain the powerful illusions needed to fool Exador into thinking that we're all still here. Not to mention, only I have the speed to activate the self-destruct spells and still teleport away to an unknown location. You are wearing the finder ring," Lenamare stated archly, rather than asking.

  "Of course, right here on my left hand, " she said holding up the indicated hand.

  "Good, with that I'll be able to home in on you exactly, wherever you are, and can so join you when my task is done." Jehenna simply smiled and nodded in acquiescence. "You also have the type four's ring?" She held up her right hand. "Good. Now, most importantly the book?"

  With that Jehenna turned slightly and picked up a small leather bound gold embossed book from the small wooden table beside her. "Here, of course," she said smiling deviously. "I shall place it directly under my seat in the wagon, where absolutely nothing can happen to it."

  "Good. If we lose that, we might as well hand over our necks to Exador and his minions. Is everything else about ready?"

  Jehenna looked around the huge underground cavern where the escape wagons were being loaded and the mounted men were lining up in formation. She then looked down the primary escape tunnel where the lead wagons and horses were already lined up and ready to go, waiting at the edge of the wards. "Give us about another twenty minutes for the last of the wagons to get loaded, before you adjust the wards, then I'll give the order to begin the pull out, and you can send the last of the soldier down the tunnel as you get your illusions in place." She looked at Lenamare for agreement.

  "Very well, naturally all my things are prepared and in that wagon,” he pointed to the wagon right behind Jehenna's. “It of course goes without saying that my illusions are ready any time that you are. So if there is nothing else, I shall go up to the courtyard and await your signal?"

  "Excellent, my lord, and then we meet tomorrow night..." Jehenna trailed off with an invitational smile.

  "Oh yes, " replied Lenamare with an answering smile. With that he turned and slowly made his way back up the sloping passageway that led to the main stables. As he left, Jehenna returned to inspecting the work of the packers. Satisfied that everything was correct on her wagon, she took the book, quickly weaving a Spell of Unnoticing around her wagon. She then placed the book beneath the driver seat, no one the wiser.

  Dispelling the glamour a few feet away from her wagon, Jehenna noticed the senior student Jenn passing by. "Jenn, " she called. The girl halted and turned to face her. She nodded respectfully, but Jehenna did detect a slight bit of trepidation in her eyes and movement; good, she thought. "You, my dear, have been selected to ride in my wagon with me."

  A look of surprise quickly crossed the girls face, but then she quickly replied, "Thank you ma'am, I'm grateful for your consideration."

  "Think nothing of it, in times like these, we women must stick together." Jehenna replied confidently and with a slight air of condescension.


  Right, thought Jenn with a small amount of despair. The bitch didn't care anything for female camaraderie, she just wants someone who is in her party, aside from her that knows healing spells in case of trouble. Lucky me. As Jehenna turned back to her business, Jenn took her few possessions, which she was carrying and placed them into Jehenna's already crowded wagon. The woman seemed to literally be taking everything she owned, furniture and all. She found a place for her clothes satchel under a small night stand, and her bag of herbs she placed in a basket near the seat. Her diary however, presented a problem, there didn't seem to be any more secure places to put it. Carefully she rearranged a few things, and finally found an opening that revealed some extra storage space under the front bench. Bending the little leather book slightly she squeezed it into place underneath the seat, and then replaced the few things she'd moved.

  Next she went looking for the kids; Sidney, Rupert, Gloria and Chass had been assigned to Jehenna's team. Jenn had been going to sit with them and keep them company, but now it seemed they'd just have to be content with Master Trisfelt. Actually, they should be safe with him, the pudgy master always looked out for the students. In fact, it was odd that their group should have two masters, one of the other groups had Master Elrose, and the rest only had senior students. Master Hortwell had not yet returned, and for some unknown reason Lenamare and Jehenna had insisted on having another master in this group. Which was somewhat surprising, since while not quite as egotistical as Lenamare, Jehenna was not exactly modest when it came to extolling her own powers.

  She found the children in the third wagon back from hers, Master Trisfelt had just loaded them and was scurrying off on some last minute detail. Gloria and Chass seemed to be a bit frightened. Sidney was professionally rearranging things in the wagon for his own convenience and Rupert was staring around with his intent little stare. As she approached, Rupert's eyes fixed on her.

  "Does Mistress Jehenna have the binding ring for the big demon?" he asked her.

  What a strange question, thought Jenn with surprise as she came up to the edge of the wagon. "I don't know, I'd assume either she or Lenamare, and Lenamare wouldn't bother to use it, so probably. But why do you ask? If you’re afraid she might call on it and let it get out of hand, don't worry," said Jenn, trying to calm her own fears on that matter as well as the boy's. "Jehenna is a first class wizard, she could control it without the ring, and with it, there can be no problems. Plus both Master Trisfelt and I will be here to help her."

  "Afraid? of it?" Rupert actually looked a bit puzzled, "no, I was just hoping I might get to see it up close sometime, that's all." Rupert actually seemed to cheer up at her news.

  Good Goddess, thought Jenn, what a twisted little kid, probably wants to specialize in demonology. She smiled though, twisted or not, at least the child was holding up well under the pressure of the situation.

  Seeing her hesitant smile, Rupert quickly added, "Besides, if we're pursued, we want to have all the help we can get."

  Holding up extremely well, thought Jenn. "Well, you're certainly right about that. How are the rest of you doing?" Jenn asked as she turned her attention to the other three kids.

  "This is going to be a miserable trip, this wagon is extremely uncomfortable. I don't like it," stated Sidney. Gloria simply sniffled.

  "Well, sitting in an uncomfortable wagon is better than sitting on one of Exador's swords," quipped Rupert, more sprightly than his usual want. Jenn gave him a disapproving stare as Chass gasped and clasped himself even tighter. "Now don't worry, its only for a week and then we'll reach Freehold. You can put up with it for a little while, can't you?"

  "I suppose," Sydney said, looking sourly at Rupert, who was almost acting joyful for once. At this point Master Trisfelt returned from his mission carrying a large sack over his shoulder.

  "And what have we here?" inquired Jenn of Master Trisfelt playfully, knowing very well what he had.

  "Ah my dear, lesson number three hundred and seventy six--never enter the wilderness without proper provisioning. There were a few sweets left over from dinner last night, and I thought the children might enjoy them." He smiled graciously down at the children, all of whose ears had perked up at the mention of sweets.

  "And perhaps a bit of refreshment for their prote
ctor also?" she asked mock archly of him.

  "Well, my dear girl, one can hardly expect a man of my accomplishments to ride in this wagon with young students, without fair compensation," Trisfelt said jovially as he patted a large wineskin hanging by a rope over his shoulder.

  "I suppose, we must make some allowances," conceded Jenn with assumed despair. "Very well then, I'm afraid I must make my way back to my wagon. I'm riding with the Lady herself."

  Trisfelt's smile abruptly turned to a mock frown of concern, "Oh my, then I'm afraid you may need this skin more than I, if you are to survive this trip." Jenn laughed at this, and waving turned and made her way back to Jehenna's wagon, feeling better than she had in days.

  As she reached her wagon, she found Jehenna seated and ready to go. "I trust you are finally ready?"

  "Yes, ma'am, just checking on the children." Suddenly Jenn felt the change in the air around her, the wards had been shifted to allow them to leave the castle.

  "Very well then, get up here." Jehenna pointed to the seat beside her, the driver's seat. Naturally someone of Jehenna's position could not be seen driving a wagon. "I shall give the signal." Quickly, she sketched a symbol in the air, murmured a few words, and blew gently through her lips. Trumpets seemed to blare throughout the cavern. Reverberating to the beginning of the line and up the tunnel to the courtyard where Lenamare stood ready to cast illusions of a replacement garrison, changing posts with the current guards.

  Slowly at first, the lead wagons began to move up the escape tunnel. The long train of wagons and horses moved slowly at first gathering some speed as the line was allowed to spread out a little. As the main escape tunnel went on, branchings occurred every so often. These were different routes out of the castle. As the column moved along, different groups would split off and go up individual tunnels according to a well-orchestrated plan devised by Lenamare many years ago. Lenamare prided himself on providing for every possible contingency. His escape tunnels, dug secretly by his own demons who had been sworn never to reveal their existence to anyone, went for miles underground, each going to a well-placed strategic escape location. As a further precaution he had wisely planted explosive spells to seal the tunnels and destroy the castle from this end, to prevent pursuit through the tunnels. Their very lives and their escape was all to be due to Lenamare's incredible genius, as he had informed everyone at a meeting the other night to outline the evacuation.


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